Sunday, April 11, 2010

4.12.10_2 Tim 2:23-26_Obedience

   Praise the LORD!!!

    I am opening this before I go off to church. I've no verse laid upon my heart as of yet, but for some reason the LORD has me preparing for something! I'm even being led to open my personal journal and have it ready. Something is up and I guess I'll have to wait and see!!(***Even after writing this one, I've no idea of what GOD is up to with it, as you'll see. If it is for you, please let me know!)

   2 Tim 2:23-26

      23 "Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.  24 And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.  25 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,  26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will."

   As we all should know, the apostle Paul is here leading his young apprentice, Timothy in the manor of how to oversee a growing church. Not just a church, for it was more then just one building, but most likely the multiple gatherings of the whole city or region around Ephesus. He was supposed to be setting up everything from the very basic foundation. The choosing of the church elders and ministers, right down to the framework of how the church would function as a whole. I kind of know how Timothy must of felt, because I'm doing the same here and now with the ministry, though I don't have anyone else working with me. There are hundreds of details that need to be considered and organized. Who will function here or there and just what will their job characteristics be and many, many more features to be covered. All these can overwhelm a person and they need a very good support system.

   This warning is very appropriate too. Because there are many, many things at this stage of formation which can distract a person, let alone not get them headed off in the wrong direction. As a leader in the formation of something of GOD, we must always consider WHO it is that we're working for. WHO it is, that will be receiving all the glory through that which we develop. For any Christian, this should be simple, because we are supposed to resemble JESUS in all that we show forth to the world, so it should be JESUS that receives all the honor. So in doing this there is one very important attribute that needs to shine forth from everything related to these choices. This is the showing forth of love, that which JESUS personified to the extreme! If we continue through the verse we see that much is gained by the Christian that is showing love in all that they do, no matter what the situations they've come across or have block their progress. This has even been able to save another person from their sins, not that our love for the person has done this, but by the fact that JESUS' love for them has paid the price already.
    Here in these verses we have something that has caused a lot of grief within the church and also has caused a lot of the problems that are currently plaguing it. That of arguing over foolish things, simple words of differing opinions! Look around you and how many denominations can you count? I'd just about say you don't have enough fingers and toes to count them, unless you live in a very small town. It may not be that many different ones for real, but you get my point. Even if there are numerous churches of the same denomination, you'll find that there are differing understandings preached within them. This all comes down to our human nature. We are man, each created by GOD to be different and unique. None of us are exactly alike, not even maternal twins are exactly alike in every way. Some may say that GOD did this to keep us from ever coming into perfect unity on any subject, like the tower of Babel, and uniting to come against HIM as a single body. Which would bring us to a position like satan and we would bring about another fall of man from grace. These attributes are exactly the reason that CHRIST bore our sins upon the cross and why we will someday be in that perfect relationship with GOD that HE created us to be in. As it was in the Garden of Eden in the beginning. We are different then GOD and a pleasure to be around, once we are cleansed of all that separates us from HIM.

   PTL!!! I don't know if this makes any sense at all? I started with two sets of verses, very different ones. Then chopped one out after writing some on it. I've read this and read this and one time it has purpose to it, the next, it doesn't. I'm going to publish this anyway, though at this time it has me wondering. It's one of those times that GOD has a purpose for something, something unclear to us, and we(especially me) has to be obedient to it. I don't know what GOD has planned for this, or who it is meant for. But I do know that it is written just as HE wills for it to be and I'm going to let it go out as is. I've prayed over it too (before writing this)and it is that which it should be. (I guess you can tell I'm still thinking on it,) LORD, into THY hands I commit this and may THY will be done!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International