Friday, February 26, 2010

2.27.10_Luke 24:17_Our conversation...

Praise the LORD!!!

   Luke 24:17

      "And he said to them, “What is this conversation that you are holding with each other as you walk?” And they stood still, looking sad."

   This was later in the day, of the day JESUS was resurrected, most likely after all the commotion of the morning discovery had quiet down some. We can most likely tell what was on their minds, considering what had just happened. They were talking about all of the past several days occurrences. CHRIST's arrest, HIS crucifixion and now the events of this day. The SAVIOR'S body was missing from the tomb and the women have been telling us all these wild stories about angels and the LORD HIMSELF talking to them. We can expect it to of been something along these lines.Why shouldn't it of been? Look at all that had just happened in these men's lives. After all these weren't priest or men of great learning, but simple men, one's that made their living from the hands.

   But this isn't the reason for this verse today, it's not about what their conversations were about, but what are our's! That's right, our conversations.We as Christians are supposed to be filled with CHRIST to the extent that we're overflowing with HIS testimony. Everything we say and do is supposed to reflect JESUS and HIS effects within our lives. Now I know it would be next to impossible to talk about nothing but JESUS and live a normal life. But truly how much of our conversations every mention HIM? 50%? 40%? 20%? How about just 5%? It is really hard to judge, because most likely you're like me and really don't keep tabs on something like this. I have a feeling though that a good percentage of us will fall under the 5% range and if we're really truthful about the matter,we'll admit to even less then this.

   Now the problem with this is the fact that until JESUS came into our lives, we truly had no standard by which to guide our conversations. But since, it's a totally different story. Most likely when you were first converted, from sinner to saint, that you spoke a whole lot more about the wonderful works that JESUS had done within your life. Since then, it's kind of become old news and no longer a major topic of interest. The reason for posting this today, is that the LORD laid it heavily upon my heart, that we're to continue telling others about HIM no matter how long we've been a Christian.

   I know the most likely culprit for the problem too. We are no longer on fire for the LORD. Kind of like a lot of people's marriages, the wonder factor has worn off and some of the thrill has gone away. We're no longer completely engrossed by all the changes that had taken place, so our conversations have begun to grow fewer and fewer about all that HE's done for us and the changes that have taken place within our lives. Kind of like the Christmas toy that we were so happy about getting, but within a couple of days its sitting in a corner somewhere, not even being missed.

   Herein lies the problem. Have we forgotten the fact that we woke up this morning?. That we were able to walk, talk and function? Or carry on in the normal manner of our lives? Going to work, if blessed with a job? Eating a meal at the dinner table, if blessed with a house and food to put on the talbe? Being able to do those thing that you want to, when you want to, because you're not in prison? Oh, now I think you see what I'm getting at! GOD has blessed each and everyone of us in so many ways it would be impossible to mention them all. We should be so thrilled about these that we can't help but tell someone else about them and why we're so glad for being able to enjoy them.

   Do we gossip?(1 Tim. 5:13) Do well tell off color jokes and stories to fit in?(Eph. 5:4) Do we find ourselves just talking about anything, because we just feel like it? Then why can't we find the time to tell someone else about the wonderful life that JESUS has blessed us with? The last part of our verse today, really should reflect how we're feeling about now. We should be looking sad, because we've just realized that we've forsaken our first love, a love like none other. One that totally changed our lives, into something that we should want to express in great songs and praise. Something I personally am going to do my best at changing and getting that percentage up as high as possible!! What about you?

There will be no other verse posted, we really need to think about this topic and let it sink in until we can say we're talking about the LORD more an more everyday!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, February 25, 2010

2.26.10_2 Cor. 12:15_Broken bread and poured out wine...

 Praise the LORD!!!
   Years ago, just after my release from the halfway house, I began to search out the ways to set up the ministry that the LORD was calling me to. In doing this, I contacted everyone that was ministry that I could find. One brother from a ministry in Springfield came and had an hour and a half meeting with me. Giving me great incite into all those things required by law and those things which GOD would proceed to do in my personal walk with HIM as I progressed towards this goal. Today's reading reflects on one of these truths that he told me and one I've seen enacted over and over within my life since that day!

   2 Cor. 12:15

       "15 I will gladly spend myself and all I have for you, even though it seems that the more I love you, the less you love me."

   My devotional readings, focus on the writings of the old masters of our faith; Spurgeon, Chambers, Kempis and Murray. For they were from a time when the world that we know wasn't so intertwined in the operations of our faith and churches. Life was much simpler and less intrusive into our focusing on GOD and HIS will for our lives. The devotional today comes from a combination of readings and not one alone, with the added meat of reflections on my life with CHRIST.

   The apostle Paul here reflects on how he is willing to go to the extremes to lead the Corinthians into a saving knowledge of CHRIST and HIS will for their lives. Doing this and not worrying about the consequences, not even worrying about whether or not they return his love for them back in his direction. This is a total reflection of that which JESUS did for all of us. HE gave HIS all, right down to HIS last breathes, so that we may have forgiveness of our sins and the hope of eternal life. We as Christian, remember CHRIST-like, are called to this very same calling. Each and everyone of us. We're not called to change the world and those in it, but to show the very example that CHRIST showed us, giving of our natural to obtain relationship with HIM in our lives and in turn doing the same for all others whose lives we affect.

   This is where the 'broken bread and poured out wine comes in. When we begin to walk with the LORD, HE will change us from within. Making us into the very vessel of HIS love for mankind that HE wants us to be. To do this HE must break us, bless us, and then pass us out to those around us. This is a shadow of the holy communion (Luke 22:19,20) in which we take place, hopefully on a regular basis too! The person that we were, the natural man, can not exist in the likeness of CHRIST, it is to imperfect and unclean. JESUS must break us and begin forming us into a new creation, which has HIS likeness and not the one of our worldly form. HE must separate us from the world and remove our focus from it and turn it to HIMSELF. Many Christians have a serious problem at this point, for they want to hang onto the old and still resemble the new. It can't be done, for light and darkness can't exist together one will always destroy the other when they're brought into contact with each other.

   This breaking forms us into the newly created being (2 Cor. 5:17)KJV), one which begins to take on the shape of the ONE which broke it, namely CHRIST. But HE can not stop with this, for we must be blessed to continue this process. HE will first fill us with the HOLY SPIRIT, perhaps the greatest blessing of all. For it is HE that gives us the power within our lives to begin seeking after a greater relationship with JESUS. You may think that your having the urge to be more like JESUS is your own longing for HIM, but it is not. It is only by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT within us that we can even begin to attempt this feat. For that which is natural is connected to this earth, from which it was originally formed and only through our spiritual conversion can we obtain that which is spiritual. Our likeness to CHRIST. Once this process is begun in us, we begin to long for a great and nearer relationship with CHRIST. We begin to read or bibles more, we begin to study it as if our very lives depended upon it, seeking with every breath to be closer to HIM and more like HIM.

   At this point our lives have complete begun to transform how and what we think about, worry about and seek to do within our lives.Those things at which at one time held great importance in our lives, no longer matter. Those things that we worried about, we no longer worry over. We begin to seek out others to tell them of the great changes which have come into our hearts and we begin to have rivers of living waters flow forth from us. We seek to give our all to the glory of HE that has made these changes within us and allow ourselves to be poured out like wine and not worrying about the outcome of this world for we now know without a doubt that we are not of this world any longer. But of that which is to come when JESUS returns in all HIS glory to gather up HIS saints unto HIM. This my friend is something to look forward to, something far more worthy of our attentions, then what we shall eat, drink or wear. This is that which will never perish, for it is eternal.

Other verses you may enjoy: Rom. 7:13-25; 1 Cor. 11:23-32; Heb. 13:1-9; Psalms 23

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2.25.10_ 2 Cor. 4:16-18_Troubles

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Today's topic is something all of us are familiar with, troubles. Whether those that are of our own making or those that happen to fall upon us, either way we look at them they are still a burden within our lives.

   2 Cor. 14:16-18

      "16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (NIV)

   For much of our lives, even before we were found by CHRIST, we have been accustom to having troubles within our lives. They're a generally accepted part of life as we know it. It doesn't matter their source, they all present us with problems in our day to day living. Some may be minor or others of great concern, they all present us with choices to make and then we have to live with the results there of. Troubles come in all forms, those that can quickly be taken care of with minor effort and those that take a lot of tough thinking and maybe even numerous responses to take care of.

   No matter what the trouble or it's size we're told in this scripture not to lose heart. In other words, don't worry about it. Don't let this take your focus off of where it should be. Now this is truly a very hard stance to take, especially if one has lived a good portion of their life as a non believer, not knowing the power and promises of GOD. Yet today, even many long time Christians still suffer with sweating the problems of life. This is due to the fact that we allow the problems to cloud our vision, keeping us from clearly focusing on HE that has promised to carry our burdens for us(Matt. 11:28).

   Our verses for today then goes on to reflect upon the state that we feel we are in, and in pretty graphic details. We feel as if our problems have completely wasted us away, to the point of death itself. So heavily burdened are we that we can see no way out from underneath them. So overwhelming are they that we see no possible means to deal with them. Yet GOD has promised us that HE will always supply us with a manor of escape(1 Cor. 10:13), no matter what has befallen us.

   Now so far I've given two conditions that we see ourselves in and two ways GOD has promised to give us a way out from under them. Yet we can still be having problems with them because our eyes have remained focused on them and not GOD WORD for us or HIS promises to us. Our verses then go on to give us another method of dealing with these troubles. By realizing that they are but of this world and we truly only exist here for a short time and then we're living life eternal. Our problems, no matter how difficult to handle here, are nothing in comparison to the eternal glory that we look forward to in heaven with our GOD. Also the fact that while here dealing with our problems we're building up for us in heaven rewards, rewards that totally are more glorious then anything that we've faced upon earth can even compare to.

   With all this said, what are we to do when faced with the troubles of life? First off, we're not to look at them as if they're overwhelming and impossible to handle. Second, that there is no possible way for us to resolve them or be removed from them. Third, and this is truly the best of them, that no matter what, or how terrible, or long lasting our troubles are, they are nothing at all compared to that which we have to look forward to in heaven when we join the LORD there. So the next time troubles come your way, what are you going to do? Will you focus on them and the impending doom that there bear upon your shoulders or will you look up to the LORD and say thank YOU LORD for giving the means to handle all that has come my way and for all that YOU'll have waiting for me when I join YOU, in our heavenly home? Personally, I'm going with the second way!!!

Other verses for study: Psalms 144:1-15; Proverbs 27:1-27; Mark 14:32-42; 2 Tim. 3:10-17

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2.24.10_Matt.20;28_Our service...

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Our call to service!

   Matt. 20:28

     "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

   We as  Christians are called to serve, not just our fellow Christians, but our fellow man, meaning all of mankind!!! This doesn't just mean in catering to their needs physically, but spiritually as well. This is not a small task to say the least, but it is a very important one. Let's take a look at some of these ways of service.

   Most all of you have heard of 'outreach,' the act of helping those around you through acts of charity and witnessing. This is a very important point of service for the CHURCH (when you see me capitalize it like this, I mean the CHURCH as JESUS formed it, not that of the four walls we worship in!) Going out into the community and touching other peoples lives at the point of their most basic of needs. Whether it be food, clothing, shelter or anything along these lines. Then there we have witnessing to their spiritual needs, through many differing means. This includes going into the jails, hospitals, retirement homes and homeless shelters, or anything along these lines where there are those suffering 'spiritual malnutrition.' You most likely know as well as I do, that witnessing can take many shapes and forms and is not location dependent. It can be done anywhere there are people, for there is always someone around that is in need of hearing about JESUS and HIS redeeming works for us! You could even find this true with the walls of our churches. For many times there are those whom aren't saved as of yet, that have felt the stirring of their hearts and have gone to seek out the LORD but not quite found the message that they were seeking. (This could be due to the fact that many churches of today don't preach the GOSPEL message, but life lessons on how to handle life as a Christian instead. I could go on about this, but will save it for another day.) So be alert for these opportunities of service no matter where they may arise!

   Now lets talk about the internet. How many of you use it to serve others for the KINGDOM of GOD? I've heard a few people lately saying that they were going to stay off line because they felt there were following GOD in their time online. This could be true if you spent most of your time playing games or looking for the best shopping bargains. Not though if you spent it witnessing to others or in fellowship with fellow Christians. Or maybe in reading some good Christian literature or Bible study. There are many very good free Bible study programs online and thousands of great christian sites to glean wisdom and understanding. Yet so far this hasn't touched much on service though. Service online could encompass visiting a prayer room or christian chatroom, or what is now being called 'social evangelism.' Where one seeks out those that are hurting and in great need of someone to talk with on matters of grave concern to them. Finding those that fit this bill isn't that hard, it just means going to those sites where they may be and seeing to what people have to say and then enlisting them in a conversation. No jumping the gun and rushing in with fire and brimstone preaching, but listening and showing a compassionate heart. Showing the person that there is love in your heart for them and that you truly care about that which they're going through. Love them as CHRIST has loved you and treat them with respect and a tender heart. This is showing a servant's heart in a person's time of great need!

   I see many online that all they do is post endless list of preaching and teachings as to the fallen nature of others. This isn't showing the servant's heart or the love of CHRIST for all of mankind. It is the puffed up pride of the flesh and that which will lead only to their being judged by the SAVIOR as a goat and not a lamb. Yet, even in some of these can be seen the cry for someone to show them love, but one must look long and deeply to see through the veil that they have covered it with. A veil of false righteousness and piety, pride and haughtiness. These much like the Pharisee and Sadducee must be handled in a different manor. One more of servant and pupil then as one fully knowing the truth and seeking to guide them instead of being led by them. Many of these though should be left to the well seasoned Christian, for many along these lines are very well versed and have spent many an hour in their beliefs. Opening the doorway for one lesser skilled to fall into the adversary's trap themselves, instead of helping another be freed from captivity. So I warn against taking these one, unless totally led by the LORD to do so. 

   The last part of this is perhaps the most important, yet the least looked at. Our LORD gave HIS life so we could be ransomed from the price of our sins. This a total giving of self and holding back of nothing. Can we go to this point in our service to the LORD and all those around us? The answer is we must! If we are to truly take on the likeness of our SAVIOR. We must be willing to give our very existence so another my live on. Paul spoke that he would go to the point of being damned if but his people would realize the truth of the GOSPEL. This is truly a servant's heart and an example we should closely examine. Are we each willing, not but for a loved one, but for a total stranger or even an enemy, to lay our salvation on the line, so they could take our place in heaven? This my friend is totally in line behind JESUS' giving HIS life for each one of us! Can you and will you go to this point to have a servant's heart? That is what it means to be CHRIST-like, to be a Christian inside and out!!!  

Other verses to study: Luke 12:41-48, 16:1-13; Rom. 12:3-8; 2 Cor. 4:1-6; Col. 3:18-24; 1 Peter 4:7-11

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, February 22, 2010

2.23.10_a re post_Matt.Matt. 14:28-32_Stepping out...

Praise the LORD!!!
   Today's post is a re post of an earlier posting. I've been busy all day with matters of the ministry which needed to be done. With the state of affairs with our computer, it takes twice as long to do the simple chores, let alone anything major which was the situation today. It was time to make up and post this coming months newsletter for the ministry and that which should of taken no more then two hours, ended up taking almost eight. I will be tomorrow, LORD willing, with a fresh posting of "Gleanings."

    This morning/day I ask you, where are your eyes/intentions focused this day? Are they upon the troubles that have befallen you? Or on the daily task that lie ahead in wait? Or are they on our SAVIOR?
 Matt. 14:28-32

   "LORD, if it's YOU," replied Peter, "tell me to come to YOU on the water." "Come," HE said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward JESUS. But when he saw the wind , he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out, "LORD, save me!" Immediately JESUS  reached out HIS hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" (NIV)

   You've accepted JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR (I pray so!) and HE has changed your life from within. You have asked HIM to take over control of it and HE has. Now, HE ask you to "Come," step out of the boat (you comfort zone, your dependence on self) and walk unto HIM! Will you be as confident as Peter was, at first, and immediately take the first step? Or like the others, that remained in the boat?

   Like Peter, many will step out and begin to walk the path towards JESUS and in like manor make it closer to HIM. Then our eyes have a tendency to turn from HE that should be the focus within our lives, to the troubles that surround us. Then we begin to sink under their weight. We, like Peter, tend to focus on the problems of the world around us, for it is here that we've spent most of our lives. We've allowed it to shape us and form us into one that is always aware of the external conditions of our lives. We're told in scripture that these things, all of them, are but temporary, soon to be gone and forgotten.

   As with Peter, our LORD is right there, reaching out and taking hold of us. Drawing our attention back upon HIMSELF. Though we forgotten it, our new goal within life is to follow JESUS and place our faith in HIM and HIM alone! We must focus our whole being upon HIM, heart, mind, soul and body! The LORD knows that we are weak, for HE was once just as we, human. Like the good shepherd, HE knows more about HIS flock then we can ever imagine and has our best interest at heart. HE knows that we tend to focus upon our immediate surrounds, for these are those things that effect our here and now. The things that we are used to shaping our lives on a daily basis.

   In order put away our old lives, we must crucify our flesh and allow GOD to bring our focus back upon HIM and HIM alone. We must be willing to offer up to HIM all that our lives consist of, right down to the smallest of details! Then and only then can we take HIS out stretched hand and begin to hear HIS voice. Yes, it will be a rebuke at this time, for our lack of faith in HIM, but then HE will begin to lead us and teach us more of the great wonders of the KINGDOM.

   Are you willing to hear HIS voice, even though it will be a rebuke unto you? Are you wise enough to take correction? Or is your wisdom, wisdom of this world and self, where you are above correction? Are you ready to do a little cutting away of the flesh? These are all questions one must ask themselves, especially before stepping out of the boat!!!

Other scripture readings: Rom. 12:1,2; 1 Cor. 1:25; 2 Cor. 10:3-5; I John  2:15-17; Eph. 4:22-24

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, February 21, 2010

2.22.10_Heb. 13:1,2_Entertaining angels

 Praise the LORD!!!
   Today's message is something close to my heart. While going over my Face-book account, I came upon a post by Arthur Blessitt. It contained a clip from his movie and brought back memories of a very similar occurrence within my life.

  Hebrews 13:1,2

    "Keep on loving each other as brothers.  2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

   As Christians, we are called to love our brothers as ourselves, but also to love all of GOD's created people as well. To many times this is not the truth shown through our actions. If I've heard some one say it once, I've probably heard it a thousands times, "I always help others out." Yet seldom have I seen most of these stop and help someone on the roadside, or feed a homeless person on the street corner. Words and intents are fine, but if you can't back them up with action, they're worthless. Now I'm not professing that works get us anywhere in our seeking salvation, for this can be obtained in only one manor, by accepting JESUS' free gift of grace. What I am saying though is that we are commanded by JESUS to love our neighbor as ourselves and to provide their needs whenever able. Two plain and simple facts of scripture.

   On my first attempted trip to Texas, I was walking along the roadside on Route 62 through Kentucky. I'd started in Ohio in the little town of Utopia, forty miles east of Cincinnati. I was carrying an Army duffelbag with a florescent safety vest and a sixteen inch white plastic cross on the backside of it. I also had my one year old wolf shepherd cross pup with me. I had left the day before Easter '09'. The first night we had slept over the embankment near the roadside, just a short ways from an intersection. I awoke just before sunrise and had our very own Easter sunrise service. We started walking shortly afterward, due to the fact that it was mid April and still a bit cold in the area. After about three hours of walking, I decided to stop for a break on this wall at the roadside. Just as I was taking my duffel off, someone yelled, asking if my dog and I would like some breakfast. I'd not noticed, but we had stopped across from a little Christian church and the pastor was inviting us over for something to eat. I'd answered yes and was going to tie Maryanne to the stairway railing, but was told to bring her inside too. We went into the basement and were treated royally. Maryanne wolfed down three plates of biscuits and gravy and I had eggs, pancakes, sausage and biscuits and gravy. Plus coffee and a desert dish. I was next asked if I'd like to go upstairs for service and stunned when told to bring Maryanne up with me. We sat in our usual place, to the rear sanctuary and enjoyed a nice worship and praise service. Before leaving, I was greeted by over fifty people and almost everyone gave me money. I was truly thankful for these people and thought the whole trip would be like this.

   LORD, was I wrong! In the entire walk, which was ill fated and ended early, of over three hundred miles, this was one of the only times anyone from a church paid any attention to us. For the most part, only those that were 'wayward' Christians (having not gone to church in some time), did anything to help me along the way. In all of that distance, we had only seven rides given to us. Now I was led to only allow people to ride us for no more then thirty miles and most weren't even close, but I was thankful for all of them anyway. (about a hundred miles of rides received total)

   That day Maryanne came up a bit lame after walking about fifteen miles on medium sized rocks through a work zone and we were given our first ride by a young couple in a pickup truck. What had started to be for only a couple of miles, ended up taking us to a public boat ramp, where we could spend a couple of days for her to heal. I had been given some food already, by someone else, and this couple gave me a little cash and came back later with some more food for us. These were Christians, but didn't go to church, because of all the hypocrites they'd met in them. After two days of solid rain, we were put into a house by an older couple, her a believer and him kind of iffy, if you know what I mean. I was blessed to stay there, working to help them fix it for resale, for nearly a month. There was a little non denominational church just a short distance down the road and I went to several services there.But not once did anyone from this church stop in to see how I was doing or if I needed anything. Not once and I mean they were close enough that I could of knocked a window out with a rock. Whats wrong with this picture.? Being housed by those not going to church and shunned by the church!

   After I left here, we continued to be treated right by those that didn't go to church and shunned by those that did. Now most of the details about this trip have been written in one of the ministry's newsletters, called "A modern day Parable," so I'll not go into all the details here, but my point is this. If we as Christians are told by the LORD to love our neighbor as ourselves, why was it those that didn't attend church that truly followed this command and not those that had the message placed before them weekly? I hold no hard feeling towards anyone because of their callous actions during this trip. I've spent many an hour in prayer over this matter, many of them while during it. Praying for those that were passing up a brother in CHRIST, that may of been in need. I learned a great deal on this trip about the true character that is hiding behind those four walls. I would call them churches, but to me they hold a very pail resemblance to that which JESUS described as HIS CHURCH. Now I know that some of you reading this are saying 'that these people must of had reasons for their actions' or 'they had more important things to do.' I'll not judge them, but I know ONE that will !!! 

   I'm going to leave you with that, no verses for tonight. I pray that you will really digest this matter, put it to prayer and study the topic of hospitality well. For someday, you may see a person along the roadside or street corner, that is in need of some help. It will be your choice as to what to do next and don't forget, you may have the chance to entertain an angel or another fellow Christian!!!

Need prayer? You can send an email to our email prayer system at:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2.21.10_Matt.13:24-30_Wheat and tares

 Praise the LORD!!!
    Today's verse came to me this morning, but nothing along with it. Sometimes this is how the LORD will work with me. HE allows me to think on somethings all day, before revealing what the lesson from it is. Today, was one of these.

 Matt. 13:24-30

24 Here is another story Jesus told: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field.  25 But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away.  26 When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew.
 27 “The farmer’s workers went to him and said, ‘Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds! Where did they come from?’
 28 “ ‘An enemy has done this!’ the farmer exclaimed.
“ ‘Should we pull out the weeds?’ they asked.
 29 “ ‘No,’ he replied, ‘you’ll uproot the wheat if you do.  30 Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.’ ”(NIV)
   Many times as Christians, we will sow good seed into a person's life and not see any results from it. We may continue to try planting again and again, when truly we should remember that it is the LORD's work to bring forth the fruit from the grain. There are many in this world that are just to stiff necked and prideful to receive the GOSPEL right off. There is truly not a thing we can do about it either. For we are each responsible for our own personal choice. No one but our selves and the LORD has any say over the outcome either. Though HE won't force any of us to make the choice, HE will work to influence us.

   We can attend church our whole lives, sitting in the pews amongst a field full of ripened grain, yet we're a tare in our being. There are people out there that have sat in this spot for most of their lives too.Never having made the choice to accept JESUS into to their own lives. They think because they've gone to church their whole lives that they're saved. It's not because they've not heard sermons on the true ways to salvation, but because their hearts have not been prepared to receive the seed. This is an act that only the HOLY SPIRIT can preform and no one else. GOD has set a time for each person to come to the point within their lives where the HOLY SPIRIT will begin to condition the soil and prepare it to receive the seed. Sometimes the seed may of been planted ten to twenty years back, yet it has sat there ungerminated for all this time. We can't explain the workings of GOD, for our understanding is so far beneath HIS. All we can do is that which we're led to and pray for the best.

   I know, I myself had gone to church almost weekly until I was twelve and not at anytime received JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR. It wasn't that I didn't know HIM or know of HIS workings within my life, it was that the soil of my heart wasn't ready for the seed to sprout and take shape. It wasn't until I was in my fortieth year that the LORD had allowed my life to take the shape that HE wanted it to, that I was brought to my knees. When this happened, I was totally broken, my heart was crushed and the seed was brought forth as a new born plant. One that has grown and thrived ever since, not that there weren't times of back sliding, but for the most part it was onward and upward. I had been a tare in the garden and not even known it and truthful, I wasn't even thinking about the LORD for the most part. I was bound to live my life the way I felt was best and the hell with what anyone else thought. Sound familiar to anyone?

   Each one of us is either a grain or a tare in someone's walk with the LORD. Many times what we see though is not what we've planted, it seems more like a garden full of tares. We will truly never know the full results of our lives as Christians until the great day of judgment. When the harvesters go forth with sickle in hand and begin to gather all that has grown. Either it be of the wheat or the tares, none but the LORD knows for certain. I've been amazed to hear big name preachers or ministries speak about the numbers that their efforts have brought forth. When in all rights, though the field was sown with good seed, not all that they saw was true grains. Some may of been insincere in their confession, others may of done it just for show. While there were those whom wholeheartedly made the choice, there will also be the tare mixed in. To brag over numbers is of the flesh and this world, not of GOD. To even worry about how many 'thousands' were at the service is wrong and of the human part of us. What any Christian should worry about, from preacher to laymen, is that they've done their personal best to plant the right seed and left the rest up to GOD!!!

Other scripture you may enjoy: Matt. 13:36-42, 3:7-12; Isa. 28:23-29; 1 Cor, 15:35-49; Mark 4:3-9; John 14:23,24

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

You may notice that not all these verses relate to these verses or the writings, I never said they would, just that you might read them and use them as study material. I got you to read a little more of your Bible also now didn't I :)
Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Friday, February 19, 2010

2.20.10_Matt.26:46_Rise up...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Good day and may the LORD bless you!!!


 46 "Rise, let us go!"

   Though JESUS was talking to the disciples here just before HIS arrest in the garden, this should be our daily call to duty!! Rise, let us go, forth into the harvest fields. Rise, let us go, out into the darkness, letting our lights shine forth to the glory of our SAVIOR in a world filled with darkness of heart. Rise, let us go, sowing the seeds of the GOSPEL into each and everyone that we meet or have actions with. Even for those that are depressed by some heaviness of heart, Rise, let us go, for inaction and dwelling in our sorrows is one of the greatest causes of depression.

   In our call to go out into all the world and preach the GOSPEL, to few of us see this as only witnessing with our Bibles in hands. It is not. It is the call to let every person that sees us, see the LORD's presence within our lives. Whether by words or works, no matter what we are doing the presence of our SAVIOR should be seen in and through that which we're undertaking. It needs to be an unconscious act on our part! Where as we are letting every person that happens to come along the pathways of our life see JESUS emanating from every step we take.

   How can this be accomplished? First by spending as much time as you can in the WORD, the holy scriptures. Then through our being in constant focus upon that which we've read within these sacred writings about all that JESUS did while here on earth and all that HE has done since ascending to heaven to be at the right hand of the FATHER. Next would be to remain in prayer on every detail of life, asking the LORD, by HIS HOLY SPIRIT to guide us and lead us in all that HE would have us say and do.

   No matter what we are doing or where we are at, there should be a constant beacon of light shining forth from our being. A light that shows the love and compassion of GOD for us and others. This light should not be a little twinkling of the smallest of embers, but should be as a mighty bonfire, atop the highest of mountains, seen from miles away by all that happen to look in our direction. This should be accomplished by every Christian, no matter how new to the faith or seasoned and tempered by years of walking with the LORD!!!

   Surely there will be times that one truly doesn't feel like conversing with people, wanting to be alone with the LORD. But even these times, can show forth the presence of the LORD within our beings. For many years before I became "Born Again," I had a deep yearning within my heart to be alone at many times. Though at the time I truly had no idea why. I've come to realize that the LORD was even at work within me at these times. Even though I was walking in total contempt for HIS ways, spending most of my time in all the ways of darkness that I could. There were these times that I would go off somewhere by myself, and usually smoke a joint and then just sit and think or maybe play an instrument and think. At some of these times, I would pray or just talk with GOD, though I didn't realize it at the time that it was HE to whom I was speaking. The reason for this was that there was this void within me, some part of my existence that was missing and I needed to find out what it was. These kinds of walks had gone on for as far back as I can remember and I've no idea when they actually started either. I just know that they go back for quite a ways. Many of those that knew me, have seen me off by myself, just sitting alone. Seldom would anyone ever bother me at these times and I can only think that it was GOD working upon their hearts to leave me alone.

   Even during the years of wasting my life on endless pursuits of enjoyment, GOD was working upon peoples hearts through me. It was only after giving my life to CHRIST that I even became aware of this. For several of the people whom I'd partied with, had sat around talking about life and existence or our purposes in it. Something changed within them and after a short while they had walked away from the drug culture and turned their lives over to JESUS. Here I was, years before having my life transformed by the LORD and I'm leading  people to the LORD!?! Truly I've no idea exactly how many this even happened to, because for the most part I was walking around in a drug induced haze, not even aware of a lot of that which I did or said. I know that someday when I'm walking in the glory of the LORD in heaven I'll be blessed to have these people come up to me and thank me for that which I did to lead them to the LORD. Oh what a joy that will be!

   The point of this devotional is to get you thinking about how you're effecting other people's lives. Whether or not you're having an positive of negative effect upon them. Are you doing this consciously or is the LORD working through you to somehow effect another person? No matter what the case, we all need to Rise, let us go!      

   Other verse for today: Matt. 28:19,20; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:45-49; Col. 1:24-29; Isa. 49:1-13; Rev. 11:15 

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2.19.10_Lesson from a Dove

  Praise the LORD!!!

     Today there is something totally different in store for you. Hey, this took me by storm too, so don't think you're alone in this.I've had a whole lot on my mind lately. I'm single. I've been working this ministry by myself for over ten years and until the yesterday, I hadn't ever had one person want to join. My health hasn't been the greatest. I'm living with a host family and have been here going on five months, with no income. So you see, I've a lot on my mind!

   Today I went outside to smoke a cigarette, yes I still smoke, the matter is totally in the LORD's hands and I have been smoking less everyday. Let's not get sidetracked here though. When I went outside, since my host family doesn't smoke, I heard the cooing of a dove. I looked over and one was walking through the grass. I began to notice how it's head moved each time it took a step. I must of thought this is a questioning mode, because the next thing I know I'm having the LORD impress it upon my heart as to the similarity between this dove and our Christian walk.

   I was a baffled, as you are about now, so relax and enjoy, for I did. We all know that the dove is representative of the HOLY SPIRIT in our faith. This is the form that HE took, when HE ascended onto JESUS at HIS baptism in the Jordan (John 1:32). You should also know, that JESUS is the HEAD of the Church(Eph. 1:22,23), not the one with four walls that you attend, but the CHURCH that is the total gathering of the Christian faith. In all rights every single person that has ever called upon HIS name for salvation. We as Christians are known as the members of the body of the CHURCH(Col. 1:24). But what the LORD impressed upon me was not the whole of the body, well at first, but it's feet alone and how they represent us. For we are known as being the hands and the feet of the LORD here on earth. We are the actual workers of most of that which is accomplished in the physical world, by the use of our bodies.

   WE have the HEAD, being CHRIST. We have the feet, being us. Well what about the body? The body is the HOLY SPIRIT, which ties us together with JESUS!!! This making a complete unit, that in totality functions as one. Not independent of each other, but working together as a whole to accomplish it's daily task. Not one of the dove's parts could be missing, for anything to be accomplished.

   As I stated, this all came about because of my wondering about how the dove's head moved every time it's feet did. The LORD showed me, that as we are moving through life, doing the works that HE has set aside for us, HE too is moving  along with us, but not just HE but the HOLY SPIRIT also. Each step we take in our walks for the LORD is accomplished through our being moved by the HOLY SPIRIT and thus the LORD's goal here on earth is moved forward also. In all rights the CHURCH is here revealed as a trinity also. Just as GOD is one in three separate entities, FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT, we have the CHURCH. The head, JESUS, in control of all that takes place. The body, the HOLY SPIRIT, which supplies all the animation and power for everything to take place. An we the feet, the part that accomplishes these works here on earth. Three separate entities, all working together to accomplish one goal.

   Now you may call me crazy, if I am, it is totally for the LORD. For I listen for HIS leading in everything I do in life and I mean right down to the dirtiest of details. The LORD is always with us, the HOLY SPIRIT dwells within us constantly, so HE is there all the time no matter what you're doing. You might want to think about that the next time you start to do something that isn't very Christian like! The point of this is, that as we walk through our lives, JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT are right there with us. Making every move we do, hearing every word that we speak and every thought that we think. Does this make one really think hard about every detail of their life or not? It has made me! What about you?

   There will be no verses today, but I'd like you to take the several within the context of the devotional and cross reference them from your Bibles or some other means.
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

02.18.10_ 2 Cor. 1:11_Prayer

Praise the LORD!!!
   Today, I had nothing laid upon my heart at first. I've been praying all day for the LORD to bless me with something. Then a short while ago, HE blessed me with answered prayer in more then one way. First the verse and then the second springs forth from it!

 2 Cor. 1:11

   11 And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety.

   Our prayers are a very important part of our Christian walk. In them is our first line of communication with GOD. For it is here that HE lives and dwells as the everlasting WORD, in power and actions. We need not to pray only our words though, but HIS WORDS and promises back unto HIM. This is another reason for our reading the Bible.We gain our wisdom, knowledge and strength from remaining within its sacred pages. This is the greatest reason for reading and studying the Bible that there is. For it is truly our source of spiritual food, that which sustains us in our journey. Without it, we grow weak and vulnerable to all sorts of attacks from the adversary. We are warned  that "he prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."(1 Peter 5:8(NIV)) This is no under estimation either, our adversary is constantly looking for the weak and the lame(spiritually) to consume or place upon his trophy wall, like a lot of human hunters will do with a prime trophy. The longer one has been a Christian or the greater their being a source of trouble for his kingdom, the higher their position on his wall of shame.

   In the last decade he had more prized trophies upon his wall then ever before, for he has acquired many a big name preacher or ministry leaders. Catching them in some form of temptation or public snare. I'll not name these, because I'll not add to his gloating over them. They, like all Christians, are human and do make mistakes, it is just that they had a more well known name then others that had committed the very same sins! CHRIST died no less for them them even the lowest of us and they're forgiven if they but ask.

   The second advantage to our prayers, is the power that flows through them to preform the works of GOD here on earth. Peter was explaining how the prayers of the saints had moved within their walks and enabled them to continue on in the preaching of the GOSPEL. Paul also was known for thanking his fellow Christians for their prayers as well, for they had helped move many of the mountains that had marred his path in fulfilling the great commission. Even today the prayer of the saints help to move the mountains that have hindered the progression of spreading the GOSPEL. Many doors have been opened to allow mission trips or ministries to go out unto the world and preach. Many have been healed from sickness and disease. There is untold power in prayer and I really don't think we've but scratched the surface on exactly how much power there truly is.

   Too many people think prayer is but a time to ask for their needs and the needs of others. An yes it is a key purpose of it, but not only that. It is the source of opening the doors of heaven to allow GOD to move in ways upon this earth and within peoples lives like never before able. I know most of you have someone in your prayers that is in need of salvation. Their whole life is a mess of constant sin and disobedience to GOD. Their lifestyle is hindering your prayers from working, but (and this is a big one), GOD has had the doorway opened, so HE can step in and move within this person's life like never before. Remember GOD won't force anyone to take HIS offer of salvation, but with the proper doorway into their lives he can and will move in ways we can only imagine. I've heard some awesome testimonies from people that had been praying for someone for years and had just about given up on the person. When they changed the manor of their prayers for the person and almost suddenly the transformation took place. Many times, by what can only be called the miraculous intervention by GOD.

   This change that took place in their prayers wasn't that much of a chore to change. It was the simple use of GOD's WORD and promises, as written in scripture, prayed back to HIM. That's right, praying scripture back to GOD opened up a whole new strength to their prayers and not just in the out going prayers, but also their lives were changed through this also. Not just by them receiving things that they'd asked for, but through a deepening of relationship with GOD. Now I don't know about you, but I'm all for anything that will draw me closer in relationship with the CREATOR of the universe! Especially a way so simple to undertake as this one. It beats fasting all to death, though fasting is a very important way to increase our relational standing before GOD!

   Now how would one go about this change? Let's say you have a friend that is in need of being saved. Instead of just asking for their salvation, you would pray John 3:16,or Rom. 10:9 or any of the "Roman Road" verses mixed in with your very own words. In the doing of this you're showing GOD that you believe that which HE's promised and counting on HIS fulfilling that which HE said. This is all it takes to change the power that your prayers have to make greater changes in the world. But this does come with the price of your having to read and study the WORD of GOD more intently and prayerfully. Prayerfully, because you should always account GOD into your Bible and devotional time, for it is HE that moves among them to both change us and those that we pray for.

   There is one last bit that I want to give you, something that has dramatically improved my prayer life and my walk as a Christian. That is praying as if already having received the answered prayer. You might think this is jumping the gun a bit, but its not. For we're told in scripture to do this exact thing when we pray(Mark 11:24). This one step has made a greater difference in my life then most any other and one I'll continue till my dieing breath!!!

   Now, I said that there was a second part to this answered prayer and there is. Today I have another member of VCM. She lives a good distance away, but she has asked to come on board as a member of the ministry within the prayer team and any other way she can assist. This is a great relief, and answer to an ongoing prayer.Prayers don't always get answered immediately, sometimes they take a while and sometimes even a great while, but they do get answered!!!

  Some other verses to ponder: The "Roman Road" verses (in order) Rom. 3:10, 3:23, 5:12, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-13; Acts 10:20-24; Matt. 21:18-22; Eph. 1:15-23; 1 Tim 1:3-7

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
All my verses used in writing are from the NIV, being that it is the only Bible I currently own!!! Then again I may still have fifteen in Ohio, if they haven't been sold, burned or trashed.

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

02-17-10_Phil. 4:11_ Contentment...

Praise the LORD!!!

   It has turned out to be a beautiful day here on the coastal bend of south Texas and I'm very thankful for the sunny skies. Though this morning it was thirty eight degrees, I was still content to just be alive.

 Phil. 4:11-13

11"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

   It does not matter here what Paul's circumstances were, but truly it is the condition in which he has addressed them. Here is a man whom has suffered much in the name of JESUS and has been at many times in peril for his life. Yet, he is saying that in no matter what situation he's in, he is content with it! Oh to be able to feel this way continuously. Not allowing the burdens of our health, surroundings or future to hold us down from enjoying the life that GOD has graced us with.

   Paul speaks of it as a secret, yet it was all over the Bible, speaking of their ancient scrolls, but it was hidden from the eyes of most and ignored by others. We know today, that it is relationship with JESUS that is this great secret, a total dependence on HIM and HIS guidance within our lives! Yet if you look around or but listen to people, you don't see it or even hear it. Everyone is complaining about how hard their life is, or how unfair they're being treated by someone. Where, if we but took our eyes off the problems and focused on the source of relief from them, we'd have that relief  that we so eagerly seek!!

   Why then is it, that we can't obtain it, when it is truly so simple? (a two part question here) 1. We can't obtain relationship with the LORD when we won't take our eyes off of ourselves and all that is bothering us. We see only as far in front of us as the tips of our noses and no farther. That which is confronting us is the total sum of our life, nothing seems to exist beyond it. We tend to place so much importance upon our living this life, the here and now, that we've forgotten that this life isn't the one we're to look at, but that which is to come. I know it is next to impossible to focus on the life to come, when this life is so totally over whelming. But it can be done, if we will just allow the LORD to fully take over.

   This brings us to part two of the question, or really the latter half was more of a statement, the simple how to do this. We must begin to draw on the power of GOD which we've been so graciously given(that is if you've given your life to CHRIST.) In the HOLY SPIRIT lies our strength, our wisdom and our understanding of all things. Now this is only if we let HIM be in control, for HE will not force us to do anything we don't want to. It is our choice alone to allow GOD's HOLY SPIRIT to control all that we are and do, not GOD's or anyone else. Once we've made this choice, which I pray you do, we begin to focus our prayers and all of our lives on that which HE leads us to focus on. Not whether the bills are paid or not, but on HIS leading and this only. Our prayers will begin to take on a whole different context. No longer will they be centered upon ourselves, but they will be for others, whether those we're in direct contact with or someone we don't even know. But our focus will no longer be centered on those things that are so important to us.

   Most likely at this time you'll begin to get a craving for some food, not that which will satisfy the flesh, but that which will provide the spiritual food that is needed. You will begin to read your Bible with a hunger like never before. Seeking out all that GOD has for you, from within it wondrous pages. Yet this may not be enough, so you'll turn on the radio to a christian station for some inspirational music and talk. Or the TV, but not to normal programing, but to one of the awesome Christian stations that we are so blessed with these days. Gleaning all that you can from every song, word or picture that you see. With each moment you're growing in strength, wisdom and understanding as never before. Remember though, to always allow the HOLY SPIRIT to be your guide while doing this, for there are those out there, wolves in sheep's clothing, that are perverting the WORD of GOD and some will most likely to pass your way.

   We have begun to fill our lives with the secret that had been hidden from our eyes for so long. We may begin to notice that our problems, though still there, are no longer key issues within our life. It is to know and experience JESUS and to let all the world know of HIS love for us and them also that has taken over. We are beginning to take on the likeness of our SAVIOR, where as the things of this world no longer matter and the things of the KINGDOM of GOD is all that is important. This is how Paul had learned to be content in all circumstances and a lesson that we should all take on within our lives. I choose this way, will you?

  Other verses to seek out: Josh. 7:7; Prov. 13:25, 19:23; Eccl. 4:8; Luke 3:14; 1 Tim. 6:8; Heb. 13:5

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, February 15, 2010

07-01-10_John 14:6,7_ There are many...(a re post)

Praise the LORD!!!

    ***With all the rain that we've received from Alex here in Kingsville I've had a good bit of work here around the apartment complex. This is because I'm working here as a part time maintenance man, until they find a full time one. I've had this week off from my other maintenance job, to which I'm thankful, because there was a good bit of cleanup work to be done. So I've re posted another devotional from earlier entries. I pray you'll enjoy it***

   In my journeys online today, I have seen many seeking after GOD in many differing ways. The LORD has laid it upon my heart to bring forth this scripture reading for today!

  John 14:6,7
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  7 If you really knew me, you would knowa my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

   For centuries man has sought out ways to follow GOD, yet there is but only one way to obtain relationship with HIM. That is through HIS SON, GOD incarnate, JESUS CHRIST. Hardly a day goes by without my reading comments by people of differing beliefs, that their way is the only way to have relationship with GOD. I will tell you right now that the only way that this is possible is through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and the parameters set forth in HIS GOSPEL. There is plain and simply no other way!!!

   No matter how many good works or how good a person's heart is, they can not and will not come into relationship with GOD. I've heard people state,"that so and so by her good works will get into heaven." NOT! Or that you must follow this teachers preaching and methods to obtain right relationship. NOT! There is one way and one way only that anyone can ever hope to achieve a right standing with GOD and that is through receiving and believing in the ONE that HE sent, JESUS CHRIST. 

   There are many gods worshiped by mankind and not one of them has done anything like that of the GOD of the Bible. Not one of them has ever given so many promises and been able to fulfill them while a person is still here on this earth. None have given their lives for those that would follow HIM like the GOD of the Bible. Now I could use HIS name here, in any of it's many forms, but won't for sake of not having any arguments over it. For HIS name isn't the point here, it is HIS living and dieing for each and every person's sins, upon the cross of Calvary nearly two thousand years ago. Did any of the worlds other gods ever go to this extent for their people, let alone all of mankind? Not one of them even came close. Has any of them ever made such an impact upon civilization where HIS followers would gladly face death before thinking about renouncing HIM? Again, not one. Has any of them ever given a prophecy to men, had it written down for centuries, to have it fulfilled just as written? Again, not one! Can anyone reading this state, without any doubts in their heart, that any god of this world has fulfilled any of these points? Let alone all of them combined?

   There may be many differing lines of thought about the GOD of the Bible, that's why Christianity has so many denominations. One thing is for certain though, that is, that they all focus on believing in GOD incarnate, JESUS CHRIST and HIS works for all of mankind. The CHURCH that JESUS came to make upon this earth is supposed to be one united body under HIS leadership. Yet I fear this will never be. For too many times people step in and start teaching ways that are outside of the doctrines and principles set forth within the pages of the Bible. Leading those that won't take the time to study and learn it for themselves, away on a differing path. JESUS told us that there are many ways that seem right unto a man, but only one leads to heaven. Unless people can begin searching out the truths written in the Bible for themselves and not listening to anyone else, this will continue to happen.

   The Bible has held the position of being the number one published book though out history. Yet it is one of the least read of any of the top one hundred or more. Why is this? Because it reveals the truth about the depravity of mankind, cutting those that read it to the bone. Revealing the inner most being, laying them completely bare before GOD. Just like Adam and Eve after they'd eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge, our sins before GOD are pulled out to the surface for all to see. It renders us incapable of doing anything but falling to our knees and asking GOD to forgive us our sins and come into our lives and lead us in HIS ways. Giving our lives to HIM, that HE may be the one that directs us in our daily walks upon this planet. 

   I am telling no one to believe a single word that I've said! But I am asking that each of you that reads this, to find your Bible, no matter how dust covered it is, or from whatever box you have to dig it out of, and open it up and begin reading it for yourself. Not listening to anyone else and what they have to say about it. Just open it and read it for yourself. If I may? I'd like to give you a place to start reading. Start with the book of John in the New Testament, pray and ask GOD to lead you in what you're about to read and then allow HIM to take it from there!!!


Other verses to read: Well folks I hate to tell you, not really, this is another day that I will leave you totally in GOD's hands, allowing HIM to be the one to lead you on the journey as HE sees fit. There is truly no better place to be then in the loving hands of the ONE and ONLY GOD, HE that created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, February 14, 2010

06-30-10_Luke 22:40_Fall not into temptation...

 Praise the LORD!!!

   ***Due to Tropical storm(at this time) Alex I had a lot of work to take care of, so this will be a re post of an earlier devotional. With working two jobs plus the ministry it is hard to concentrate on writing a devotional. LORD willing something will change, allowing me the time to properly write a devotional that will bring glory to HIS name. as they should!***
  With the events of the last twenty four hours, the LORD has led me to an interesting verse. Much can be garnered from this single verse.

 Luke 22:40
   "On reaching the place, HE said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation."

   This takes place in the garden, just prior to JESUS' arrest and HE is speaking to those that have walked with HIM for nearly three and a half years. These, you may expect to be seasoned warriors by now, yet our LORD has to warn them of the troubles ahead. This warning should be well heeded even  today, by the newest of CHRISTIANS, right down to the most seasoned. To many times we allow our years of following JESUS to kind of veil our eyes from the truth. For no matter how experienced one is, they can still fall prey to the schemes of the adversary. For he has had a much longer time to practice up on the ways of man and how to snare them in their weakness'. This warning should be heeded especially by the babes in CHRIST, because for some reason our newest converts aren't receiving the proper "food" for this task and way too many are falling by the wayside.

   With the events of the last twenty four hours, I can see this well. For there are many out there today, preaching false doctrines and making them sound scriptural. If a Christian isn't well versed in the Bible and the foundational doctrines of the faith, they can easily fall victim to these teachers. There are some of these that are even running main stream mega churches! Yes, you heard me right, there are some that are being accepted by seasoned Christian as if every word that comes from their mouths is the truth. When in fact only a part of what they're preaching is truly scripture and the rest has been twisted to maintain a veil over the eyes of the followers. It is amazing how they can do this and get away with it. They've people in the congregation with more years of following CHRIST then they(the preacher) are old. Yet they still manage to preach things that are totally outside of any form close to biblical.

   A good amount of this is that which is known as a "feel good gospel." The true GOSPEL message isn't that which will make you feel good about your life, unless you're following it perfectly. It will rend your heart if there is even the slightest discrepancy within one's walk. This is exactly what it was intended to do, to convict us of our true need of a SAVIOR and HIS power through us to make the needed changes within our life. Any truly good GOSPEL sermon will have people crying out in repentance asking the LORD for forgiveness and the strength to overcome the lack within their walks. To many times we have services that only tickle the ears of the congregation, making them feel good about all that they've done during the week. When in all rights, they've committed sins all week long and just kind of brushed them off as minor. How can we be seeking after GOD's holiness and righteousness if we're knowingly sinning and just brushing it off as minor? A plain and simple truth, we can't!

   This is where the adversary has gained great strength within the very churches that we attend. Our sermon's no longer cut to the quick, dividing the soul and the spirit. Thus this allows those that can manipulate scripture to step in and take advantage of the sheep, turning them into the goats, that will not be known by their SHEPHERD. How is this happening in a day and age of computers, where there is so much information available to everyone and almost instantly? A very simple question to answer! It is because to many times we don't use that which we have available to us. We're lax and allow our selves to fall into temptation. Temptation doesn't just come in the form of sinning, but can, and does take the form of not using all that GOD has made available for you to use. Many times we'll say "we just don't have the time" or "we don't have the programs," to search out this information. This my friends is a cop out. There is twenty four hours in a day and  the time it takes a search engine to come up with too many answers to count is remarkable. Plus there are so many sites out there, that have some awesome Bible study programs, on site to use for free. It is just the matter of our taking the time to put these wonders of technology to work for us. We have to make the choice to get up from out of in front of the TV or video game(or whatever your poison) and put it into that which can make a major difference within our lives. How will you feel, if after many years of walking as a Christian, that when you stand in front of the LORD and answer for your life, that HE says "I do not know you."?

   Now I'm sure I've probably got some of you a bit hot. GOOD! Because it is just maybe what it will take to stir you to action, to get you up from in front of the tube and open your Bibles or fire up the computer to seek out the truth for yourself!!! Each and everyone of us is responsible for our own walk with the LORD. If anyone of us takes the word of someone else for being the absolute truth, without out checking it out according to the Bible, the outcome is only in our hands. It won't do anyone any good to tell the LORD on judgment day, " well that's what pastor Jones taught us," or "that is what they preached on TV." For there is no excuse for being lax when it comes to your personal relationship with the LORD and remember those goats, they were casting out demons, healing the sick and all this, done in HIS name. Not as if they'd never known HIM, but they weren't known by HIM, because of something they'd overlooked within their personal walks.

   Now I know this goes beyond what a lot of people have been taught, I know the doctrine and I know the Bible. Personally, I'm not taking the chance that something I've been taught may be just a bit off of the truth. I'm going to seek out every moment that I can, the truths about scripture, by the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT and the WORD of GOD from HIS Bible. Yes, I'll read other works by GODly writers and I always read from many versions of the Bible. I know that men have made mistakes in the translation of almost ever one of them. I also know that anything that a man has written can be off from that which GOD truly meant to convey. I will fill as much time everyday with the WORD of GOD and prayers for HIS wisdom and knowledge. Then and only then will I truly know that I've done all that I can to make my salvation a sure thing. Now don't get me wrong, these works won't be totally by my hands, for I'll be putting all this into the MASTER's hands, trusting HIM to lead me in the paths of righteousness for HIS names sake!!!

Other verses: There will be none! Why? So you can personally take the time to open your Bible or fire up the computer and do a little Bible study on your own!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, February 13, 2010

05-31-10_ James 4:7_ Resisting...(a repost)

Praise the LORD!!! 

    This is also a note to let you know of this re posting. With being in the process of moving, I've been busy for most of the day packing up my few belongings. I've also had the need to make some notifications and changes on many of my sites, so all will know why I not online. I wouldn't feel right, as I've said before, forcing out a devotional just to fill a slot. My writings are inspired and this will 'NOT' be done. I'd rather bring one up from past writings and re post it, in this way YOU'll getting that of the SPIRIT and not of the man! I pray this will bless you. Oh, this will actually be the second time this one has been re posted, which is explained below, so GOD must have a reason for it!!! I've got to work tomorrow, so I can't say if a devotional will even be posted at all. Then the computer and I will be moving and when the LORD will bless my getting back online HE only knows. Please keep this ministry and I in your prayers and LORD willing I'll be back sooner then imagined:-)))

   This is a re posting of a previous days devotional. For in the last several weeks much has been trying my soul. Many who are friends on several of the social sites I network are being attacked by those calling themselves Christians, yet bare none of the fruits. From my first days as a Christian the LORD has led me to read much and in doing so, I've been exposed to many of the false teachings. Now you must understand that before I read anything, I always pray and ask the LORD about it and that if there may be some false witness in it, to reveal it to my eyes. In so doing I've read the works of many a different "religion" and teaching and always been blessed to learn their ways of itching peoples ears, to lead them astray. Since my return online several months back I've run into so many of these groups. Today I undertook a mass reading of many of these peoples perversions of the faith and hadn't finished until but a while ago. It would be unfair to write a devotional in so short a time with so much going through my head. LORD willing I will return tomorrow and have another edition for you on Monday morning"

   In today's verse lets look at not just the source of evil, but evil itself, what it consists of. We all should know the stories within the Bible that talk about satan and the evil that he personifies. Lets us take a good look at them.

  James 4:7
    "Submit yourselves, then to GOD. Resist the devil, and he shall flee from you."

   Since the fall of man in the Garden, satan has had a hold of all of mankind and perpetrated his evil into our lives. Any thing that is not centered on GOD and HIS purposes for us are considered of this 'world' and he whom has been allowed to remain dwelling within it, has the power to manipulate it and those that focus their attentions to it. satan has been allowed by GOD to hold this position. he is the "power of the air," " the ruler of principalities and kingdoms", exerting control over those which focus not on GOD and HIS will for them, but on themselves and what they can do for themselves.

   Now don't take me wrong, GOD is the ultimate power in this world, but to allow us to really know the differences between good and evil, the LIGHT and the darkness, right and wrong, HE has allowed there to be the two differing ways. For how would we know the goodness of GOD, if there weren't something to judge it against? Some standards to hold and judge everything by? In scripture it tells us plainly, "I form the light and create darkness," in other words, GOD has set at different ends both good and evil. The one end controlled by CHRIST and all that is good. The other satan, allowed by GOD to control all that is against HIM and HIS ways.

   What are the ways of the darkness? All that sets itself at odds with GOD, HIS KINGDOM and righteousness! These are the things of this world, those things that directly effect our lives in anything that doesn't directly focus on GOD and HIS attributes and HIS will for our lives. Though all things good are given to us by GOD, it is up to us how we use them and relate to GOD through them. Lets say GOD has blessed you with an awesome wife and family, but instead of your raising this family up in relationship to GOD, you allow each member to do their own thing, to live their lives however they choose to. This instead of centering the family's attentions towards GOD and HIS will and ways of living. This would be allowing that which GOD intended us to use for good, in a way that doesn't honor HIM and allows the darkness to prevail. This pertains to everything in our lives, and I do mean everything!!

   I've heard a number of people talking online about cutting back on the amount of time they spend in this pursuit. They feel that they're not honoring GOD by doing so. Now this maybe true, I don't know how they us this blessing, whether for or against GOD, so I can't judge their decision. I have spent anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day online for the last several months and truly wish I had more. This is because, as with everything I do, it has all(well 99% of it) been focused on serving GOD and bringing glory to HIS name in one form or another! I deem my time as being GOD's time and seek to use it to HIS glory the best that I can.

   In all that we do, we need to judge whether or not through our doing it, if we are bringing glory to the LORD or not. If the answer is yes, then continue it. If the answer is no though, cut it back or completely out of your life. We are told to "seek ye first the KINGDOM of GOD and HIS righteousness," so if what you spend your time in pursuit of, isn't bringing attention to these, it needs to be done away with. For it is through these things that we allow the darkness around us to begin growing in strength within us and we all know this is not meant to be. As Christians, all that we say, do and think is supposed to focus our attention and the attention of others on CHRIST and HIS redeeming works for us. This is not something I can do for you, or any other person can, it is something that each and everyone of us has to do for ourselves. We must draw our strength from the LORD, ask the HOLY SPIRIT in prayer to lead us and help us to make these changes from within. We must take the first steps though, just like in receiving salvation. For GOD is not a 'puppet master' forcing movement or anything upon us. HE is a loving and caring FATHER, WHO wants the best for us and will open the doors, give us the advice, but won't push us through. Will you make the first steps in correcting your walk with GOD? Or will you continue allowing the ways of the world to distract you from all the blessings GOD has for you on the other side of the door?

(after reading through this, I thought that it had nothing to do with the entry line, but after prayer, I've been prompted to leave it as is. May GOD receive the glory and only HE!!!)

Other verses to read: Isaiah 45:7; 1 Cor. 6:18, 10:14; 1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 2:22; Matt. 6:33; Eph.2:1-10

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

   Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, February 11, 2010

5.27.10_Like unto JESUS_(a re post)

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Due to the events of the day, this is a re posting of an earlier devotional. If you've read my book, "Out of the LIGHT", you'll know what took place on this day (5.26) many years back. It seemed like there were some unresolved feelings that needed to be taken care of and the LORD provided the means for this to happen. I'm thankful for a new Christian friend, that truly listens to the LORD's quiet voice and is obedient no matter the cost or their feelings. Such people as this, hold a special place in my heart and prayers!!!
   Acts 4:13
     "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with JESUS."

   Today we look at what it is to be a Christian or CHRIST-like, for this is truly what the word Christian means. One that is like CHRIST, or resembles HIM. In our verse for today we have Peter and John before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish religious judges. Those that were responsible for overseeing the religious practices of the Jews. These two men were before them because of the actions they were undertaking and the works that they were doing. They listen to them and then judge them as being ordinary men and unschooled. Not unschooled in general for they were businessmen and had to have some form of education to run their business'. But unschooled in the higher forms of the religion of the Jews and those works that they were preforming. For they had just taken part in the healing of a cripple man.

   This is taking place before anyone was ever called a Christian, but here they note "that these men had been with JESUS. JESUS and all that HE had done was still so fresh on their minds, that they could see that these men had been among those that had followed our SAVIOR. Though ordinary, there was something very different about them, they had been in HIS presence and it showed. The works and the words that they showed forth were reminiscent of those done by JESUS HIMSELF and it was plain to see.

   We as Christians, CHRIST-like, are also supposed to resemble CHRIST in all that we say and do. Whether the works of our hands or the word that come from our mouths, all about us is to lead others to see JESUS within us! That right, all that we say and do, not just some of the time, but all of the time. To often it isn't like this at all. Sure we may show our faith on Sunday mornings, or when we're around other Christians, but seldom will we constantly, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year reveal JESUS within our lives, words or actions. Let alone all three of these, all the time. Why is this? Have we fallen that far away from the ONE that gave HIS all for us on the cross? Or is it because we have forgotten what HE has saved us from? I'd take a fair stab at it and say it is a bit of all three together. Many times our lives are just so overwhelming, that they blind us to the realities of CHRIST and all that HE's done for us. We tend to allow them to control more of our actions and wording then we should and in so doing fall farther away each day.

   How can we keep this from happening and place ourselves in the positions of Peter and John? First and foremost is to draw closer to HIM in our prayer life. Focusing on HIM and all that HE's done for us, both before and after conversion and placing our attention more directly upon HIM and not all the other "great" matters of life. Next would be to begin reading our Bibles more and more each day. Filling our time with the WORD of GOD and not those words of man. It doesn't have to be hours on end, you can start with ten to fifteen minutes a day. I prefer early in the morning, before the world truly has had the opportunity to grab my attentions. I also like to read a daily devotional, to help draw my attentions closer to GOD. At this time, I'm reading four and sometimes five in the morning and two at night. This all on top of my readings of the Bible. Now I wouldn't expect anyone to try and imitate that which I do, I'm a minister and GOD has a pretty big calling upon my life, so it takes a great bit more to satisfy my hunger for the LORD. Pray on this matter and begin that which you're led to undertake. Always pray before you start reading, asking GOD to lead you and guide you as HE would have you read.

   The more you begin to fill the time in your life with reading and studying, prayer and meditation (on scripture) the more your life will begin to reflect the imagine of having been with JESUS. People may begin to see more and more of a difference in you also. Your speech will begin to change, your actions and practices will no longer be the same as they were. You will begin to transform into one that people will wonder about why your life is so different. Then they will seek to find out why it is and ask you, what is it that makes you different from ordinary men?

   As I finished this last part it was impressed upon my heart that this is not all. For today though, it is. Tomorrows writings will be a carrying on from here, giving more 'meat' for your table as to what it is to be a Christian!!!

Other verse for consumption: Matt. 5:16, 11:25,26, 14:12; mark 3:13-18; John 9:4,5; Acts 13:2; Eph. 2:10; Col. 3:17; Titus 2:10-12; James 1:22-27; 1 Peter 2:12
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

Please don't forget my other blog, "Blogs from the Vine," either, you may enjoy reading it also!

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International