Friday, March 12, 2010

03.13.10_ Matt. 14:28-32_ Stepping out...

Praise the LORD!!!

   I was at the church again today to finished up as much of the childrens ministry sound booth that I could. When I got back to the house I was right online working on posting some ads for the ministry and I just finished up for night. I'm not going to rush a devotional, because I feel that I should do as good a job as possible when writing them. So I'm going to do a re-post. I know this is the second one this week and you thought they were to be daily, right? Well, if were blessed to have others working along side me, I might just be able to do it, but I'm trying to run the ministry, write blogs and devotionals, redo the website and a whole lot more, by my self. So please, just bear with me a little and pray others will catch the vision of VCM and either come on board as a member or donate funds or materials to help this ministry grow into what the LORD has shown me it will be!!!

   This morning/day I ask you, where are your eyes/intentions focused this day? Are they upon the troubles that have befallen you? Or on the daily task that lie ahead in wait? Or are they on our SAVIOR?

 Matt. 14:28-32

   "LORD, if it's YOU," replied Peter, "tell me to come to YOU on the water." "Come," HE said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward JESUS. But when he saw the wind , he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out, "LORD, save me!" Immediately JESUS  reached out HIS hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" (NIV)

   You've accepted JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR (I pray so!) and HE has changed your life from within. You have asked HIM to take over control of it and HE has. Now, HE ask you to "Come," step out of the boat (you comfort zone, your dependence on self) and walk unto HIM! Will you be as confident as Peter was, at first, and immediately take the first step? Or like the others, that remained in the boat?

   Like Peter, many will step out and begin to walk the path towards JESUS and in like manor make it closer to HIM. Then our eyes have a tendency to turn from HE that should be the focus within our lives, to the troubles that surround us. Then we begin to sink under their weight. We, like Peter, tend to focus on the problems of the world around us, for it is here that we've spent most of our lives. We've allowed it to shape us and form us into one that is always aware of the external conditions of our lives. We're told in scripture that these things, all of them, are but temporary, soon to be gone and forgotten.

   As with Peter, our LORD is right there, reaching out and taking hold of us. Drawing our attention back upon HIMSELF. Though we forgotten it, our new goal within life is to follow JESUS and place our faith in HIM and HIM alone! We must focus our whole being upon HIM, heart, mind, soul and body! The LORD knows that we are weak, for HE was once just as we, human. Like the good shepherd, HE knows more about HIS flock then we can ever imagine and has our best interest at heart. HE knows that we tend to focus upon our immediate surrounds, for these are those things that effect our here and now. The things that we are used to shaping our lives on a daily basis.

   In order put away our old lives, we must crucify our flesh and allow GOD to bring our focus back upon HIM and HIM alone. We must be willing to offer up to HIM all that our lives consist of, right down to the smallest of details! Then and only then can we take HIS out stretched hand and begin to hear HIS voice. Yes, it will be a rebuke at this time, for our lack of faith in HIM, but then HE will begin to lead us and teach us more of the great wonders of the KINGDOM.

   Are you willing to hear HIS voice, even though it will be a rebuke unto you? Are you wise enough to take correction? Or is your wisdom, wisdom of this world and self, where you are above correction? Are you ready to do a little cutting away of the flesh? These are all questions one must ask themselves, especially before stepping out of the boat!!!

Other scripture readings: Rom. 12:1,2; 1 Cor. 1:25; 2 Cor. 10:3-5; I John  2:15-17; Eph. 4:22-24
   Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

   Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International