Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chirstian "Chicken Littles"

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Good day and GOD bless!!! A serious question, or maybe several:))) Why, is it that we have so many Christians, that when someone begins preaching something about the end times, they begin running all around proclaiming the "sky is falling???" I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, we inundated with this kind of behavior constantly. Take for instance the recent "Rapture" cry out propagated by Harold Camping. This lone preacher isn't alone though, for there are many of cases out there, just check the internet about them all(that is, if you want to waste your time!!!)

   Christian, all that we need to know about the "end times" is already written, in scripture. If you've done your homework, you should of read it. Most likely numerous times over. Though in this, could lie the problem??? People having read it, or not, and taking the words of some other person as being the verification that "it is happening now."

   We're told by the LORD, to know the signs of the times, but not to run around crying out about them being about to happen. But to be about our labors for HIM!!! In the numerous parables relating to the events of the "end times" JESUS didn't describe workers running about singing about all that is about to happen, but of those that were busily about their labors in some manor. In the field, on the rooftop, or about grinding the meal for the days meal, they were all going about their labors, knowing those signs, yet not bothered by the fact that they were actually about to happen.

   Our work as Christians, is to spread the GOSPEL, help those around us during their times of need and (the most important of all) TRUST GOD!!! Anyone can, take a number of scripture verse, events that are taking place and weave them into that which will raise the emotions of the people that hear it. People are famous for manipulating things thru out history, so don't believe all that you hear or see as being the gospel truth. There is only one GOSPEL truth and it is firmly written in your Bibles. Never changing to fit that which is happening around us, but always founded upon the ROCK and HIS WORDS for us!!!!!!!

   ***There are no scriptures referenced here, WHY??? I will not be, as I stated, one whom manipulates it to bring my point across, but as I've always said, read your Bible for yourself and know the TRUTH !!!!!!! We are to be a people leading others to a better way of life, in JESUS, not "fear mongers" who seek to stir the emotions of others to gain followers and notoriety to give our pride a boost!!!***

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GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries