Praise the LORD!!!
Torn heart? You may be wondering, what does this mean and how does it effect me personally? I'm not sure myself as I sit down and type this out, but I do know it is that which I'm led to enter!!!
I'm sure most of you are aware of most of the recent events in the news. Japan's earthquake and tsunami, the unrest in the middle east and other regions around the world. But are you aware of that which is happening right within our own body? I'm not talking about our human body, but that BODY which is called the CHURCH!!!
My heart is torn, because I see thousands of Christians battling amongst each other. Sure there has been a rife in the CHURCH for centuries, maybe even from the first century. But it seems that in our current times there has come about an even greater one. Now many of you know, I've at numerous times spoken out about false preaching/teachings, which is that which we're called to do. But I've seen as of late, those that are willing, through their own pride, to tear down and broadcast the names and ministries of others that JESUS died for. I've personally had this happen, all because I don't follow this other person's belief in following the Sabbath and other OT teachings.( I personally worship GOD 24/7/365 and will continue in heaven)
Now that which is happening, is taking ministries apart like they themselves are perfect in their own understandings of scripture and trashing all that these ministries have done over decades. Thousands, if not millions of peoples have been introduced to JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR through these ministries. JESUS died for these very ministers themselves and they've personally accepted JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR. In other words, these very people which are being torn limb from limb, are our brothers and sisters in CHRIST!!! Yes, they may of erred in their teaching and ministry, yet JESUS poured out HIS blood for them as well. These very one's are also those that we are called to show the love of JESUS to as a sign of our unity in the faith. A sign unto the unbelieving world that JESUS is exactly what the Bible says HE is.
My heart is torn, because I'm seeing the very CHURCH that JESUS died to establish, being torn apart by men and women that believe the very same core principles of these others. The very BODY that is supposed to be showing the world, that there is a better way of life for this world, is showing it that they're no different then them. Prideful and arrogant and seeking after their own good and not the good of others. There is not one person that has ever lived upon this planet that was or is righteous. Righteous to the point of being able to stand before GOD and say that their life was lived in perfect harmony with all that the scriptures teach. Not a single one!!!
I think that every single one of us needs to step back from ourselves and examine our own hearts. To see whether they're torn by the GOSPEL or rather that they're puffed up by our own pride. Remember JESUS died for that other person, just as well as HE died for you. HE has forgiven you, as well as that other person and that each of us will stand before HIM on judgment day. Will your heart be able to stand spotless in love before HIM? Or will you have to fall to your knees and confess that if it weren't for HIM and HIS death upon the cross that you'd only be worthy of eternal suffering? My knees are ready, for I know, that I've erred in my walk and that only through HIS grace and mercy will I be made acceptable to enjoy heaven with HIM!!!
Now the big question! Will you, yourself, be able to stand or will you fall to your knees and confess???
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Praise the LORD!!!
Having returned just a short while ago from a walk, taking care of personal items downtown. Now Kingsville isn't an overly large city and I guess I could walk completely around it in three or four hours. There are numerous areas and neighborhoods where wildlife is abundant. On this morning's walk I seemed more aware of the wildlife than the traffic that was rushing past me. For even though I was depositing my last full check from work, I'm totally at peace once again with GOD!!!(Praise the LORD!!!)
In this peace, I'm more open to hearing the still quite voice of the LORD to me. Something I've truly missed in the last several months. You see, even though I've been online early in the mornings, pouring out that which GOD laid upon my heart. As the day went on, the world began to press it's way in, quenching my spirit. Closing the ears of my heart. At times it was as if it was a dark cloud that began to descend upon me, enveloping me in it thickness. So much so, that my prayers were beginning to turn. Turning to the LORD removing me from this world.
Let me get back to my point, because that is the past and I dwell not upon it, only that which is current. The air this morning was full of the sounds of nature. Birds of every sort, singing out their melodies of springtime. They all seemed to be sing but one song though. A song that, though knowing well, I seem to of forgotten as of late. GOD is our provider, what shall we fear, our lives are in HIS hands and no better place is there!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Having returned just a short while ago from a walk, taking care of personal items downtown. Now Kingsville isn't an overly large city and I guess I could walk completely around it in three or four hours. There are numerous areas and neighborhoods where wildlife is abundant. On this morning's walk I seemed more aware of the wildlife than the traffic that was rushing past me. For even though I was depositing my last full check from work, I'm totally at peace once again with GOD!!!(Praise the LORD!!!)
In this peace, I'm more open to hearing the still quite voice of the LORD to me. Something I've truly missed in the last several months. You see, even though I've been online early in the mornings, pouring out that which GOD laid upon my heart. As the day went on, the world began to press it's way in, quenching my spirit. Closing the ears of my heart. At times it was as if it was a dark cloud that began to descend upon me, enveloping me in it thickness. So much so, that my prayers were beginning to turn. Turning to the LORD removing me from this world.
Let me get back to my point, because that is the past and I dwell not upon it, only that which is current. The air this morning was full of the sounds of nature. Birds of every sort, singing out their melodies of springtime. They all seemed to be sing but one song though. A song that, though knowing well, I seem to of forgotten as of late. GOD is our provider, what shall we fear, our lives are in HIS hands and no better place is there!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Monday, March 28, 2011
Proverbs 3:5,6;Trusting the LORD no mattter what
Praise the LORD!!!
This is a return to a verse which is one of my life verses. In unfamiliar with the term 'life verse,' these are verses that we focus our walks with the LORD and our lives upon. Proverbs 3:5,6 are two of the three that have been extremely important within my walk with JESUS. To be a fact, it was these two verses that I started this devotional blog out with.
Proverbs 3:5,6
We face many difficult situations within our hectic lives, sometimes far more than even seems possible to with stand. If we're willing to take our eyes, heart and mind off of focusing on these the LORD is very willing to take care of us and lead us through them. Now this act, on our part, is quite hard to do fully. Because we've been so trained by life independent of GOD, to fully release all that we're facing. Here is where our faith steps in and plays a major role. If we've but little faith, we tend to release our problems into GOD's hands, but quickly take hold of them again. If we've a medium faith, we'll release them and then begin to dwell upon all the things that we can do to correct the problem ourselves. As our faith level goes up, we tend to rely more and more upon GOD's handling them, worry less upon them ourselves and begin to listen for HIS remedy to them and HIS leadership to carry us beyond them.
I believe that the key to this state of being, lies in but three of the verse's WORDS, "your own understanding." Yes, our own understandings! Our own understandings about the problem? NO. Our own understandings as to how to solve the problem and overcome them? NO. Our own understandings of what then? Our own understandings as to WHO GOD is and that which HE is capable of accomplishing!!! In other words, what do you really believe about GOD. Do you believe HE is all powerful and nothing is beyond HIS scope of accomplishing it? Do you believe that HE loves you and cares more about you than any living thing in creation? An do you believe that HE is willing to reveal to you that which is needed to proceed with your life after these problems are solved?
If you've been following me in recent days, you'll know that I've some problems on my hands. Having quit my only means of income and living in an area with few friends and no transportation. I've been a week now in this state and though my faith is strong, I must admit, that it was wavering a bit. Until last night when I was praying over these matters. I put forth the problems and many scriptures that related to them. Before I could even finish asking whether I should go back to work with these people, with the dollar pay increase, the answer came. It was a hard NO, sharp and clear, right to my heart! I started to ask if this was truly HIS leading and it came again, but even sterner!! You must understand that this wasn't my normal prayer time, that had been two hours earlier, when I was first going to bed. This was after all this time of trying to get to sleep and having my mind running full blast on steroids. After this second, conformation, I laid down, and I must say "still feeling a little antsy!" Well the next thing I know my alarm is going off this morning. I need no greater verification than that! When my spirit has been so satisfied by an answer to prayer that I fall almost instantly to sleep, I realize GOD has given me the answer. Sure I don't know what the next several weeks hold for me. What I do know is that GOD has blessed me with this day and I'll do my human best, to bring glory, honor, praise and worship to the only one worthy, JESUS!!!!!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
This is a return to a verse which is one of my life verses. In unfamiliar with the term 'life verse,' these are verses that we focus our walks with the LORD and our lives upon. Proverbs 3:5,6 are two of the three that have been extremely important within my walk with JESUS. To be a fact, it was these two verses that I started this devotional blog out with.
Proverbs 3:5,6
and lean not on your own understanding;
and he will make your paths straight.
Oh, so sweet are these verses to my heart! For they reveal to me that if I am totally willing to trust the LORD during my life and walk for HIM, that HE'll lead me a guide me through all that comes my way. So very reassuring when difficulties come ones way.We face many difficult situations within our hectic lives, sometimes far more than even seems possible to with stand. If we're willing to take our eyes, heart and mind off of focusing on these the LORD is very willing to take care of us and lead us through them. Now this act, on our part, is quite hard to do fully. Because we've been so trained by life independent of GOD, to fully release all that we're facing. Here is where our faith steps in and plays a major role. If we've but little faith, we tend to release our problems into GOD's hands, but quickly take hold of them again. If we've a medium faith, we'll release them and then begin to dwell upon all the things that we can do to correct the problem ourselves. As our faith level goes up, we tend to rely more and more upon GOD's handling them, worry less upon them ourselves and begin to listen for HIS remedy to them and HIS leadership to carry us beyond them.
I believe that the key to this state of being, lies in but three of the verse's WORDS, "your own understanding." Yes, our own understandings! Our own understandings about the problem? NO. Our own understandings as to how to solve the problem and overcome them? NO. Our own understandings of what then? Our own understandings as to WHO GOD is and that which HE is capable of accomplishing!!! In other words, what do you really believe about GOD. Do you believe HE is all powerful and nothing is beyond HIS scope of accomplishing it? Do you believe that HE loves you and cares more about you than any living thing in creation? An do you believe that HE is willing to reveal to you that which is needed to proceed with your life after these problems are solved?
If you've been following me in recent days, you'll know that I've some problems on my hands. Having quit my only means of income and living in an area with few friends and no transportation. I've been a week now in this state and though my faith is strong, I must admit, that it was wavering a bit. Until last night when I was praying over these matters. I put forth the problems and many scriptures that related to them. Before I could even finish asking whether I should go back to work with these people, with the dollar pay increase, the answer came. It was a hard NO, sharp and clear, right to my heart! I started to ask if this was truly HIS leading and it came again, but even sterner!! You must understand that this wasn't my normal prayer time, that had been two hours earlier, when I was first going to bed. This was after all this time of trying to get to sleep and having my mind running full blast on steroids. After this second, conformation, I laid down, and I must say "still feeling a little antsy!" Well the next thing I know my alarm is going off this morning. I need no greater verification than that! When my spirit has been so satisfied by an answer to prayer that I fall almost instantly to sleep, I realize GOD has given me the answer. Sure I don't know what the next several weeks hold for me. What I do know is that GOD has blessed me with this day and I'll do my human best, to bring glory, honor, praise and worship to the only one worthy, JESUS!!!!!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Proverbs 3:5,
vine of christ ministries
Saturday, March 26, 2011
As a little child
Praise the LORD!!!
Let us look this morning at the first several verses of Matt. 18
Matthew 18:3,4
“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
These verses are JESUS' reply to the disciples question, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
This is a very important section of scripture and one, that over the centuries, has fallen from site in the Christian walk. To understand this we must look at the attributes of a little child and then mimic them as best we can.
As a little child, which all of us at one time were, life was much different than it is for us today as grownups. When our parents or any elder told us something, we took it as truth. We didn't try to dispute it, or try to disseminate it into little pieces, we took it as it was presented to us as being that which was true and going to happen. Sometimes, even believing some very unbelievable stories, examples or explanations. I know you can relate to this. I still remember some of those wild things my parents told me as a child, even used some of them on my own:) The list of these is so long, it would be impossible to write them all down, so I'll not even enter one, but I believe you know many for yourself.
The point of this, is that which JESUS was trying to get across to the disciples and us today. When we read scripture and it says something, no matter how unbelievable it is, we're to take it as the truth. Not trying to dispute it or break it down into every imaginable possibility. But, just accept it as the truth and live our lives dependent upon it being so. If you've ever witnessed a young child hearing the gospel for the first time, it is amazing. The fathomless joy that comes upon their faces. Their willingness to at once reach out and take hold of it and in many cases, at once going out and telling others about their LORD and SAVIOR.
They've no idea of any doctrines or theology, they've nothing but the very basic and simplest of understandings of it. Yet, they're willing to accept it totally and begin telling others of it's wonders. This is that state that we as adults have forgotten, but should once again seek out. For in the simplest and humblest understandings are the greatest blessings. Let us return and once again be "as a little child"!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Let us look this morning at the first several verses of Matt. 18
Matthew 18:3,4
“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
These verses are JESUS' reply to the disciples question, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
This is a very important section of scripture and one, that over the centuries, has fallen from site in the Christian walk. To understand this we must look at the attributes of a little child and then mimic them as best we can.
As a little child, which all of us at one time were, life was much different than it is for us today as grownups. When our parents or any elder told us something, we took it as truth. We didn't try to dispute it, or try to disseminate it into little pieces, we took it as it was presented to us as being that which was true and going to happen. Sometimes, even believing some very unbelievable stories, examples or explanations. I know you can relate to this. I still remember some of those wild things my parents told me as a child, even used some of them on my own:) The list of these is so long, it would be impossible to write them all down, so I'll not even enter one, but I believe you know many for yourself.
The point of this, is that which JESUS was trying to get across to the disciples and us today. When we read scripture and it says something, no matter how unbelievable it is, we're to take it as the truth. Not trying to dispute it or break it down into every imaginable possibility. But, just accept it as the truth and live our lives dependent upon it being so. If you've ever witnessed a young child hearing the gospel for the first time, it is amazing. The fathomless joy that comes upon their faces. Their willingness to at once reach out and take hold of it and in many cases, at once going out and telling others about their LORD and SAVIOR.
They've no idea of any doctrines or theology, they've nothing but the very basic and simplest of understandings of it. Yet, they're willing to accept it totally and begin telling others of it's wonders. This is that state that we as adults have forgotten, but should once again seek out. For in the simplest and humblest understandings are the greatest blessings. Let us return and once again be "as a little child"!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Humility and Faith combined
Praise the LORD!!!
Matthew 8:5-10
Oh what humility we see from one that isn't even a child of GOD. One that, though in such great need of healing for a loved one, finds themselves so totally unworthy to have the MASTER enter their home. I can see him now, kneeling before JESUS, not looking HIM in the eyes, but holding onto HIS hands in a simple show of acknowledgment of HIS powers. This coming so early in JESUS' ministry too and from one that shouldn't even have known of HIM. Had he been on the mountainside, or maybe heard of the occurrences when John baptized HIM? It truly doesn't matter though, for in this event we see the fullness of humility that we should have before our LORD.
At other times throughout HIStory we have others meeting the LORD and always it is the same. They drop to their knees in total humility as to their unworthiness before HIM. Yet today, many treat JESUS as just another person they'd meet along the way. Slapping HIM a high five or giving HIM a pat on the back! Where, oh where, has the humility before our LORD gone? Though I speak(pray) to the LORD as a friend or brother, I'm always doing so in reverence, always holding HIM in highest regard. Never forgetting that which HE's done for me, one truly so unworthy.
The other point of interest here is this man's level of faith. Outstanding to say the least. Faith greater than those that should of known better through experience. Stronger than that of the ones that should of known the power of GOD better. We don't know how or why this man had this kind of faith, for it isn't mentioned. But knowing that GOD is sovereign and nothing happens by chance, it was his place and time to be used as an example by JESUS to teach the disciples a valuable lesson. Something else you may not of noticed, this man's humility and faith combined are the virtues that opened him up to being used by GOD. For without these, we are unusable by GOD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Matthew 8:5-10
5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. 6 “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering.”
8 The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
10 When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.
Oh what humility we see from one that isn't even a child of GOD. One that, though in such great need of healing for a loved one, finds themselves so totally unworthy to have the MASTER enter their home. I can see him now, kneeling before JESUS, not looking HIM in the eyes, but holding onto HIS hands in a simple show of acknowledgment of HIS powers. This coming so early in JESUS' ministry too and from one that shouldn't even have known of HIM. Had he been on the mountainside, or maybe heard of the occurrences when John baptized HIM? It truly doesn't matter though, for in this event we see the fullness of humility that we should have before our LORD.
At other times throughout HIStory we have others meeting the LORD and always it is the same. They drop to their knees in total humility as to their unworthiness before HIM. Yet today, many treat JESUS as just another person they'd meet along the way. Slapping HIM a high five or giving HIM a pat on the back! Where, oh where, has the humility before our LORD gone? Though I speak(pray) to the LORD as a friend or brother, I'm always doing so in reverence, always holding HIM in highest regard. Never forgetting that which HE's done for me, one truly so unworthy.
The other point of interest here is this man's level of faith. Outstanding to say the least. Faith greater than those that should of known better through experience. Stronger than that of the ones that should of known the power of GOD better. We don't know how or why this man had this kind of faith, for it isn't mentioned. But knowing that GOD is sovereign and nothing happens by chance, it was his place and time to be used as an example by JESUS to teach the disciples a valuable lesson. Something else you may not of noticed, this man's humility and faith combined are the virtues that opened him up to being used by GOD. For without these, we are unusable by GOD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Trusting in the LORD!!!
Praise the LORD!!!
What has transpired just minutes ago, people may call me crazy for doing! So be it, for I am crazy, crazy for the LORD!!! "Well what did you do?," people may be asking, but a little information first. Since June of last year I've been working as a maintenance man for several apartment complexes here in Kingsville. I'd quit one of them after seeing that the Christian man that owned it, wasn't all that Christian. He was bilking people for money in ways that can only be called worldly and thought there was nothing wrong with it, even after being confronted over them by me.
For the last eight months I've been working at only one complex. I'm the only person working on turnovers and repairs for sixty six apartments. These apartments are of considerable age and in great disrepair. Needless to say, the work was endless and challenging to say the least. With my having no transportation I had to rely upon the materials on hand to accomplish the task at hand. They would purchase the materials needed to patch things up, but never to fix the problem as should of been done. Jury-rigging was their answer to most task needed. As you could imagine this was becoming a burden for one that believes in doing things properly and as if unto the LORD.
I've been in a fog of depression for the last several months. Barely having the desire to do much of anything other than the minimum needed to survive. This was outside of the work I was doing on the job, because it was always held to the LORD's standards. My apartment, which is normally cleaner than most people's, is looking like most of those I've to work in, a mess. I've come home many a day, not even having the desire to prepare a meal for dinner or even feeling like getting cleaned up. For me this is highly unusual and added to the weight that was upon my shoulders.
My life verses(those that a Christian forms their life around) are Mark 10:27 and Proverbs 3:5,6 and please believe me that I do heavily trust my life upon them. After hours of thinking and prayer last night and this morning I quit my job!!! That's right, I went to the apartment I was working on, grabbed my tools and then went to the office and placed the keys and my time-card on the managers desk. I talked with her for a while and then left. Most would think that I'd be feeling a bit apprehensive over not having and income, transportation and really not many contacts here in town. Truly I'm feeling better right now than I've felt in months. I've a joy overflowing me, a feeling that I've highly missed in the months past. What tomorrow holds? I don't care. I'm in the LORD's hands and HIS alone. HE brought me here after being kicked out of my sister's house in Ohio with but twenty dollars in my pocket.(this whole story can be found at the ministry website, newsletters and blogs.)
For the sake of keeping this short, I'm going to leave it at that. I trust GOD more than I trust myself or the works of my hands. HE brought me here to set up the ministry's first fully functioning office and DROC(Disaster Relief Operational Center) and I trust this is what HE will take care of. I'm in HIS hands and I trust HIM fully!!!!!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Proverbs 3:5,6; Mark 10:27; Matt. 19:26
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
What has transpired just minutes ago, people may call me crazy for doing! So be it, for I am crazy, crazy for the LORD!!! "Well what did you do?," people may be asking, but a little information first. Since June of last year I've been working as a maintenance man for several apartment complexes here in Kingsville. I'd quit one of them after seeing that the Christian man that owned it, wasn't all that Christian. He was bilking people for money in ways that can only be called worldly and thought there was nothing wrong with it, even after being confronted over them by me.
For the last eight months I've been working at only one complex. I'm the only person working on turnovers and repairs for sixty six apartments. These apartments are of considerable age and in great disrepair. Needless to say, the work was endless and challenging to say the least. With my having no transportation I had to rely upon the materials on hand to accomplish the task at hand. They would purchase the materials needed to patch things up, but never to fix the problem as should of been done. Jury-rigging was their answer to most task needed. As you could imagine this was becoming a burden for one that believes in doing things properly and as if unto the LORD.
I've been in a fog of depression for the last several months. Barely having the desire to do much of anything other than the minimum needed to survive. This was outside of the work I was doing on the job, because it was always held to the LORD's standards. My apartment, which is normally cleaner than most people's, is looking like most of those I've to work in, a mess. I've come home many a day, not even having the desire to prepare a meal for dinner or even feeling like getting cleaned up. For me this is highly unusual and added to the weight that was upon my shoulders.
My life verses(those that a Christian forms their life around) are Mark 10:27 and Proverbs 3:5,6 and please believe me that I do heavily trust my life upon them. After hours of thinking and prayer last night and this morning I quit my job!!! That's right, I went to the apartment I was working on, grabbed my tools and then went to the office and placed the keys and my time-card on the managers desk. I talked with her for a while and then left. Most would think that I'd be feeling a bit apprehensive over not having and income, transportation and really not many contacts here in town. Truly I'm feeling better right now than I've felt in months. I've a joy overflowing me, a feeling that I've highly missed in the months past. What tomorrow holds? I don't care. I'm in the LORD's hands and HIS alone. HE brought me here after being kicked out of my sister's house in Ohio with but twenty dollars in my pocket.(this whole story can be found at the ministry website, newsletters and blogs.)
For the sake of keeping this short, I'm going to leave it at that. I trust GOD more than I trust myself or the works of my hands. HE brought me here to set up the ministry's first fully functioning office and DROC(Disaster Relief Operational Center) and I trust this is what HE will take care of. I'm in HIS hands and I trust HIM fully!!!!!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Proverbs 3:5,6; Mark 10:27; Matt. 19:26
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Tomorrow: What does it hold?
Praise the LORD!!!
Greetings to my bothers and sisters in CHRIST, for I presume that the bulk of those whom read my blog are Christians, I pray the LORD is blessing you this day. Then again, If you're reading this, HE has already blessed you with another day of life!
I've not been writing very much lately, which any that have followed me for awhile can easily note. The plain and simple reason for this is that I've not been led to! I'm one that goes day to day, no planning things, but going on that which the LORD leads me to. You may wonder 'how I know it's the LORD's leading and not my own or the other guy's.' For one, I'm not a new Christian and one far from under feed on scripture. It has been over fifteen years now that I've walked with the LORD as my guiding influence in life. Most of this time has been spent in consuming mass quantities of scripture and scripture based reading. Along with many hours in deep meditation on the WORD and hours upon hours of prayer and devotionals.
You may say you've done the same and many of you may have, but it truly isn't this that has drawn me so close to the LORD that I can distinguish of HIS gentile voice, above the roar of life. When the LORD broke the man that I used to be, HE broke me completely. I was crushed beyond all recognition. Those that had known me prior couldn't recognize the man that looked like me before them, but was a totally different person in word and actions. Though I'd been witness to many a movement of GOD within my early life, I'd bulked completely before HIS offerings until that day. When I did have that drastic change of heart, it was complete and without a doubt heart felt. I began to change in such a way that I personally didn't even realize it while it was happening. All these changes, weren't of my own hands, but it was the LORD HIMSELF, through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT altering every fiber of that which was.
I began to do things that were totally outside of those I'd ever heard preached or had read in books throughout my life.(If you've not read my book "Out of the LIGHT," maybe you should, it gives many more details) Even the very books I was currently reading, were being given to me for understanding of 'deeper truths' that that which they contained. Maybe the quickest way to state this, would be that I'd totally allowed the HOLY SPIRIT to come in and set up shop within me and was taking every detail that HE led me to, to heart and began to feed on it like a ravenous wolf. I couldn't get enough, but was only consuming that which came from HIS hand and to the point to which I was led to read. For there were books that I began and didn't finish or even those that I started within and only read portions of. All these, can't even begin to be grouped together. For some were Catholic, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist and even Jehovah Witness. Almost any denomination, cult or false religious system you can think of I've most likely read something by them.
All of this, what does it mean or lead me to? I don't know! But just like the title of this article, only GOD truly knows what tomorrow holds and what I'll be doing for HIM. That is one thing for sure, what I will be doing, no matter where or what it is, it will be for the LORD's glory and HIS alone!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Greetings to my bothers and sisters in CHRIST, for I presume that the bulk of those whom read my blog are Christians, I pray the LORD is blessing you this day. Then again, If you're reading this, HE has already blessed you with another day of life!
I've not been writing very much lately, which any that have followed me for awhile can easily note. The plain and simple reason for this is that I've not been led to! I'm one that goes day to day, no planning things, but going on that which the LORD leads me to. You may wonder 'how I know it's the LORD's leading and not my own or the other guy's.' For one, I'm not a new Christian and one far from under feed on scripture. It has been over fifteen years now that I've walked with the LORD as my guiding influence in life. Most of this time has been spent in consuming mass quantities of scripture and scripture based reading. Along with many hours in deep meditation on the WORD and hours upon hours of prayer and devotionals.
You may say you've done the same and many of you may have, but it truly isn't this that has drawn me so close to the LORD that I can distinguish of HIS gentile voice, above the roar of life. When the LORD broke the man that I used to be, HE broke me completely. I was crushed beyond all recognition. Those that had known me prior couldn't recognize the man that looked like me before them, but was a totally different person in word and actions. Though I'd been witness to many a movement of GOD within my early life, I'd bulked completely before HIS offerings until that day. When I did have that drastic change of heart, it was complete and without a doubt heart felt. I began to change in such a way that I personally didn't even realize it while it was happening. All these changes, weren't of my own hands, but it was the LORD HIMSELF, through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT altering every fiber of that which was.
I began to do things that were totally outside of those I'd ever heard preached or had read in books throughout my life.(If you've not read my book "Out of the LIGHT," maybe you should, it gives many more details) Even the very books I was currently reading, were being given to me for understanding of 'deeper truths' that that which they contained. Maybe the quickest way to state this, would be that I'd totally allowed the HOLY SPIRIT to come in and set up shop within me and was taking every detail that HE led me to, to heart and began to feed on it like a ravenous wolf. I couldn't get enough, but was only consuming that which came from HIS hand and to the point to which I was led to read. For there were books that I began and didn't finish or even those that I started within and only read portions of. All these, can't even begin to be grouped together. For some were Catholic, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist and even Jehovah Witness. Almost any denomination, cult or false religious system you can think of I've most likely read something by them.
All of this, what does it mean or lead me to? I don't know! But just like the title of this article, only GOD truly knows what tomorrow holds and what I'll be doing for HIM. That is one thing for sure, what I will be doing, no matter where or what it is, it will be for the LORD's glory and HIS alone!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Commercialized JESUS
Praise the LORD!!!
This morning while reading one of my daily devotional, those I personally read, the LORD laid something upon my heart. Something that is very prevalent today, a commercialized JESUS! Now this might not be exactly how you think of the commercialization of someone. It is not the making of money through the promotion of JESUS and a religion or ministry, but that of serving HIM only for that which we can personally gain through it!!!
Upon first reading of this article, I did a deep reflection of my own walk, that which is always a must do in devotional readings. Then though, I began to reflect on the 'Body of CHRIST,' HIS CHURCH, as it should be on earth and not just collectively, but each individual member of it. How is it that we each personally see our walks for JESUS? How is it that we each seek to glorify HIS name or is it our names and purposes that we seek to prosper? These are all pertinent questions that we should ask ourselves and view inn light of our worship.
I'm not seeking to judge anyone, but am working on opening your minds to those things that truly effect the way the world and those we personally interact with daily see JESUS!!! This is important act for us to fulfill the "Great Commission"! For why would anyone want to join a messed up, confused, bunch of hypocrites, whose only goals were to gain personal notoriety and prosperity. Please, think about it!!!
"For those interested, the devotional was "My Utmost for HIS Highest", by Oswald Chambers, for March 12, titled "Abandonment"" It may be a good idea to read this whole thing for yourself and then go onto self reflection:)))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
This morning while reading one of my daily devotional, those I personally read, the LORD laid something upon my heart. Something that is very prevalent today, a commercialized JESUS! Now this might not be exactly how you think of the commercialization of someone. It is not the making of money through the promotion of JESUS and a religion or ministry, but that of serving HIM only for that which we can personally gain through it!!!
Upon first reading of this article, I did a deep reflection of my own walk, that which is always a must do in devotional readings. Then though, I began to reflect on the 'Body of CHRIST,' HIS CHURCH, as it should be on earth and not just collectively, but each individual member of it. How is it that we each personally see our walks for JESUS? How is it that we each seek to glorify HIS name or is it our names and purposes that we seek to prosper? These are all pertinent questions that we should ask ourselves and view inn light of our worship.
I'm not seeking to judge anyone, but am working on opening your minds to those things that truly effect the way the world and those we personally interact with daily see JESUS!!! This is important act for us to fulfill the "Great Commission"! For why would anyone want to join a messed up, confused, bunch of hypocrites, whose only goals were to gain personal notoriety and prosperity. Please, think about it!!!
"For those interested, the devotional was "My Utmost for HIS Highest", by Oswald Chambers, for March 12, titled "Abandonment"" It may be a good idea to read this whole thing for yourself and then go onto self reflection:)))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Abiding in the VINE
Praise the LORD!!!
Let us go today, to a point of focusing on a position every Christian should seek to maintain, that of "abiding" in CHRIST!!! It is no secret that I seek out wisdom through the great masters of old, those preachers which came before this current age. An age when life was less hectic and their focus was more intent on that which they studied. Many of you know the names that populate this list, names such as C.H. Spurgeon, Andrew Murray, Matthew Henry and Thomas a Kempis.
Recently, I've been reading one of Andrew Murry's books, "The True Vine." As with a good percentage of his writings, this too is a devotional style volume, broken up into daily readings. Much is the wisdom that is found in this small volume, for it is not always the mass of a book that makes it valuable, but the spiritual presence that prevails from within it's pages.
This book focuses upon John 15 and JESUS' WORDS to HIS faithful followers, being given after Judas Iscariot has parted company with them. This is a leading, to understand it as something that is very important to those that are faithful servants of the LORD. Now, there are many that will maintain that they're faithful servants, but our verse here will bring to the forefront an important item to hold this title.
John 15:5
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (KJV)
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (NIV)
We all know JESUS is the "Vine" and we're the "branches" that draw our subsistence from HIM. HE is the very source of the 'life blood' that flows through our veins. The 'sap' have you, that causes us to function as a member and active participant of works of GOD, a 'branch' in the vine of Christianity.
As can, or should be clear from the multiple version posting, the word 'abide' means to remain within the influence of this 'life blood.' In other words, to remain in and intimately focused on JESUS. Not our focusing on bring a disciples, or even doing the works for the KINGDOM of GOD on earth, but focusing on, dwelling upon the very source of our faith, JESUS HIMSELF and HIM alone.
Where are your intents, your focus and your actions focused? Are they focused upon drawing closer in relationship to JESUS? Or are they focused on some other aspect of life or Christian walk? Let us each seek to draw closer in our personal relationships with JESUS. Not on that which we can receive through this relationship, or that which we must do in it, but in the actual act itself, of drawing closer, closer to HIM alone!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Let us go today, to a point of focusing on a position every Christian should seek to maintain, that of "abiding" in CHRIST!!! It is no secret that I seek out wisdom through the great masters of old, those preachers which came before this current age. An age when life was less hectic and their focus was more intent on that which they studied. Many of you know the names that populate this list, names such as C.H. Spurgeon, Andrew Murray, Matthew Henry and Thomas a Kempis.
Recently, I've been reading one of Andrew Murry's books, "The True Vine." As with a good percentage of his writings, this too is a devotional style volume, broken up into daily readings. Much is the wisdom that is found in this small volume, for it is not always the mass of a book that makes it valuable, but the spiritual presence that prevails from within it's pages.
This book focuses upon John 15 and JESUS' WORDS to HIS faithful followers, being given after Judas Iscariot has parted company with them. This is a leading, to understand it as something that is very important to those that are faithful servants of the LORD. Now, there are many that will maintain that they're faithful servants, but our verse here will bring to the forefront an important item to hold this title.
John 15:5
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (KJV)
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (NIV)
We all know JESUS is the "Vine" and we're the "branches" that draw our subsistence from HIM. HE is the very source of the 'life blood' that flows through our veins. The 'sap' have you, that causes us to function as a member and active participant of works of GOD, a 'branch' in the vine of Christianity.
As can, or should be clear from the multiple version posting, the word 'abide' means to remain within the influence of this 'life blood.' In other words, to remain in and intimately focused on JESUS. Not our focusing on bring a disciples, or even doing the works for the KINGDOM of GOD on earth, but focusing on, dwelling upon the very source of our faith, JESUS HIMSELF and HIM alone.
Where are your intents, your focus and your actions focused? Are they focused upon drawing closer in relationship to JESUS? Or are they focused on some other aspect of life or Christian walk? Let us each seek to draw closer in our personal relationships with JESUS. Not on that which we can receive through this relationship, or that which we must do in it, but in the actual act itself, of drawing closer, closer to HIM alone!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
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