Saturday, September 24, 2011

Stand up, speak out

   Who Praise the LORD!!!

    A little while ago, I read a posting, talking about how we need to live in peace and love. This kind of reminded me of the old 'hippie' junk, that many of us used to live our lives by. That very same attitude that is responsible for the 'watered down gospel' that is being preached, and worst yet, accepted in churches these days!!!

   I see ministers, supposedly people of GOD, re-posting or repeating the words, wisdom they call it, of self proclaimed gurus or life experts. When all it is in reality is a bunch of worthless junk, of the same type that held Christians(true) in bondage during their lives!!!

   We, my dear brothers and sisters, are in the end of days. That period in Biblical prophecy, where the likes of that above has been foretold!!! The BODY of CHRIST has become a weak kneed mass of flesh, only seeking to fulfill it's own lust or constantly striving to 'be like unto the world.'

   Who am I to say such things??? No one, a worthless piece of flesh, that truly isn't worth to breath the air that JESUS created, let alone preach the WORDS HE has spoken or given me. But because of HIS calling me to ministry and my belief in total obedience unto HIM, I am a man that will speak out, come hell or high water!!!

   It is time for each and every Christian to grab their Bibles, pray and open them and read the truths that have been laid down since before time began. Not just to read them, but to absorb them, to bury them deeply within their very being, as if they are the very blood that flows thru your veins!!! I'm not talking about memorizing scripture, that is but your own knowledge, I'm talking about having the very WORDS of GOD coursing thru your veins, your very existence dependent upon them. An the next time you hear a 'preacher', or anyone, speak about the WORD of GOD teaching us this or that, you'll know for sure if it is so!!!

   You will have two choices, well actually three. 1. listen to it and do nothing. 2. stand up for the truth, speak it and let the erring one see their error. 3. Get up and walk out/away, leaving them, and others, to their errors.(trick question, only one true answer, that is if you are what you proclaim to be)

   This time that we're in, is truly not a time for peace. It is a time when the souls of men are going to hell daily, because no one was willing to stand up for the truth that JESUS preached. No one was willing to go that extra mile and lead them on the straight and narrow path. No one willing to give a thirsty one a drink from the well of salvation and truth. Will you be a 'no one'??? Or will you be a someone, willing to standup, speak out and give a helping hand to a lost and dieing world??? Personally, I'M A SOMEONE, one whom JESUS died for, one whom has forsaken the world to follow HIM and a someone that isn't afraid to go to his death, before rebuking my SAVIOR!!!!!!!

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

 (If you'd like to know more about this 'no one', that is a 'someone', let me suggest you read my personal testimonial book, "Out of the LIGHT")