Sunday, February 7, 2010

04-28-10_Micah 2:10_Our resting place**re post

Praise the LORD!!!

   ***Though this is a re post, I'm leaving this opening comment, for it is pertinent to our Christian walk that we realize that nothing happens by chance, all happens because GOD has a purpose for it too!!!***

   First off this morning, I want to thank those whom have held me up in prayer before the LORD over the last several days! I've been down with a 'bug' and not been able to do the LORD's works that have been set before me. But all this has been for a reason. I will now be devoting more of my time online to directly doing those works set forth for me and less on other projects! With all this said and done, we shall proceed...

   Micah 2:10

      "Get up, go away! For this is not your resting place, because it is defiled, it is ruined, beyond all remedy."

   Because we as Christians live in this 'world', we have a tendency to focus our attentions upon our daily living within it. This can be expected, because it is that which we are directly effected by. Yet it isn't that which we should allow to be our focus. Yes, we do live in this world and have to attend to all that it requires to continue living in it. Yet we are to have our focus on our true home, that which is in heaven.

   We each have our daily routines, which we must take into consideration. The bills, that always seem to be growing in amounts. What we shall have to set before our family at the table. Our jobs, which supply all the needs of our lives in this world. Transportation worries, health needs or problems, the list goes on and on like the energizer bunny. Yet we are told in scripture that these are not to be our focus, but it is to be upon our heavenly home, the place set aside for us in heaven, where we shall spend an eternity with our SAVIOR!

   One may ask, "how can we keep our focus on the LORD, when all these problems are before us and so directly effecting our lives?"  A very good question it is and one that I myself have often asked. I have learned over the years, to always keep my eyes focused on JESUS first, and then allow this world's needs to filter in. Not focusing upon them, but focusing more directly on the promises of GOD then upon the problems. In doing this I've laid the foundation for GOD's promises to work within my life first, and then all else that effects my life to build upon this foundation. Keeping GOD and all that HE has set forth for me in scripture, the promises, as the governing principles within my life, draws my focus towards all that HE has planned and away from all the others. I awake each day giving thanks to HIM for granting me another day to glorify HIS name. I ask for HIS HOLY SPIRIT to strengthen me so I can fulfill HIS will for me this day. Then I go to my daily Bible readings and devotionals, all mingled with prayer and some quiet time, to hear HIS leading. After this and only after this will I begin to undertake that which the 'world' has for me.

   In our reading today, we are told to "Get up, go away!" This is that which I'm doing when I set GOD as the focus for my day. Not rendering to the 'world' all the attention it so demands, but placing my attention on GOD and that which HE has for me. We then see, that all that is around us is not that which GOD has intentions for us to be controlled by, for they are not that which HE has set before us as our resting place. They are spoiled, totally ruined by man's hands and the works of them. Though nothing is impossible for GOD, we are told that these are beyond repair and are, without direct intervention by GOD. For this world will not turn it's attention fully to GOD, so it will be left to its own demise and the fall that will come along with this refusal to accept GOD and HIS righteous ways. Only those that truly accept GOD and HIS ways are those that will obtain an eternal rest within HIS presence.

   Taking our attention off of those things of this world and focusing upon GOD, brings us into relationship with HIM and allows HIM to carry our burdens for us. Remember the poem "Footprints in the Sand," where the times of hardest life we are carried through them on our LORD's shoulders and not allowed to bare their burdens upon our own! This is that place that GOD wills for us to be, not under a yoke of our own making, but allowing HIM to carry us through out our lives. When we focus on the eternal, and not the temporary things of this world, we are showing GOD that we realize that HE is our source and provider and not we ourselves. This is an important step in our lives as Christians, because it shows HIM that we admit our weakness' and are totally dependent upon HIS helping us along life's many pathways. For when we are weak, HE is able to carry us through them, but when we are strong, we won't allow HIM to take hold of them, we want to do it all by ourselves. It is hard to share anything with another if you're not willing to allow them to hold onto part of it. This from a worldly standpoint, no lesser so, a heavenly one!

   I ask of you this, look at your life and see how many times you have tried to carry all of it on your own. Then look back and see those that you called upon the LORD's help in. Which of these were the more prosperous and beneficial? An now I ask, where will you turn for the rest of life's needs?  

   No other verses will be given today. I'd like you to seriously think over these matters. If led to read else where, please do so, but not by my leading, but only by HE that has called you to a higher purpose!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International