Wednesday, July 28, 2010

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Recently, I began working with a new convert, an eleventh hour one(one who was broken through incarceration.) During his incarceration he began to study the Bible a great deal. Upon release he continued this practice. Even going to the point of enrolling in a special program, along the lines of a higher education in Bible knowledge. He wasn't very detailed when it came to this program, so I'm not exactly sure about it. He boasted about all the scripture that he had memorized and could 'spit them out left and right,' at will. Now this is all good and well, I'd love to be able to do this, but then it isn't the case. Due to all my years of drug abuse, my brain just won't do it. Though I've spent many hours trying and spent an even greater amount of time in prayer for this ability. Now I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me over this, because GOD has made it quite clear as to HIS plans along these lines and I've no problem with them at all!!!

    Why no problem? Simply put, it will not be my knowledge that will be exhibited in witnessing, but the LORD's through the infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT!!! I love this, because I know that it won't be me that will be moving upon people's hearts. It won't be me or my message that will convict them of their need for a SAVIOR. It will GOD alone, in all HIS forms!!!

    You see, I've run into a great number of people that revealed this ability over the years and one problem I've seen that came along with it. That their witnessing seemed void of the power of GOD working through them. Not that their witness' weren't powerful, for many were, but that their pride in this ability far out shadowed their testimonies. They were greatly impressed with their ability to repeat numerous scriptures in context at anytime. Now don't get me wrong, this is an awesome ability to have, if used properly. Though few I've run into have used it properly! You can believe that I've sat through at least an hour or two of great services:) But when the man and not the SPIRIT is the source of the sermon, no matter how great the preacher, or long the preparation time, the sermon just doesn't cut it.

    Now this young man, was filled with the WORDS, but void of the signs of a 'new creation.' While working he received a phone call and something was amiss at home and he began spouting great profanities. Temper flaring along with every word he spoke. Now he's been a BAC(Born Again Christian) for several years, not a brand new convert, and he quickly fell back into 'old ways.' I was going to say something, but my lips were sealed for me and I watched and learned. His, like a large number of Christians ability to repeat scripture, was just that, 'his.' His walk was dependent more upon his own abilities and not those of the LORD. You could say his faith was Pharisaic in nature. He had all the right WORDS, but there wasn't the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT. There wasn't that new creation, that regenerated man. It was a 'new version' of the old man. One that was dependent upon self and his personal abilities and not those that are the works of the HOLY SPIRIT within.

    This made me do a  great deal of thinking. Thinking, about my own walk for the LORD. This is the reason for this post. Not that you're thinking about my walk or this young man's, but upon your own!

Remember your prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

What do you see?

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Having just finished my devotional time this morning, this lies heavily upon my heart. I hear many instances of people crying out for help. These are Christians for the most part, yet their faith is weak and they can't see that which is before them. In the story of JESUS walking on the water(Mark 6:45-51), what do you see? HIS ability to overcome the natural is most likely the first thing that comes to mind. Yet there is much more.

    JESUS sent the disciples out into a situation that HE knew was going to test their faith. HE knew that HE was able to provide for them and protect them from all that was going to take place. HE was teaching them a great lesson, one that we should grasp hold of. For into no matter what problem within our lives we're cast, JESUS is able to overcome them. Those waves were the problems we face within this world on a daily basis. Our lack, HE shall provide. Our adversities, HE shall overcome. Whether they be of the dealings of man or of nature, JESUS is able to fully overcome the 'storms' within our lives. Take heed to understand and strengthen your faith, for there is nothing that this life can throw at us, that JESUS isn't fully aware of and able to overcome. Let our faith grow and let us fully depend upon HE alone that is able to calm the 'storms' of our lives!!!

  Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International