Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It has been three day...

Praise the LORD!!!

   It has been three days that I've been down with back pain. Many of you know many miracles happen upon this mark in time.(Do a Bible search on "three days.") For it was upon the third day that our LORD arose from the grave. I count myself blessed by the fact that it was three days after my arrest on bank robbery that I gave my life to the LORD. There are many among the church that feel miracles happen instantaneously and many do. Though there are many that take a great deal longer.

   One of the hardest lessons, in the Christian walk, is that of patience. Many of you may know this from firsthand experience. I know, I do. Recently while in conversation with a Christian sister, she stated that "she didn't have great patience and wasn't going to pray for it!" I know why she wasn't going to pray for it, because I was one that did. This is one of those prayers whose answer will really come at a cost! You'll be put in so many positions of having your faith and patience tested, that it will almost become unbearable at times. But you can count on the fact that the LORD is at work within you and that HE is faithful to HIS WORD and promises and will not allow you to suffer more then you can handle (1 Cor. 10:13)!!

   Many Christian, especially in these days of 'fast food faith,' come upon tribulations within their lives and begin to waver in their faith because of it. Think about where we would be today if Abraham had given up on his search for the promised land or if Joseph had crumbled under the pressures of being in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Needless to say things may of truly been different, though I believe not, for GOD has ways of bringing HIS plans to perfection. When people say "that patience is a virtue," they aren't kidding. For perhaps it is one of the greatest and most needed in this day and age. Much is said about patience within scripture and for every verse that deals with it directly, there are many more that allude to it.

   Before I would recommend anyone to pray for this great gift, having done so myself, I would suggest that one undertake a thorough study of the topic throughout scriptures. This will be a long study for there is much written on it, but will truly be worth the time spent upon it. For in this day and age, we tend to seek 'instant' fulfillment of our prayers and desires, and I regret to say, for the most part, this doesn't happen. I've been working on and praying for Vine of CHRIST Ministries since mid '99' and it is still basically just my vision. Though I've been blessed to do a lot of works for the LORD through it. If it were not for the blessings of a great faith and the patience to await the LORD's timing for it, it may never come to anything more then just a vision. But I will continue to hang onto all that the LORD has shown me, promised me and led me to understand, until the day that HE either brings it to fruition or I take my last breath on earth. Either way, I know that it is my calling and I will continue to press forward until that day(Phil. 3:12)!!! I pray that if there is some need or desire that you pray to have fulfilled or ministry to accomplish, that you not give up on seeing it happen. For after all, this is what faith is about(Hebrews 11:1, but I recommend the whole chapter)!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries 
Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, September 20, 2010

"For I know the plans I have for you."

Praise the LORD!!!

   "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,(Jere. 29:11)

   Many times we have no idea why things are happening the way they are within our lives! We imagine that it has to do with things we've done wrong, or it is the direct hand of the adversary disrupting them. But we must realize that our lives, though we have total control over them, has a lot to do with the will of GOD for us.

   I'm writing this with my back brace on this morning. I've had few devotionals posted as of late and have had the time, but not the inspiration to do so. Why??? LORD only knows! One thing I am sure of though, is that it is GOD's will for it to happen just as it is happening. Yes, I have had control over my actions during this time, but it is GOD, WHO has brought each and every event into alignment in HIS time frame.

   Too many people like to think that all the events of their lives are under their control, which they are and aren't. One of the great paradoxes that govern our lives. Especially the lives of Christians. Now as usual, I'm stepping on some theological toes and really don't care if I do. For I state that which I'm led to write, in the manor led. Not of the man, but of the spirit as led by the SPIRIT!!!
   Too many people these days think that they can control what GOD does within their lives. We need to remember WHO it is we're talking about controlling here. How can we control the very one that created us, in HIS very likeness? HE planned ever moment of our short lives, before the beginning of time, to be just as HE willed for them to be! Too many times we want to place GOD in a box. Thinking that we're more in control then we really are. That what we do has direct control over the very outcome of our lives. When it doesn't.

   The truth is, GOD has set all things in motion. HE has ordered every detail of time to conform to HIS plan. All the details are firmly set in place and even when we change things a bit, the outcome will remain the same in the end. Life as we know it is meant to bring glory to GOD and will happen just as HE has set it to be. Theology, is the study of GOD, reflecting the mere evidence( a very limited evidence) that we have of GOD. It presumes that HE is limited to that which we think of HIM. When in all rights we can't even begin to comprehend the greatness of GOD(Job 36:26)!!! Think about the "omni"  statements we make about GOD. Omnipotent (all powerful and controlling), omnipresent(present in all places at all times), and omniscient(having infinite awareness, understanding and incite). If GOD fulfills all of these(which HE does and even greater then we can imagine), how can we place limitations on HIS control over every aspect of existence?

   As I said earlier, "I'm stepping on some theological toes and don't care." We all need to examine our thoughts about GOD. What we think HE is and isn't. What HE can do and can't. What control over things HE has and hasn't. Ultimately to understand these to the greatest possible extent, we must depend on the HOLY SPIRIT to lead us and guide us into a perfect understanding and relationship of and with  'HE that has made us as we are'!!!

   There are many verse that could be placed here, but let me suggest that you read the Book of Job, especially chapter 38 and onward. My prayer is that GOD may grant us wisdom and understanding, and draw us into a more perfect relationship with HIM.

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International