Monday, April 26, 2010

4.27.10_Psalm 119: 71,72_Life worth living

 Praise the LORD!!!

    In the years since my having become a Christian, I've told numerous people that the years I spent in prison were the "best of my life." If you've never heard me say this or you've not known that I'm an x-con, you should stop by the ministry's website and read up a bit. for it is all there for the free reading. Even my book, Out of the LIGHT, is there an can be read online or downloaded and read anytime you'd like. All for free and in a good bit of detail, though toned down a bit for the sake of being in good taste. My life was a royal mess for the most part and not something I'd wish on another person. Needless to say, GOD had a very good purpose for every little detail of it happening as it did and each and everyone of these details worked to form me into the man I am today and gave me the testimony that I have for the LORD!!!

  Psalm 119: 71,72

 71 "It was good for me to be afflicted
so that I might learn your decrees.
 72 The law from your mouth is more precious to me
than thousands of pieces of silver and gold."
    Many times in life we'll go through afflictions and trials that change us into a totally different person. Sometimes these happen for the betterment of ourselves and at others to our detriment. We've choices to make as to which way these direct us. Now GOD already knows the outcome of these, that part of HIS omnipresence. HE can see the beginning of time, as well as the end of it, as well as every little detail in between.This is something that gets people confused about our predestination and our being creations with a free will, but this is another devotional (maybe). While I was in prison my life took a total turn for the good. I gave my life to CHRIST wholeheartedly and came under a whole new set of ground rules. These rules began to turn my life from that of a person totally focused on self, into one that focused on the needs and cares of other first. No longer was I a self centered ***, but one that was willing to go the extra mile when asked to go but one. To give my coat, when only asked for my shirt. My personal needs and wants became second nature, for the most part, because no one is perfect and I'm still human and still have those needs that would be nice to have met. I've not read of a single saint throughout history that claimed to not be in a battle with their old man, the flesh, at some time within their lives. It is something we all need to realize, we are human, none of us are named JESUS CHRIST and we aren't perfected yet, so we have our weakness' and always will until we join the LORD.

   But it was this time that I was in prison that began to shape the man that I would become for the LORD. I began to read and study the Bible. Not just a slight reading of it, but a digging deep into it. Reading everything that I could find on it and that which was being laid upon my heart. Yes, even then I was allowing the HOLY SPIRIT to govern that which I read and studied. Before reading a single verse or article, I put it to prayer and asked GOD to guide me and lead me in HIS understanding of what I was about to read. To develop in me a heart and mind that understood things as HE wanted me to and not to draw interpretations or ideas from other men. This was, I know now, protecting me from those things that are besetting much of the church today and will be getting even worst in the years to come. These have to do with errors that have been taught down through the years by men that had taken interpretation into their own hands instead of allowing GOD to direct them. From these we've developed new age religion and many of the false doctrines that are prevalent today in many of the denominations. I'll not go into these, for this isn't the time or the place for this to be done and not the topic of this devotional.

   The topic for today is the fact that GOD's ways are better then anything that we have to offer. Whether riches or power, GOD's ways outshine them totally. My time in prison was overshadowed by the fact that I was spending every moment of it in searching for understanding about GOD and HIS ways. Not in pursuing after things of this world and self satisfaction. At one time I was taking so many Bible studies that I was completely overwhelmed by them. It was something like seven or eight at once. Which may not of been that bad, had they been on one topic and of coarse they weren't. The idea behind this is that I was thinking about my life and the amount of time I was looking forward to doing inside. I was looking at growing closer to GOD with each and every breath that I took. Time had become irrelevant and of no concern to me. GOD was all that mattered and growing closer to HIM was my major concern alone.

   Here is where the events of the last several months have gone astray. I've come down here to Kingsville with the intent to form this ministry into a working operation and have forgotten about GOD. I've not forgotten about GOD totally, but I've forgotten the fact that it is my personal relationship with HIM that is the most important part of life. There is no other reason within this world that is totally worth sacrificing one's life for. Down through the centuries thousands, if not millions of saints have done this exact thing for the faith. I'm not talking about religion either, and yes there have been millions that have given their lives for this pursuit too. But to give one's life for JESUS and a deep personal relationship with HIM, there is nothing and I do mean nothing that is or should be considered more appealing. Life on this old planet of ours is rough, but when one focuses on the proper perspective in living it, no matter what happens, its a joy. Whether it be good or bad, enjoyable or tragic, plentiful or in great need, if done with one's eyes firmly focused on living for JESUS one will be able to say that it was the best time of their life!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries