Sunday, January 2, 2011

An important fact

 Praise the LORD!!!

    I'm led this day to post something that is often overlooked by many Christians and one that is an important fact of our faith. Especially considering the vast number of denominations that there are. Many people tend to look down on others that have differing opinions then they or the church have. We tend to follow after this form of teaching or another one, all according to that which we believe to be right.

   I've read a vast quantity of writings over the fifteen plus years that I've been 'born again.' I've read all this under the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT and not on my own. For I found out early in my walk, that it is our 'pride' that leads us, unless we strictly allow GOD to set our course and follow it alone. Remember, I was a very prideful man once and thought that what I thought was right, was the gospel for my life. I thank GOD daily for giving me life and ask HIM to lead me through every moment of it, leaving no room for this 'old man' to surface. In so doing, I've been led to read writing from most denominations, religions and beliefs. There is an awesome amount of wisdom held in much of these writings, yet there is a point where all them tend to stray from that which the Bible itself testifies to!!! This is why I've been led at times to study one single point sometimes for hours, if not days, at a time. Seeking out everything that is written on it and cross referencing it extensively. This all done while in prayer and allowing the HOLY SPIRIT to set the directions.

   The pride of man is that which has brought about the formations of such a vast number of denominations. For it is the fact that you either believe like we do, or we're separate ourselves from you. Now I can say that religion, the works of man, should be avoided, but to not fellowship with others because you've a differing opinion then them is wrong. Many times in the New Testament, from the Book of Acts onward, we've teachings of the first century church and their practices. Even then the pride of man was stepping into the faith, bringing division between groups.

   Now the apostle Paul, being led by the HOLY SPIRIT, was led to write the letter to the Colossians, perhaps on of my favorite books. Though most of his letters cover a vast number of the problems facing the first century believer, this one alone tackles some of the most highly argued points of difference, even in the CHURCH(that which CHRIST built and not men) today. I'd suggest every believer read this book numerous times and not just reading it as fodder, but digesting every morsel that it contains!!!

   Yes, I'll be the first to admit, there is much wrong within the church today, but it isn't the minor points of disagreement that we must separate ourselves from. It is those that want to deny the major precepts of the faith that should be separated from. Who care if you practice the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday! Who cares whether you eat seafood with scales or not! The fact is, do you believe that JESUS is GOD in the flesh, who came and died upon the cross for our sins, was buried, rose again upon the third day and is now seated at the right hand of the FATHER! That GOD, like all creation, exist in three forms (FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT.) That it is by grace alone and not the works of our hands that allows us into relationship with JESUS. These are the major points of our faith, the foundation upon which JESUS built the CHURCH and it is these that we can not stay from!!!

  I may of posted some verses to pinpoint these facts, but I'm led not to, because it is the whole of the book that needs attention and not just several verses. Start today, an intensive study of the New Testament, but not on my advice alone, but pray and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to lead you in the pathways that HE has for you and you alone!!!

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GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries