Praise the LORD!!!
1 Thes. 3:12,13
12 "May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. 13 May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones."
There has been a decrease in love in this old world of ours! Though you don't hear much about it from anyone, when you should. For this should be a matter upon every Christian's lips. You'll hear about the earthquakes and the growth of the New World Order and the impending end times, but not the fact that the love of mankind is growing sadly weaker. Now this is something that truly should be catching the eyes and hearts of attentive Christians. For it is a sign of the end, in itself(Matt. 24:12). Though it is one of the least thought about signs to come, it should truly be one of the most highly attuned to! Why would I say this? For one simple reason, it is with love and in love that the true Christian is to operate, or at least should operate!
We are called by CHRIST to love our fellow Christians(John 13:34,35), as well as to love our fellow man(Luke 10:30-37) and to let the world see the love HE has for us, reenacted through our actions and lives. So all that we are ,say and think should revolve around our exhibiting the love of JESUS(Col. 3:17). In our verses today, the apostle Paul is commending and encouraging the Thessalonian Christians for their living in love. For both their current state of being and for them to continue to follow through with an increasing of it. To seldom today, do we hear of many people truly loving their fellow man. Yes, we do hear the political activist raising their voices along these lines. Plus those of the fringe groups that are only seeking their own rights to love whom ever they want, whether morally right or not. But when it comes to the people of the world showing their love for all the people of mankind, there is a great and increasing gulf between what is, and what should be.
Its simple to see, without digging to deeply, that mankind is growing cold and indifferent, more self centered, with everyday that we travel through time. All one has to do is watch the evening news, or check out the internet for a while. Your eyes and ears will gather far more then they could ever desire to have. Murders, assaults, wars and the list goes on indefinitely. Is there any underlying reason for this? Plain and simply put, yes there are several.
With the increase in awareness and knowledge, man has begun to fall farther and farther away from the GOD ordained position that he is supposed to function in. Instead of our caring about our fellow man, we loath them and would prefer to be as far away from them as possible. I know we hear all the stories about how the internet is drawing people closer together then ever before. Yet, we hear of people marrying an avatar from a video game, because it doesn't disagree with them and they never have to alter their lives to adapt! Yes, you heard me right, this was in the news today(4.16.10). Would something like this take place, if people were truly showing the love of JESUS like they should be?
We have genocide taking place around the globe, under many different names and those in power do little about it. Now they say, they are working to take humanitarian action against these people doing such things, yet little seems to get done about it at all. How can this be, in a world where almost everyone says they're a humanitarian and looking out for their fellow man? Simply put, they're basically after one thing and one thing alone, self interest. Those in power, that could make the needed changes or influence those that can, don't want to do anything because it would incite others against them. Those high enough up the power chain don't do anything because it would cost them to much if they did, though its not even their money they're spending. The groups that rant and rave about the humanitarian causes do little, because if they make to much of a racket about things they'd just come up missing or their organization just shut down. Would something like this take place, if people were truly showing the love of JESUS like they should be?
We have a high unemployment rate and a large number of people homeless and many going hungry. Masses around the globe, and thousands right here in this country dieing because of a lack of something within their lives. Whether its from improper healthcare, starvation or protection from some sort of evil (crime, drugs, slavery), people's lives are lacking something, something very important to each and every human alive. That which is missing isn't just love though, it is a love that passes all understanding. A love that would go to the ends of the earth to provide one starving person with food, water and shelter. A love that would even go to the point of self sacrifice to protect one person from human trafficking or slavery. That kind of love comes but from one place my friend and that is a close personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST and nothing but this. So if you see the news today, or are cruising the internet and you read or hear some outlandish story about some tragedy around the globe. Look up and pray to JESUS to give you the strength and the courage to do something to make a change in the world. Not just for the moment, but one that will change things for a time to come, if not for an eternity!!!
Now for the main reason that these things are taking place and at a seemingly faster pace then ever before. The statement, "For it is written" should give you a clue! It is GOD ordained, and will happen. Mankind is slowly sliding farther and farther away from GOD with every beat of our hearts and bringing about the second coming of the LORD JESUS. Man is fulfilling that which was written oh so long ago and not even realizing that he is. We've been worrying about all the major world events that are showing the signs of the times, and yet it is the smallest and simplest of things that is truly showing our position in GOD's timeline of HIStory. LOVE!!!
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GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
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