Though I've nothing at this moment, I'm led to open this for some reason and I do as led and not as I feel I should. A hard to explain point, which takes time to learn and much pain and suffering along the route!
Mark 9:38-41
38"“Teacher,” said John, “we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”
39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40 for whoever is not against us is for us. 41 I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.""
Here are some verses that many have totally forgotten and/or overlooked! An truthfully, ones that are very important in this day and age. A day and age of mostly judgmental people and churches. We see way too much arguing over the slightest difference in doctrinal beliefs and any other minor difference. Does it really matter if one person believes in "once saved, always saved" or not? Or what about the differences in beliefs over the rapture or millennial KINGDOM? The major factors we should worry about are, does the person believe in the birth, life, atoning death(crucifixion), resurrection, ascension and triune GOD? Even making this statement, I've gone beyond that which CHRIST HIMSELF did, and it makes me wonder just how far we are supposed to distinguish ourselves from unbelievers.
If one were to look around today, or perhaps visit different churches, whether denominational differences or sometimes within the same denomination, we can find differences in almost every single one. This has come about by the pride of men being allowed to run rampant and control that which is preached. But in a way this is good and is being allowed by GOD. You may wonder why GOD would allow differences within the church, a church that HE made to bring glory to HIS name? We're told that the body of believers is made up of many different parts and each part has a differing purpose. Now why would this be, unless it was for the fact that we've many differing people in this world of ours and none have the exact same view of anything. This has to do with that which makes us each unique, our spirit, our GOD given spirit. If GOD had wanted us to all be the exact same, HE could of quite easily done so. Yet HE didn't! No matter what we gather together to do, there is always going to be a difference and this is good. Because it gives us a broader understanding about everything we do.
Let's take a look at something very simple. Let's say stacking paper. Now if we continue to stack it beyond a certain height, its going to fall over. But if we wrap it into bundles of several hundred sheets, we can stack it higher, yet only so high. Now if we stack it into interlocking layers over a larger area, we can stack it even higher. Now these methods all came about because of different people studying the same thing, through different eyes and understandings and wouldn't of happened any other way. Sure we may of figured out a better ways of doing this over time, but this was done in a shorter period, because of differing opinions. Now we all have the same basic understanding of the Bible, though we may read differing versions. One person may believe in the power and works of the HOLY SPIRIT, where as another believes in only the power in the name of JESUS. Though these both work, there are differing understandings and differing methods of the same actions taking place. Why do we fight over the differences?
We fight over these differences because of our pride, that original sin that separated man from GOD. It even separated the angels from GOD, for it is that which satan holds so dearly. Where as he thought himself better then HE whom created him. Pretty bad when the created can think itself better then that which created it(opps! hold on there, a lot of people still do). But this too, GOD had a purpose for allowing to happen! Our minds are so minute that we will never be able to fully understand the reasoning of GOD until that time in which we join HIM and HE opens our understanding to all things.
So what are we to do? Truthfully, I'd say the best thing to do is not to worry about judging others for what
they believe and worry about fulfilling the "Great Commission." We really need to leave the judgment up to the LORD, for there are scriptures that tell us not to even confront those preaching out of false motives(Phil. 1:18.) Whoever said being a Christian was an easy task, sure never tried walking the walk. Because there is surely nothing easy about it. One thing I'm very thankfully for, that with JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR, I don't have to worry about making mistakes, because I'm forgiven and HE will strengthen me and help me to repent of the problem
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GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International