If you've not noticed, most of my life revolves around my ministry and serving the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! To me there isn't very much else in life the is worth getting excited about. Though most wouldn't know this by my actions, for even while at church, I a bit on the laid back side. Nothing truly seems to get me excited. There is a reason for this and I might just let you in on it in the coarse of this devotional. Now remember, I did say might:))) (for those of you that don't know, that's an eternal smile)
For most of my life, I'd say that I was a real piece of trash, human refuge, that which should of been done away with before birth. This, coming from a man that may of never been in existence if it wasn't for his mothers stand against abortion. I was one that had very little regard for anyone Else's feelings, needs or even existence. As I said a real work of art! But GOD had a reason for this all to of happened the way it did. In HIS great omnipotence, HE had set all things in motion that would make all the worthless deeds I'd committed turn out for HIS glory in the long run. But this all has to be experienced to be witnessed to, and a good bit of it is still in the future.
Phil. 3:8
8 "Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ"
~ Philippians 3:8, NLT
When the LORD wholeheartedly got my attention, it was in prison and all that I could see of a future had gone down the drain. I was looking at twenty to thirty five years or so in the federal penitentiary. What I'd built up over the years, as to a family and friends, or what most would call a life, had disappeared in the matter of days. It was all now but a thing of the past and after looking at it through a new set of eyes, wasn't really all that great. I had a family, a wife, a newborn son and stepdaughter and stepson, plenty of those things that one kind of relishes as keep sakes or necessities of life. All these were now gone for a good bit of time and possibly forever, for I wasn't the type that would put up with a bunch of disrespect out of people, so I wouldn't be an ideal inmate.
I can thank GOD that HE had differing plans for me. For everything that I was imagining that could of happened because of the type of person that I'd been for most of my life, had changed when GOD decided to 'set the hook' on this fish! I've always considered GOD to be the greatest of fishermen and when HE had caught me, HE did it perfectly. I was completely broken and there was no doubt in my mind at all as to the fact that things had changed and would never be the same again. All those things that I'd a t one time thought to of been of great importance and value, no longer held any interest to me. Those things that had always keep me spellbound, by their allure, were now just wisp of a memory, not even holding my attention for a moment, let alone holding me bound to their luxuries. Yes, though I'd been living a life that was considered as below the poverty level for years, there were things that I processed that most poverty stricken people wouldn't of had, let alone held on to instead of selling for the money. These things though, had suddenly lost all their power over me, and I wanted nothing to do with them.
Now, my life was in the control of a much higher power. One that I'd not truly thought about for many years. GOD was now the one pulling the strings in my life and I was basically just along for the ride. I'd given my life totally over to GOD and HIS control, no longer seeking to have my way and will satisfied, but seeking to do things HIS way and only HIS!!! It's hard to explain how the events of a meer week had totally changed one's view of everything, but they had and I'm very thankful that they did. For if GOD hadn't moved into my life like HE did, I most likely would of been dead within the next year or two, if I'd of been blessed with that long of a time. I feel that my life was totally on the downturn and not much of anything good would of come out of in the next few years. As I said though, GOD was now in control and things were really beginning to turn around for the better. Even those things that most wouldn't consider as being good, I do, because I know that GOD moves through even the worst of occurrences and turns them into things that are beneficial to HIS KINGDOM and our lives(Rom. 8:28).
I'll not be like a lot of converts to Christianity and say that I've never sinned or fallen prey to a lot of the ways that I used to live by, because it'd be a lie. I've fallen numerous times, but have been graced by GOD to be picked up, dusted off and sent on my way again. GOD truly is awesome when it comes to forgiving a person and then showing them the loving kindness to lead them in the right direction time after time, until they get things right finally. HE is truly a very forgiving GOD and one that people so often underestimate completely. All those things that I've turned back to, numerous times, I no longer account them to be important within my life. I'll not say that I'll not fall into their trap again someday, but I will say that I do know that GOD will be there to pick me up and start me on my merry way again, if need be. In this day and age of so many differing thought lines coming out of churches and denominations, I am firmly set in the belief that GOD has started a work within me and it is one that HE will carry on until its completion. That day, somewhere in the future when in HIS eyes, alone, I will be perfected and complete and ready to stand in heaven at HIS side. Living a life in eternity, where all trials and tribulations that at one time had held such a tight grip upon me, are now but wisp of smoke fading away into the vast endlessness of eternity. No longer having any power or control over me or anyone else. For what had been, will be gone and what is to come, will be all that is left to enjoy. Please join me in a life devoted completely to JESUS CHRIST and all that HE's done for mankind. The choice is yours and yours alone. The cost will vary, from totally free, to free with a cost. Will you give your life to the one that gave HIS so freely for you?
Prayer request can be sent to: prayers@vineofchrist.org
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
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