Saturday, April 30, 2011


 Praise the LORD!!!

   FAITH, we all should know the Bible's interpretation of it! Hebrews 11:1. But truly, how do we exhibit it in our daily lives, is the question that should concern us the most. For it is through our faith in GOD and HIS promises to us, that the world around us sees JESUS within us!!!

  "Faith is not a once-done act, but a continuous gaze of the heart at the Triune God." (A. W. Tozer) Do we reveal our faith in our daily walk? Is it our concrete belief in GOD and HIS providence in our lives that is revealed through our actions and words?

    As some of you may know, if you attend to my writings and post, that within several days, I may be homeless. Now, it's not because I've not been working that this is about to happen. Because I've spent most of the last month helping people with work that others had left unfinished or messed up. Part of the ministry's works are to assist people, such as these, and this is what I've been doing.

   Many people in my position would be scrambling to the pawn shops or part time work to gain the money needed to meet their bills. They'd be worrying every spare moment, about those things that the future holds for them. Not me! I've faith, faith in the fact that GOD is who HE says HE is, and will fulfill all of HIS promises, just as written in scripture. I've personally been walking in the LORD for over sixteen years, much of which has been a constant living from day to day. Not being dependent on that which I could do to meet my needs. No, that of living and counting on the ultimate power of GOD to do just as HE's states, so many times within scripture.

   I know GOD well enough, from all of this, that I know that no matter what happens, it will work out to bring glory to the precious name of JESUS, one way or another:))) (Romans 8:28) GOD has anointed me to this ministry and if I end up in several days, headed up the roadside with backpack and a wagon, so be it. I know that where my steps will be leading me, will come about to HIS glory. Where would I most likely head? Since I spent much time warning people of the recent storms, it'd most likely be to one of those areas destroyed by tornadoes. A place where people are in need, great need. Relief from their suffering, either through the works of my hands or the words of my mouth. This is putting ones faith into action for all to see. Not to see the glory of a man, but to see just what one man can accomplish when they've true faith in the one that has changed their lives totally. JESUS!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!! Prayer request can be sent to: GOD bless and good day, Rev. Marshall Barth Vine of CHRIST Ministries Vine Ministerial Network International

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