Saturday, April 17, 2010


Praise the LORD!!!

   Today, I've no idea what to write, for I've been busy about the LORD's work. Several hours ago I headed off to bid a job. Since I've not had any funds coming in for the ministry, I've had to go back to providing for things myself. So I went to bid a floor job, for a member of the church and have ended up with a little extra work on top of this it looks. Though I'm charging for the job, it will be far under that which a contractor would charge them. Though it may take a little more time, considering I'll be doing it by myself without any hired labor.

   Now you may wonder why I writing about this? Well to make a long story short, I did more witnessing then I did biding on the work! That right, though Amy is a Christian and attends church on a regular basis, I ended up witnessing more then I have in a long time. I feel awesome, almost floating along instead of walking or sitting. Like I told Amy, I wasn't known for being a very talkative person. I was the one that would sit around at the parties, even while doing acid or speed, and watch everything that was happening and doing very little else. I wouldn't be the person getting up and being the life of the party, though I could hold a fairly good conversation if you could spark my interest in something. I was happier just sitting back and taking it all in, studying people and their actions and traits. Why I never could figure out.

   Since GOD has taken over my life though, there's been a dramatic change. I will get into a conversation and not be able to stop, but there is one tie between the two. I don't waste my time on senseless chatter, seldom will you find me talking about much unless it has to do with GOD. Whether JESUS, the HOLY SPIRIT, the KINGDOM plans for earth, whatever, my conversation will usually be tempered by GOD!!! If you've read my book, Out of the LIGHT, you will know a good deal of the miracles that have taken place within my life, but far from all of them. For GOD has been very busy in my life, from way before birth, right up to the present. There is much that I've most likely forgotten a lot of the details of, though still remembering enough to give GOD the glory for them.

   When I start talking about the LORD and all that HE's done within my life, it's like a switch is thrown and my mouth begins to go into overdrive and the more I talk, the more preaching starts to come forth. If I'm not careful I'll be preaching a sermon or even greater a crusade. That's right, something comes over me(HOLY SPIRIT), and I lose track of everything around me and words just begin to pour out of my heart. I become overwhelmed by a power greater then I can truly put into words and a joy begins to bubble up and overflow me. If you've been a Christian for any length of  of time, you may know the feeling or at least read of someone going through it. If not, I'll fill you in, it is being filled with the SPIRIT, the HOLY SPIRIT has filled me so full that I'm overflowing and it just has to come out. There were numerous times that I found myself in tears while describing things that had happened during my life. Praise the LORD it was awesome and something I truly miss. For at on time, several years back this was happening quite often and my life for the LORD seemed to be moving ahead at a faster rate.

   I believe there was need of a period of grounding, where my feet were more often fixed solidly to the ground and I was less inclined to be "to spiritually minded, to be of any earthly good," as some people told me I was. Well truthfully, I think I'd rather be in those shoes, then the one's fixed to the ground. Ones that are tied to things of this world more so that to the things of the KINGDOM. What does this world have to offer me, that isn't surpassed greatly by the least of things in the KINGDOM? Is there anything of the earth, that isn't overshadowed by the smallest of items of heaven? To both questions the answers are no, for there is nothing of this world that can even begin to compare to anything that GOD has in store for us. I plan, and I pray that the LORD is willing, to seek after that which has gone missing. I seek after that which once was and currently isn't. To once again be filled with the power and presence of the HOLY SPIRIT. Filled to the fullest that is humanly possible and then to PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) GOD until HE pours out on me that which HE'd blessed me with once before. Truly, I don't know if those around me are ready for this and I really don't know if I care. What I do know is that at one time GOD poured out upon me an abundance of the HOLY SPIRIT like I'd not witnessed before upon anyone, and that I long to be joined once again with HIM in this very same manor and if possible, to an even fuller degree then ever before.

   I don't know if anyone can make heads or tails out of this, but I do know that I've a passion for the LORD that I've not had in some time and I long greatly to be back under the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT like that once again. I love the LORD with all my heart, soul, mind and body and I'm willing to go the full distance even unto my death to tell others about the love that JESUS has  for them. I want to tell all others that there is no greater relationship in all existence then the one all people can have with JESUS, if they will but humble themselves before HIM and ask HIM to forgive them of their sins and come in and take control over their lives for them. For they know that HE is GOD in the flesh and that HE came and died upon the cross for them, paying the price for their sins. Was buried and rose again upon the third day to ascend to the right hand of the FATHER, so that HE may intercede for us before the FATHER until the day we stand before HIM in heaven. Righteous and without sin before a holy and perfect GOD!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International