Friday, March 19, 2010

3.20.10_1 Peter 3:15_Shinning

Praise the LORD!!!

    I pray all are well today and that the LORD is truly moving within your life.

  1 Peter 3:15

    15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"
    Have you ever done something within your walk for CHRIST, that you thought may of been a deterrent to the spreading of the GOSPEL?  I other words, something that would make your credibility as a Christian come under the scrutiny of others. Not something that would out right speak volumes as to the validity of your walk, such as crimes or moral lapses, but something that could be considered just a bit far fetched, or out of the ordinary. This has happened to me with the announcement of the fact that VCM will operate on the lines of the 1st century church and not that of modern churches. Right away, people began thinking about the fact that in the early church, the saints sold everything that they owned and gave it to the cause of spreading the GOSPEL. Though I've mentioned this in the announcements, it truly isn't the picture of what I was talking about. That which I'm speaking of is the fact that during this time, the saints had but one purpose in their lives and that was to serve JESUS to the fullest no matter what it took to do so!!!   

    In today's verse this exact thing is seen, just from a bit of a differing point of view. We're to set CHRIST apart in our lives, so that others can see a remarkable difference in all that we do. We tend to go through life with a hope that is far different then that of other people, for while we're facing trials and tribulations, we can still manage to have joy and hope shining forth. This is something that is totally lacking in the present day church to a great extent. People today, tend to allow all the weight of the world to come to bare upon their shoulders and present this as an "oh I'm a suffering Christian" type of attitude. More of a pity me because of my faith ordeal, and this is far from what our verse today has laid hold of.

   Why has this happened to so many within the church today? Probably because so many have lost sight of their "first love," and all that living a life for HIM entails. Life today in the church, has grown more into a school of life and how to succeed in the world through biblical principles. We have sermons on every aspect of life there is, marriage, finances, dating, divorce, you name it and it's most likely being preached in a church somewhere next Sunday. Seldom will one hear a sermon bearing directly on CHRIST and our need for HIM within our lives, let alone one every single week of the year. No longer is our focus on JESUS, but it seems to be only on all that HE can do for us, instead of how we can share HIM with the rest of the world. Christians have taken on the forms of the world, no longer focusing on JESUS, but only on self.

   This is what set the early church apart from the rest of the world! Their lives were filled with an abundance of love for others and in all that they did, they did it in a manor so much different than the rest. They had a hope, that was so visible to others, that it manifested itself to everyone, in everything that they did. When I was working on the gulf coast after the 05 hurricanes, every once in a great while this could be seen. I'd run into a person wading knee deep in mud and they'd have a smile on their face. I could tell right away that they were a fellow Christian and one that focused their daily hope on JESUS and all HE's done within their lives and they were showing this fact. Then there were times when I'd run into groups of Christians working and it'd be no different then working amongst any group of non-believers. Cussing, complaining about this or that, all sorts of talk that was the farthest thing from JESUS you could imagine. The worst part of this fact, was that I'd find out that they belonged to some big denomination and had come there as part of a massive move to mobilize their church members and put a show on for others to see. Most of these spent their time away from the work area, in air conditioned buildings, traveling around in tour buses and in general were very short term.

   These that I've just mentioned, are not the one's that VCM wants working for us. We want the first example group. Those that will wade through the muck and mire, smiling and singing. Swatting at mosquitoes the size of air planes and laughing about it. These are those that truly have a hope within them. These are those that have set aside CHRIST within their hearts and these are those that will truly give their all, going to the extreme to show the love CHRIST has for a of mankind, through their actions, no matter what the conditions they're putting up with.

   This may seem more like a blog for the ministry, than a devotional. But I'm sure that if you look hard enough, you're find that which convicts your heart of a need for some changes within your life. Something that draws your attention to your daily walk with the LORD, and a need to alter things a bit. Our lives as Christians, is supposed to reflect JESUS, not just part of the time, but all the time. Can you say that this is the way your walk is truly, and all the time? If not, then there is room for improvement. I sure hope that no one says that their walk is spotless before GOD, because I'd have to tell you, you're wrong! For there is only ONE WHO's walk was this way and HIS name is JESUS!!!

Some extra reading for your pleasure: Gal. 6:14; 1 Tim. 1:12-17; 2 Tim. 1:8-12; James 2:1-8
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International