Friday, January 3, 2014

Weary, war worn, but not defeated

Praise the LORD!!!
    Doing that which I'd of least thought of doing, especially with just beginning on the road to recovery after nearly two weeks of fighting physical oppression by the flue. Blogging. Writing a devotional(?.) Hard to believe, considering it's been nearly a half year since the last time, but the LORD has HIS ways. Ways, we can seldom completely grasp.

   We are living in a day and age unlike any before. Not only because we're closer than ever to the LORD's return, but because we're in an age where fewer and fewer Christians read the Bible for themselves!!! I'm not talking about searching up a scripture or two while reading a post online, but the serious reading(and study) typical of the saints of old. Whom may of spent hours, days or weeks on the study of one verse alone.

   Sure, we've many that are reading their Bibles completely thru in a year, maybe more than at any time ever before. This due to the fact that we've many more "understandable" versions to choose from. Plus many programs and websites which are set up to render this possible. This though, isn't that which I'm speaking of. I'm talking about those which have such an overwhelming hunger for the WORD, that they just can't get enough!!! Those that feel as if they can't exist a moment longer, if they don't savor the richness of GOD's WORD. Those that feel it's the very "Bread of LIFE" upon which they exist.

   You may be wondering what this has to do with the title, "Weary, war worn, but not defeated"? Well, that's simple. For there are many, whom for years have been urging others to get down and get serious about reading and studying their Bibles for themselves. Not, the reading of some author, or preacher, but the Bible itself. Now, I'm not discounting the value of reading that written by other Christians, for I do a great deal of this myself and have grown due to it. I'm talking about sitting down, praying for the HOLY SPIRIT's guidance and digging deeply into the WORD alone. Open minded, not thinking about "what" Brother or Sister so and so(or self) said and/or believes. Or what this or that group happens to say, but truly open mindedly listening to the HOLY SPIRIT !!! One can only state this so many times, before it begins to wear on them. Before they begin to show signs of wear and tear. Before they begin to get disgruntled and want to give in and cease their efforts. After all, we're only human and have our limits :{)))

    Alas though, we wage not this battle alone (2 Cor. 10:3-6), and our weapons are not of this world. We're dressed for these battles(Eph. 6:12-18.) and it isn't under our powers or understandings(Proverbs 3:5,6; Phil. 4:13) in which we carry on these battles. It is by continually visiting the well of refreshing(John 6:35; 2 Cor. 12:9,10) even when at our weakest. It is CHRIST JESUS, the LIVING WORD to WHOM we go and depend.

   Truthfully, I don't know what we have here??? :{))) Whether it's a blog??? A devotional??? Or what??? I do know but one thing. "I did, as led," and where it goes from here, is in the LORD's hands!!! GOD bless y'all and good day !!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries