Praise the LORD!!!
PRAYER: the act of petitioning, praising, giving thanks, or confessing to God; it is expressed by several different words in both the OT and the NT. Prayer can be individual or corporate, audible or silent. It is conditioned by the biblical understanding of God as a personal being who hears the prayers of his people (1 Kings 9:3; Pss. 34:15; 65:2; Matt. 7:11; 1 John 5:15).
Achtemeier, P. J., Harper & Row, P., & Society of Biblical Literature. (1985). Harper's Bible dictionary (1st ed.) (816). San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Oh to those that hold only to this definition of prayer. For this is so limited in it's view of that which is the very beginning of relationship with GOD!!! For prayer to me, though I admit am not normal :))), is that state of being in constant awareness of and with GOD!!! This is that which Paul spoke of in 1 Thes. 5:17, yet is only the beginning. In all my ways, I am in a state of being constantly aware of GOD. Asking HIM question, asking for HIS guidance and/or blessings in that which I'm doing. Yet, not only asking, but thanking HIM in every circumstance, no matter the outcome.
Being a craftsman, I've been blessed with many skills, but I take none of the credit for those things I'm blessed to lay my hands to. For it is GOD whom gets all the glory. I'm but a vessel blessed with HIS presence, enabled to preform these actions by and thru HIM. Whether painting a wall or running a fine line along some trim, I'm petitioning HIM to guide my hands, to hold them and lead them, all to HIS glory and not my own. Whether doing woodwork or tile work, this state is as constant as humanly possible. Yes, there are times that I slip and make mistakes. Yet, I praise HIM that this happened, ask HIS forgiveness and then HIS leading and carrying of my actions from there on.
I'm no super saint, just a humble man that was totally crushed by GOD, revealing the deep and darkest of sins within me. A man, whose pride in self and my own abilities, GONE. For HE blessed me to see the truth, that it isn't the "ME" that is doing these things, but it is the "HE" within me doing them.
The point of this entry- if you hold to the definition above of prayer, open the doors to true prayer. That state where you dwell continuously in the presence of GOD. Open up the doors of not only talking with HIM, but also listening and enjoying HIS very presence. Open up those doors and enjoy life like never before :)))))))
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Monday, October 17, 2011
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