Thursday, May 19, 2011

The character of Judas, in a differnet light.

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Seldom will I copy and post a large portion of any writings, scripture or those of man. But this is a bit different, for this writing has totally stirred me. So many see Judas Iscariot and his acts of betrayal only with the light of the acts themselves and the end cost of them. This text shall bring these into a newer light, one that I believe we see very often in the church today and also the individual believers. (I have left the text completely unedited, so there maybe references to other sections of the books from which they came. If they work, count it as blessing, for I'm enjoying these studies.)

 "The character and end of Judas is one of the most important and instructive things in history. It teaches us, 1. That Christ may employ wicked men for important purposes in his kingdom. See Notes on ver. 17. He does no violence to their freedom; suffers them to act as they please, but brings important ends out of their conduct. One of the most conclusive arguments for the pure character of Jesus Christ is drawn from the silent testimony of Judas. 2. The character of Judas was eminently base and wicked. He was influenced by one of the worst human passions; and yet he concealed it from all the apostles. It was remarkable that any man should have thought of making money in such a band of men; but avarice will show itself everywhere. 3. We see the effects of covetousness in the church. It led to the betraying of Jesus Christ, and to his death; and it has often betrayed the cause of pure religion since. There is no single human passion that has done so much evil in the church of God as this. It may be consistent with external decency and order, and in accordance with the principles on which the world acts, and which it approves, and it may therefore be indulged without disgrace, while open and acknowledged vices would expose their possessors to shame and ruin. And yet it paralyses and betrays religion probably more than any single propensity of man. 4. The character of an avaricious man in the church will be developed. Opportunities will occur when it will be seen and known by what principle he is influenced. So it was with Achan (Jos. 7:21); so it was with Judas; and so it will be with all. Occasions will occur which will test the character, and show what manner of spirit a man is of. Every appeal to a man’s benevolence, every call upon his charity, shows what spirit influences him—whether he is actuated by the love of gold, or by the love of Christ and his cause."

Barnes, A. (1884-1885). Notes on the New Testament: Acts (R. Frew, Ed.) (17–18). London: Blackie & Son.
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

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GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

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