Sunday, January 31, 2010

01-31-10_ Acts 26:14

  Praise the LORD!!!

   Due to computer problems this post is a little late and will also be the one posted for tomorrow. Praise the LORD!!! There is a force that truly isn't liking that which I'm doing, so I'll put even more effort into it once I return online. Please pray for the ministry and myself for the adversary is mounting a heavy assault against us, but we know the end of the BOOK and we shall be victorious in JESUS' name!!!

   Acts 26:14

   "We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard to kick against the goads.'"

   This may not be that which you think it would be. For the LORD led me to an understanding of this that is a bit different and has to deal with events I've seen recently on several of the sites which I post on. There are many whom call themselves Christians, that have been openly blasting others of the faith online. This because their views differ in some way or another from theirs. This kind of behavior in itself is un- Christian, it is not the way scripture tells us to confront diversity within understandings or teachings. It does little more then tear down the view outsiders have of the church and our faith in general.

   The church as stated in scripture is made up of many differing parts, much like the human body. Arms, legs, feet, fingers and the like. Will a glove fit on a foot and work as it is meant to? Will a stocking cap keep your legs warm? Simple put, NO! With the many parts of the body, there are differing needs, as well of methods of their being used. The same is true with the church, some are meant to reach out to the youth, so they use contemporary music and worship as the means. Others reach out to the needy, so they go forth with humble hearts as the hands of the LORD would, providing their needs and assisting in whatever manor they can.

   Who among us can say without the slightest of doubts that GOD hasn't brought about all the differing means of worship, symbolism and even the names that we use for HIM? I don't think I can and I wouldn't. For CHRIST  told the disciples when they had rebuked one for casting out demons in HIS name, yet he wasn't one of the, "Do not stop him,...for whoever is not against you, is for you." So who among us can rightly put down another Christian because of their differing manor of service? I know I can't and won't either, for anyone that truly calls upon the LORD JESUS has but one judge, CHRIST HIMSELF! So what if they call HIM something other then JESUS, or they used contemporary signage or music to draw peoples attention to HIM. They're not preaching against belief in HIM or anything that isn't scriptural, they're just using another means, maybe not one of your choosing, but they are preaching, witnessing or caring for their neighbor as CHRIST would have us all do!

   Those that truly need to have our attentions focused upon them are those that are teaching ways totally outside of scripture. Those that are preaching the words of men, something that god has only given them. That which is not the GOSPEL contained within the Bible or that which has been modified outside of that which is taught within the Bible. These are those that need to have our attentions focused on them and not others that preach, dress, sing or worship in a manor differing then ours, but abiding to that which is in the Bible.

   On my recent trip to Texas, at one of the layovers, I saw a man all decked out in tattoos. Boasting loudly about his artwork and how his life was centered around them. I was about to go talk to him, because he seemed quite prideful. After praying, which I always do before witnessing, I was led not to, but to watch and see what would come next. Like a light switch had been flipped, the man's demeanor completely changed. He'd gotten the attention of the six or so people around him completely, when suddenly he began to witness to the power of JESUS within his life. I listened to one of the most beautiful testimonies I've ever heard and this from a man covered in tattoos and piercings. Praise the LORD!!! I had to leave before he was completed, but I'd say that this man, and probably some of those he was talking to, names are written in the LAMD's Book of LIFE!!! So the next time you want to speak out about another Christian's manors or techniques, how about praying on it first and allowing GOD to lead you on what to say or do!!! Also ask yourself, who are you persecuting, the person and their ways or your SAVIOR?

 Extra readings: Rom. 14:1-15:7; Mk. 9:50; Luke 9:49,50; 1 Cor. 8:12 

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Friday, January 29, 2010

Something a little different...

Praise the LORD!!!

   Today, there won't b a Bible verse, actually none at all. I'm going to grace you with something a little different. Most of last night and the majority of today, I've been fighting computer problems. So very little along the lines of work for the LORD got accomplished. This all came about yesterday when I received a bulletin on myspace about the emergency needs on the Lakota Indian reservation. Since I'm unable to assist at this time financially or physically I did what I could, well at least began to.

   I began to post the bulletin on every one of the sites, that I network for the ministry and even a few others. After getting this started, and I do mean 'just' started, my computer began to slow down. Within an hour of starting, I had to shutdown my browser and restart it, but in just a short time it  was creeping along again! Imagine what its like having a high speed connection and working at dialup speeds, well this is what I was doing for the most part. Now my computer is old, a 1 G. Pentium with only 256 M of RAM, but it truly shouldn't be that slow. So what was the cause of this and why isn't it the first time it happened?

  Two very good questions, but with only one answer. satan, he doesn't like what I'm doing online and has tried at every opportunity to stop it!!! If I were to spend the day chatting in a room somewhere or visiting a porn site, not that I would(just examples), I'd have no problems at all. But being that I'm bring the attention to the LORD that I am, he can't stand it and must try to hinder it or stop me in any fashion possible. Since most of my work lately has been online, what better way to bring me troubles than to effect the computer that I depend on the most.

   If you're a Christian and are doing works that truly bring glory to the LORD, you can count it as good as gold that satan is going to be hindering you in every manor he can. The greater the works the greater the troubles that will come your way and the more often you'll be having them. Now it is a common misunderstanding of many new Christians, that once you've given your life to CHRIST everything will be perfect! Well let me tell you something. It ain't so!!! Many preachers and pastors kind of 'sugarcoat' the GOSPEL, and don't fill people in on the whole story. Or they just give you the first part of it and allow you to find out the hard facts about being a Christian all on your own. Now this is wrong, totally wrong and has become a common factor because they're to worried about getting the 'numbers' in. The more people within your church, the larger the tithe, hence more money for projects, making more room for more people. Do You get the idea yet? Its the world creeping into the church. Money, money, money!!! What would you think JESUS would do today if HE walked into one of the 'mega churches', with their tape and CD sales area, coffee and gift shops? I think it'd be a replay of when HE walked into the temple and over turned the money changer's tables!!

   If anyone has ever told you that being a Christian is easy, if it weren't against the Christian manor, I'd say find them and slap them. Being a Christian is most likely one of the hardest things you will ever undertake within life. Living a worldly life is a breeze in comparison to it. Not just the fact that it is so much different, but the fact that once you've begun to really show CHRIST within your life, you've suddenly got a whole new set of enemies. For all the demons of hell will be against you. Living life is hard enough, but when you've begun to witness for CHRIST and truly showing HIM within your total being, to the point that others that see you wonder what makes you so different. The troubles will really begin to pile up and sometimes to a point of almost totally overwhelming you.

   Well how will you handle this happening is the question!?! There are many ways and most are wrong. Thats right, wrong. Not wrong in a complete sense, but wrong to say the least. You can rebuke satan. You can pray for the LORD to rebuke satan. You can cast out the evil. Or you can rant and rave about all of this happening. In all these cases, you'd be wrong. Because in all of them, you are giving glory to satan by acknowledging his part in the troubles. The best way to handle these, sounds a bit unusual, but in all right is the only true way of handling them. Give glory to GOD and thank HIM for finding you worthy of having such trials and tribulations within your life! I can hear some of you now. "Say what? Are you nuts?" I may be, but I'm crazy for my LORD and I understand that HE has allowed everything that happens within my life to happen so that in the end HE will be the one to receive all the glory. Whether its trials and tribulations or smooth sailing, they all have been allowed to happen by HIM and for HIS glory.

   Now I know there are going to be those that say this is un-scriptural. It's not! WHO created all? GOD. WHO created both the LIGHT and the darkness? GOD. WHO is in total control, that not even a single sparrow falls to the ground without HIS knowing it? GOD. GOD is and always will be in total control and I don't care what theologians or any preachers say, GOD has allowed evil to coexist within this universe for a reason. How would you know what was right, if there wasn't that to judge it against, hence evil exist. It always has and always will be an everyday part of life. Where there is good, you will find evil. The more of one that is abundant, the more of the other will be close at hand. So instead of giving the glory to the wrong power source, give the glory to GOD and thank HIM for allowing you to under go it's touch and also thank HIM for giving you the strength to bear up under the weight of it. Give HIM the glory, for HE is and always will be the only true power in all of heaven and earth!!! Praise GOD, hallelujah, praise GOD!!!!!!!


Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Praise the LORD!!!
   Yesterday when I'd finished editing my post for today I added the little note about not thinking it had anything to do with the referenced verse and putting the matter to prayer and as led posted it! Well I now know why, it wasn't finished. Today I will go on where the LORD had me leave off.

   After covering the area of our online time and how it can either be used as a blessing for GOD, or distract our attentions away from GOD. I'll go into other areas of our lives where the adversary can and will use our lives and surroundings to keep our eyes focused somewhere other then GOD and HIS wonder working power over all creation.

   In this day and age we have many problems which distract our attentions away from GOD. With the current state of the economic systems around the world being a mess, this is a very potent weapon against us. For our money has a direct influence on the manor in which we live. Whether we are thriving or just surviving, both can be used against GOD's influence within our daily existence. When people have amassed large fortunes they tend to focus their attentions on maintaining their wealth. This in itself isn't wrong, what is though is worrying about it and placing it before our duty to the LORD. In doing this, we've placed our focus on the money and not GOD. Plainly put, we are worshiping an idol, something our very own hands, though with the blessings of GOD, have acquired and built up. No difference between this and making an idol out of wood or precious metals. It is that which we've formed and shaped and placed before GOD as our source of provision and protection!

   This also goes for those that are just barely surviving due to financial woes. They will tend to focus their thoughts and actions on seeking out their livelihood on their own, even though there may be a lot of prayers, and taking their focus of HE that has promised to provide all of our needs. Now working to make a living isn't wrong, but when we focus more on the work we do to make a living then we do on the GOD whom has given us the abilities to work and make it, then we've lost sight of what GOD wants from us. Our devotion and dependence upon HIM, also our faith that in no matter what is happening around us, or to us, we know that GOD is the ultimate source of it all. Not ourselves and the little works of our hands.. It is GOD and all that HE's blessed us with being able to do through HIS grace!!!

   Now we come to our health. Where does our good health come from? All that is good comes from GOD! When our health isn't as we think it should be, we begin praying for the LORD to heal us and when we've not received instant healing we begin to moan and grumble about all our aches and pains. Now GOD has promised to heal us 'by the stripes of JESUS' and HE has, for that verse reads 'were healed', not will be or might be, but 'were.' Now you say you know this, but you're still not received the healing, because you still have the problem. Well, where are your eyes focused? On the healer or on being healed? If you are focusing on being healed, your eyes are looking in the wrong place! The HEALER has said you were healed already and you should be thanking HIM for allowing you to receive it and see it. Not on the facts that you see, but on the facts that you KNOW GOD has healed you. Every little bit that you doubt in GOD and HIS ability to do exactly what HE has promised hinders your ability to receive that which you seek!!! Take for instance breathing. Do you doubt that when you take your next breath that there will be air there to inhale? Most likely not! You have not doubt at all that it will be there and you receive it into your lungs really not even thinking twice about it, its a natural, or a given. This is the same manor we need to realize GOD has given us all the blessed promises, they are ours we just need to grab hold of them and not think twice about it.Just remember to be thankful when it happens!!!

   We need to learn to take our eyes off the act of getting our needs met and focus on the fact that GOD says they've already been met and even this to a greater extent then we can imagine. Trusting in GOD is most likely our biggest problem in life. We need to seek HIM out in everything we do, no matter how trivial it may seem and be thankful for the fact that it has already been considered by HIM and provided for us. This is faith in GOD and all that HE is and does in this thing we call life!!!   

Other verses to read: there were no verses to feed this entry, for it came off of yesterday's, so you can go back over those if you wish. Personally I love reading scripture numerous times, because GOD always seem to open them up in some new way. This is why we call it the " Living WORD," it isn't static, though the words themselves never change, it is how GOD's HOLY SPIRIT moves upon them within our lives giving us a fresh revelation of them.

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

   Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, January 23, 2010

3.18.10_ a repost_Jere. 17:10_ To look inside...

Praise the LORD!!!

   Today is the second day of my quitting smoking (Cigarettes) and my mind is a bit unfocused. I had begun to write a  devotional,  got a bit sidetracked and then after writing more on it decided it wasn't worthy of going out it it's current form. So today's posting will be a re post of an earlier one. I hope you can bare with me until I'm blessed with getting this habit under control. Only the LORD knows what tomorrow holds, so maybe a fresh post will come tomorrow?

   Today we will seek to look inside ourselves. Both by our own eyes and through the power of the LORD. With introspection comes knowledge, knowledge of ones self!

   Jeremiah 17:10

  " I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." 

  As with all things in our lives, we should start with the LORD doing the first parts of it. For this is to be our 'foundations' for existence. All that we are, should be centered on GOD and HIS will for our lives. All throughout history the great saints have drawn on GOD first and then and only then on the understanding that GOD graced them with to further proceed with any task. We too should seek GOD's inspection of our lives first and then begin to follow through on that which HE has started and revealed.

    When life has brought us to the point of wondering what our very existence is for or why things have been the way they have. We must start with prayer for GOD to open our eyes to our hearts, for this is the seat of our being and the dwelling place of the LORD MOST HIGH within us. Allowing HIM to examine our very deepest of thoughts and motives and then revealing them to us. From here we proceed, with HIS guidance, to search out all that we've been allowing to distract our focus from upon HIM. I say this, because this is the most common of reason for trials and tribulations in our daily routines. We've allowed our personal burdens to center our focus on ourselves and away from GOD and HIS calling for closer relationship to HIM.

   After receiving GOD's leading, those deep convictions within, proceed to expand on these. Let's say that GOD has shown us that we've been allowing to much of the world to hold our attentions away from HIM. Where have we done this? Is it from watching to much TV? Or listening to the wrong types of music or gossip about the neighbors? Jot down a list of things that you think are the reasons GOD has shown you them. Taking note to be as forthright about them as possible. You must be honest with yourself or this process will be a waste of time, both ours and GOD's!  Once we have our 'spring cleaning list,' let us take it to GOD in prayer. Asking HIM to reveal to us each of the truths in these and the manor to remove them from our lives.

   Now here is where things begin to get exciting and at times, embarrassing. We will have to take each of these, one at a time and begin to remove them from the list. No matter what it takes, we must proceed to completely remove it from within our lives. Lets say GOD has revealed that we've been listening to gossip about our friends and worst yet, passing it on and increasing it. We will have to go to each and every person that we've allowed to plant this seed in our lives and tell them that we can't continue on doing such within our lives. This is the easy part. For then we must go to each of those that we've talked about, whether they know it or not, and ask their forgiveness for taking part in the rumor mill. This can be very embarrassing, because a lot of the time they may not even know this has been taking place behind their backs and that you a friend were taking part in it. Talk about something that will bring about a humble spirit within a person, this truly will, because you're be opening yourself up completely to a well deserved lashing by someone, friend or not!

   Know we've gone through the list that GOD has given us, from top to bottom, now where do we go? Back to GOD! For this is to be both the starting point and the finishing point of our existence and actually everything in between should focus on our relationship with HIM!!! We've allowed GOD to search our hearts, we've searched them, gone through the list from top to bottom and now we're back at the beginning, with GOD. Pray for HIS strengthening, for HIS wisdom and understanding and most of all for HIS grace to be poured out upon your life, so that you can continue to remain in close relationship with HIM. For though we live in this world, we are not to live for it, but to live for CHRIST JESUS and to HIS glory. We can not show forth the glory of JESUS within our lives when we focus on everything but HIM. With the cleaning process that we just went through, we must be aware of every detail of our existence and where we're placing our attention. Am I seeking to glorify HIM by listening to this music, or watching this TV show? Are the words that proceeding out of my mouth glorifying HIM? Are each of my actions reflecting CHRIST within me or are they revealing that I've allowed the world to enter back in? It is best to judge oneself and allow GOD to take care of all others, for in this we know that our slate is clean before GOD, and we won't care about the witness of others, because if we stand worthy before GOD, anything that any other could say would be but a lie!!!

Other verses to read: 2 Chronicles 6:30; Jere. 11:20; Psalms 1, 17:3, 139:23,24; Rev. 2:23

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

   Prayer request can be sent to: 
   You might also like reading my other blog, Blogs from the VINE

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

01.23.10- Luke 15: 11- 32- Lost Christians

Praise the LORD!!!

   Today the LORD has led me to the parable of the "prodigal son," but with a bit of a different twist! Most of the time when we hear these verses referenced they talked about the unconverted person, not the weak and back sliding believer. For the most part of my recent social networking adventures, shall we call them, I've run into a lot of Christians that are having a very hard walk of faith. Some even contemplating walking away! I've never gotten to the point of walking away, thank GOD, but there has been many a time that I've struggled with a weaken faith. We are all human and will at times become so burdened down by our lives and the world, that we have doubts in our beliefs.

  Luke 15:11-32

11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.
13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.a
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27 ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’
28 “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’
31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”

a Some early manuscripts son. Make me like one of your hired men.
The Holy Bible : New International Version. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984, S. Lk 15:11-32

   Now most of us that have been a Christian for any length of time have read this or heard the topic preached on, it is a favorite of a lot of ministers. In this story we see one that decides to walk away from the 'family' to do his own thing. Sometimes we as Christians stray away from our profession of faith to live like we used to. I've been told by those outside the faith, "that Christianity is just a cop out", "just a way of getting away from the life you've lived."  I'll let these know that it is far, far harder to walk a life as a Christian then it is an unbeliever and if they don't believe me, tell them to give it a try!!!

   An unbeliever never gets convicted within their heart of their sins. They feel no grief or compassion for another when they've done someone wrong.If you walk with JESUS though these are far from true. You're more like to suffer great pangs of remorse for every little error within your walk then anyone can imagine. What I really love about the faith is that this isn't coming from me, the fleshly part, it's coming from deep within me, from the heart, where the HOLY SPIRIT has set up house. I trust these conviction far more then I'd ever trust my own!


Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

   Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

3.10.10_ Jere. 29:11-13_GOD's plans (a re post)

 This is a re post, because I had to do a little construction job for the church I'm attending. I built them a sound booth for the children ministry and it took a good bit of work and still has some finishing work to complete. Due to this I didn't get back to the house in time to complete a devotional, surprisingly though, the LORD didn't give me one today either. Then again, the LORD always has a tendency to surprise us! Praise the LORD!!!

Praise the LORD!!!

   GOD bless all that have begun to stop by and read that which GOD has laid upon my heart for you. May HE bless you as much as HE has me through pondering HIS great scriptures and how HE has effected our walks through them!!!

   Jeremiah 29:11-13
    " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon ME and come and pray to ME, and I will listen to you. You will seek ME and find ME when you seek ME with all of your heart."

   This isn't one of my life verses, though it truly could be. GOD has done awesome wonders within my life, some to date that I may not even realize. For there were many years that GOD was allowing me to 'run' from HIM, very many of those were steeped in a cloud of drug abuse. Therefore I've only slight remembrance of these years, but even then GOD was forming up HIS perfect testimony through me. Yes, my years of running from GOD and self abuse are witness' to the great wisdom and power of GOD to effect a person's life for HIS ultimate glory. For if it were not for these years, my testimony wouldn't be that which it is and I'd far less equiped to reach those living lives of the same sort. No moment of your life isn't seen and usable to GOD.

   GOD has a plan for every detail of our lives, no matter how small and insignificant they seem to be. No matter how vile and evil our thoughts and actions, GOD is able to turn them into a testimony to HIS glory. Whether we are living a life for GOD, or for our own glory, GOD is working through our actions to bring about HIS master plan for mankind . Even the most decrepit of men's lives are and will be used of GOD (not always because of their turning to GOD,but because the works of GOD are manifest through their darkness.) We are told in scripture that GOD chooses those with the least amount of favor among men to represent the KINGDOM(1 Cor. 1:26-28). Just look at the apostle Paul. How he was going around persecuting the Church and then by a direct revelation of CHRIST he suddenly became the writer of some of our most cherished New Testament books.

   If you are suffering through times of hardship right now, or maybe sickness has come upon you. Take into consideration that GOD is at work, both within and through your problems. HE is using these times to draw your attention to HIS great abilities to preform and work great miracles through your life. HE is seeking to draw your focus from upon yourself and unto HIMSELF! Your life is a living and growing testimony to the power of GOD, each and every detail of it. So if you're suffering from economic woes or health problems, take your eyes off of these, seek HIS presence in these problems, Ask HIM in prayer what HIS purpose is for these times. Yes, ask for relief from these burdens, but also seek to know the why behind them. GOD is right there in the mist of these troubles, walking along with you, carrying you through them. Yet you've had your focus on self and the problems and not on HE that is greater then them and has been helping you to bare the burden of them. GOD has promised to never leave you or forsake you(Deut. 31;6). HE has promised to never place upon your shoulders more then you can handle. HE has promised to always be there with you, to help you and carry you through the hardest of times. Take HIM on HIS WORD and begin living a life like never before. One where GOD and GOD alone receives all the glory, honor and praise that is due HIM!!!

Scripture to seek out: 1 Cor. 1:26-30, 10:13; Matt. 6:33, 34, 12:28-30; Heb. 13:5
  Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

Matt. 19:26...With GOD...(01.20.10)

Praise the LORD!!!
  This is my second life verse, and just in case you don't know what one is, it a verse that has special meaning within your life and you use it to focus your attention upon GOD.
Matt. 19:26
"JESUS looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible." (NIV)

  Think deeply about all that happens within your life. All the problems you constantly face from day to day. Both the good and the bad that happens as you walk through this short period called life. Stress, sickness, bills, disease, and the list could go on for days! We have a tendency to think of our problems as overwhelming. To us they may be, but look at this verse. What is impossible for GOD? Nothing!

   If we were to listen to our own prayers, what would we hear? Would we hear a strong confidence in GOD where we're telling HIM how much we know HE can do in our lives? Or do we hear just the opposite? Whining and complaining about how we feel so bad, or how our car payments or bills are past due, and of coarse this list too, could go on for days. To often we fill our prayers with nothing more then complaints about our life or the lives of others around us. Did GOD shut down HIS promises and open up a 'complaint department' or something?

   Back in early '97' I suffered a heart attack. This really didn't surprise me though, I had been born with a bad heart and lived under a doctors care for the first twelve years of my life. At this age they released me from under their control and said that 'it would be a miracle if I lived to be twenty one.' For those that haven't read my book, 'Out of the LIGHT,' I was going to be forty two in several months. The doctors in prison had specialist come in and run a battery of test on me. Several weeks later the results were in and was I told to prepare for a very advanced five major procedure operation within weeks. I smiled and flat out told them, 'that GOD has given me a new heart and that they would have to take another set of test to prove to me that I really needed this operation!!' I was standing on scripture and claiming a promise of GOD. There was no doubt in my mind or heart that all of what is promised in scripture is true and backed by the greatest power in all the universe. I had been blessed with this kind of faith just barely two years into my walk with the LORD!

   Now here it is almost thirteen years later, I've no scares on my body where doctors proceeded with any operation of any sort. After they'd taken me in town to the heart center in the largest hospital in town and after weeks of going over their findings, both sets, they told me that I had the heart of a perfectly healthy seventeen year old. There weren't even signs of scar tissue from my birth defects, which had clearly shown up on the first set of test! Now how do you think this happened? It was only because I had taken GOD at HIS WORD and held it up before both HIM and man. For with GOD, nothing is impossible!

   The next time you start to pray, think about how you're going to pray. Are you going to put a bunch of needs and request forth that you so badly need, because you're suffering so badly? Or are you going to hold up before GOD those promises HE so generously placed all through scripture. Ones that have promised healing from our sickness and diseases. Ones that say that HE cares about a single sparrow and its life, how much more will HE care for you and yours? What about those finely dressed flowers of the field? All creation was formed by GOD with just a simple few WORDS. HE supplies all that is needed to maintain every living creature on this planet in the very same manor.

   If someone gave up HIS own life for you it would be a fair bet that this person cared greatly for you! GOD did this exact thing for each and everyone of us on the cross of Calvary. So do you really think that HE doesn't know and care about you enough to take care of even your smallest need? Next time you set your mind to pray, sure ask GOD for what you need, but then thank HIM for having the power to provide this in your life and thank HIM as if already having been graced with it. You may just find out that there is an unlimited power in this universe that loves you, yes little old you, more then HIMSELF and your life will never be the same again!!!

 I pray that GOD will move within your lives, to open your eyes to the truths that lie within scripture. That HE will give you the wisdom to grasp ahold of them and hold them up before HIM and the grace to realize just how much HE loves you and will provide all of your needs. May HE begin to transform your lives into a life that will truly bring nothing but glory to HIS most holy and precious name, JESUS. AMEN!!!

God bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

p.s. you will notice that beside the verse topic for the day, I've not given any scripture references! I never will, it is each and every Christians personal responsibility to know and study scripture. Don't get mad at me either, cause GOD has led me from the beginning of my ministry in this practice. I will however give you several other verses along the same lines as that written on for the day, it is your job to go from there and in doing so grow closer to GOD daily!!!

Gen.18:14, Job 42:2, Jere. 32:17, Luke 1:37 and 18:27, Rom. 4:21

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust

Praise the LORD!!!
   It has been a busy day here for me. I've been working on graphics for the ministry and since I've no one but myself to do it, I worked on them all day. Plus having to thaw my computer out several times, it hates graphics:) So I put it to prayer and am going to post an earlier published devotional. Please forgive me if you've already read it, but with it just being myself in the ministry here in the states I've got to do it all. As soon as the weather here warms I may have to do this again, because I've several jobs to do and no one to help with them. Oh well, its the life of one totally sold out to GOD with no one else sharing the vision. I know this will change, but until it does, again please forgive me!!! You should be seeing the labor of my hands on the website before long. GBU!!! Rev. Marshall Barth

   Since this is the first of these devotionals, I guess there is no better place to start then at one of my life verses. Proverbs 3:5,6
       "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
         in all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will make your paths straight."
   I have been a Born Again Christian since January 7, 1995, when the LORD had finally had enough of my running from HIM. I was incarcerated for taking part in an armed bank robbery, I was the switch car driver. I had been in jail for three days and already arraigned, seeing what I was facing crushed my heart within me. Thirty five years total. All I could see was that I'd really messed up and my life as I'd known it was gone forever! Now more of the details on this can be found in my book, 'Out of the LIGHT', on the ministry's website so I'll not go farther in details.
   I had seen what directing my own life had gotten me and through CHRIST finding me at this time, I turned the reigns over to the LORD and I mean fully over to HIM! No longer would I seek to do things my own way, or through my own wisdom, but through prayer, I would allow GOD to guide me and teach me all that I needed to know. I was totally offering up my 'trust' in HE which, at the time I only had a small understanding of, had begun to totally change my life. Now, I will have to say that it is hard enough to place control over your life into the hands of another that you totally understand everything about. Yet to turn it over unto one that you've only the slightest knowledge of, is mind boggling. Kind of like giving the keys to your car to a perfect stranger and climbing into the passenger seat for a spin!
   Since this time and these events, I've not once regretted this choice. sure there were times that I had to wonder about what GOD was doing and why, but never have I regretted it. I have no stress at all within my life, at times its as if I'm weightless because of the lack of burdens that I'm carrying. At others, the weight might be great, yet I've no fear or worry as to the outcome of the events. I know that for some reason GOD has allowed all events within my life to form and shape me into that perfect vessel unto HIS glory. There are no doubts in my mind that everything that happens is allowed to by GOD, not always by HIS hand, but always allowed to happen. This, all to HIS ultimate glory, honor and praises. Each path that I walk down in life has been formed just for me and HIS purpose for me to bring attention unto HIS KINGDOM in some manor.
   It is like this 'daily devotional', I don't know where GOD is leading me through it, but I do know that HE has enlisted me to do so and I'll do everything as led to by HIM. You may ask, 'how I know this leading is of GOD?' All that I undertake is first prayed upon and then I await HIS leading. Either through and audible word, scripture reading or an impression upon my heart. Heart, not mind, for the heart is the seat of the HOLY SPIRIT within our bodies and not the mind. Our minds can be influenced in many ways not of GOD, so I don't trust it. Our minds are the seat of our problems throughout life. With our own understanding we determine what we are going to say and do. This is where Adam and Eve made their biggest mistake, allowing their understandings to govern the way they reacted to satan's suggestion. So seek not to allow what you see and think to govern your actions, but listen to your heart. To that very place where the HOLY SPIRIT dwells within you, to lead you and guide you in all that you ever say, do or think. In this way you will be allowing GOD to mold you and shape you into HIS very image. That which we are to be as Christians, CHRIST-like!!!
May GOD bless you and lead you all the days of your life!!!
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
p.s. to all those that read these, please let me know what you think of them. For I am seeking to bring glory to the LORD through them and would truly love to know if I am fulfilling that which HE has led me to do.

A new day ...

Praise the LORD!!!
   A new day and a new way. This morning I prayed for the LORD to use me more in fulfilling the "Great Commission." This is the results of what HE laid upon my heart. It seems that now VCM and myself will be issuing a daily devotional of that which HE leads me to impart to readers. How I'll be able to fulfill this task 'daily', only HE knows. For I'm truly not some overly wise, super spiritual person. I'm really no different than most Christians out there. I struggle daily with my walk for the LORD. I fall down and am blessed to be lifted up again. The LORD is truly going to have to do this!
   For years I've allowed the LORD to lead my life. Daily seeking HIS inspiration in all that I do. Seeking to do away with self and allow HIS will to show forth from all that I do. I'd say this is another step in HIS will for me and as with all in the past, I will seek to do my best and bring nothing but glory to HIS name!!! LORD, this is all YOUR's, I am but the earthen vessel that YOU've chosen to do it through. Let it be all to YOUR glory and not to any others. In JESUS' name I receive this. Amen, amen and AMEN!!!!!!!