Praise the LORD!!!
My heart was torn when I first saw this photo, so badly that it took several hours before I was even able to think about eating. So much was going thru my head. All the things that the LORD has shown me of HIS ministry for me, that which I've been working on over the last years, to name a few. One of the greatest though, was "why in this day and age, with so many claiming to know JESUS, can this kind of thing still be happening?"
I look at this and see a man, with good shoes on his feet, wearing good, clean clothing and carrying a bag of food in his hands. From the angle of his feet one can see that he'd just had to step around this child, having noticed him. He is walking at a fair gate, due to the fact of his long steps. Could not he of stopped for one second and given this child a handful of grain???
I've settled down some, for it's been hours since I re-posted this and had a good nights sleep. Yet this image still haunts me!!! But an even sadder fact haunts me. The fact that having posted this on numerous sites, over 10 hours ago, not one single person (Christian, christian or not) has made a single comment!!!
Have our hearts grown so cold and indifferent to images such as these, that we can just glance at them and them have no effects upon our hearts??? Going on with our lives, as if we'd never seen it or acknowledge that such things are happening in this world still??? What would JESUS do having seen this child in such sad shape??? Not just walk on by and I can guarantee that!!! HE didn't even want to send the crowds away after they'd been following HIM for several days!!! Let alone a child that is far from being well nourished. Truthfully folks what would JESUS do and what does HE think about the fact that we are the way we are ???????
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries