Monday, October 13, 2014

satan will ...

   satan will use every means possible to defeat GOD!!! This statement shouldn't surprise anyone, well anyone that believes in GOD in the first place.

   The "dark lord" has already lost one decisive battle and was rewarded by being cast out of heaven. But truly, he's as stubborn as he is prideful and won't give up or give in until that day in which he's finally defeated.(and yes, he will be, for it is written!!!)

   Today satan wages war against GOD thru a constant barrage of attacks upon believers. I'm pretty sure that I don't need to tell you about these. For daily, we're under constant attack in many ways. Most of which are meant to focus our attentions on our plight and away from GOD and HIS promises to us.

   A secondary means that is being used, is the "trivialization" of GOD's WORD and WAYS. If but for a moment he can get our attentions turned away from GOD and focused on, or disbelieving in one "jot or title" of scripture, he's gained a minor victory. A foothold. A wedge between us and our SAVIOR.

   These means are also being used against those to whom we as believers are to witness. Putting up stronger wall of defense between us and them. These can take many forms and can even use the professing Christian to do so.

   We in the western world are among the most prosperous nations in the world and this prosperity is one of satan's greatest weapons against us. We've houses, that resemble great mansions to those that live in make-shift shelters. We've numerous vehicles to drive all around. When the greatest percentage of others are bound by "manual" transportation, walking or bicycles. We've masses of electronic gadgets filling our home and vehicles. To which, a great many are but distractions from the world we live in, but they too, are distractions from the very GOD that has blessed us with them.

   Even our houses of worship, have become more entertainment, than they are worship. Sure we do worship in them, but is it any degree of that which it was a hundred years ago, or for that matter, just fifty years ago??? For the most part, gone is most of the music that the saints sing. Replaced by that which they listen to, or maybe sing along too. Gone, is the harmony of voices singing, no matter how out of tune, together, making melody to the LORD.

   Gone is the church family, which knew each other as well as they know themselves. Gone, are many of those ways that used to separate the Church, from the rest of the world. Today, many of our churches resemble any other gathering of people.

   These, the few that I've mentioned, are nothing but satan's trivialization of GOD, HIS WORD and HIS WAY!!!


 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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