Saturday, January 5, 2013

Blowing your own trumpet

Praise the LORD!!!

   Good morning and I can see from the fact that you're reading this, that GOD has blessed you with another day :{)))
   Those of you that follow me through my many post, know that I currently homeless and working but part time while living out of a friends garage. Yesterday was one of the days I was blessed to work, the first in three weeks. After receiving our checks the boss proceeded to run the three of us home.

   At the first drop off, the boss pipes in about my co-worker(the one getting out) not having any gas service due to the need to repair the lines and "what would it cost to repair." After a short conversation the statement was made "that I'll help get this done, at the beginning of the week and we'll make arrangements on paying it back." Now I want you to keep in mind that my boss is a "Christian."

   As we continued on the boss began asking my other co-worker about the fact that he too was without gas service and that they too could make the arrangements to remedy this problem. The conversation then turned, not to my homelessness(as you might think), but to his(the boss) having helped another, by loaning him some money to fix his car and never having received repayment or the man's car getting fixed.

   Now it is when the conversation turned my way. Not in an offer of any sort, but as to the conditions in which I'm living and how they could be so much worse.Now this went on for about the next five minutes and never once came to an offer of any kind, so as I was getting out of the truck I asked if he had $20 I could borrow until my check cleared(3 business days). He only had ten on him and I accepted it and told him that I remind him of it. This because of the fact, that my little check was basically already spent on bills that would be covered by the bank.

   Here is the point of this all. It is scripturally improper for a Christian to blow the trumpets when doing their works for the LORD!!! For in doing so, it is here that they'll receive their rewards and it likens them unto the pagans, that give only to receive back in return. We see and hear from all sorts of secular charity groups of the "good works" that they do and usually this is attached to another plea for money. Christians are supposed to give freely, because it was it this very manor in which our LORD gave and we are to reflected HIS image within and through our lives!!!

   Has the BODY become so like the world, that it has to be glorified by the works that it does in love??? Do Christians give, only so they can receive back in likeness or greater??? As you know I've the ministry and it pains me to think that so many "CHRIST-like" people won't donate(and haven't in 12+ yrs.) because the ministry isn't 501.3.c rated and they'll not receive a tax credit!!! I've come to the decision that the ministry will never be rated in this manor, for IT will not succumb to government regulations as to "what we can say" or "against what we can stand against(sins rampant in society today.) As a Christian, I see it as my duty to abide by the LORD's teachings over any that government or any group wants to condone!!! Sure I've told of some of the things done over the years, but these weren't in depth stories or videos focused on getting your donations. They were done to let others see what it is that the ministry does and that alone. Many know that I don't even desire "thanks" for those things that I do, for I see it as having received my rewards already and here is not where I seek to do so.

   My questions to you at this time are, "Where do you want your "rewards" to be given???" and "Just "who" is it that you seek to glorify, self or GOD???" This isn't meant to blow any trumpets, but to silence those of the BODY!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year, but only a new day

 Praise the LORD!!!
   We're blessed with the beginning of a new year, but truly it is only that day to which we're blessed. For every year is made up of single days. Each uniting to form that which eventually becomes a whole year. Much like the foundation for any building, that which we build today, is only as strong as that which was laid the day before.

   Form your foundation on the ROCK, firm and steady, never changing. Then with each successive day, build that which is new and meant to uphold that which is to come. You will be blessed, if building in this way, to surely know that which you've labored so hard at will stand the test of time. Let CHRIST JESUS be the foundation you build this day's structure upon. It is then, and only then, that you'll be blessed to know, that no matter what storms may come, your structure shall stand strong a midst them!!!

   "On CHRIST the solid ROCK I stand, all else is sinking sand"

GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Laying hold

Praise the LORD!!!

   With the beginning of a new year many people's minds are focused on that which lays ahead and that which is behind. When really the matter that should be our primary focus, "is that which today holds."

   We are not promised a future day, but are given this one alone and that which we do within it's confines is up to us. Will we use it to the fullest to bring glory to the LORD??? Or will we use it for self gratification and the fulfillment of our lust??? The answer is one that only you can make and is totally dependent upon your relationship with the LORD!!! Have you taken up your cross to follow HIM??? Or do you maneuver around within this world as a fleshly entity, wrapped in Christian apparel??? "Forsake all and follow me" isn't just a suggestion, but a command of our LORD. One we must strive to bring about within our lives!!!

   The year that lays behind us should be considered, but not in a way that most would think. We must consider the "points" of our walks and those thing accomplished for the glory of GOD and leave behind those things that were worldly. We must also consider those places within the last year where GOD moved within our lives. Those places where HE was either leading us to learn from HIM a better WAY, or where HE was pruning us, teaching us those things that we needed to leave behind to perish in the winds of change!!! Many are those that will want to hold onto these things, when they're truly not for us to hold, only to reflect upon and learn the lessons of the LORD from within them.

   Let us each lay hold of this day, live it to the fullest. Living it to the glory of the LORD and praying that if we do well with this task at hand, HE may well bless us with more days ahead to repeat this task!!!  GOD has set a path before us. HE has placed people in our way, people we should interact with and lead towards the proper paths for their own lives. We can not carry them along with us, but they must make their own choices. The choices they make are dependent upon that which you do to guide them, but ultimately it rest in the hands of the LORD. HE is the one that has directed your paths to cross. HE is the one that has formed each of you into that which you are and it is HE that has purpose for these interactions between your lives. So do your best to listen and react with these others. Do your best to follow your guide. Do your best to leave an impression that will continue to lead them on. This my friends is the way, we make the most of that which we've been blessed with and can look forward to days ahead, if it is HIS will !!! :{)))

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries