Praise the LORD!!!
Torn heart? You may be wondering, what does this mean and how does it effect me personally? I'm not sure myself as I sit down and type this out, but I do know it is that which I'm led to enter!!!
I'm sure most of you are aware of most of the recent events in the news. Japan's earthquake and tsunami, the unrest in the middle east and other regions around the world. But are you aware of that which is happening right within our own body? I'm not talking about our human body, but that BODY which is called the CHURCH!!!
My heart is torn, because I see thousands of Christians battling amongst each other. Sure there has been a rife in the CHURCH for centuries, maybe even from the first century. But it seems that in our current times there has come about an even greater one. Now many of you know, I've at numerous times spoken out about false preaching/teachings, which is that which we're called to do. But I've seen as of late, those that are willing, through their own pride, to tear down and broadcast the names and ministries of others that JESUS died for. I've personally had this happen, all because I don't follow this other person's belief in following the Sabbath and other OT teachings.( I personally worship GOD 24/7/365 and will continue in heaven)
Now that which is happening, is taking ministries apart like they themselves are perfect in their own understandings of scripture and trashing all that these ministries have done over decades. Thousands, if not millions of peoples have been introduced to JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR through these ministries. JESUS died for these very ministers themselves and they've personally accepted JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR. In other words, these very people which are being torn limb from limb, are our brothers and sisters in CHRIST!!! Yes, they may of erred in their teaching and ministry, yet JESUS poured out HIS blood for them as well. These very one's are also those that we are called to show the love of JESUS to as a sign of our unity in the faith. A sign unto the unbelieving world that JESUS is exactly what the Bible says HE is.
My heart is torn, because I'm seeing the very CHURCH that JESUS died to establish, being torn apart by men and women that believe the very same core principles of these others. The very BODY that is supposed to be showing the world, that there is a better way of life for this world, is showing it that they're no different then them. Prideful and arrogant and seeking after their own good and not the good of others. There is not one person that has ever lived upon this planet that was or is righteous. Righteous to the point of being able to stand before GOD and say that their life was lived in perfect harmony with all that the scriptures teach. Not a single one!!!
I think that every single one of us needs to step back from ourselves and examine our own hearts. To see whether they're torn by the GOSPEL or rather that they're puffed up by our own pride. Remember JESUS died for that other person, just as well as HE died for you. HE has forgiven you, as well as that other person and that each of us will stand before HIM on judgment day. Will your heart be able to stand spotless in love before HIM? Or will you have to fall to your knees and confess that if it weren't for HIM and HIS death upon the cross that you'd only be worthy of eternal suffering? My knees are ready, for I know, that I've erred in my walk and that only through HIS grace and mercy will I be made acceptable to enjoy heaven with HIM!!!
Now the big question! Will you, yourself, be able to stand or will you fall to your knees and confess???
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GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
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