Saturday, April 9, 2011

A 'Sugar coated' GOSPEL

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Good morning my brothers and sisters in CHRIST! I pray all are well and if not, you're petitioning the LORD for your healing.

   You may ask, "What is a  'sugar coated' GOSPEL?" Please, don't think I'd place something before you and not explain that which the LORD has laid upon my heart (for that is the very reason behind this blog, to explain GOD's leading in my life.) A 'sugar coated' GOSPEL is that which most of us have heard preached. One where salvation, though the cost was great, is free to anyone willing to receive JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR. Well this is true, as far as it's being freely given. But the sugar coating is applied when we're told that there is no cost to those that receive it.

   Don't get me wrong, the gift is free, but what it cost us after receiving it, is far from it and I believe one of the major reasons the church is in the sad shape that it is today. Numerous times in scripture we hear JESUS telling people to follow HIM. In each of these cases, they dropped that which they were doing and followed, or at least in those that were willing to leave their old lives behind. Peter, Andrew, James and John, successful fishermen, left their business' behind to follow HIM. The others, that also followed JESUS, left behind their lives and means of livelihood. On numerous other occasions, there were those that JESUS asked to follow HIM, but there were more important things within their lives, or at least they thought so, than to do so.

   In scripture JESUS tells us that we must be willing to forsake all(a large cost to us) to follow HIM. This sure looks like a large cost to me! We're also told that we have to forsake the world to follow HIM. Another large cost, yet literally, the same. Then how is it that in churches today and the majority of our witnessing, people don't mention these cost? The "SUGAR COATING" 

 I didn't give any verse references. Why you may ask? Simply this, there are numerous and this I believe, is something we must all look much deeper into on our own, and in our Bibles. As for the whys behind this decades long trend of events, there also is to many to list. I would have to say though, that it has to do with the 'worldly search for head count,' that practice of getting them in and filling our coffers. I could go on, but I'll not, for I'm being led to leave this in each person's own hands. May the LORD bless you with the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT as you endeavor to seek out this truth!!!


GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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