Sunday, November 27, 2011

??? FOCUS ???

 Praise the LORD!!!
   Good morning, and being that you're reading this, GOD has blessed you with another day of life. Something to be greatly thankful for and that which is often overlooked by many, if not most whom call themselves Christians.

   If you've not noticed, I'm the one that opens every single comment or article I make, with a PTL!!! This due to several reasons: 1. the fact that I was born with a bad heart and for twelve years, planned for open heart surgery; 2. Though I'd known GOD was real and very prevalent within my life, had run from HIM for the most part and it was thru a book on praising GOD at all times, that HE used to bring me to living a totally changed life in JESUS. In a way, this isn't that which this is about, then again, it is:)))

   Focus, what is it? Why is it important within our lives? Plus, why is the center of our focus, the most important part, especially for the Christian???

   FOCUS, is, loosely, according to Webster's Dictionary, is the point at which our attentions are concentrated upon. Or we could say, that upon which our lives are centered upon. For the Christian, this is to be JESUS/GOD!!!

   FOCUS, why is this of importance??? The intents of one's life, that which they focus their total being upon, is that which after all is said and done, describes a person and all that they do within life. Again, for the Christian, this is of a tantamount importance and it is TO BE GOD that holds this position within our lives!!!

   FOCUS, the intents and purpose, our focus, is that which guides all that we do, or seek to do in this brief existence we call life. If our focus is upon ourselves, it is ourselves that receives all the glory in the end. We see this daily in the lives of many, scientist, sports star, movie stars and politicians to name but a few. For the Christian though, that which their lives "ARE" to be focused on, is to be GOD and HIS KINGDOM and not ourselves in any way, shape or form!!!

   FOCUS: much could be written upon this topic and maybe some day will be by me, but for this time, it isn't the LORD's intents for this article. HIS intent is, that we as Christians, those that bear HIS precious name as our profession of faith in HIM, should have but one focus. That of HIS will for our lives. Not just once or several times a week, but that of every single second of it that we're blessed with!!! So my friend, where is your focus???

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Monday, November 21, 2011

If it be of the LORD...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Good day and GOD bless!!! If you've been following my post, you'll know that I've this Thanksgiving week off from the physical side of the ministry. Those works that are done thru my hands to benefit others for the glory of the LORD. Though I don't set a wage on my works, since they're being done for the LORD, I have been blessed to receive funds for the ministry through these. I've yet to set a price on my works willfully and yet the LORD has laid it upon the hearts of those for whom I've work, to pay me for my labors. However much this is, doesn't matter to me, for the LORD has been my provider and I'm still here after over two years, existing the whole time this very way. But this isn't the reason for this post, though it may give a hint as to it:)))

   Most of those that will read this, are aware of 'the signs of the times.' This era of mankind's HIStory thru which we're living. Most of you are Bible believing Christians and 'should' be well versed in the knowledge of this era and it's ties with Biblical prophecy. If not, I'd have to believe you've been living in a cave somewhere, cutoff from all forms of human interaction:))) Which I'd say, would be safe to say isn't so:)))
   There has been a great deal of conversation these days over the state of the CHURCH and the BODY of CHRIST as we know them. Those groups, which truly are meant to be one, yet surprisingly seems separated these days. "Surprisingly," I wouldn't say so, for are not these very times written, in fairly great detail, in scripture??? Are we not warned, numerous times, as to what the events and 'signs of the times' will be??? If not, there's a problem in your walk for the LORD, for clearly throughout scripture we're told to fill our hearts with GOD's holy WORD!!! To trust in it and rely upon it, for our very existence!!! Anyone familiar with myself, will know that I'm constantly telling people to read, read, READ their Bibles, for in it, they'll find all they need to know, to live by. I've personally racked up over thirty readings of the whole Bible, in many versions, along with another thirty plus of the New Testament alone. An though I'm no walking topical index, being able to spit-out book, chapter and verse, it is buried deeply in my makeup and comes to me when needed(Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT:))) ) This though, isn't the reason behind this post, so I'll move on to it:)))

   For the issue at hand, that which I'm led to cover this day, there are several sections of scripture which must be studied:

     Acts 5:39   " ...but aif it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You bmight even be found opposing God!” So they took his advice,

   For this second, it is a large portion of scripture(Matt. 25:31-46) and should be indulged on one's own, but the particular verse( relevant here) are:

     Matt:25:40 “And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these * brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’ y
     Matt. 22:14 "tFor many are called, but few are chosen.

 ***these verses came from different Bibles versions, my online( seems to be making the choices today:))) ***

   We as Christians must all come to the understanding, that GOD is the ONLY ONE whom is in ultimate control !!!!!!! Yes, HE does allow satan to be the lord of this world, he that is in control over those that have not professed belief in JESUS, and uses his works to shape the world that exist. Whereas, GOD also uses nature, to bring about HIS perfect will for mankind. GOD even uses the most vile and evil of works preformed by the hands of men, to, in the end bring about HIS ultimate will.

   There are many things in this world that are wrong, in our personal opinions, but truly, are they outside of GOD's will for us??? In our first verse, we see the apostles standing before Sanhedrin, and the Pharisee Gamaliel speaking, and oh the wisdom, from one so bound under the laws:))) 

                          "if it is of GOD, you 'WILL NOT' be able to overthrow it"

   We as Christians, the CHURCH, the BODY of CHRIST here on earth, alive and fitted for battle against all that is evil, should remember this. We rise up in battle ranks to come against an adversary, when truly that very adversary, has been allowed to exist and come to power to fulfill the will of GOD for mankind !!! So with whom and against whom are we fighting??? Man? Demons? Or GOD's very plans ???

                                            "You might even be found opposing God!”

  The second verse selection, is one that should be familiar, for it is commonly referred to as the parable of the sheep and goats. Where JESUS is warning us of the judgment which is to come. Not just the judgment of all mankind, but the specific judgment of those that presumably call upon HIS name as LORD and SAVIOR. If you study these verses well, something should be very clear. That is the fact, that not even those whom were on HIS right(the sheep) did not know all that they had done in life, that was being accounted for righteousness!!! Also, those that were on HIS left(the goats), thought they had a firm(prideful(?)) understanding of all that they'd done in life, yet really didn't!!!

                                         "You might even be found opposing God!”

    With our third verse, we should be able see something of very great importance, a very important detail about GOD. This is, HIS way of ordering all things in creation, setting every detail in a specific time, place and standing; level upon level. All of creation reveals this about GOD. Every particle of existence, exist in a specific and exact location according to GOD's purpose. All inter-weaved and working together to bring about GOD's will. We have, "many are called," all those whom have found salvation, or believe they have. Which of these positions we each exist in, is truly up to GOD and HE has had every detail planned, well before time began. We can not state which level we inhabit in GOD's plan for mankind any more then we can plan on waking up each morning. These details are all according to GOD perfectly planned, and executed will for us. What we each can, and should do, is be scriptural-ly aware of our lives and all that we do within them. Doing our best, each and everyday we're blessed with, to abide by and in GOD's will for us!!! Striving in utter reverence to GOD, to workout that which "WE" are able to control; "our" actions, "our" thoughts and "our" words!!! These are truly all we "can" control, for the rest is all in GOD's hands!!!!!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chirstian "Chicken Littles"

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Good day and GOD bless!!! A serious question, or maybe several:))) Why, is it that we have so many Christians, that when someone begins preaching something about the end times, they begin running all around proclaiming the "sky is falling???" I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, we inundated with this kind of behavior constantly. Take for instance the recent "Rapture" cry out propagated by Harold Camping. This lone preacher isn't alone though, for there are many of cases out there, just check the internet about them all(that is, if you want to waste your time!!!)

   Christian, all that we need to know about the "end times" is already written, in scripture. If you've done your homework, you should of read it. Most likely numerous times over. Though in this, could lie the problem??? People having read it, or not, and taking the words of some other person as being the verification that "it is happening now."

   We're told by the LORD, to know the signs of the times, but not to run around crying out about them being about to happen. But to be about our labors for HIM!!! In the numerous parables relating to the events of the "end times" JESUS didn't describe workers running about singing about all that is about to happen, but of those that were busily about their labors in some manor. In the field, on the rooftop, or about grinding the meal for the days meal, they were all going about their labors, knowing those signs, yet not bothered by the fact that they were actually about to happen.

   Our work as Christians, is to spread the GOSPEL, help those around us during their times of need and (the most important of all) TRUST GOD!!! Anyone can, take a number of scripture verse, events that are taking place and weave them into that which will raise the emotions of the people that hear it. People are famous for manipulating things thru out history, so don't believe all that you hear or see as being the gospel truth. There is only one GOSPEL truth and it is firmly written in your Bibles. Never changing to fit that which is happening around us, but always founded upon the ROCK and HIS WORDS for us!!!!!!!

   ***There are no scriptures referenced here, WHY??? I will not be, as I stated, one whom manipulates it to bring my point across, but as I've always said, read your Bible for yourself and know the TRUTH !!!!!!! We are to be a people leading others to a better way of life, in JESUS, not "fear mongers" who seek to stir the emotions of others to gain followers and notoriety to give our pride a boost!!!***

 Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries