Sunday, April 25, 2010

4.26.10_Matt. 6: 33,34_Seeking first

Praise the LORD!!!

   It is but a little after six AM. here and I've been up for over two hours already. Most likely along the lines of three, but I didn't get out of bed for the first hour or so! This is what happens when you complain to GOD that you've not enough time to accomplish that which HE's enlisted you too. Yes, HE makes the time available somewhere within your day, either by stretching it early or late or maybe even giving you a break in the middle! This isn't the first time I've had GOD restructure my days for me:)))

   This morning when I first awoke, besides my normal praise and thanksgiving for another day, this morning had a "why so early LORD?", I awoke with a thought deeply planted in my mind. My purpose in life is but to seek after GOD righteousness and holiness and nothing else! With all that I've been shown that the ministry will entail, I've allowed a large amount of it to block me from my primary goal. To draw closer to GOD in all things, for this is truly what we're to concentrate on in our walks for the LORD. To "seek ye first" literally means to draw closer to GOD and nothing else. We tend to put everything else in this package along with it. In other words, if we've a ministry like VCM, we seek to build it and bring it to development. We seek to do all those things that we believe GOD wants us to, in order to do that which we believe HE has called us to. An not focusing on that which HE truly has called us to, to relationship with HIM and this alone!!!

   Matthew 6:33,34

     33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
   I have spent hours/days trying to do graphics work for the ministry on this old computer. I've spent numerous days worth of time trying to draw people's attention towards it and the goals that it is to fulfill. I've spent many an hour talking about the needs of a ministry of this type and size and how it will be funded by the people of GOD alone. All to what seems like no avail and frustration. I'd literally come to that proverbial 'straw that broke the camel's back.' This is the reason for this morning's verse to me. This is the reason so many others in ministry fall by the wayside with "burnout". We take our eyes off JESUS, the prize, and focus on the chore, the means of getting there and all it takes to accomplish it, instead of the reason for it all. We're told to focus on HIM and HIS KINGDOM and all else will be added, not to focus on all the add-ons first and then worry about that which we should of been rightfully seeking after. JESUS first.

*** Though this was typed yesterday, the LORD had me delay posting it. It is short, but it is sweet and to the point!!!*** With my working and the new time constraints, postings will be done earlier then before. Though I've still no idea when this will be, for as with all things, they're in the LORD's hands and not mine!!!***

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International