Thursday, April 15, 2010

4.16.10_James 2:15,16_Outreach

  Praise the LORD!!!

     James 2:15,16

    15 "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,  16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" (KJV)  

   Though this installment came about in a differing way then usual, it is one that I've learned to follow. Many times while I'm doing something, I'll have something deeply impressed upon my being. Whether by a vocal source, vision, or just an impression, there is no mistaking their source, for it is of GOD and bears directly upon scripture as a source and fulfillment. I was going about searching for information pertaining to a job I'm arranging for the ministry and during this was led to go to my Bible program. I then typed in what I was lead to and this verse came up and the LORD began to expound it to me. So as usual, you'll be getting the results of the LORD's leading and teaching me or whatever HE plans for it.

   Many times when we do works for the LORD, we'll be taking care of other people's lives in some manor. We'll be assisting them in some way, shape or form to better their lives and hopefully draw them closer to the LORD in the end. Our preforming works as a witness to the love of the LORD for others is basically what most call 'outreach.' The going outside of ourselves or our churches and reaching other people. Thus the familiar word, to most Christians that is, of outreach. Though this was termed under the heading of hospitality in earlier eras. The taking care of others, for the direct purpose of bringing them into a saving knowledge of CHRIST and HIS love for them. Or even before CHRIST, hospitality was a very central aspect of the Hebrew lifestyle and a major way of showing GOD's love for mankind to all others, even those outside of their religion.

   We all know, or we should, that as Christians it is our job to reach out to all those around us and provide a helping hand when needed! We see this happening whenever there is a major disaster or emergency anywhere around the world. Just as with the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile as of the last several months. There would of been a major outcry if people would of mentioned the fact that they had prayed for these people and that was all that was needed, for GOD would take care of the rest of their problems. You can bet that if something like this had been done by any nation, religious group, or non profit, that there would be a media blitz that would of buried them. Any group that would of done something like this would cease to exist.

   But there is a major problem in this world of ours. That is the fact that if it isn't a major news worthy topic, such as these earthquakes, and doesn't break headline news, this practice would be accepted and basically go unnoticed by almost everyone. Now notice, I said almost here and this is the biggest problem for those that want to practice this method. GOD has seen it and I can pretty well say that HE'd not be to happy with those doing such! Most people would agree with this. It is something that is totally outside of the Christian realm of operations, well, at least is supposed to be. This is the problem and it seems to be a major one at that, or I don't think I'd be writing about it in the first place!

  How many times have any of us heard of a tragic event and told the person that we would pray for them over the matter. Now how many times did we pray and then leave it at that? This is where the problem is. Too often, when we can do something, even if it's to the slightest degree, we don't. We pray and place the matter in the LORD's hands and that is that, when there is so much more that we can do about it. Now I said "so much more" and in a way even doing the littlest amount that we can, is "much" more then just putting our prayers into action. It seems like the Christian world has become complacent to be but prayer warriors on their knees and not warriors with hands that get a little dirty now and then. I hate to tell of all the times that while I was on the gulf coast, that I saw Christian groups start out with prayer, which is a must, do a little work and then pack up and leave. I've seen Christians standing by and watch, as another man strain and struggle with something, while they're a distance off just watching it. Never going over to assist.

   Now I myself have been witness to this firsthand, myself being the straining man. When I first started the ministry, I sent out pleas for assistance of any kind, and yes this is still happening, and I only had one ministry respond by any way other then that of offering their prayers. Now, I'm going to tell you that I didn't plan on this getting to this point, but the LORD wants it uncovered. Like with my first walk from Ohio to Texas and the results of it, so to this continues to this day. I've had people say they're going to assist the ministry, yet nothings been done to date. I've had thousands of prayers sent heaven ward, yet not one person has listened to that still quiet voice inside and put motion into action! I can accept this, I really don't care if the ministry ever does anything greater then the works of my own hands. Because I know that I'm doing as led by the LORD, I'm being obedient and this means that I'm in right standings with GOD! If all this ministry ever does, is show that the faith of others is weak and worthless to the LORD, so be it, because this will of been HIS will for it. But I can't imagine HIM doing this though, but anything is possible with GOD, I've come to find this out. GOD has invested hundreds of miracles in my life and to use them all to show that which is lacking within the hearts of so many, doesn't seem feasible to me. GOD usually doesn't expend that much time in a person to use them only to minor purposes. All I can say though is, "may HIS will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!!!"

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International