Saturday, January 23, 2010

3.18.10_ a repost_Jere. 17:10_ To look inside...

Praise the LORD!!!

   Today is the second day of my quitting smoking (Cigarettes) and my mind is a bit unfocused. I had begun to write a  devotional,  got a bit sidetracked and then after writing more on it decided it wasn't worthy of going out it it's current form. So today's posting will be a re post of an earlier one. I hope you can bare with me until I'm blessed with getting this habit under control. Only the LORD knows what tomorrow holds, so maybe a fresh post will come tomorrow?

   Today we will seek to look inside ourselves. Both by our own eyes and through the power of the LORD. With introspection comes knowledge, knowledge of ones self!

   Jeremiah 17:10

  " I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." 

  As with all things in our lives, we should start with the LORD doing the first parts of it. For this is to be our 'foundations' for existence. All that we are, should be centered on GOD and HIS will for our lives. All throughout history the great saints have drawn on GOD first and then and only then on the understanding that GOD graced them with to further proceed with any task. We too should seek GOD's inspection of our lives first and then begin to follow through on that which HE has started and revealed.

    When life has brought us to the point of wondering what our very existence is for or why things have been the way they have. We must start with prayer for GOD to open our eyes to our hearts, for this is the seat of our being and the dwelling place of the LORD MOST HIGH within us. Allowing HIM to examine our very deepest of thoughts and motives and then revealing them to us. From here we proceed, with HIS guidance, to search out all that we've been allowing to distract our focus from upon HIM. I say this, because this is the most common of reason for trials and tribulations in our daily routines. We've allowed our personal burdens to center our focus on ourselves and away from GOD and HIS calling for closer relationship to HIM.

   After receiving GOD's leading, those deep convictions within, proceed to expand on these. Let's say that GOD has shown us that we've been allowing to much of the world to hold our attentions away from HIM. Where have we done this? Is it from watching to much TV? Or listening to the wrong types of music or gossip about the neighbors? Jot down a list of things that you think are the reasons GOD has shown you them. Taking note to be as forthright about them as possible. You must be honest with yourself or this process will be a waste of time, both ours and GOD's!  Once we have our 'spring cleaning list,' let us take it to GOD in prayer. Asking HIM to reveal to us each of the truths in these and the manor to remove them from our lives.

   Now here is where things begin to get exciting and at times, embarrassing. We will have to take each of these, one at a time and begin to remove them from the list. No matter what it takes, we must proceed to completely remove it from within our lives. Lets say GOD has revealed that we've been listening to gossip about our friends and worst yet, passing it on and increasing it. We will have to go to each and every person that we've allowed to plant this seed in our lives and tell them that we can't continue on doing such within our lives. This is the easy part. For then we must go to each of those that we've talked about, whether they know it or not, and ask their forgiveness for taking part in the rumor mill. This can be very embarrassing, because a lot of the time they may not even know this has been taking place behind their backs and that you a friend were taking part in it. Talk about something that will bring about a humble spirit within a person, this truly will, because you're be opening yourself up completely to a well deserved lashing by someone, friend or not!

   Know we've gone through the list that GOD has given us, from top to bottom, now where do we go? Back to GOD! For this is to be both the starting point and the finishing point of our existence and actually everything in between should focus on our relationship with HIM!!! We've allowed GOD to search our hearts, we've searched them, gone through the list from top to bottom and now we're back at the beginning, with GOD. Pray for HIS strengthening, for HIS wisdom and understanding and most of all for HIS grace to be poured out upon your life, so that you can continue to remain in close relationship with HIM. For though we live in this world, we are not to live for it, but to live for CHRIST JESUS and to HIS glory. We can not show forth the glory of JESUS within our lives when we focus on everything but HIM. With the cleaning process that we just went through, we must be aware of every detail of our existence and where we're placing our attention. Am I seeking to glorify HIM by listening to this music, or watching this TV show? Are the words that proceeding out of my mouth glorifying HIM? Are each of my actions reflecting CHRIST within me or are they revealing that I've allowed the world to enter back in? It is best to judge oneself and allow GOD to take care of all others, for in this we know that our slate is clean before GOD, and we won't care about the witness of others, because if we stand worthy before GOD, anything that any other could say would be but a lie!!!

Other verses to read: 2 Chronicles 6:30; Jere. 11:20; Psalms 1, 17:3, 139:23,24; Rev. 2:23

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

   Prayer request can be sent to: 
   You might also like reading my other blog, Blogs from the VINE

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

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