Today we shall look at our lives as Christians and those things that we deem to be such a burden within our daily walk.
Romans 8:35-39
35 "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:
“For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”c
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,d neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
To often we as Christian look at those things around us, the trials and tribulations that we suffer in the world, as that which controls our lives. Truly this is not so, for it is our life bound to JESUS that controls our life, or at least should! We as Christians have taken on the appearance and actions of the Hebrews during their exodus to the promised land. We complain and grumble about all those worldly troubles that beset us and take our eyes off HE that truly supplies all of our needs.
In our verses, we see that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of GOD, nothing at all. Even if we're to die this very moment, we'll still be in HIS loving hands. Why is it that we tend to break down and begin pouring out our prayers for relief only after first pouring out reams of complaints? It is because we've taken our eyes of the solutions to all our problems and focused them upon ourselves! We must realize that we are greatly loved by GOD and that HE has promised to provide our every need. Look at the exodus. Was there one single need that GOD didn't provide for them? Not one of their needs weren't met. Even when they began to crave meat, since this had been a staple in their diets in Egypt, did not GOD provide it for them. But since it was in a manor of lusting after that which they'd once relished HE turned their stomachs to it.
In the manna from heaven HE was providing all that they needed to survive their trek through the wilderness and they had need of nothing else. Yet since they longed for that which they'd grown accustom to in Egypt, that which GOD didn't bless, HE gave them it in such an abundance that they literal made themselves sick from over consumption. They took their eyes off the fact that GOD was taking care of them completely and began focusing on that which they thought they needed. Taking GOD completely out of the picture as long as they got what "they" wanted and not that which GOD want for them. We do this daily. We look towards those things that we conceive to be what we need and not that which GOD knows that we need.
What is most likely at the core of our problems, is the fact that we've lived to long thinking that all that we have is the product of our own doings! We've taken our eyes off the fact that even before we knew CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR, he was the very source of all that we have. For even during their captivity in Egypt all that which the Hebrews had, was being supplied through GOD's providence and not by their own hands. For even though HE had turned the hearts of the Egyptians against them, their needs always seemed to be met. We too face these very occurrences daily, yet we like them fail to see whose hands are doing the actual providing. We believe that because we've a nice home, car and whatever else, that they're all the products of our own doing. When they're not, they are the provisions of GOD granted to us, to provide our needs in doing those works which HE has set forth for us to accomplish.
Here is another factor that "we've" forgotten. All that we have, has been a blessing to us for the purpose of serving GOD and glorifying HIS name within our lives and the lives of others. We've forgotten the reason we're blessed in the first place and begun to focus only upon our own needs and well being. The pride of man has reared its head again within our lives and we've followed after it. There is but on cure for this problem and a very simple one at that. Though taking this action is most likely one of the hardest things to do. It is the act of relinquishing control over our lives unto GOD, the place and hands, where it should be in the first place. This takes the power of the HOLY SPIRIT working within and through us and turning our eyes off our will for our lives and focusing them on the will of GOD for our lives. A complete surrender to GOD and not holding on to one piece of that which we believe we should have and do. I've made this choice and taken the first steps in following them, and have been do so for some time now, so I'm not sure why this message today. I do know that GOD is using me to bring about HIS will in other people's lives and the fact that these devotionals aren't always for my benefit alone. I know that whomever it is, that this is intended for, shall read it and GOD will work through it to make changes within their lives. I've faith that no matter what I say or do, that in some way GOD is using it to farther the progress of HIS KINGDOM here on earth. If you think this is a boast, it is not. For GOD can use the very air that we breath to effect someone's life, so why not the words of a man that has turned over control of his life fully to the only ONE that truly can control it?
Some reading to meet your hunger: Matt. 6: 25-34; John 17; Luke 9:23-27
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International