I can imagine the thoughts going through some people's minds when they read this title! I know what I'd of been thinking a good number of years back and it might not of been as nice as what anyone else was thinking either. I'm not here to judge anyone, but I am here to lay it all on the line for JESUS and no holds bared!!!
As I was on the way to write this devotional, I happened to stop and open my email box(remember nothing happens by chance!). There was an interesting email there, about our being what we allow ourselves to consume, you know the old adage, "you are what you eat." It was about not just what we eat, but that which we allow our minds to consume. Anyone that goes through a day with their eyes open will most likely of consumed some pretty nasty things by days end. I'm speaking here from a Christian's point of view, not someone with a secular viewpoint, because most of them don't care what goes through their minds. But because the two views are dramatically different, or at least they should be!
From the moment we awaken in the morning, our senses are being bombarded with all kinds of information. Now for the Christian this should contain a large percentage of GOD's WORD and Christian entertainment or teachings. I don't think I really need to mention what is going into someone with a secular mindset, and what they're filling their heads with. It really doesn't take that much time to realize the difference between the two formats of entertainment. Usually within thirty seconds or so of listening to whatever someone else is being entertained with I can tell where their mind and heart is located. The worst part about this though is the fact that a very large number of Christians will be bombarding their senses with this worldly deluge of debauchery also. Yes, that's right, those that are supposed to be representing JESUS in all that they do, are watching and listening to the same type of garbage and we wonder why so many non-believers call Christians a bunch of hypocrites!
I'm going to ask a few questions here today. Ones that are not meant to be from a judgmental stance, but ones that will open our eyes to that which we fill our lives with. I know there are times that I'll sit down and watch an violence filled action movie or one that has a large amount of off color language in it. So I'm not looking at what others are answering these questions with, but that which I can say I'm personally accountable for!!!
- How many hours a day do you spend watching/listening to an electronic format of entertainment?
- How much time do you spend in prayer/communion(reading/studying the Bible) with GOD?
- How many movies in the last year have you watched with a rating of PG-13 or higher?
- When was the last time you truly got serious about your relationship with GOD(not just going to church)?
- When was the last time you repented and asked GOD to help you overcome a sin within your life?
- Do you really consider GOD big enough to help you overcome your sin problems or are you the one that has to work on them yourself?
Prayer request can be sent to: prayers@vineofchrist.org
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
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