Praise the LORD!!!
Recently, I began working with a new convert, an eleventh hour one(one who was broken through incarceration.) During his incarceration he began to study the Bible a great deal. Upon release he continued this practice. Even going to the point of enrolling in a special program, along the lines of a higher education in Bible knowledge. He wasn't very detailed when it came to this program, so I'm not exactly sure about it. He boasted about all the scripture that he had memorized and could 'spit them out left and right,' at will. Now this is all good and well, I'd love to be able to do this, but then it isn't the case. Due to all my years of drug abuse, my brain just won't do it. Though I've spent many hours trying and spent an even greater amount of time in prayer for this ability. Now I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me over this, because GOD has made it quite clear as to HIS plans along these lines and I've no problem with them at all!!!
Why no problem? Simply put, it will not be my knowledge that will be exhibited in witnessing, but the LORD's through the infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT!!! I love this, because I know that it won't be me that will be moving upon people's hearts. It won't be me or my message that will convict them of their need for a SAVIOR. It will GOD alone, in all HIS forms!!!
You see, I've run into a great number of people that revealed this ability over the years and one problem I've seen that came along with it. That their witnessing seemed void of the power of GOD working through them. Not that their witness' weren't powerful, for many were, but that their pride in this ability far out shadowed their testimonies. They were greatly impressed with their ability to repeat numerous scriptures in context at anytime. Now don't get me wrong, this is an awesome ability to have, if used properly. Though few I've run into have used it properly! You can believe that I've sat through at least an hour or two of great services:) But when the man and not the SPIRIT is the source of the sermon, no matter how great the preacher, or long the preparation time, the sermon just doesn't cut it.
Now this young man, was filled with the WORDS, but void of the signs of a 'new creation.' While working he received a phone call and something was amiss at home and he began spouting great profanities. Temper flaring along with every word he spoke. Now he's been a BAC(Born Again Christian) for several years, not a brand new convert, and he quickly fell back into 'old ways.' I was going to say something, but my lips were sealed for me and I watched and learned. His, like a large number of Christians ability to repeat scripture, was just that, 'his.' His walk was dependent more upon his own abilities and not those of the LORD. You could say his faith was Pharisaic in nature. He had all the right WORDS, but there wasn't the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT. There wasn't that new creation, that regenerated man. It was a 'new version' of the old man. One that was dependent upon self and his personal abilities and not those that are the works of the HOLY SPIRIT within.
This made me do a great deal of thinking. Thinking, about my own walk for the LORD. This is the reason for this post. Not that you're thinking about my walk or this young man's, but upon your own!
Remember your prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
What do you see?
Praise the LORD!!!
Having just finished my devotional time this morning, this lies heavily upon my heart. I hear many instances of people crying out for help. These are Christians for the most part, yet their faith is weak and they can't see that which is before them. In the story of JESUS walking on the water(Mark 6:45-51), what do you see? HIS ability to overcome the natural is most likely the first thing that comes to mind. Yet there is much more.
JESUS sent the disciples out into a situation that HE knew was going to test their faith. HE knew that HE was able to provide for them and protect them from all that was going to take place. HE was teaching them a great lesson, one that we should grasp hold of. For into no matter what problem within our lives we're cast, JESUS is able to overcome them. Those waves were the problems we face within this world on a daily basis. Our lack, HE shall provide. Our adversities, HE shall overcome. Whether they be of the dealings of man or of nature, JESUS is able to fully overcome the 'storms' within our lives. Take heed to understand and strengthen your faith, for there is nothing that this life can throw at us, that JESUS isn't fully aware of and able to overcome. Let our faith grow and let us fully depend upon HE alone that is able to calm the 'storms' of our lives!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
Having just finished my devotional time this morning, this lies heavily upon my heart. I hear many instances of people crying out for help. These are Christians for the most part, yet their faith is weak and they can't see that which is before them. In the story of JESUS walking on the water(Mark 6:45-51), what do you see? HIS ability to overcome the natural is most likely the first thing that comes to mind. Yet there is much more.
JESUS sent the disciples out into a situation that HE knew was going to test their faith. HE knew that HE was able to provide for them and protect them from all that was going to take place. HE was teaching them a great lesson, one that we should grasp hold of. For into no matter what problem within our lives we're cast, JESUS is able to overcome them. Those waves were the problems we face within this world on a daily basis. Our lack, HE shall provide. Our adversities, HE shall overcome. Whether they be of the dealings of man or of nature, JESUS is able to fully overcome the 'storms' within our lives. Take heed to understand and strengthen your faith, for there is nothing that this life can throw at us, that JESUS isn't fully aware of and able to overcome. Let our faith grow and let us fully depend upon HE alone that is able to calm the 'storms' of our lives!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Our enemy!
Praise the LORD!!!
If you're reading this I hope you've read my other blog posting for today. I'll not go into all the details written of in it. If you haven't here is it's link: Blogs from the VINE
The LORD has been moving a lot within my lately and not all of it is easy to understand HIS reasoning behind them. Sure I can understand why all VCM's vehicles will be equipped with GPS system, both for their use and monitoring, plus ham radios for communication purposes. Or why HE has me beginning to set up and make arrangement for the prison ministry branch. Today's though was a bit different at first, but after a short nap it became clear.
Our enemy, though it may seem to be those groups that want to destroy Christianity and bring about the New World Order are not. satan, though he is our enemy, isn't the one we should be fighting with either. The ones that we should be doing battle with are those within our own circles. Those that are doing the adversaries work by bringing division among the churches.
None of us know 100% that our personal beliefs and doctrines are correct. Not one of us. Though almost everyone of us says we're right according to scripture. None can truly say they're doubtless in every detail. Sure there are those that want to insist on this stand, but I take a good bet that deep down within their heart they do have some doubt, maybe even the smallest, but it still a doubt. It's simple human nature and something we can't change. Only the simplest of 'child-like' faith may be void of any doubting and there are truly few that can say their faith is such!
Numerous times in New Testament scripture we're told, truly warned, against infighting within the church. We're told that we're to be one united body. Though having many differing operations, we are to be one body, united firmly under headship of JESUS!!! So why are there so many denominations? So much fighting within, even among those that are of the same denomination, over everything? Bible versions, doctrines, theology, rituals, you name it, there are those that will disagree over it somewhere along the line! It even seems like you can't write a Bible study without someone being in disagreement with some detail of it.
Now I know my Bible fairly well and I just can't remember ever reading were the HOLY SPIRIT had it written that we're to have our way in things, always being right! This fact right here is most likely our greatest enemy and the biggest deterrent to our fulfilling our task, called the 'Great Commission!" We are to go throughout the whole world and proclaim the GOSPEL of JESUS to every living being and make disciples of them. Not of our religion or belief system, but that of JESUS CHRIST and HIS alone. What has brought this enemy to the strength it is now? Human nature, pride and a little help from satan to boot. If I've got to tell you how each of these has played it's part in this problem you need to dust your Bible off and start reading it a lot more. Because these are all things that JESUS warned us about. They're all things that elevate the man over the creator and make HIS will for us of less importance and our beliefs greater. satan, over the centuries has added a little here and there to our systems of belief. Slowly altering them over the years, so that each person seems to understand scripture totally different. Then using our 'natural man' and his pride has us inject our understanding unto others. Soon after this heads begin to disagree with these teachings and newer ones replace them. All until there's another totally differing teaching.
You may be wondering what I'm getting at? It's simple. Our biggest enemy is ourselves! Instead of setting our sights on our goal, spreading the GOSPEL, we spend it researching the WORD, disseminating it, to prove that which we feel is right and then teaching others it. JESUS didn't tell us to do this! HE didn't say that what we knew was right! HE told us to "go to the ends of the earth, teaching and making disciples of everyone," not teaching our personal understandings, but HIS alone.
So, what are you going to do? I know I'm going to stop trying to lead others into believing that which I believe and start introducing more to the true and pure GOSPEL. Not my understanding of it, but only that which is written. This is truly a hard task, because of but one reason, my natural man. I will pray for the LORD to move upon me in the HOLY SPIRIT and keep my words from being anything but HIS. I will also pray that HE will bless those that I witness to, with HIS understanding and not mine. For it is not I that must become greater in others eyes, it is JESUS alone!!!!!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
If you're reading this I hope you've read my other blog posting for today. I'll not go into all the details written of in it. If you haven't here is it's link: Blogs from the VINE
The LORD has been moving a lot within my lately and not all of it is easy to understand HIS reasoning behind them. Sure I can understand why all VCM's vehicles will be equipped with GPS system, both for their use and monitoring, plus ham radios for communication purposes. Or why HE has me beginning to set up and make arrangement for the prison ministry branch. Today's though was a bit different at first, but after a short nap it became clear.
Our enemy, though it may seem to be those groups that want to destroy Christianity and bring about the New World Order are not. satan, though he is our enemy, isn't the one we should be fighting with either. The ones that we should be doing battle with are those within our own circles. Those that are doing the adversaries work by bringing division among the churches.
None of us know 100% that our personal beliefs and doctrines are correct. Not one of us. Though almost everyone of us says we're right according to scripture. None can truly say they're doubtless in every detail. Sure there are those that want to insist on this stand, but I take a good bet that deep down within their heart they do have some doubt, maybe even the smallest, but it still a doubt. It's simple human nature and something we can't change. Only the simplest of 'child-like' faith may be void of any doubting and there are truly few that can say their faith is such!
Numerous times in New Testament scripture we're told, truly warned, against infighting within the church. We're told that we're to be one united body. Though having many differing operations, we are to be one body, united firmly under headship of JESUS!!! So why are there so many denominations? So much fighting within, even among those that are of the same denomination, over everything? Bible versions, doctrines, theology, rituals, you name it, there are those that will disagree over it somewhere along the line! It even seems like you can't write a Bible study without someone being in disagreement with some detail of it.
Now I know my Bible fairly well and I just can't remember ever reading were the HOLY SPIRIT had it written that we're to have our way in things, always being right! This fact right here is most likely our greatest enemy and the biggest deterrent to our fulfilling our task, called the 'Great Commission!" We are to go throughout the whole world and proclaim the GOSPEL of JESUS to every living being and make disciples of them. Not of our religion or belief system, but that of JESUS CHRIST and HIS alone. What has brought this enemy to the strength it is now? Human nature, pride and a little help from satan to boot. If I've got to tell you how each of these has played it's part in this problem you need to dust your Bible off and start reading it a lot more. Because these are all things that JESUS warned us about. They're all things that elevate the man over the creator and make HIS will for us of less importance and our beliefs greater. satan, over the centuries has added a little here and there to our systems of belief. Slowly altering them over the years, so that each person seems to understand scripture totally different. Then using our 'natural man' and his pride has us inject our understanding unto others. Soon after this heads begin to disagree with these teachings and newer ones replace them. All until there's another totally differing teaching.
You may be wondering what I'm getting at? It's simple. Our biggest enemy is ourselves! Instead of setting our sights on our goal, spreading the GOSPEL, we spend it researching the WORD, disseminating it, to prove that which we feel is right and then teaching others it. JESUS didn't tell us to do this! HE didn't say that what we knew was right! HE told us to "go to the ends of the earth, teaching and making disciples of everyone," not teaching our personal understandings, but HIS alone.
So, what are you going to do? I know I'm going to stop trying to lead others into believing that which I believe and start introducing more to the true and pure GOSPEL. Not my understanding of it, but only that which is written. This is truly a hard task, because of but one reason, my natural man. I will pray for the LORD to move upon me in the HOLY SPIRIT and keep my words from being anything but HIS. I will also pray that HE will bless those that I witness to, with HIS understanding and not mine. For it is not I that must become greater in others eyes, it is JESUS alone!!!!!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Something different.
Praise the LORD!!!
I was just responding to a friends email and something different happened. Not that it hadn't happened before, but the manor in which it happened. I've had the HOLY SPIRIT take over the "pen" while writing my personal journals or other things, but never in an email to another person. These have always been of a private nature and not for open reading. Now besides the email going out, I'm being led for it to go out here also!!! So here goes, take it as you want:
Praise the LORD!!!
Good to hear from you. There's no need to feel sorry for me, though thanks for caring. I truly understand the workings of GOD within my life and expect these kinds of 'valleys.' I've learned to take them as they come and know that they're just a predecessor to 'mountain top' experiences. The narrow path has never been an easy one. It is very often marked by many boulders and rivers in it's way. These are those times that the LORD uses to build character within HIS saints. You have to remember that a large percentage of my readings are not those of this present generation, but those of the old masters. Those that saw GOD through a different lens. Those that knew GOD works within our lives through the roughest of times and tribulations, to shape and mold us into that 'new creation/creature.'
Your verses are ones I often fall upon when times such as these come. Needless to say, I fall upon them often:))) I love it. Our DADDY has graced me with an understanding that is much different then most these days. I know something is coming, a day where I'll be used to change people's understandings. This isn't something an old introvert could ever of imagined, but it is that which the LORD wills and that which HE will receive. Not by my might, but by HIS SPIRIT within me, working to bring glory to HIS most holy and precious name.
I would wonder "why GOD would allow the church to fall into such a state as it is," but I know, without a doubt, that the time is coming when people's eyes and ears will be opened to the truth. Whether they accept it or not will be in their own hands, though DAD already knows who will. But as the time draws near, there's going to be one last time when GOD will have HIS true GOSPEL preached once again. It will be verified with many great signs and wonders and as quickly as it will happen it will stop. For this will be the closing of the door before the tribulations!!! I know I don't have to tell you, but others must know that our time here is coming to and end. An even with all the false witnessing going on, a last revival of the truth is about to sprout forth. Seven years will it grow and produce fruit and then it will be harvested and the doors of the grainery shut.With the harvest completed, Revelation-s will be unfolded and the world will mourn and suffer as never before. Wondering why they didn't listen to the warnings. But all to no avail, it will be to late, for the time is set and HIS hand will be at the door.
Praise the LORD!!! I just realized something. I was just typing this and totally unaware of it's author:))) I'm going to have to put this to prayer and reread and study what I've just been blessed to write. This hasn't happened in awhile, but I know that when it does, DAD has moved upon me and it is time to reckon that which HE's blessed me with. Though this is a first, the first time it has ever happened when writing someone else! May I suggest, that you also put this forth in prayer and ask for your eyes and ears to be opened to HIS understanding for you on these lines. Oh LORD, this has just put a quickening into my steps, for something is about to happen and we've been blessed to know before hand. I know I've 'been sidetracked and began to preach' at times, but this my sister is different, totally different. Praise the LORD, praise the LORD, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
I was just responding to a friends email and something different happened. Not that it hadn't happened before, but the manor in which it happened. I've had the HOLY SPIRIT take over the "pen" while writing my personal journals or other things, but never in an email to another person. These have always been of a private nature and not for open reading. Now besides the email going out, I'm being led for it to go out here also!!! So here goes, take it as you want:
Praise the LORD!!!
Good to hear from you. There's no need to feel sorry for me, though thanks for caring. I truly understand the workings of GOD within my life and expect these kinds of 'valleys.' I've learned to take them as they come and know that they're just a predecessor to 'mountain top' experiences. The narrow path has never been an easy one. It is very often marked by many boulders and rivers in it's way. These are those times that the LORD uses to build character within HIS saints. You have to remember that a large percentage of my readings are not those of this present generation, but those of the old masters. Those that saw GOD through a different lens. Those that knew GOD works within our lives through the roughest of times and tribulations, to shape and mold us into that 'new creation/creature.'
Your verses are ones I often fall upon when times such as these come. Needless to say, I fall upon them often:))) I love it. Our DADDY has graced me with an understanding that is much different then most these days. I know something is coming, a day where I'll be used to change people's understandings. This isn't something an old introvert could ever of imagined, but it is that which the LORD wills and that which HE will receive. Not by my might, but by HIS SPIRIT within me, working to bring glory to HIS most holy and precious name.
I would wonder "why GOD would allow the church to fall into such a state as it is," but I know, without a doubt, that the time is coming when people's eyes and ears will be opened to the truth. Whether they accept it or not will be in their own hands, though DAD already knows who will. But as the time draws near, there's going to be one last time when GOD will have HIS true GOSPEL preached once again. It will be verified with many great signs and wonders and as quickly as it will happen it will stop. For this will be the closing of the door before the tribulations!!! I know I don't have to tell you, but others must know that our time here is coming to and end. An even with all the false witnessing going on, a last revival of the truth is about to sprout forth. Seven years will it grow and produce fruit and then it will be harvested and the doors of the grainery shut.With the harvest completed, Revelation-s will be unfolded and the world will mourn and suffer as never before. Wondering why they didn't listen to the warnings. But all to no avail, it will be to late, for the time is set and HIS hand will be at the door.
Praise the LORD!!! I just realized something. I was just typing this and totally unaware of it's author:))) I'm going to have to put this to prayer and reread and study what I've just been blessed to write. This hasn't happened in awhile, but I know that when it does, DAD has moved upon me and it is time to reckon that which HE's blessed me with. Though this is a first, the first time it has ever happened when writing someone else! May I suggest, that you also put this forth in prayer and ask for your eyes and ears to be opened to HIS understanding for you on these lines. Oh LORD, this has just put a quickening into my steps, for something is about to happen and we've been blessed to know before hand. I know I've 'been sidetracked and began to preach' at times, but this my sister is different, totally different. Praise the LORD, praise the LORD, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Suffering For The Sake Of by Joni Eareckson Tada
Praise the LORD!!!
Something a little different for you this day. Lately I've been working two jobs to meet the cost of living and running a ministry. One I can't seem to escape, because it's part time maintenance at the apartments I live in. Needless to say I've been staying busy and had little time to do much else. I barely manage to have devotional time for myself and none to write anything worthy of our LORD! I've been feeling weak and a bit depressed from not having more time for the LORD. This morning I was blessed to run across this at one of my networked sites. With only a little time to view it and it's length, I thought almost to forgo it. But the LORD laid it upon my heart to begin watching it. Needless to say, the weight is lifted, though I may not have the time to write, I know that when it is, the time will be granted me! "All things work together for the good of those that love GOD and are called according to HIS purpose."(Romans 8:28)
So no matter what trials and tribulations you're facing this day, know that our LORD can lift the weight easier then we could ever and that HE has a reason for it and will grace us with the strength to carry on our task for the KINGDOM!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Praise the LORD!!!
This morning I was reading my daily devotionals, for I read numerous ones, there was a tremendous leading towards one topic. This is our dependence upon the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Not just for the major aspects of our life and spiritual walk, but on even the smallest of them. Now I've thought that I've been doing this to the most part, yet HE led me to see my need in this area to grow even more. Woo I thought! How can I depend even more on HE that I count as my greatest source in my life?
As you may know I've been having to work two jobs to make a living for myself. I say myself alone, because I'm barely able to afford the necessities of life let alone provide the needed items to produce growth within the ministry! Needless to say life recently has been hard. Scrapping together whatever I can to provide these needs. I'm sure most of you know what this feels like, especially considering the current state of our economy. There are many great needs beyond my own that fill my prayers. All those things that are needed to move the ministry into a position of 'fruit bearing,' are among this list. For my life truly revolves around bring this ministry into being that which the LORD has shown me it to be!!!
In '97' when the LORD first showed me the visions HE has for this ministry, I was amazed because of the size of it! I've stated numerous times, "that if the LORD hadn't blessed me with an abundant faith like HE has, I'd most likely be running from HIS plans for me." This is so true, because the extent of this ministry is to be world reaching from the start, not growing into it like most other ministries of it's type do. From the beginning I've known that VCM was going to be reaching out to those touched by disaster within their lives, both those of their own making, those that others have brought upon them and those caused by natural disasters. I've been shown a massive gathering of people, equipment, resources and funding, all being brought together to show the love GOD has for all of mankind, both great and small!!!
Since being blessed with these visions I've sought to bring as much of it together as possible. Running a food and clothing pantry out of my basement, to bring it into the eyes of the public through the internet. This has been where I've been putting most of my effort in the last nine months. Working to bring Vine of CHRIST Ministries and it's goals before the eyes of as many people as possible. None of that which I've done has been by my own doing, it has all been by the hands of the LORD, through the power and leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. I'd have to be psychotic to think that something of this size and intricacy could be brought about by the hands of but one person. I'm being serious here. Could you imagine one person building an organization larger then the top ten world charities put together, all by themselves? Even to have dreams of doing something of this size would be considered bizarre, so would the act of trying to organize and bring it into existence!!!
All that has been organized and worked on has only been accomplished through the leading and power of the HOLY SPIRIT, I'm but the hands and feet here on earth that has been graced with this chore. Somewhere in recent weeks I've strayed from focusing on my total dependence upon the only one that can bring all of this into existence. My prayers this day have been for a strengthening in this area. Whereas I'll not see anything that I've done or needs to be done, as the works of my own hands. For there is no way humanly possible that even a thousand people together could even work their whole lives to provide but a part of the funding needed. There is but one source that all that this ministry will become can and will have to come from and that is GOD alone!!! Through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT's leading's, both upon my heart and life and the hearts and lives of the countless thousands of people that it will take to bring this ministry into fruition. Not for the glory of any one human or the ministry itself, like so many other ministries/organizations seek to do, but only for the glory of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
This morning I was reading my daily devotionals, for I read numerous ones, there was a tremendous leading towards one topic. This is our dependence upon the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Not just for the major aspects of our life and spiritual walk, but on even the smallest of them. Now I've thought that I've been doing this to the most part, yet HE led me to see my need in this area to grow even more. Woo I thought! How can I depend even more on HE that I count as my greatest source in my life?
As you may know I've been having to work two jobs to make a living for myself. I say myself alone, because I'm barely able to afford the necessities of life let alone provide the needed items to produce growth within the ministry! Needless to say life recently has been hard. Scrapping together whatever I can to provide these needs. I'm sure most of you know what this feels like, especially considering the current state of our economy. There are many great needs beyond my own that fill my prayers. All those things that are needed to move the ministry into a position of 'fruit bearing,' are among this list. For my life truly revolves around bring this ministry into being that which the LORD has shown me it to be!!!
In '97' when the LORD first showed me the visions HE has for this ministry, I was amazed because of the size of it! I've stated numerous times, "that if the LORD hadn't blessed me with an abundant faith like HE has, I'd most likely be running from HIS plans for me." This is so true, because the extent of this ministry is to be world reaching from the start, not growing into it like most other ministries of it's type do. From the beginning I've known that VCM was going to be reaching out to those touched by disaster within their lives, both those of their own making, those that others have brought upon them and those caused by natural disasters. I've been shown a massive gathering of people, equipment, resources and funding, all being brought together to show the love GOD has for all of mankind, both great and small!!!
Since being blessed with these visions I've sought to bring as much of it together as possible. Running a food and clothing pantry out of my basement, to bring it into the eyes of the public through the internet. This has been where I've been putting most of my effort in the last nine months. Working to bring Vine of CHRIST Ministries and it's goals before the eyes of as many people as possible. None of that which I've done has been by my own doing, it has all been by the hands of the LORD, through the power and leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. I'd have to be psychotic to think that something of this size and intricacy could be brought about by the hands of but one person. I'm being serious here. Could you imagine one person building an organization larger then the top ten world charities put together, all by themselves? Even to have dreams of doing something of this size would be considered bizarre, so would the act of trying to organize and bring it into existence!!!
All that has been organized and worked on has only been accomplished through the leading and power of the HOLY SPIRIT, I'm but the hands and feet here on earth that has been graced with this chore. Somewhere in recent weeks I've strayed from focusing on my total dependence upon the only one that can bring all of this into existence. My prayers this day have been for a strengthening in this area. Whereas I'll not see anything that I've done or needs to be done, as the works of my own hands. For there is no way humanly possible that even a thousand people together could even work their whole lives to provide but a part of the funding needed. There is but one source that all that this ministry will become can and will have to come from and that is GOD alone!!! Through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT's leading's, both upon my heart and life and the hearts and lives of the countless thousands of people that it will take to bring this ministry into fruition. Not for the glory of any one human or the ministry itself, like so many other ministries/organizations seek to do, but only for the glory of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
vine of christ ministries
Friday, July 9, 2010
07.09.10_dry places
Praise the LORD!!!
I've not posted recently and I feel I should explain why this has happened. As many of you may know, I've been working two jobs to cover the cost of living and running the ministry on my own! With working these two jobs I've had very little time to spend in the WORD. I read several devotionals personally, but have had very little time to do much else online. Most that I've had time to do has been checking emails and an occasional post in reply to a comment on one of my many networked site.
When it comes to writing these devotionals, something I don't take lightly, I spend many an hour online going over the comments left online. In this I'm led to relate that which the LORD inspires me to write. Here lately, I seem to be going through a "dry place," a place where GOD hasn't been laying topics upon my heart to pass on. Most Christians know these 'dry places' in their walks. Not that GOD has left us, but that they're at times a place of needed rest. A time to relax and maybe ponder things that have been happening within our lives and walks with the LORD! I had been posting devotions from previous post at times, but with this last week plus, I've not been led to do even this. You can totally believe that this has been a matter of great prayer. But the only answer I've received has been, "in MY time." I think most of you know what that means, so I'll not go deeper into it. GOD has HIS timetable and all things happen according to it. We can push the issue and pay the price or like I'm currently doing, wait for HIS time to come. I know there will be devotionals in the future, but HIS will will be the issue that brings these into being.
The best thing I could say at this time would be to go over the archives of previous post, let the LORD lead you in this, and enjoy. For the time is coming when the posting here will begin again and I've a feeling that there will be some weighty issues to be posted upon!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
I've not posted recently and I feel I should explain why this has happened. As many of you may know, I've been working two jobs to cover the cost of living and running the ministry on my own! With working these two jobs I've had very little time to spend in the WORD. I read several devotionals personally, but have had very little time to do much else online. Most that I've had time to do has been checking emails and an occasional post in reply to a comment on one of my many networked site.
When it comes to writing these devotionals, something I don't take lightly, I spend many an hour online going over the comments left online. In this I'm led to relate that which the LORD inspires me to write. Here lately, I seem to be going through a "dry place," a place where GOD hasn't been laying topics upon my heart to pass on. Most Christians know these 'dry places' in their walks. Not that GOD has left us, but that they're at times a place of needed rest. A time to relax and maybe ponder things that have been happening within our lives and walks with the LORD! I had been posting devotions from previous post at times, but with this last week plus, I've not been led to do even this. You can totally believe that this has been a matter of great prayer. But the only answer I've received has been, "in MY time." I think most of you know what that means, so I'll not go deeper into it. GOD has HIS timetable and all things happen according to it. We can push the issue and pay the price or like I'm currently doing, wait for HIS time to come. I know there will be devotionals in the future, but HIS will will be the issue that brings these into being.
The best thing I could say at this time would be to go over the archives of previous post, let the LORD lead you in this, and enjoy. For the time is coming when the posting here will begin again and I've a feeling that there will be some weighty issues to be posted upon!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
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