Praise the LORD!!!
Cliques or schisms, or plainly put, divisions !!! Lately I've seen a greater amount of division in that which supposed to be the BODY. A united assembly of believers, though maybe not totally agreeing upon every detail of our faith, but a UNITED ONE no the less.
Last night I came across a post that may of not been worded the best, which turned into a giant flushing of a worldly toilet!!! The original intent was one of love, though discuss over erroneous methods by some within the church. But it exploded into an outpouring of that which I'd have to call trash talk. Far from anything I could of imagined of coming out of the mouths of Christians. My blood began to boil, for not only was the talk foolish, but far from anything remotely resembling "edification" of the saints!!!
I went on the hunt, while pealing off many a prayer, hunting for the proper references for all that was coming from within my spirit. Thank GOD that at this time I was blessed to be interrupted by another saint, allowing the furor within to subside a good bit. This whole time, I'm still in prayer and decide to take a shower to "cool off." For if there is one thing that I've learned, it is always best to assault such indiscretions, calmly, so as not to be pulled into sin oneself !!! During my shower, I calmed down and was led to not gather my weapons of warfare against the enemy within, but stepback and take a much broader assault against this problem. This is but the beginning of it!!!!!!!
The church, religion or faith that we live amongst today, is one vastly divided. Which should be plain to see, unless one has been living in a cave. Religion upon religion, denomination upon denomination, yet supposedly believing in the one true SAVIOR, JESUS. This problem is far from new, for even within the first century there were divisions developing. From the book of ACTS onward, is full of them. Peter being swayed by the Jewish believers, Paul admonishing him. Then Paul's warnings abound as he discusses the many groups, beginning to take side, picking and choosing whom they're following the teachings of. Paul staunchly warns them, that though there are many different teachers, there is but one LORD and it is HE alone that we should follow!!!
Now, these are just the divisions that are coming about within the true believers, let alone those that are false teachers or anti-Christ, as so aptly put. In all cases, there's but one real cause behind them, that is, pride. That self seeking sin, that has separated us from GOD since the Garden. That very sin that gives us the lord of the air, he that continues to be the accuser of the saints, satan. Who fell from grace due to an inflated ego, thinking himself better then all others, even GOD his creator.
We are seeing a tremendous overflowing, not of the HOLY SPIRIT, but of the human spirit. That very spirit which brought about the fall from grace of mankind, PRIDE !!! No love being shown to the brethren, not even love being shown to any other, only a puffed up, self centered spirit, seeking the approval of others upon their own words. Surprising??? Not in the least, for this is but the results of our being human or carnal. A condition of mankind that we have to live with, though should not accept. Many state they've the blessing of the HOLY SPIRIT within their lives, yet the fruit of their lips reveal a heart blackened by pride. That which they believe, is 100% right and there is no chance at all of their being even slightly off in their beliefs!!! Right!!! If I remember right, there's not one of us that is perfect. For there is but one whom has walked this earth that is and let us not forget this FACT !!!!!!! There is not one religion, one denomination, one minister that walks this earth that can truthfully say they that their beliefs and teaching are perfectly in accord with JESUS' teachings. If they do, they're lying and know it. PRIDE, once again!!!
*** I'm sure there will be more to follow on this, when only the LORD knows. Get yourself away from the teaching of man and dive deeply into the WORD of GOD and nothing else. Don't be fooled by the high minded, that say scripture is hard to understand without one being a scholar, for if we're to accept JESUS and HIS teachings as a little child, would it not be fair to say, these teaching can be understood plainly by a child and not need some degree of higher learning to do so??? Sure, I've over 2000 books in my Biblical library, but when it comes to the ultimate understanding it's the Bible that rules out and not my understandings either, just as written. When told to love the brethren as myself, that is exactly what I do :)))***
A special note here: when we as Christian begin acting like a bunch of worldly people, acting in ways contrary to that which we preach, is there any wonder so many call us hypocrites??? THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
This man???
Praise the LORD!!!
I pray all are well and in good spirits after this CHRISTmas weekend!!!
Today's message will be about "This man." The one that is posting these comments to the greatest witnessing tool afford to mankind. Why, you may ask??? Simply because I'm led to :))) Why, fully I don't understand or even are to dig into, but have learned from many a year of 'see-sawing'(if you will). Say "what," you may be wondering, does this mean. Exactly this. A continuing going from what I believe to be the best actions within my life, to that which has been impressed upon my heart, thus to "see-saw."
This man, as you may know(and if not, search out my testimonial book), was brought to the LORD by a complete breaking of his will, thru incarceration in the prison's of man. Totally broken to the point of absolute contrition. A crushing of my heart, that was needed, to separate the flesh, soul and spirit, into a properly ordered package. Not the package of the carnal man, but that of the spiritual man, that which has the spirit within in control and neither the flesh or soul.
In the carnal man, the command controls are piloted by the flesh or soul, those parts of the 'tripartate' being we are. Being fully directed in our lives by either of these two, brings us into direct enmity with GOD. Seeking only those things in life that are pleasurable to the flesh and self pride, that separate us from a GODly lifestyle. We all should know the traits of these two, and if not, best get into a prayerful reading of scripture:)))
The spiritual man though, is the one in which whose spirit has come into power, taking over the goals within our lives and turning them from self and towards GOD. A total transition from that which was and into that which GOD original planned for us to be. For this was that state of being Adam and Eve both shared in the Garden, before the fall. The will of only seeking that which was GOD's will for them. This is the state of "this man" to this day and one that is growing even stronger by the moment:)))
Now this, the above, would make for a good day's devotional and study, but isn't that which is the purpose:))) For the purpose of this today, is the illumination of what my life truly was and is today. I'm what you could say is an example of a "1 Cor. 1:26-30 man." A man that was dug up from the deepest depths of depravity, washed off(in the blood) and taught in ways, very uncommon for the times. Ways that haven't been instantaneous, but have taken over a decade and a half to bring about. I'm far from perfection, am nothing that can be bragged about and wouldn't if I could:))) For all that has been and will continue to be done upon this spirit, has been by the hand of GOD and it is HE alone that receives any and all of the glory.
Though I was blessed at birth with a high intellect, through twenty six years of major drug abuse, I've burnt more brain cells than many even were blessed with. Though having read the whole Bible man a time, I've but few verses that I can consider as memorized. This again, in reflection of those 1 Cor. verses!!! Of those verses, there's not even one WORD alone, that I can not see GOD having fulfilled within me. For without HIM, I'm but worthy to adorn the sole of HIS sandals, fitting to scraped off at the first opportune moment!!!
Unlike most of you, though knowing all my responsibilities, bills and what nots that consume much of our energies, I'm not concerned in the least about them and will only take care of them when the time(HIS time) comes and I'm directed to do so. I take each moment of my day as led and only as led!!!!!!! The past, is forgotten, tomorrow, is not my concern, but for this moment I was created and is HIS will for me to strive and complete as led.
This is there which I'm led to leave you this day, the why's and what for's are not in my hand to bring about. I've planted the seeds that were meant to be planted and it is from here, that the LORD takes over:))) Have a blessed and prosperous day as the LORD has set forth for you. Share this, keep it and bind it to study, whatever you are led to. For nothing is in my control, for I've released those reigns and have given them over to the only one truly able to bring about HIS most sovereign will for mankind !!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
I pray all are well and in good spirits after this CHRISTmas weekend!!!
Today's message will be about "This man." The one that is posting these comments to the greatest witnessing tool afford to mankind. Why, you may ask??? Simply because I'm led to :))) Why, fully I don't understand or even are to dig into, but have learned from many a year of 'see-sawing'(if you will). Say "what," you may be wondering, does this mean. Exactly this. A continuing going from what I believe to be the best actions within my life, to that which has been impressed upon my heart, thus to "see-saw."
This man, as you may know(and if not, search out my testimonial book), was brought to the LORD by a complete breaking of his will, thru incarceration in the prison's of man. Totally broken to the point of absolute contrition. A crushing of my heart, that was needed, to separate the flesh, soul and spirit, into a properly ordered package. Not the package of the carnal man, but that of the spiritual man, that which has the spirit within in control and neither the flesh or soul.
In the carnal man, the command controls are piloted by the flesh or soul, those parts of the 'tripartate' being we are. Being fully directed in our lives by either of these two, brings us into direct enmity with GOD. Seeking only those things in life that are pleasurable to the flesh and self pride, that separate us from a GODly lifestyle. We all should know the traits of these two, and if not, best get into a prayerful reading of scripture:)))
The spiritual man though, is the one in which whose spirit has come into power, taking over the goals within our lives and turning them from self and towards GOD. A total transition from that which was and into that which GOD original planned for us to be. For this was that state of being Adam and Eve both shared in the Garden, before the fall. The will of only seeking that which was GOD's will for them. This is the state of "this man" to this day and one that is growing even stronger by the moment:)))
Now this, the above, would make for a good day's devotional and study, but isn't that which is the purpose:))) For the purpose of this today, is the illumination of what my life truly was and is today. I'm what you could say is an example of a "1 Cor. 1:26-30 man." A man that was dug up from the deepest depths of depravity, washed off(in the blood) and taught in ways, very uncommon for the times. Ways that haven't been instantaneous, but have taken over a decade and a half to bring about. I'm far from perfection, am nothing that can be bragged about and wouldn't if I could:))) For all that has been and will continue to be done upon this spirit, has been by the hand of GOD and it is HE alone that receives any and all of the glory.
Though I was blessed at birth with a high intellect, through twenty six years of major drug abuse, I've burnt more brain cells than many even were blessed with. Though having read the whole Bible man a time, I've but few verses that I can consider as memorized. This again, in reflection of those 1 Cor. verses!!! Of those verses, there's not even one WORD alone, that I can not see GOD having fulfilled within me. For without HIM, I'm but worthy to adorn the sole of HIS sandals, fitting to scraped off at the first opportune moment!!!
Unlike most of you, though knowing all my responsibilities, bills and what nots that consume much of our energies, I'm not concerned in the least about them and will only take care of them when the time(HIS time) comes and I'm directed to do so. I take each moment of my day as led and only as led!!!!!!! The past, is forgotten, tomorrow, is not my concern, but for this moment I was created and is HIS will for me to strive and complete as led.
This is there which I'm led to leave you this day, the why's and what for's are not in my hand to bring about. I've planted the seeds that were meant to be planted and it is from here, that the LORD takes over:))) Have a blessed and prosperous day as the LORD has set forth for you. Share this, keep it and bind it to study, whatever you are led to. For nothing is in my control, for I've released those reigns and have given them over to the only one truly able to bring about HIS most sovereign will for mankind !!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Born Again,
by the blood,
Christian faith,
new birth,
vine of christ ministries
2420 S 6th St, Kingsville, TX 78363, USA
Sunday, December 25, 2011
A Merry CHRISTmas???
Praise the LORD!!!
I'd like to pass on my heart felt greeting to all my readers, that of a Merry CHRISTmas:)))
Yet, you see the title above having question marks behind this!!! This is because the LORD has laid it upon my heart, for opening the eyes and hearts of many, to realize, there are many not so blessed. Yet some, are more highly blessed, though not in the ways of most others.
You see, I am sitting here at my computer, alone and if not for the blessings of two others(families), would not have received a single present. But this though, doesn't bother me in the least :))) Some background first, though.
Alone, because when I had gotten out of prison, my wife had forsaken our relationship and was living with another. Over a three year period, I tried numerous times to bring our relationship back together. Even to the point of allow her, our son and her current boyfriend to move in with me after they were evicted from their apartment. All that I did, came to no avail, for she and our boys(one stepson) refused to even begin to accept that the changes in my life were real and that JESUS was the only true source of happiness in this world. So after much prayer and listening, we departed company and I've not heard from them since '04.'
Having been here in Kingsville for over two years, you'd think that I'd have a family of friends around me, but I do not. Why, you may ask??? Though I've gone to several churches here and have worked with my hands on several people's houses, most kind of consider me strange. They can't understand me truthfully. "How can one always be praising the LORD and for the most part having nothing???" "How can this man constantly talk about the LORD and that which HE's done and doing within his life when there seems to be so little he has???" "How can this man say he's a world changing ministry, when it is himself alone???"
The answer to everything above, is simple and clear, well maybe just to me. I've a faith in my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST that surpasses all human understandings !!!!!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
I'd like to pass on my heart felt greeting to all my readers, that of a Merry CHRISTmas:)))
Yet, you see the title above having question marks behind this!!! This is because the LORD has laid it upon my heart, for opening the eyes and hearts of many, to realize, there are many not so blessed. Yet some, are more highly blessed, though not in the ways of most others.
You see, I am sitting here at my computer, alone and if not for the blessings of two others(families), would not have received a single present. But this though, doesn't bother me in the least :))) Some background first, though.
Alone, because when I had gotten out of prison, my wife had forsaken our relationship and was living with another. Over a three year period, I tried numerous times to bring our relationship back together. Even to the point of allow her, our son and her current boyfriend to move in with me after they were evicted from their apartment. All that I did, came to no avail, for she and our boys(one stepson) refused to even begin to accept that the changes in my life were real and that JESUS was the only true source of happiness in this world. So after much prayer and listening, we departed company and I've not heard from them since '04.'
Having been here in Kingsville for over two years, you'd think that I'd have a family of friends around me, but I do not. Why, you may ask??? Though I've gone to several churches here and have worked with my hands on several people's houses, most kind of consider me strange. They can't understand me truthfully. "How can one always be praising the LORD and for the most part having nothing???" "How can this man constantly talk about the LORD and that which HE's done and doing within his life when there seems to be so little he has???" "How can this man say he's a world changing ministry, when it is himself alone???"
The answer to everything above, is simple and clear, well maybe just to me. I've a faith in my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST that surpasses all human understandings !!!!!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Sunday, December 11, 2011
At one time...
Praise the LORD!!!
At one time, while I was still in the prison of man(having been set free by the LORD), someone told me that I was "too heavenly minded, to be of any earthly good." Now, I'm sure most of you have heard this little statement used at sometime or another, if not maybe you should ponder it for a few minutes(?) I, more or less scoffed at the statement, at that time, not seeing that this is a possible state within Christian's lives. Not mine though(thank GOD), for I've been blessed to be well grounded in the LORD and seek not my own will, but HIS for me!!!
But, this state is possible within the lives of many and I will reveal cases of such here. You'll most likely be aware of those that are in this state and we must open their eyes to the truth in this matter!!! Anyone, that pays any attention to the events of the world, should have a general knowledge of this happening. For many times on the news and in other forms of media, we hear of many "miracles" being witnessed by the masses. Some of these are true miracles and many are not, for the adversary can and does use the "miraculous" to turn our eyes from the true glory of GOD and HIS purposes for us in life. These can be classed easily enough, as those that draw attention only towards and object(idol), person or place. Like the many "images" of JESUS or the Virgin Mary being found in or on many items. I don't think I need to list the many, that fit in this group.
What do these have to do with "being heavenly minded," a great deal. For they draw our attentions away from that which we are to be doing, to bring glory to the LORD, and towards something else. The greatest miracle of all, is one many simply overlook, this is the conversion(true) of an unbeliever. For it is a direct revelation of GOD working within a person's life. The preparation of the person's heart to receive the seed of the GOSPEL. The moving of GOD upon the saint, which plants this seed and then HIS watering of it and producing a baby saint!!! A true MIRACLE by the hand of GOD!!!!!!!
Perhaps the the greatest case of "being heavenly minded" is one most would tend to overlook. Why??? Because people believe, due to errors in teaching and the pride of man, that it is GOD's will for us. Which it is, but not in the extent that people are concentrating upon it though and this has opened the door for satan to use, to draw people's attention away from the actual will of GOD. Let me first then, state that which is the will of GOD for us, which is truly simple, but often made complex by men wanting to do so. These are clearly stated in scripture, in the two great commandments(Matt. 22:37-40), in our loving our brothers and sisters in the faith (John 15:12), that we provide for the needs of others( Matt. 25:35,36; James 1:27) and(of coarse) to spread the GOSPEL(Matt. 28:18-20.) Sure there are a few other details in following the will of GOD in our lives, but these are an ample foundation to work from.
Now, for the major purpose of this article, the being "too heavenly minded." There are many today in the church that are seeking after "signs and wonders." Spending all their energy and effort on seeking after these and setting aside those things that the LORD wills for us to actually accomplish for HIM while here on earth. It is not in the seeking of these that the error occurs, but it is in the forsaking of all else set before us, to seek them.(John 4:48)
I could go forth from this, but am led to leave you with this alone. Are you seeking after all the pomp and circumstance of signs and wonders??? Or are you seeking to bring glory to the KINGDOM of GOD thru the love JESUS has poured forth for you??? Focusing only on the power of heaven in your life, is keeping you "heavenly minded" and your hands away from the true works GOD has set them about !!! Which shall it be???
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
At one time, while I was still in the prison of man(having been set free by the LORD), someone told me that I was "too heavenly minded, to be of any earthly good." Now, I'm sure most of you have heard this little statement used at sometime or another, if not maybe you should ponder it for a few minutes(?) I, more or less scoffed at the statement, at that time, not seeing that this is a possible state within Christian's lives. Not mine though(thank GOD), for I've been blessed to be well grounded in the LORD and seek not my own will, but HIS for me!!!
But, this state is possible within the lives of many and I will reveal cases of such here. You'll most likely be aware of those that are in this state and we must open their eyes to the truth in this matter!!! Anyone, that pays any attention to the events of the world, should have a general knowledge of this happening. For many times on the news and in other forms of media, we hear of many "miracles" being witnessed by the masses. Some of these are true miracles and many are not, for the adversary can and does use the "miraculous" to turn our eyes from the true glory of GOD and HIS purposes for us in life. These can be classed easily enough, as those that draw attention only towards and object(idol), person or place. Like the many "images" of JESUS or the Virgin Mary being found in or on many items. I don't think I need to list the many, that fit in this group.
What do these have to do with "being heavenly minded," a great deal. For they draw our attentions away from that which we are to be doing, to bring glory to the LORD, and towards something else. The greatest miracle of all, is one many simply overlook, this is the conversion(true) of an unbeliever. For it is a direct revelation of GOD working within a person's life. The preparation of the person's heart to receive the seed of the GOSPEL. The moving of GOD upon the saint, which plants this seed and then HIS watering of it and producing a baby saint!!! A true MIRACLE by the hand of GOD!!!!!!!
Perhaps the the greatest case of "being heavenly minded" is one most would tend to overlook. Why??? Because people believe, due to errors in teaching and the pride of man, that it is GOD's will for us. Which it is, but not in the extent that people are concentrating upon it though and this has opened the door for satan to use, to draw people's attention away from the actual will of GOD. Let me first then, state that which is the will of GOD for us, which is truly simple, but often made complex by men wanting to do so. These are clearly stated in scripture, in the two great commandments(Matt. 22:37-40), in our loving our brothers and sisters in the faith (John 15:12), that we provide for the needs of others( Matt. 25:35,36; James 1:27) and(of coarse) to spread the GOSPEL(Matt. 28:18-20.) Sure there are a few other details in following the will of GOD in our lives, but these are an ample foundation to work from.
Now, for the major purpose of this article, the being "too heavenly minded." There are many today in the church that are seeking after "signs and wonders." Spending all their energy and effort on seeking after these and setting aside those things that the LORD wills for us to actually accomplish for HIM while here on earth. It is not in the seeking of these that the error occurs, but it is in the forsaking of all else set before us, to seek them.(John 4:48)
I could go forth from this, but am led to leave you with this alone. Are you seeking after all the pomp and circumstance of signs and wonders??? Or are you seeking to bring glory to the KINGDOM of GOD thru the love JESUS has poured forth for you??? Focusing only on the power of heaven in your life, is keeping you "heavenly minded" and your hands away from the true works GOD has set them about !!! Which shall it be???
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Saturday, December 3, 2011
No One Knows...
Praise the LORD!!!
No one knows my life better than I do. Which is a statement all of us can make, for it is the spirit within each of us that truly knows us, even better than the conscious self, soul, knows us.
If I were to tell you, which I have stated this before, that I'm TOTALLY sold out to GOD, you may doubt the truth of this matter. I'm going to reveal here some of the facts that will back this statement up. Not just matters of words and speech, but physical matters as well.
As you should know, since you're reading this, that I've been working on developing the LORD's ministry for me, for over twelve years now, totally alone(accept the LORD.) All of the money that has gone into it's formation and works has come from out of my own pockets. There have been donations along the lines of items deemed for donation to others, but until very recently none had donated time, efforts or funding to it. All that has been accomplished, from Springfield MO., to Kingsville, TX. have been by my hands alone. Not one has ever stepped up and said they would want to join in on this Herculean effort, and that is exactly what it is!!! A ministry that is even beyond my total comprehension, for that which I was shown of it in visions in '97' literally blows my mind!!!
I've given up a house(2/3 paid for), my family(wayward wife and sons) and anything one might consider a normal lifestyle, to stretch every cent as far as possible to continue on in my 'carrying of this cross' for the LORD!!!
After leaving behind everything in Springfield, MO., with plans to go on a missions trip to Haiti(which was cancelled(kidnappings in Haiti of missionaries), I rode out the right front quad of hurricane Rita in '05'. This is when the , central focus of, ministry's disaster relief branch came to full life. For the next several years, I reeked out a living and stretched every penny I could into helping those in which the storms of '05' had overturned their lives. Constantly witnessing to the life changing abilities of the LORD, in overcoming adversity. This ended up leading me to Florida, living with my sister and her husband, only hours before my mother went home to be with the LORD. For the next year and a half, I was totally separated from most of the works associated with direct connections to the ministry. Though I was still able to witness constantly and help others(with my hands) to improve their lives.
This is when I received the leading, to totally step out of the boat. The trip to Texas, on foot, was begun. Here again, I left everything behind, including thousands of dollars worth of tools, cookware and other ministry related items. Since my arrival in Texas, every detail of my life has been in the LORD's hands. Everything I have to my name, are either donated items(from local Christians), or those I've managed to gather up thru the works of my hands(working for several local apartment complexes, or helping residence of the area.) If anyone in need were to ask me for any of these items, I'd gladly give them. Even if someone were to want to steal them, they could have them also. For what actually are all these things, except blessings from the LORD!?! If stolen or given freely, the LORD would replace them as they are, or upgrading them to even better:)))
Over the last two months or so, the LORD has truly blessed me with have the first ever donations, actually given forth for the ministry. At this time, I've received just under a thousand dollars worth of items, a computer and monitor and the money to upgrade this to a more proficient system to accomplish the works needed. You can believe me, I am praising the LORD for them:)))
Though all this this I consider as nothing, for my walk, in personal relationship, with the LORD is all important. Though this grows daily, I've become tired, tired not of relationship with HIM, but in the efforts to carry this cross daily. HE has promised that HE will be assisting me in this effort and HE does, but the task ahead is great and so far the laborers few, one!!! If others don't begin taking this matter in prayer before the LORD and listening, being obedient and following HIS leading it will not disappear, but remain only as it has been, the works of a single man.
As I said, "No one knows" this life I walk daily, no one knows the weight of this cross that I so willingly carry and no one knows these burdens that weight so heavily upon my heart for the lost and needy of this world. No one will continue to know these, until others are willing to step out of the boat(that life they think is severing the LORD) and truly step on board this Herculean effort to glorify the LORD like no other generation has ever sought to do. If you think this may be what the LORD is leading to, pray and listen for HIS answer, then get up and step out onto stormy waters, knowing JESUS will carry you onward !!!!!!!
*** any and all information about the ministry can be found on the website (and yes, I know it's not the best of sites(I'm not a web designer either:))) )) I can use every sort of help there is known to man and the LORD!!! Don't ask me if the help is needed, if led, just do it. I trust the LORD and know HE will make all things work together for the good of those that love GOD and are called according to HIS purpose:))) Is this HIS purpose for you, if you believe so what are you waiting for, just step out and DO IT:)))))))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
No one knows my life better than I do. Which is a statement all of us can make, for it is the spirit within each of us that truly knows us, even better than the conscious self, soul, knows us.
If I were to tell you, which I have stated this before, that I'm TOTALLY sold out to GOD, you may doubt the truth of this matter. I'm going to reveal here some of the facts that will back this statement up. Not just matters of words and speech, but physical matters as well.
As you should know, since you're reading this, that I've been working on developing the LORD's ministry for me, for over twelve years now, totally alone(accept the LORD.) All of the money that has gone into it's formation and works has come from out of my own pockets. There have been donations along the lines of items deemed for donation to others, but until very recently none had donated time, efforts or funding to it. All that has been accomplished, from Springfield MO., to Kingsville, TX. have been by my hands alone. Not one has ever stepped up and said they would want to join in on this Herculean effort, and that is exactly what it is!!! A ministry that is even beyond my total comprehension, for that which I was shown of it in visions in '97' literally blows my mind!!!
I've given up a house(2/3 paid for), my family(wayward wife and sons) and anything one might consider a normal lifestyle, to stretch every cent as far as possible to continue on in my 'carrying of this cross' for the LORD!!!
After leaving behind everything in Springfield, MO., with plans to go on a missions trip to Haiti(which was cancelled(kidnappings in Haiti of missionaries), I rode out the right front quad of hurricane Rita in '05'. This is when the , central focus of, ministry's disaster relief branch came to full life. For the next several years, I reeked out a living and stretched every penny I could into helping those in which the storms of '05' had overturned their lives. Constantly witnessing to the life changing abilities of the LORD, in overcoming adversity. This ended up leading me to Florida, living with my sister and her husband, only hours before my mother went home to be with the LORD. For the next year and a half, I was totally separated from most of the works associated with direct connections to the ministry. Though I was still able to witness constantly and help others(with my hands) to improve their lives.
This is when I received the leading, to totally step out of the boat. The trip to Texas, on foot, was begun. Here again, I left everything behind, including thousands of dollars worth of tools, cookware and other ministry related items. Since my arrival in Texas, every detail of my life has been in the LORD's hands. Everything I have to my name, are either donated items(from local Christians), or those I've managed to gather up thru the works of my hands(working for several local apartment complexes, or helping residence of the area.) If anyone in need were to ask me for any of these items, I'd gladly give them. Even if someone were to want to steal them, they could have them also. For what actually are all these things, except blessings from the LORD!?! If stolen or given freely, the LORD would replace them as they are, or upgrading them to even better:)))
Over the last two months or so, the LORD has truly blessed me with have the first ever donations, actually given forth for the ministry. At this time, I've received just under a thousand dollars worth of items, a computer and monitor and the money to upgrade this to a more proficient system to accomplish the works needed. You can believe me, I am praising the LORD for them:)))
Though all this this I consider as nothing, for my walk, in personal relationship, with the LORD is all important. Though this grows daily, I've become tired, tired not of relationship with HIM, but in the efforts to carry this cross daily. HE has promised that HE will be assisting me in this effort and HE does, but the task ahead is great and so far the laborers few, one!!! If others don't begin taking this matter in prayer before the LORD and listening, being obedient and following HIS leading it will not disappear, but remain only as it has been, the works of a single man.
As I said, "No one knows" this life I walk daily, no one knows the weight of this cross that I so willingly carry and no one knows these burdens that weight so heavily upon my heart for the lost and needy of this world. No one will continue to know these, until others are willing to step out of the boat(that life they think is severing the LORD) and truly step on board this Herculean effort to glorify the LORD like no other generation has ever sought to do. If you think this may be what the LORD is leading to, pray and listen for HIS answer, then get up and step out onto stormy waters, knowing JESUS will carry you onward !!!!!!!
*** any and all information about the ministry can be found on the website (and yes, I know it's not the best of sites(I'm not a web designer either:))) )) I can use every sort of help there is known to man and the LORD!!! Don't ask me if the help is needed, if led, just do it. I trust the LORD and know HE will make all things work together for the good of those that love GOD and are called according to HIS purpose:))) Is this HIS purpose for you, if you believe so what are you waiting for, just step out and DO IT:)))))))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Sunday, November 27, 2011
??? FOCUS ???
Praise the LORD!!!
Good morning, and being that you're reading this, GOD has blessed you with another day of life. Something to be greatly thankful for and that which is often overlooked by many, if not most whom call themselves Christians.
If you've not noticed, I'm the one that opens every single comment or article I make, with a PTL!!! This due to several reasons: 1. the fact that I was born with a bad heart and for twelve years, planned for open heart surgery; 2. Though I'd known GOD was real and very prevalent within my life, had run from HIM for the most part and it was thru a book on praising GOD at all times, that HE used to bring me to living a totally changed life in JESUS. In a way, this isn't that which this is about, then again, it is:)))
Focus, what is it? Why is it important within our lives? Plus, why is the center of our focus, the most important part, especially for the Christian???
FOCUS, is, loosely, according to Webster's Dictionary, is the point at which our attentions are concentrated upon. Or we could say, that upon which our lives are centered upon. For the Christian, this is to be JESUS/GOD!!!
FOCUS, why is this of importance??? The intents of one's life, that which they focus their total being upon, is that which after all is said and done, describes a person and all that they do within life. Again, for the Christian, this is of a tantamount importance and it is TO BE GOD that holds this position within our lives!!!
FOCUS, the intents and purpose, our focus, is that which guides all that we do, or seek to do in this brief existence we call life. If our focus is upon ourselves, it is ourselves that receives all the glory in the end. We see this daily in the lives of many, scientist, sports star, movie stars and politicians to name but a few. For the Christian though, that which their lives "ARE" to be focused on, is to be GOD and HIS KINGDOM and not ourselves in any way, shape or form!!!
FOCUS: much could be written upon this topic and maybe some day will be by me, but for this time, it isn't the LORD's intents for this article. HIS intent is, that we as Christians, those that bear HIS precious name as our profession of faith in HIM, should have but one focus. That of HIS will for our lives. Not just once or several times a week, but that of every single second of it that we're blessed with!!! So my friend, where is your focus???
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Good morning, and being that you're reading this, GOD has blessed you with another day of life. Something to be greatly thankful for and that which is often overlooked by many, if not most whom call themselves Christians.
If you've not noticed, I'm the one that opens every single comment or article I make, with a PTL!!! This due to several reasons: 1. the fact that I was born with a bad heart and for twelve years, planned for open heart surgery; 2. Though I'd known GOD was real and very prevalent within my life, had run from HIM for the most part and it was thru a book on praising GOD at all times, that HE used to bring me to living a totally changed life in JESUS. In a way, this isn't that which this is about, then again, it is:)))
Focus, what is it? Why is it important within our lives? Plus, why is the center of our focus, the most important part, especially for the Christian???
FOCUS, is, loosely, according to Webster's Dictionary, is the point at which our attentions are concentrated upon. Or we could say, that upon which our lives are centered upon. For the Christian, this is to be JESUS/GOD!!!
FOCUS, why is this of importance??? The intents of one's life, that which they focus their total being upon, is that which after all is said and done, describes a person and all that they do within life. Again, for the Christian, this is of a tantamount importance and it is TO BE GOD that holds this position within our lives!!!
FOCUS, the intents and purpose, our focus, is that which guides all that we do, or seek to do in this brief existence we call life. If our focus is upon ourselves, it is ourselves that receives all the glory in the end. We see this daily in the lives of many, scientist, sports star, movie stars and politicians to name but a few. For the Christian though, that which their lives "ARE" to be focused on, is to be GOD and HIS KINGDOM and not ourselves in any way, shape or form!!!
FOCUS: much could be written upon this topic and maybe some day will be by me, but for this time, it isn't the LORD's intents for this article. HIS intent is, that we as Christians, those that bear HIS precious name as our profession of faith in HIM, should have but one focus. That of HIS will for our lives. Not just once or several times a week, but that of every single second of it that we're blessed with!!! So my friend, where is your focus???
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Christian faith,
dependence on,
GOD's will,
vine of christ ministries
F-M 1717, Kingsville, TX 78363, USA
Monday, November 21, 2011
If it be of the LORD...
Praise the LORD!!!
Good day and GOD bless!!! If you've been following my post, you'll know that I've this Thanksgiving week off from the physical side of the ministry. Those works that are done thru my hands to benefit others for the glory of the LORD. Though I don't set a wage on my works, since they're being done for the LORD, I have been blessed to receive funds for the ministry through these. I've yet to set a price on my works willfully and yet the LORD has laid it upon the hearts of those for whom I've work, to pay me for my labors. However much this is, doesn't matter to me, for the LORD has been my provider and I'm still here after over two years, existing the whole time this very way. But this isn't the reason for this post, though it may give a hint as to it:)))
Most of those that will read this, are aware of 'the signs of the times.' This era of mankind's HIStory thru which we're living. Most of you are Bible believing Christians and 'should' be well versed in the knowledge of this era and it's ties with Biblical prophecy. If not, I'd have to believe you've been living in a cave somewhere, cutoff from all forms of human interaction:))) Which I'd say, would be safe to say isn't so:)))
There has been a great deal of conversation these days over the state of the CHURCH and the BODY of CHRIST as we know them. Those groups, which truly are meant to be one, yet surprisingly seems separated these days. "Surprisingly," I wouldn't say so, for are not these very times written, in fairly great detail, in scripture??? Are we not warned, numerous times, as to what the events and 'signs of the times' will be??? If not, there's a problem in your walk for the LORD, for clearly throughout scripture we're told to fill our hearts with GOD's holy WORD!!! To trust in it and rely upon it, for our very existence!!! Anyone familiar with myself, will know that I'm constantly telling people to read, read, READ their Bibles, for in it, they'll find all they need to know, to live by. I've personally racked up over thirty readings of the whole Bible, in many versions, along with another thirty plus of the New Testament alone. An though I'm no walking topical index, being able to spit-out book, chapter and verse, it is buried deeply in my makeup and comes to me when needed(Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT:))) ) This though, isn't the reason behind this post, so I'll move on to it:)))
For the issue at hand, that which I'm led to cover this day, there are several sections of scripture which must be studied:
Acts 5:39 " ...but aif it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You bmight even be found opposing God!” So they took his advice,
For this second, it is a large portion of scripture(Matt. 25:31-46) and should be indulged on one's own, but the particular verse( relevant here) are:
Matt:25:40 “And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these * brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’ y
Matt. 22:14 "tFor many are called, but few are chosen.
***these verses came from different Bibles versions, my online( seems to be making the choices today:))) ***
We as Christians must all come to the understanding, that GOD is the ONLY ONE whom is in ultimate control !!!!!!! Yes, HE does allow satan to be the lord of this world, he that is in control over those that have not professed belief in JESUS, and uses his works to shape the world that exist. Whereas, GOD also uses nature, to bring about HIS perfect will for mankind. GOD even uses the most vile and evil of works preformed by the hands of men, to, in the end bring about HIS ultimate will.
There are many things in this world that are wrong, in our personal opinions, but truly, are they outside of GOD's will for us??? In our first verse, we see the apostles standing before Sanhedrin, and the Pharisee Gamaliel speaking, and oh the wisdom, from one so bound under the laws:)))
"if it is of GOD, you 'WILL NOT' be able to overthrow it"
We as Christians, the CHURCH, the BODY of CHRIST here on earth, alive and fitted for battle against all that is evil, should remember this. We rise up in battle ranks to come against an adversary, when truly that very adversary, has been allowed to exist and come to power to fulfill the will of GOD for mankind !!! So with whom and against whom are we fighting??? Man? Demons? Or GOD's very plans ???
"You might even be found opposing God!”
The second verse selection, is one that should be familiar, for it is commonly referred to as the parable of the sheep and goats. Where JESUS is warning us of the judgment which is to come. Not just the judgment of all mankind, but the specific judgment of those that presumably call upon HIS name as LORD and SAVIOR. If you study these verses well, something should be very clear. That is the fact, that not even those whom were on HIS right(the sheep) did not know all that they had done in life, that was being accounted for righteousness!!! Also, those that were on HIS left(the goats), thought they had a firm(prideful(?)) understanding of all that they'd done in life, yet really didn't!!!
"You might even be found opposing God!”
With our third verse, we should be able see something of very great importance, a very important detail about GOD. This is, HIS way of ordering all things in creation, setting every detail in a specific time, place and standing; level upon level. All of creation reveals this about GOD. Every particle of existence, exist in a specific and exact location according to GOD's purpose. All inter-weaved and working together to bring about GOD's will. We have, "many are called," all those whom have found salvation, or believe they have. Which of these positions we each exist in, is truly up to GOD and HE has had every detail planned, well before time began. We can not state which level we inhabit in GOD's plan for mankind any more then we can plan on waking up each morning. These details are all according to GOD perfectly planned, and executed will for us. What we each can, and should do, is be scriptural-ly aware of our lives and all that we do within them. Doing our best, each and everyday we're blessed with, to abide by and in GOD's will for us!!! Striving in utter reverence to GOD, to workout that which "WE" are able to control; "our" actions, "our" thoughts and "our" words!!! These are truly all we "can" control, for the rest is all in GOD's hands!!!!!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Good day and GOD bless!!! If you've been following my post, you'll know that I've this Thanksgiving week off from the physical side of the ministry. Those works that are done thru my hands to benefit others for the glory of the LORD. Though I don't set a wage on my works, since they're being done for the LORD, I have been blessed to receive funds for the ministry through these. I've yet to set a price on my works willfully and yet the LORD has laid it upon the hearts of those for whom I've work, to pay me for my labors. However much this is, doesn't matter to me, for the LORD has been my provider and I'm still here after over two years, existing the whole time this very way. But this isn't the reason for this post, though it may give a hint as to it:)))
Most of those that will read this, are aware of 'the signs of the times.' This era of mankind's HIStory thru which we're living. Most of you are Bible believing Christians and 'should' be well versed in the knowledge of this era and it's ties with Biblical prophecy. If not, I'd have to believe you've been living in a cave somewhere, cutoff from all forms of human interaction:))) Which I'd say, would be safe to say isn't so:)))
There has been a great deal of conversation these days over the state of the CHURCH and the BODY of CHRIST as we know them. Those groups, which truly are meant to be one, yet surprisingly seems separated these days. "Surprisingly," I wouldn't say so, for are not these very times written, in fairly great detail, in scripture??? Are we not warned, numerous times, as to what the events and 'signs of the times' will be??? If not, there's a problem in your walk for the LORD, for clearly throughout scripture we're told to fill our hearts with GOD's holy WORD!!! To trust in it and rely upon it, for our very existence!!! Anyone familiar with myself, will know that I'm constantly telling people to read, read, READ their Bibles, for in it, they'll find all they need to know, to live by. I've personally racked up over thirty readings of the whole Bible, in many versions, along with another thirty plus of the New Testament alone. An though I'm no walking topical index, being able to spit-out book, chapter and verse, it is buried deeply in my makeup and comes to me when needed(Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT:))) ) This though, isn't the reason behind this post, so I'll move on to it:)))
For the issue at hand, that which I'm led to cover this day, there are several sections of scripture which must be studied:
Acts 5:39 " ...but aif it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You bmight even be found opposing God!” So they took his advice,
For this second, it is a large portion of scripture(Matt. 25:31-46) and should be indulged on one's own, but the particular verse( relevant here) are:
Matt:25:40 “And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these * brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’ y
Matt. 22:14 "tFor many are called, but few are chosen.
***these verses came from different Bibles versions, my online( seems to be making the choices today:))) ***
We as Christians must all come to the understanding, that GOD is the ONLY ONE whom is in ultimate control !!!!!!! Yes, HE does allow satan to be the lord of this world, he that is in control over those that have not professed belief in JESUS, and uses his works to shape the world that exist. Whereas, GOD also uses nature, to bring about HIS perfect will for mankind. GOD even uses the most vile and evil of works preformed by the hands of men, to, in the end bring about HIS ultimate will.
There are many things in this world that are wrong, in our personal opinions, but truly, are they outside of GOD's will for us??? In our first verse, we see the apostles standing before Sanhedrin, and the Pharisee Gamaliel speaking, and oh the wisdom, from one so bound under the laws:)))
"if it is of GOD, you 'WILL NOT' be able to overthrow it"
We as Christians, the CHURCH, the BODY of CHRIST here on earth, alive and fitted for battle against all that is evil, should remember this. We rise up in battle ranks to come against an adversary, when truly that very adversary, has been allowed to exist and come to power to fulfill the will of GOD for mankind !!! So with whom and against whom are we fighting??? Man? Demons? Or GOD's very plans ???
"You might even be found opposing God!”
The second verse selection, is one that should be familiar, for it is commonly referred to as the parable of the sheep and goats. Where JESUS is warning us of the judgment which is to come. Not just the judgment of all mankind, but the specific judgment of those that presumably call upon HIS name as LORD and SAVIOR. If you study these verses well, something should be very clear. That is the fact, that not even those whom were on HIS right(the sheep) did not know all that they had done in life, that was being accounted for righteousness!!! Also, those that were on HIS left(the goats), thought they had a firm(prideful(?)) understanding of all that they'd done in life, yet really didn't!!!
"You might even be found opposing God!”
With our third verse, we should be able see something of very great importance, a very important detail about GOD. This is, HIS way of ordering all things in creation, setting every detail in a specific time, place and standing; level upon level. All of creation reveals this about GOD. Every particle of existence, exist in a specific and exact location according to GOD's purpose. All inter-weaved and working together to bring about GOD's will. We have, "many are called," all those whom have found salvation, or believe they have. Which of these positions we each exist in, is truly up to GOD and HE has had every detail planned, well before time began. We can not state which level we inhabit in GOD's plan for mankind any more then we can plan on waking up each morning. These details are all according to GOD perfectly planned, and executed will for us. What we each can, and should do, is be scriptural-ly aware of our lives and all that we do within them. Doing our best, each and everyday we're blessed with, to abide by and in GOD's will for us!!! Striving in utter reverence to GOD, to workout that which "WE" are able to control; "our" actions, "our" thoughts and "our" words!!! These are truly all we "can" control, for the rest is all in GOD's hands!!!!!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Chirstian "Chicken Littles"
Praise the LORD!!!
Good day and GOD bless!!! A serious question, or maybe several:))) Why, is it that we have so many Christians, that when someone begins preaching something about the end times, they begin running all around proclaiming the "sky is falling???" I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, we inundated with this kind of behavior constantly. Take for instance the recent "Rapture" cry out propagated by Harold Camping. This lone preacher isn't alone though, for there are many of cases out there, just check the internet about them all(that is, if you want to waste your time!!!)
Christian, all that we need to know about the "end times" is already written, in scripture. If you've done your homework, you should of read it. Most likely numerous times over. Though in this, could lie the problem??? People having read it, or not, and taking the words of some other person as being the verification that "it is happening now."
We're told by the LORD, to know the signs of the times, but not to run around crying out about them being about to happen. But to be about our labors for HIM!!! In the numerous parables relating to the events of the "end times" JESUS didn't describe workers running about singing about all that is about to happen, but of those that were busily about their labors in some manor. In the field, on the rooftop, or about grinding the meal for the days meal, they were all going about their labors, knowing those signs, yet not bothered by the fact that they were actually about to happen.
Our work as Christians, is to spread the GOSPEL, help those around us during their times of need and (the most important of all) TRUST GOD!!! Anyone can, take a number of scripture verse, events that are taking place and weave them into that which will raise the emotions of the people that hear it. People are famous for manipulating things thru out history, so don't believe all that you hear or see as being the gospel truth. There is only one GOSPEL truth and it is firmly written in your Bibles. Never changing to fit that which is happening around us, but always founded upon the ROCK and HIS WORDS for us!!!!!!!
***There are no scriptures referenced here, WHY??? I will not be, as I stated, one whom manipulates it to bring my point across, but as I've always said, read your Bible for yourself and know the TRUTH !!!!!!! We are to be a people leading others to a better way of life, in JESUS, not "fear mongers" who seek to stir the emotions of others to gain followers and notoriety to give our pride a boost!!!***
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Good day and GOD bless!!! A serious question, or maybe several:))) Why, is it that we have so many Christians, that when someone begins preaching something about the end times, they begin running all around proclaiming the "sky is falling???" I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, we inundated with this kind of behavior constantly. Take for instance the recent "Rapture" cry out propagated by Harold Camping. This lone preacher isn't alone though, for there are many of cases out there, just check the internet about them all(that is, if you want to waste your time!!!)
Christian, all that we need to know about the "end times" is already written, in scripture. If you've done your homework, you should of read it. Most likely numerous times over. Though in this, could lie the problem??? People having read it, or not, and taking the words of some other person as being the verification that "it is happening now."
We're told by the LORD, to know the signs of the times, but not to run around crying out about them being about to happen. But to be about our labors for HIM!!! In the numerous parables relating to the events of the "end times" JESUS didn't describe workers running about singing about all that is about to happen, but of those that were busily about their labors in some manor. In the field, on the rooftop, or about grinding the meal for the days meal, they were all going about their labors, knowing those signs, yet not bothered by the fact that they were actually about to happen.
Our work as Christians, is to spread the GOSPEL, help those around us during their times of need and (the most important of all) TRUST GOD!!! Anyone can, take a number of scripture verse, events that are taking place and weave them into that which will raise the emotions of the people that hear it. People are famous for manipulating things thru out history, so don't believe all that you hear or see as being the gospel truth. There is only one GOSPEL truth and it is firmly written in your Bibles. Never changing to fit that which is happening around us, but always founded upon the ROCK and HIS WORDS for us!!!!!!!
***There are no scriptures referenced here, WHY??? I will not be, as I stated, one whom manipulates it to bring my point across, but as I've always said, read your Bible for yourself and know the TRUTH !!!!!!! We are to be a people leading others to a better way of life, in JESUS, not "fear mongers" who seek to stir the emotions of others to gain followers and notoriety to give our pride a boost!!!***
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Christian ethics,
dependence on,
Great Commission,
living for JESUS,
vine of christ ministries
Kingsville, TX 78363, USA
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The extra mile
Praise the LORD!!!
Today's verse, will be hidden among a chapter on the Christian character, that which we're to emulate after we've accepted JESUS as our personal LORD and SAVIOR !!! Traits, which are very important, if we're to fully reflect JESUS within our lives and also important, if we're to stand out as separated from those others around us whom are worldly.
Matthew 5:38-42, but specifically verse 41
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’a 39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
Why this one verse, hidden among such rich scripture, is that which I was led to early this morning??? It could have to do with the fact that today, I'm grouting a floor, while suffering from a group of old ailments. I've had bad knees for years, due to my working construction for the best part of my life, plus raced Moto X for thirteen years. Both these, extract a high price upon the body and usually one we don't think of much at the time. It is years later, that this price begins to be noticed, as the wear and tear upon our body begins to reveal itself :)))
I was hurting enough this morning, that I'd thought about calling the day's work off and relax. After some prayer and reading though, I was led to go in and go at it, as if nothing was wrong. This went well, for about an hour, until I stood up for the hundredth time. It was almost impossible to straighten up, this due to the herniated disc I suffered while helping rebuild after hurricane Katrina along the MS. gulf coast. This while working for a "storm chasing" company (no insurance and if you didn't work, you didn't have a job.) If you've ever lived in an area after such a disaster, you'll know how hard it is to survive, because the cost of living has doubled, if not tripled and they get away with it for the most part. All this, isn't that which this is about.
We can see an example of how JESUS went that extra mile, several times. Those times, when HE feed the multitudes, with very limited resources. For unlike that which we see many times these days, where large groups of people are being feed after a disaster or while living thru hard times, those people's needs were abundantly met. Each had received enough to eat, that they were full and there was an abundance left over to gather up !!! Though we're not told what was done with these leftover, I can most likely guarantee, they weren't thrown away, but distributed to those in need.
Here we are in the midst of the holiday season, when millions of families will be preparing meals of great abundance. Multiple main coarses, multiple sides and not to mention a vast selection of desserts to boot !!! Anyone want to bet against the fact, that tons of leftovers will be wasted ??? Here(in America), we are in one of the most prosperous countries in the world, though going thru some hard economic times right now, and there will be more food thrown in the trash, then what many third world countries will have put on all their tables combined. Not only those of these nations, but right here in this nation, there will be thousands, that will be doing without and not just on these holidays, but many are suffering daily, year round!!! A pretty bad picture, when confronted with it, isn't it??? One of the most prosperous countries in the world and we've thousands suffering without, all because of greed and an unwillingness to go that extra mile, and share that which we've been blessed with.
Hundreds of food pantries around this country, are having to cancel their supplying these holiday meals. Many having to cutback on even their normal monthly provisions to the needy. All due to a lack of funding and supplies. Many, are even having to shut their doors, because it has gotten so bad. Wouldn't it be awesome, even a miracle, to see these ministries overflowing with such an abundance of provisions, that the have to gather them up and reach out to those even beyond their normal scope??? I think it would be !!! I'd love to see every family in this country, just cutting back a little and reaching out, going that extra mile, to help these ministries serve these people. Even if each one were to downsize these meals by say 10%, just think of how this would add up over the long run, that extra mile :)))))))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Today's verse, will be hidden among a chapter on the Christian character, that which we're to emulate after we've accepted JESUS as our personal LORD and SAVIOR !!! Traits, which are very important, if we're to fully reflect JESUS within our lives and also important, if we're to stand out as separated from those others around us whom are worldly.
Matthew 5:38-42, but specifically verse 41
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’a 39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
Why this one verse, hidden among such rich scripture, is that which I was led to early this morning??? It could have to do with the fact that today, I'm grouting a floor, while suffering from a group of old ailments. I've had bad knees for years, due to my working construction for the best part of my life, plus raced Moto X for thirteen years. Both these, extract a high price upon the body and usually one we don't think of much at the time. It is years later, that this price begins to be noticed, as the wear and tear upon our body begins to reveal itself :)))
I was hurting enough this morning, that I'd thought about calling the day's work off and relax. After some prayer and reading though, I was led to go in and go at it, as if nothing was wrong. This went well, for about an hour, until I stood up for the hundredth time. It was almost impossible to straighten up, this due to the herniated disc I suffered while helping rebuild after hurricane Katrina along the MS. gulf coast. This while working for a "storm chasing" company (no insurance and if you didn't work, you didn't have a job.) If you've ever lived in an area after such a disaster, you'll know how hard it is to survive, because the cost of living has doubled, if not tripled and they get away with it for the most part. All this, isn't that which this is about.
We can see an example of how JESUS went that extra mile, several times. Those times, when HE feed the multitudes, with very limited resources. For unlike that which we see many times these days, where large groups of people are being feed after a disaster or while living thru hard times, those people's needs were abundantly met. Each had received enough to eat, that they were full and there was an abundance left over to gather up !!! Though we're not told what was done with these leftover, I can most likely guarantee, they weren't thrown away, but distributed to those in need.
Here we are in the midst of the holiday season, when millions of families will be preparing meals of great abundance. Multiple main coarses, multiple sides and not to mention a vast selection of desserts to boot !!! Anyone want to bet against the fact, that tons of leftovers will be wasted ??? Here(in America), we are in one of the most prosperous countries in the world, though going thru some hard economic times right now, and there will be more food thrown in the trash, then what many third world countries will have put on all their tables combined. Not only those of these nations, but right here in this nation, there will be thousands, that will be doing without and not just on these holidays, but many are suffering daily, year round!!! A pretty bad picture, when confronted with it, isn't it??? One of the most prosperous countries in the world and we've thousands suffering without, all because of greed and an unwillingness to go that extra mile, and share that which we've been blessed with.
Hundreds of food pantries around this country, are having to cancel their supplying these holiday meals. Many having to cutback on even their normal monthly provisions to the needy. All due to a lack of funding and supplies. Many, are even having to shut their doors, because it has gotten so bad. Wouldn't it be awesome, even a miracle, to see these ministries overflowing with such an abundance of provisions, that the have to gather them up and reach out to those even beyond their normal scope??? I think it would be !!! I'd love to see every family in this country, just cutting back a little and reaching out, going that extra mile, to help these ministries serve these people. Even if each one were to downsize these meals by say 10%, just think of how this would add up over the long run, that extra mile :)))))))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Born Again,
brotherly love,
CHRIST like,
Christian ethics,
Christian helps ministry,
extra mile,
Kingsville, TX 78363, USA
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Praise the LORD!!!
Unlike many, I don't fear death, or even have questions about it. For I've been there. This was in the late fifties, when I was just over four years old. I don't remember any of the most popular themes of that which people describe as 'near death experiences.' You are most likely familiar with them, they seem to gain popularity every couple of years. The 'bright light,' the 'tunnel,' even being in 'heaven' itself' or in the very presence of GOD HIMself. None of these are my witness of it.
Let me start at the beginning of this event, to give you all the details, those that I remember in very vivid detail, almost as if it had happen just yesterday :))) My sister and I had gone up to a friends house, about a block away. While we were playing, we saw this wild kitten run out from behind a pile of stored items in their backyard and ran into the woods behind the house. Now you know children and their love for animals, so you can guess what happened next. We took off for the woods after the kitten, my sister in the lead, followed by a bunch of three to five year old boys. Being the era that it was, there were piles of trash that had been pushed out of sight, when the development was built. We made our way thru these after the kitten. Being it was summertime, all I had on was a pair of shorts and some flip-flops.
As we ran after this kitten, we had to weave our way around all kinds of things, one of them an old tire. With my being in bad health(details in my book) I decide to step on this instead of jumping over it as everyone else had done. When I did, the inner ring of it collapsed under my weight, letting my left foot slide down onto the spear point of a broken bottle. It went into the arch of my foot, slicing almost all the way thru to the other side. When I pulled up on it, the bottle came out and my screaming began. My sister turned around, ran back to me, grabbed me up and began to run back to our friends house. Needless to say, blood was spewing everywhere, this had basically almost sliced my foot in half. Severing all the arteries, veins and muscles. Our neighbor did her best to stop the bleeding, while my sister ran to our house and got our mom and the car. In the short time that it took for this to happen, the bath towel that was first used to wrap my foot was soaked thru and thru, so they wrapped another one around it and sped off towards the hospital. This, was around ten miles away and though a fairly direct route, took a good bit of time, even at the speeds a panicking mother was driving. Truthfully, I think I'd already bleed out, because the last that I consciously remember, is being put into the backseat with my sister.
Though my body was life-less, I was there, I guess you could say 'in spirit.' I remember being snatched up by my mother and her beginning to run to the entrance, when she was intercepted by hospital staff. They placed me on a gurney and wheeled me into the ER. By this time all the bleeding had stopped, we've only so much to lose, but they listened to my mom's frantic cries to save me at all cost. They strapped me to the table, connected IV's and began cleaning the wound. As soon as they could clamp off all the arteries they began pumping fresh blood into me. Thru this whole event, I will have gone thru enough blood for three and a half adults. This into a child that may of been fifty pounds, soak and wet, remember I'd been sick since birth and wasn't the typical four year old boy in size.
As all this was happening, I was(without a body) above the door to the ER. I remember there was no fear of what was happening, to tell the truth, I was at peace, almost joyous, just watching with interest what was happening. I can recall all the people, as far as body type, but no faces. I recall at one point, when there seemed to be a 'separation,' as if I was there watching the events on the table and at another place at the same time(spirit and soul???) Today, I can see this as the 'triune' body, body, soul and spirit, the exact forms of GOD, created in the human form !!!(Genesis 1:26) I don't remember what took place at this time for the part that wasn't there, but do remember that which was happening on the table. The doctors were beginning to finish knitting my foot together and were preparing to close things up. As one of them was giving me another shot of Novocaine to numb the area, I came up off the table. That which was outside the body, was now joined together with it, yet not completely, for the part that had gone to another place, was now the one watching these events. All four of the leather straps that had been holding my body on the table, were broken and I backhanded one of the nurses. Sending her back into a medicine cabinet, busting it's glass front panels. It was at this moment that my whole being came together, all within my body. I wasn't fighting them or even moving, but allowed them to finish their work. Now you may think they'd of kept me for a period of observation, to make sure everything had gone properly, but within an hour or so, we were headed home. The floorboards of the backseat, full of blood soaked bath towels and me with but a sown up and bandaged foot.(far from what you'd expect these days:))) )
Like a number of my writings, this has gone another way from intended, but as with all, go the way GOD has intended !!!
At the end of September '07,' I was in contact with my sister in Florida, while living in Ocean Springs, MS. My mom's health was in very bad condition, they'd been taking care of her since '02' after my dad's death. She was suffering from Alzheimer's, and it had gotten progressively worst, so bad so, that she hadn't drank or eaten anything for several days. My brother in law, was headed north to gather me up. I was at this point already making plans on moving there, but these current events, sped things up, so I gather my belongings together and was ready to relocate when he got there. We didn't even take a break to grab a bite to eat, just loaded the truck with my belongings and it was right to the highway, to get there as quickly as possible. This was around 4 PM on the 29th and we were in Okeechobee FL. around 5 PM on the 30th. We grabbed a bite to eat and while Jerry went to get some sleep, I sat across from my mom on the other couch in the living room. If it weren't for her breathing, you'd of thought she was dead. Barely any color to her skin(a once dark skinned native American), a frail, almost lifeless body, that of which had at one time been a very vibrant woman. I sat there praying and talking with my sister over at the dinning room table. I began to talk to my mom and she opened her eyes for the first time in three days. I went over and knelt by the side of the couch/bed, having a one sided conversation with her. Letting her know who I was, how much I wanted to talk with her and about the events that had taken place within my life over the last several years(for CHRIST.) Her prayers for me had been answered and I was serving the LORD, as she'd promised HIM(details, once again, in my book.) She smiled at me, but I could see the anguish in her eyes, so I leaned over kissing her on the forehead, then whispered in her ear, "mom, I know you're hurting, my life is now fully the LORD's, you can go home to be with HIM, I loved her and all is well." She closed her eyes, though now with a look of peace upon her face. I returned to my couch and we(my sister, a niece and I) continued in conversation for several hours. Around midnight, I couldn't stay awake any longer, so I stretched out and dosed off. About an hour later my sister awoke me, telling me that mom had passed away. To which I told her, "I knew and she'd gone home in peace, to be with the LORD and her family awaiting her there. Her life was over and we must now go on with our." I then went back to sleep, as she awaited the EMT's and other officials, to verify her death.
Does this sound a bit calloused to you??? It's not!!! For I fully realize the human condition and that which happens at death. I've no fear of it, actually, I await my time(looking forward to it:))) ) Our lives are but a vapor, a wisp of smoke. That which is here for but a few seconds and then fades away into nothingness. All in the matter of seconds. If one is a Christian(a true one), they need fear nothing, for soon they'll be in the very presence of our LORD!!! If not, they will return to the ground from winch they came, at least the bodily part, while the soul and spirit sleep, awaiting the day when they shall be awakened, to stand before the judgment seat of the LORD, to face the eternity they're bound for, that eternity which will be the results of their life on earth. This will not be a time of joy for those that haven't accepted JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, but a time of impending doom. For they will know that which is in their long futures, for they will of been warned about the choices they have to make and will of made theirs. Which will it be for you???
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Unlike many, I don't fear death, or even have questions about it. For I've been there. This was in the late fifties, when I was just over four years old. I don't remember any of the most popular themes of that which people describe as 'near death experiences.' You are most likely familiar with them, they seem to gain popularity every couple of years. The 'bright light,' the 'tunnel,' even being in 'heaven' itself' or in the very presence of GOD HIMself. None of these are my witness of it.
Let me start at the beginning of this event, to give you all the details, those that I remember in very vivid detail, almost as if it had happen just yesterday :))) My sister and I had gone up to a friends house, about a block away. While we were playing, we saw this wild kitten run out from behind a pile of stored items in their backyard and ran into the woods behind the house. Now you know children and their love for animals, so you can guess what happened next. We took off for the woods after the kitten, my sister in the lead, followed by a bunch of three to five year old boys. Being the era that it was, there were piles of trash that had been pushed out of sight, when the development was built. We made our way thru these after the kitten. Being it was summertime, all I had on was a pair of shorts and some flip-flops.
As we ran after this kitten, we had to weave our way around all kinds of things, one of them an old tire. With my being in bad health(details in my book) I decide to step on this instead of jumping over it as everyone else had done. When I did, the inner ring of it collapsed under my weight, letting my left foot slide down onto the spear point of a broken bottle. It went into the arch of my foot, slicing almost all the way thru to the other side. When I pulled up on it, the bottle came out and my screaming began. My sister turned around, ran back to me, grabbed me up and began to run back to our friends house. Needless to say, blood was spewing everywhere, this had basically almost sliced my foot in half. Severing all the arteries, veins and muscles. Our neighbor did her best to stop the bleeding, while my sister ran to our house and got our mom and the car. In the short time that it took for this to happen, the bath towel that was first used to wrap my foot was soaked thru and thru, so they wrapped another one around it and sped off towards the hospital. This, was around ten miles away and though a fairly direct route, took a good bit of time, even at the speeds a panicking mother was driving. Truthfully, I think I'd already bleed out, because the last that I consciously remember, is being put into the backseat with my sister.
Though my body was life-less, I was there, I guess you could say 'in spirit.' I remember being snatched up by my mother and her beginning to run to the entrance, when she was intercepted by hospital staff. They placed me on a gurney and wheeled me into the ER. By this time all the bleeding had stopped, we've only so much to lose, but they listened to my mom's frantic cries to save me at all cost. They strapped me to the table, connected IV's and began cleaning the wound. As soon as they could clamp off all the arteries they began pumping fresh blood into me. Thru this whole event, I will have gone thru enough blood for three and a half adults. This into a child that may of been fifty pounds, soak and wet, remember I'd been sick since birth and wasn't the typical four year old boy in size.
As all this was happening, I was(without a body) above the door to the ER. I remember there was no fear of what was happening, to tell the truth, I was at peace, almost joyous, just watching with interest what was happening. I can recall all the people, as far as body type, but no faces. I recall at one point, when there seemed to be a 'separation,' as if I was there watching the events on the table and at another place at the same time(spirit and soul???) Today, I can see this as the 'triune' body, body, soul and spirit, the exact forms of GOD, created in the human form !!!(Genesis 1:26) I don't remember what took place at this time for the part that wasn't there, but do remember that which was happening on the table. The doctors were beginning to finish knitting my foot together and were preparing to close things up. As one of them was giving me another shot of Novocaine to numb the area, I came up off the table. That which was outside the body, was now joined together with it, yet not completely, for the part that had gone to another place, was now the one watching these events. All four of the leather straps that had been holding my body on the table, were broken and I backhanded one of the nurses. Sending her back into a medicine cabinet, busting it's glass front panels. It was at this moment that my whole being came together, all within my body. I wasn't fighting them or even moving, but allowed them to finish their work. Now you may think they'd of kept me for a period of observation, to make sure everything had gone properly, but within an hour or so, we were headed home. The floorboards of the backseat, full of blood soaked bath towels and me with but a sown up and bandaged foot.(far from what you'd expect these days:))) )
Like a number of my writings, this has gone another way from intended, but as with all, go the way GOD has intended !!!
At the end of September '07,' I was in contact with my sister in Florida, while living in Ocean Springs, MS. My mom's health was in very bad condition, they'd been taking care of her since '02' after my dad's death. She was suffering from Alzheimer's, and it had gotten progressively worst, so bad so, that she hadn't drank or eaten anything for several days. My brother in law, was headed north to gather me up. I was at this point already making plans on moving there, but these current events, sped things up, so I gather my belongings together and was ready to relocate when he got there. We didn't even take a break to grab a bite to eat, just loaded the truck with my belongings and it was right to the highway, to get there as quickly as possible. This was around 4 PM on the 29th and we were in Okeechobee FL. around 5 PM on the 30th. We grabbed a bite to eat and while Jerry went to get some sleep, I sat across from my mom on the other couch in the living room. If it weren't for her breathing, you'd of thought she was dead. Barely any color to her skin(a once dark skinned native American), a frail, almost lifeless body, that of which had at one time been a very vibrant woman. I sat there praying and talking with my sister over at the dinning room table. I began to talk to my mom and she opened her eyes for the first time in three days. I went over and knelt by the side of the couch/bed, having a one sided conversation with her. Letting her know who I was, how much I wanted to talk with her and about the events that had taken place within my life over the last several years(for CHRIST.) Her prayers for me had been answered and I was serving the LORD, as she'd promised HIM(details, once again, in my book.) She smiled at me, but I could see the anguish in her eyes, so I leaned over kissing her on the forehead, then whispered in her ear, "mom, I know you're hurting, my life is now fully the LORD's, you can go home to be with HIM, I loved her and all is well." She closed her eyes, though now with a look of peace upon her face. I returned to my couch and we(my sister, a niece and I) continued in conversation for several hours. Around midnight, I couldn't stay awake any longer, so I stretched out and dosed off. About an hour later my sister awoke me, telling me that mom had passed away. To which I told her, "I knew and she'd gone home in peace, to be with the LORD and her family awaiting her there. Her life was over and we must now go on with our." I then went back to sleep, as she awaited the EMT's and other officials, to verify her death.
Does this sound a bit calloused to you??? It's not!!! For I fully realize the human condition and that which happens at death. I've no fear of it, actually, I await my time(looking forward to it:))) ) Our lives are but a vapor, a wisp of smoke. That which is here for but a few seconds and then fades away into nothingness. All in the matter of seconds. If one is a Christian(a true one), they need fear nothing, for soon they'll be in the very presence of our LORD!!! If not, they will return to the ground from winch they came, at least the bodily part, while the soul and spirit sleep, awaiting the day when they shall be awakened, to stand before the judgment seat of the LORD, to face the eternity they're bound for, that eternity which will be the results of their life on earth. This will not be a time of joy for those that haven't accepted JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, but a time of impending doom. For they will know that which is in their long futures, for they will of been warned about the choices they have to make and will of made theirs. Which will it be for you???
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
going home,
life after death,
Kingsville, TX 78363, USA
Monday, October 17, 2011
Praise the LORD!!!
PRAYER: the act of petitioning, praising, giving thanks, or confessing to God; it is expressed by several different words in both the OT and the NT. Prayer can be individual or corporate, audible or silent. It is conditioned by the biblical understanding of God as a personal being who hears the prayers of his people (1 Kings 9:3; Pss. 34:15; 65:2; Matt. 7:11; 1 John 5:15).
Achtemeier, P. J., Harper & Row, P., & Society of Biblical Literature. (1985). Harper's Bible dictionary (1st ed.) (816). San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Oh to those that hold only to this definition of prayer. For this is so limited in it's view of that which is the very beginning of relationship with GOD!!! For prayer to me, though I admit am not normal :))), is that state of being in constant awareness of and with GOD!!! This is that which Paul spoke of in 1 Thes. 5:17, yet is only the beginning. In all my ways, I am in a state of being constantly aware of GOD. Asking HIM question, asking for HIS guidance and/or blessings in that which I'm doing. Yet, not only asking, but thanking HIM in every circumstance, no matter the outcome.
Being a craftsman, I've been blessed with many skills, but I take none of the credit for those things I'm blessed to lay my hands to. For it is GOD whom gets all the glory. I'm but a vessel blessed with HIS presence, enabled to preform these actions by and thru HIM. Whether painting a wall or running a fine line along some trim, I'm petitioning HIM to guide my hands, to hold them and lead them, all to HIS glory and not my own. Whether doing woodwork or tile work, this state is as constant as humanly possible. Yes, there are times that I slip and make mistakes. Yet, I praise HIM that this happened, ask HIS forgiveness and then HIS leading and carrying of my actions from there on.
I'm no super saint, just a humble man that was totally crushed by GOD, revealing the deep and darkest of sins within me. A man, whose pride in self and my own abilities, GONE. For HE blessed me to see the truth, that it isn't the "ME" that is doing these things, but it is the "HE" within me doing them.
The point of this entry- if you hold to the definition above of prayer, open the doors to true prayer. That state where you dwell continuously in the presence of GOD. Open up the doors of not only talking with HIM, but also listening and enjoying HIS very presence. Open up those doors and enjoy life like never before :)))))))
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
PRAYER: the act of petitioning, praising, giving thanks, or confessing to God; it is expressed by several different words in both the OT and the NT. Prayer can be individual or corporate, audible or silent. It is conditioned by the biblical understanding of God as a personal being who hears the prayers of his people (1 Kings 9:3; Pss. 34:15; 65:2; Matt. 7:11; 1 John 5:15).
Achtemeier, P. J., Harper & Row, P., & Society of Biblical Literature. (1985). Harper's Bible dictionary (1st ed.) (816). San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Oh to those that hold only to this definition of prayer. For this is so limited in it's view of that which is the very beginning of relationship with GOD!!! For prayer to me, though I admit am not normal :))), is that state of being in constant awareness of and with GOD!!! This is that which Paul spoke of in 1 Thes. 5:17, yet is only the beginning. In all my ways, I am in a state of being constantly aware of GOD. Asking HIM question, asking for HIS guidance and/or blessings in that which I'm doing. Yet, not only asking, but thanking HIM in every circumstance, no matter the outcome.
Being a craftsman, I've been blessed with many skills, but I take none of the credit for those things I'm blessed to lay my hands to. For it is GOD whom gets all the glory. I'm but a vessel blessed with HIS presence, enabled to preform these actions by and thru HIM. Whether painting a wall or running a fine line along some trim, I'm petitioning HIM to guide my hands, to hold them and lead them, all to HIS glory and not my own. Whether doing woodwork or tile work, this state is as constant as humanly possible. Yes, there are times that I slip and make mistakes. Yet, I praise HIM that this happened, ask HIS forgiveness and then HIS leading and carrying of my actions from there on.
I'm no super saint, just a humble man that was totally crushed by GOD, revealing the deep and darkest of sins within me. A man, whose pride in self and my own abilities, GONE. For HE blessed me to see the truth, that it isn't the "ME" that is doing these things, but it is the "HE" within me doing them.
The point of this entry- if you hold to the definition above of prayer, open the doors to true prayer. That state where you dwell continuously in the presence of GOD. Open up the doors of not only talking with HIM, but also listening and enjoying HIS very presence. Open up those doors and enjoy life like never before :)))))))
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
vine of christ ministries
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Praise the LORD!!!
In this turbo charged society in which we live, how often do we fail to slow down and absorb that which GOD has laid before us ??? How often, while flicking thru reams of photos, files and articles, do we truly take a moment to allow HIM to impress HIS message to us, into our hearts ???
We watch a Christian video and relish in HIS glory while it is playing and then we rush off to download it and re post it for the pleasure of others. Yet, little time do we spend on that which HE would impress upon our hearts. With the advantage of the internet and it's massive heaps of content to devour, many times we just rush from one tidbit of wisdom unto another. Barely slowing for one second to allow it to sink in !!!
Video after video; comment after comment; worship song after worship song and so forth, we pile up heaps of wonderful and true content, yet we only allow it to brush the surfaces of our hearts. There is a vast storehouse of wisdom in the Bible alone, that sits and goes to waste as we endlessly seek to divulge stacks of information out to others. Where is the gain for ourselves ??? Where is the benefit to others ??? We so overload our minds, that our heart never has time to glean one bit of it all ??? Important questions that we ourselves can only answer and truly only answer with the heartfelt time taken to allow GOD to reveal HIS truths to us !!!
Slow down and allow all that passes thru our hands, to truly sink in and become something glorious unto the KINGDOM of GOD :)))))))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
In this turbo charged society in which we live, how often do we fail to slow down and absorb that which GOD has laid before us ??? How often, while flicking thru reams of photos, files and articles, do we truly take a moment to allow HIM to impress HIS message to us, into our hearts ???
We watch a Christian video and relish in HIS glory while it is playing and then we rush off to download it and re post it for the pleasure of others. Yet, little time do we spend on that which HE would impress upon our hearts. With the advantage of the internet and it's massive heaps of content to devour, many times we just rush from one tidbit of wisdom unto another. Barely slowing for one second to allow it to sink in !!!
Video after video; comment after comment; worship song after worship song and so forth, we pile up heaps of wonderful and true content, yet we only allow it to brush the surfaces of our hearts. There is a vast storehouse of wisdom in the Bible alone, that sits and goes to waste as we endlessly seek to divulge stacks of information out to others. Where is the gain for ourselves ??? Where is the benefit to others ??? We so overload our minds, that our heart never has time to glean one bit of it all ??? Important questions that we ourselves can only answer and truly only answer with the heartfelt time taken to allow GOD to reveal HIS truths to us !!!
Slow down and allow all that passes thru our hands, to truly sink in and become something glorious unto the KINGDOM of GOD :)))))))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
search my heart,
vine of christ ministries
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Of Social media, judgment and gossip...
Praise the LORD!!!
There are times that things must just be brought out in the open and this is one of them(Ephesians 5:11). Over the past several months, there has been a great increase in Christians taking part in that which is far from a reflection of a CHRIST-likeness(Christian attitude and actions.) From the title you should be able to tell that this has been happening on possibly the greatest tools we have at our beckon, for spreading the GOSPEL. The internet and more specifically, the social media side of it. Also, this isn't aimed at any one person, for there have been many that have been constantly straying over these scriptural lines in the sand !!!
Now, if you've been following me for any length of time, you should of realized, I've a great span when it comes to my internet presence. I've accounts on a good number of social media site ( Facebook, My_space, Twitter etc.) I've seen a drastic increase in Christians doing that which Christians shouldn't be doing. Namely, the standing in judgment of others(Romans 2:1-11) and then relaying this information on to others with the third party being totally unaware of it(1 Tim. 5:13). Both of these are far from that which our LORD and SAVIOR would of done in these very same cases, very far from it !!! It pains me dearly to have to say this, especially when a good number of these offenders exhibit a well rounded knowledge of scripture and for the most part behave as we should. I feel like the author of the Book of Hebrews, as they wrote verses 5:12-14, and the recipients were unfit for the consumption of anything stronger than 'milk.'
JESUS came a died for all of mankind, not just Christians. HE didn't die for the righteous, but for sinners and yes, I do know that no one is righteous, not even one single solitary person(Romans 3:10-18). Judgment, we should consider as a double "ended" sword, which inflicts as much damage to the one using it, as it does the one it is used against. For when we judge another person, in any manor(status, looks, job or in any way)let us not forget Matt. 6:15), we place ourselves in a position as if we're better than they are(Romans 14, yes the whole of it:))) ). Hence sinning, and a multiple pronged sin, for this brings in the demon of pride and every christian should realize what JESUS thinks about pride-fulness !!! (This should be one of the first tenants of the faith we learn and understand !!! (milk.)
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
There are times that things must just be brought out in the open and this is one of them(Ephesians 5:11). Over the past several months, there has been a great increase in Christians taking part in that which is far from a reflection of a CHRIST-likeness(Christian attitude and actions.) From the title you should be able to tell that this has been happening on possibly the greatest tools we have at our beckon, for spreading the GOSPEL. The internet and more specifically, the social media side of it. Also, this isn't aimed at any one person, for there have been many that have been constantly straying over these scriptural lines in the sand !!!
Now, if you've been following me for any length of time, you should of realized, I've a great span when it comes to my internet presence. I've accounts on a good number of social media site ( Facebook, My_space, Twitter etc.) I've seen a drastic increase in Christians doing that which Christians shouldn't be doing. Namely, the standing in judgment of others(Romans 2:1-11) and then relaying this information on to others with the third party being totally unaware of it(1 Tim. 5:13). Both of these are far from that which our LORD and SAVIOR would of done in these very same cases, very far from it !!! It pains me dearly to have to say this, especially when a good number of these offenders exhibit a well rounded knowledge of scripture and for the most part behave as we should. I feel like the author of the Book of Hebrews, as they wrote verses 5:12-14, and the recipients were unfit for the consumption of anything stronger than 'milk.'
JESUS came a died for all of mankind, not just Christians. HE didn't die for the righteous, but for sinners and yes, I do know that no one is righteous, not even one single solitary person(Romans 3:10-18). Judgment, we should consider as a double "ended" sword, which inflicts as much damage to the one using it, as it does the one it is used against. For when we judge another person, in any manor(status, looks, job or in any way)let us not forget Matt. 6:15), we place ourselves in a position as if we're better than they are(Romans 14, yes the whole of it:))) ). Hence sinning, and a multiple pronged sin, for this brings in the demon of pride and every christian should realize what JESUS thinks about pride-fulness !!! (This should be one of the first tenants of the faith we learn and understand !!! (milk.)
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Who am I???
Praise the LORD!!!
Good morning!!! Though it isn't exactly what most would call morning:))) You see, it isn't even six o'clock (AM) yet, but the LORD has awoken me, so I'm up and awake. Awaken in the usual manor, a cramp in my right foot. Not an overtly painful cramp, but one that feels more like a huge thumb compressing the center of it. As usual, when this happened, at first, I said "Praise the LORD, I'm awake LORD," but snuggled back up in the warm blankets. This wasn't supposed to be my proper reaction and the cramp returned:))) (the LORD is persistent in HIS leading, that is if you truly follow it!!!) Another PTL, though this time it was followed with my rolling out of bed and saying, "sorry LORD."
Heading right to the computer and since it hadn't gone into 'sleep mode' yet, I moused it and got it up and running. Now, I've not sat down yet, so into the kitchen to switch on the coffee pot and then off to the bathroom. Returning then to the computer and asking "what now LORD?" Off to one of my devotional readings, Morning and Evening, and then to the internet. Since I cleaned my system last night, I had to get my browser up and running. After doing so, the leading was this, blog time!!!
Who am I??? A question many would have to ponder, not I, for the answer was supplied:))) (thanks LORD!!!) I am but a man saved by grace. A piece of human trash, picked up by the LORD, just before it was headed to the fire for disposal. Picked up and recycled, shaped into something totally unlike that which it was before. The only resemblance to the old, is on the outside, for everything on the inside has been totally renewed. Where there had been pride and arrogance, is now humility. Where there was a strong will, there is now one that listens to the slightest of leading, not those of man or the world, but only of GOD. A man that could always figure things out, with an extremely sharp mind, now, totally dependent on that which comes from the heart.
This is the one that really gets me and truly shapes my life now. When something happens, my mind goes into action, thoughts reeling through it, reaction after reaction are formulated. Yet, only that which my heart leads me to, is done. Now, why listen to your heart, when it is so prone to making mistakes and getting one in trouble? This may be a true statement of a 'natural man', but isn't so of a born again Christian and spiritual man!!! You see, in the natural man, the heart is the seat of the emotions, whereas in the spiritual, it is the home of the LIVING GOD!!! How this came to be, I couldn't tell you. All I know, is that I've totally given myself to the LORD, I'm an empty vessel, overflowing with HE that gave HIMself for me upon the cross, and I love every moment of this new life!!!!!!!
Many post things that have stirred their hearts, whether good or bad. I think upon the matter and then only post that which I'm led to from my heart. There is a difference. One is reliant upon our emotions and self, whereas the other is reliant upon the HOLY SPIRIT alone. Many will be stirred by a dislike of someone or somethings actions and make statements bordering on and sometimes over the lines of committing a sin. Not I, for it is laid upon my heart, the reasoning behind whatever has stirred one to action, then given a response to it. If I post on this action, it isn't my response, but only that which I'm led to!!! There is a difference!!!
So, who am I??? A no one, but one that has given his life totally to following the LORD's leading. A man that has given up his own will, for the will of the LORD for him. One that no longer has a life, seeking after his own enjoyments, but one that is willing to do whatever he's led to, no matter the consequences. Follow my words, I'd not recommend it, for that is not my place. Listen to the LORD and follow HIM alone!!!:)))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Good morning!!! Though it isn't exactly what most would call morning:))) You see, it isn't even six o'clock (AM) yet, but the LORD has awoken me, so I'm up and awake. Awaken in the usual manor, a cramp in my right foot. Not an overtly painful cramp, but one that feels more like a huge thumb compressing the center of it. As usual, when this happened, at first, I said "Praise the LORD, I'm awake LORD," but snuggled back up in the warm blankets. This wasn't supposed to be my proper reaction and the cramp returned:))) (the LORD is persistent in HIS leading, that is if you truly follow it!!!) Another PTL, though this time it was followed with my rolling out of bed and saying, "sorry LORD."
Heading right to the computer and since it hadn't gone into 'sleep mode' yet, I moused it and got it up and running. Now, I've not sat down yet, so into the kitchen to switch on the coffee pot and then off to the bathroom. Returning then to the computer and asking "what now LORD?" Off to one of my devotional readings, Morning and Evening, and then to the internet. Since I cleaned my system last night, I had to get my browser up and running. After doing so, the leading was this, blog time!!!
Who am I??? A question many would have to ponder, not I, for the answer was supplied:))) (thanks LORD!!!) I am but a man saved by grace. A piece of human trash, picked up by the LORD, just before it was headed to the fire for disposal. Picked up and recycled, shaped into something totally unlike that which it was before. The only resemblance to the old, is on the outside, for everything on the inside has been totally renewed. Where there had been pride and arrogance, is now humility. Where there was a strong will, there is now one that listens to the slightest of leading, not those of man or the world, but only of GOD. A man that could always figure things out, with an extremely sharp mind, now, totally dependent on that which comes from the heart.
This is the one that really gets me and truly shapes my life now. When something happens, my mind goes into action, thoughts reeling through it, reaction after reaction are formulated. Yet, only that which my heart leads me to, is done. Now, why listen to your heart, when it is so prone to making mistakes and getting one in trouble? This may be a true statement of a 'natural man', but isn't so of a born again Christian and spiritual man!!! You see, in the natural man, the heart is the seat of the emotions, whereas in the spiritual, it is the home of the LIVING GOD!!! How this came to be, I couldn't tell you. All I know, is that I've totally given myself to the LORD, I'm an empty vessel, overflowing with HE that gave HIMself for me upon the cross, and I love every moment of this new life!!!!!!!
Many post things that have stirred their hearts, whether good or bad. I think upon the matter and then only post that which I'm led to from my heart. There is a difference. One is reliant upon our emotions and self, whereas the other is reliant upon the HOLY SPIRIT alone. Many will be stirred by a dislike of someone or somethings actions and make statements bordering on and sometimes over the lines of committing a sin. Not I, for it is laid upon my heart, the reasoning behind whatever has stirred one to action, then given a response to it. If I post on this action, it isn't my response, but only that which I'm led to!!! There is a difference!!!
So, who am I??? A no one, but one that has given his life totally to following the LORD's leading. A man that has given up his own will, for the will of the LORD for him. One that no longer has a life, seeking after his own enjoyments, but one that is willing to do whatever he's led to, no matter the consequences. Follow my words, I'd not recommend it, for that is not my place. Listen to the LORD and follow HIM alone!!!:)))
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Stand up, speak out
Who Praise the LORD!!!
A little while ago, I read a posting, talking about how we need to live in peace and love. This kind of reminded me of the old 'hippie' junk, that many of us used to live our lives by. That very same attitude that is responsible for the 'watered down gospel' that is being preached, and worst yet, accepted in churches these days!!!
I see ministers, supposedly people of GOD, re-posting or repeating the words, wisdom they call it, of self proclaimed gurus or life experts. When all it is in reality is a bunch of worthless junk, of the same type that held Christians(true) in bondage during their lives!!!
We, my dear brothers and sisters, are in the end of days. That period in Biblical prophecy, where the likes of that above has been foretold!!! The BODY of CHRIST has become a weak kneed mass of flesh, only seeking to fulfill it's own lust or constantly striving to 'be like unto the world.'
Who am I to say such things??? No one, a worthless piece of flesh, that truly isn't worth to breath the air that JESUS created, let alone preach the WORDS HE has spoken or given me. But because of HIS calling me to ministry and my belief in total obedience unto HIM, I am a man that will speak out, come hell or high water!!!
It is time for each and every Christian to grab their Bibles, pray and open them and read the truths that have been laid down since before time began. Not just to read them, but to absorb them, to bury them deeply within their very being, as if they are the very blood that flows thru your veins!!! I'm not talking about memorizing scripture, that is but your own knowledge, I'm talking about having the very WORDS of GOD coursing thru your veins, your very existence dependent upon them. An the next time you hear a 'preacher', or anyone, speak about the WORD of GOD teaching us this or that, you'll know for sure if it is so!!!
You will have two choices, well actually three. 1. listen to it and do nothing. 2. stand up for the truth, speak it and let the erring one see their error. 3. Get up and walk out/away, leaving them, and others, to their errors.(trick question, only one true answer, that is if you are what you proclaim to be)
This time that we're in, is truly not a time for peace. It is a time when the souls of men are going to hell daily, because no one was willing to stand up for the truth that JESUS preached. No one was willing to go that extra mile and lead them on the straight and narrow path. No one willing to give a thirsty one a drink from the well of salvation and truth. Will you be a 'no one'??? Or will you be a someone, willing to standup, speak out and give a helping hand to a lost and dieing world??? Personally, I'M A SOMEONE, one whom JESUS died for, one whom has forsaken the world to follow HIM and a someone that isn't afraid to go to his death, before rebuking my SAVIOR!!!!!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
(If you'd like to know more about this 'no one', that is a 'someone', let me suggest you read my personal testimonial book, "Out of the LIGHT")
A little while ago, I read a posting, talking about how we need to live in peace and love. This kind of reminded me of the old 'hippie' junk, that many of us used to live our lives by. That very same attitude that is responsible for the 'watered down gospel' that is being preached, and worst yet, accepted in churches these days!!!
I see ministers, supposedly people of GOD, re-posting or repeating the words, wisdom they call it, of self proclaimed gurus or life experts. When all it is in reality is a bunch of worthless junk, of the same type that held Christians(true) in bondage during their lives!!!
We, my dear brothers and sisters, are in the end of days. That period in Biblical prophecy, where the likes of that above has been foretold!!! The BODY of CHRIST has become a weak kneed mass of flesh, only seeking to fulfill it's own lust or constantly striving to 'be like unto the world.'
Who am I to say such things??? No one, a worthless piece of flesh, that truly isn't worth to breath the air that JESUS created, let alone preach the WORDS HE has spoken or given me. But because of HIS calling me to ministry and my belief in total obedience unto HIM, I am a man that will speak out, come hell or high water!!!
It is time for each and every Christian to grab their Bibles, pray and open them and read the truths that have been laid down since before time began. Not just to read them, but to absorb them, to bury them deeply within their very being, as if they are the very blood that flows thru your veins!!! I'm not talking about memorizing scripture, that is but your own knowledge, I'm talking about having the very WORDS of GOD coursing thru your veins, your very existence dependent upon them. An the next time you hear a 'preacher', or anyone, speak about the WORD of GOD teaching us this or that, you'll know for sure if it is so!!!
You will have two choices, well actually three. 1. listen to it and do nothing. 2. stand up for the truth, speak it and let the erring one see their error. 3. Get up and walk out/away, leaving them, and others, to their errors.(trick question, only one true answer, that is if you are what you proclaim to be)
This time that we're in, is truly not a time for peace. It is a time when the souls of men are going to hell daily, because no one was willing to stand up for the truth that JESUS preached. No one was willing to go that extra mile and lead them on the straight and narrow path. No one willing to give a thirsty one a drink from the well of salvation and truth. Will you be a 'no one'??? Or will you be a someone, willing to standup, speak out and give a helping hand to a lost and dieing world??? Personally, I'M A SOMEONE, one whom JESUS died for, one whom has forsaken the world to follow HIM and a someone that isn't afraid to go to his death, before rebuking my SAVIOR!!!!!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
(If you'd like to know more about this 'no one', that is a 'someone', let me suggest you read my personal testimonial book, "Out of the LIGHT")
Monday, September 19, 2011
Control and Worrys
Praise the LORD!!!
If you've been following my post online this AM, you'll know that I've the day off. With barely being able to meet my bills, this would seem to well up the emotions of worry and doubt. For me, I'm blessed not to have any degree of these. I've learned, through many a year of walking with the LORD, that there's truly no reason for them:)))
As I stated in an earlier comment, this dependence upon the LORD has really been cemented in my spirit since beginning my first trip to Texas. Though I've suffered: three broken toes, and continued with the trip; sat on the roadside for six and a half hours with a blown out knee, before finally getting assistance; returned to the starting point to recoup and then having my funding depleted completely; thrown out of the place I was living with only $40 in my pocket, to carry on with the trip; lived, along the roadside, abandoned buildings and attached in every means the adversary could throw at me, I've still faith in the LORD that HE shall meet all of my needs:)))(Phil. 4:19)
There was a time in my life, when I'd lie, cheat or steal in instances such as this, but that man is dead and buried long ago(thank YOU JESUS!!!) Now a days, I put the matter to prayer, sit and listen and then, do as led, or go on about my labors, knowing that the matter is in better hands then my own!!!(1 Peter 5:7)
Truly this isn't a practice that happens over night, but one that takes numerous years to be cemented into our hearts. One sure way that this is accomplished, is our suffering through many a trial and tribulation. One's, that completely tax us to our very cores. Breaking that bond of self sufficiency and allowing a totally new bond to be formed. One that has not the slightest doubt, that in no matter what happens, the LORD is fully in control of the events and will surely carry us through them and over them.(Romans 8:28) Since January 7, 1995, the day I was blessed to wholeheartedly give my life to the LORD, I've been blessed to of gone through so many events like this, that there is no way possible to mention them all in a blog, it'd be a book:))) Yet, truly, I most likely couldn't recall all of them, there has been that many:)))
The point is, if you've given your life wholeheartedly to JESUS, you've(supposedly) turned the reins of control over to HIM. Removing your hands from them and allowing HIM, to be the one that guides you through life and along that narrow pathway that leads to heaven. There are so many Christians today, that suffer daily, trying to control the direction in which their lives are going. That try to control all the means of their daily existence and do nothing but continually worry and fret over what will be next. Our tomorrows, if we're blessed with them, are completely in the LORD's hands. If we but relinquish our attempts to maneuver ourselves in the directions we think best, and allow the LORD to work HIS will within our lives, we'd find life so much more pleasurable. Those things we thought to be mountains, will turn into what they really are, but pebbles along the path. Those nooses, we've pulled so tightly around our necks, will appear as they truly are, the collars of our garments. So if you've given your life to JESUS, take your hands off the wheel and let JESUS truly be the driver!!! The trip will enjoyable, and a lot smoother:)))
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
If you've been following my post online this AM, you'll know that I've the day off. With barely being able to meet my bills, this would seem to well up the emotions of worry and doubt. For me, I'm blessed not to have any degree of these. I've learned, through many a year of walking with the LORD, that there's truly no reason for them:)))
As I stated in an earlier comment, this dependence upon the LORD has really been cemented in my spirit since beginning my first trip to Texas. Though I've suffered: three broken toes, and continued with the trip; sat on the roadside for six and a half hours with a blown out knee, before finally getting assistance; returned to the starting point to recoup and then having my funding depleted completely; thrown out of the place I was living with only $40 in my pocket, to carry on with the trip; lived, along the roadside, abandoned buildings and attached in every means the adversary could throw at me, I've still faith in the LORD that HE shall meet all of my needs:)))(Phil. 4:19)
There was a time in my life, when I'd lie, cheat or steal in instances such as this, but that man is dead and buried long ago(thank YOU JESUS!!!) Now a days, I put the matter to prayer, sit and listen and then, do as led, or go on about my labors, knowing that the matter is in better hands then my own!!!(1 Peter 5:7)
Truly this isn't a practice that happens over night, but one that takes numerous years to be cemented into our hearts. One sure way that this is accomplished, is our suffering through many a trial and tribulation. One's, that completely tax us to our very cores. Breaking that bond of self sufficiency and allowing a totally new bond to be formed. One that has not the slightest doubt, that in no matter what happens, the LORD is fully in control of the events and will surely carry us through them and over them.(Romans 8:28) Since January 7, 1995, the day I was blessed to wholeheartedly give my life to the LORD, I've been blessed to of gone through so many events like this, that there is no way possible to mention them all in a blog, it'd be a book:))) Yet, truly, I most likely couldn't recall all of them, there has been that many:)))
The point is, if you've given your life wholeheartedly to JESUS, you've(supposedly) turned the reins of control over to HIM. Removing your hands from them and allowing HIM, to be the one that guides you through life and along that narrow pathway that leads to heaven. There are so many Christians today, that suffer daily, trying to control the direction in which their lives are going. That try to control all the means of their daily existence and do nothing but continually worry and fret over what will be next. Our tomorrows, if we're blessed with them, are completely in the LORD's hands. If we but relinquish our attempts to maneuver ourselves in the directions we think best, and allow the LORD to work HIS will within our lives, we'd find life so much more pleasurable. Those things we thought to be mountains, will turn into what they really are, but pebbles along the path. Those nooses, we've pulled so tightly around our necks, will appear as they truly are, the collars of our garments. So if you've given your life to JESUS, take your hands off the wheel and let JESUS truly be the driver!!! The trip will enjoyable, and a lot smoother:)))
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Friday, September 9, 2011
Praise the LORD!!!
This morning the LORD has laid upon my heart, the souls and spirits of the next generation. Those whom we as Christian parents a raising up to represent the LORD in the days to come!!! Let us look unto the WORD!!!
Proverbs 22:6
We as parents know that we're the one's responsible for the raising of our children. For those ways that we teach them now are the ways that they follow as they grow up. But, as Christians there is an increased importance here, for we're also responsible for raising them up as reflections of JESUS too!!!
(Please forgive the numerous errors here, in layout, for my computer is greatly hindering me in the production of this entry!!!)
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
This morning the LORD has laid upon my heart, the souls and spirits of the next generation. Those whom we as Christian parents a raising up to represent the LORD in the days to come!!! Let us look unto the WORD!!!
Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
We as parents know that we're the one's responsible for the raising of our children. For those ways that we teach them now are the ways that they follow as they grow up. But, as Christians there is an increased importance here, for we're also responsible for raising them up as reflections of JESUS too!!!
How we do this is very, very important and should be considered deeply, for it is critical to their future and the future of the KINGDOM of GOD on earth!!! Are we raising them to reflect the world and it's desires, or are we raising them up to represent JESUS as HE reflected GOD unto us???
Do we seek to have them blend in with the world, or do we teach them to reflect that which JESUS calls us too??? Are we, as parents, teaching them to dress as the world??? Do we, teach them to seek after all those worldly desires that everyone else does??? The house, the job, the three cars in the driveway??? What are we teaching them??? It is very, very important and every detail should be considered!!!
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Monday, September 5, 2011
Our Reflection of JESUS' ministry!!!
Praise the LORD!!!
Let examine Matt. 8:20 this day, but we'll start with a lead in verse, of 19 also!!!
Matt. 8:19,20
19. Then a teacher of the law came to HIM and said, "Teacher, I will follow YOU wherever YOU go."
20. JESUS replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nest, but the SON of MAN has no place to lay HIS head."
Here, we see one that is willing to follow JESUS during HIS ministry on earth, which isn't very different than those of us that accept JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR today. We make the statement, or some of us do, because it isn't part of the "sinner's prayer" that most utter today during conversion. I say "conversion" and not "new birth," because the "new birth" begins at this point and is the regeneration of one's life into that of reflecting JESUS' from that point onward. Whereas the conversion, most go thru, is basically a verbal agreement with little action from that point onward!!! * This doesn't mean there aren't those that do become Born Again, but that which I personally experienced!!! You see, at sixteen, I accepted JESUS verbally, but there was not a regeneration within my life. Basically because it was an emotional acceptance by my mind and not one of the "heart," where my spirit was touched(and changed) by the HOLY SPIRIT*
Now, this is the meat of today's entry. In verse 20, we've JESUS telling those that are willing to "follow HIM," the conditions under which HE personally is living. Now, we know that this was not always the case, for there are numerous times in the scriptures, where we hear of JESUS dwelling in the homes of others. Though in a way, HE still didn't have that which most consider a home, a permanent dwelling place which HE called HIS home.
With JESUS' ministry being a revelation of GOD's love for mankind and HIS benevolence towards us, we see a vast disparity between HIS life and those most Christians live today!!! For the majority of Christians today, have more invested in their homes then in any other aspect of their lives. Thousands, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars invested in a place to lay your heads. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against home ownership, for I too someday pray to have one, but that of placing more importance on home ownership and "keeping up with the Jone's" attitude that so greatly prevails today!!! We grumble at paying a tithe at church services, yet continue to monthly meet those seemingly unending mortgage payments with a smile on our facings, knowing that someday our palace will be all ours!!! I used the word "Palace," why? For in considering what most peoples of the world live in, that which we have learned to consider a home, is a palace in comparison. We spend more on drapes, then the majority spend on their whole dwelling place!!!
With decades of preaching a denatured gospel, where seeking after all those things the LORD considers as worldly, this isn't unexpected at all. But in the power of each and every Christian, is the SPIRIT of ultimate benevolence. Where the goodwill of others is placed above that of our own. YES, it is there!!! It is just whether or not we listen to HIS calling us to seek the welfare of others, instead of that of ourselves!!! So as you walk around your home today, or prepare to lay your head down for sleep in it's comforts, think about that which JESUS would be thinking about. Not HIS own creature comforts, but those needs that the majority of the world suffers daily without. How is JESUS seeing the reflection of HIS life, thru you???
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Let examine Matt. 8:20 this day, but we'll start with a lead in verse, of 19 also!!!
Matt. 8:19,20
19. Then a teacher of the law came to HIM and said, "Teacher, I will follow YOU wherever YOU go."
20. JESUS replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nest, but the SON of MAN has no place to lay HIS head."
Here, we see one that is willing to follow JESUS during HIS ministry on earth, which isn't very different than those of us that accept JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR today. We make the statement, or some of us do, because it isn't part of the "sinner's prayer" that most utter today during conversion. I say "conversion" and not "new birth," because the "new birth" begins at this point and is the regeneration of one's life into that of reflecting JESUS' from that point onward. Whereas the conversion, most go thru, is basically a verbal agreement with little action from that point onward!!! * This doesn't mean there aren't those that do become Born Again, but that which I personally experienced!!! You see, at sixteen, I accepted JESUS verbally, but there was not a regeneration within my life. Basically because it was an emotional acceptance by my mind and not one of the "heart," where my spirit was touched(and changed) by the HOLY SPIRIT*
Now, this is the meat of today's entry. In verse 20, we've JESUS telling those that are willing to "follow HIM," the conditions under which HE personally is living. Now, we know that this was not always the case, for there are numerous times in the scriptures, where we hear of JESUS dwelling in the homes of others. Though in a way, HE still didn't have that which most consider a home, a permanent dwelling place which HE called HIS home.
With JESUS' ministry being a revelation of GOD's love for mankind and HIS benevolence towards us, we see a vast disparity between HIS life and those most Christians live today!!! For the majority of Christians today, have more invested in their homes then in any other aspect of their lives. Thousands, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars invested in a place to lay your heads. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against home ownership, for I too someday pray to have one, but that of placing more importance on home ownership and "keeping up with the Jone's" attitude that so greatly prevails today!!! We grumble at paying a tithe at church services, yet continue to monthly meet those seemingly unending mortgage payments with a smile on our facings, knowing that someday our palace will be all ours!!! I used the word "Palace," why? For in considering what most peoples of the world live in, that which we have learned to consider a home, is a palace in comparison. We spend more on drapes, then the majority spend on their whole dwelling place!!!
With decades of preaching a denatured gospel, where seeking after all those things the LORD considers as worldly, this isn't unexpected at all. But in the power of each and every Christian, is the SPIRIT of ultimate benevolence. Where the goodwill of others is placed above that of our own. YES, it is there!!! It is just whether or not we listen to HIS calling us to seek the welfare of others, instead of that of ourselves!!! So as you walk around your home today, or prepare to lay your head down for sleep in it's comforts, think about that which JESUS would be thinking about. Not HIS own creature comforts, but those needs that the majority of the world suffers daily without. How is JESUS seeing the reflection of HIS life, thru you???
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Friday, July 15, 2011
Praise the LORD!!!
Today is a great day!!! Why? Because it is another one that the LORD has blessed us with, not just life itself, but HE's given us the ability to share HIS awesome love for us with all those around us!!!
HIS awesome love for mankind goes so much deeper than we can even begin to imagine. We've the greatest shown through HIS death upon the cross for us. Yet, we tend to over look many of the other ones. "What other ones?" you may ask! Let us look at HIS ministry on earth then.
In most places in the 'four GOSPELS', we see JESUS, walking among the masses or seated among a group of people. Seldom do we see HIM alone, except for those times, where HE snuck away for private time in prayer with the FATHER. Now, we don't have a full account of all the events that took place during HIS life, so that which I'm going to set forth, may be considered as conjecture. Let me say though, this is HOLY SPIRIT guided conjecture:)))
When we hear of JESUS' ministry, we should be able to see a pattern developing, one of order, which for the most part was continually followed by HIM and even by the apostles after HIS departure. There were the healings and acts of benevolence always witnessed, before HE began HIS teachings. From the title, you should be able to see that it is not the healings that this article is about, but the benevolence. Those acts of charity(love) that are the topic.
For the most part, we're only let in on two of the most miraculous ones, the feeding of the masses. The 4000+ and 5000+. Now if you reckon these numbers, as the Hebrews would, the numbers were far greater, for these were just the head count of the 'men,' those heads of households, not all the women and children which were in attendance, so these numbers could be greatly multiplied.
These accounts were only the two 'greatest,' what about all the rest of the time? How many sat down with JESUS, besides HIS disciples, daily? I have to wonder, if HIS procession didn't look more like the exodus, than that of a small group of wanderers? Just take into consideration what we see today, when some famous person comes into the area. The mass of followers that seek the person's attendance to them, in some way. These are just regular people, not the messiah or future king of the nation, so how much greater was HIS following, then we're allowed to witness!!!
Yet it is not the numbers, that I seek your focus to be upon, but that which HE shared with them. Not just HIS WORDS, but that love, those provisions. How many sat with HIM at meal time and went away satisfied? How many, walked along side of HIM and had their daily needs met? Not just their spiritual needs, but those physical needs that are a matter of life and death in such a land as that? We hear of those women that provided for HIS needs daily, that accompanied HIM along HIS way! We hear of HIS 'paying the temple tax' from the mouth of a fish! We do not hear though, of how HIS everyday needs were met! Yet, being very GOD, I'm sure there were many miracles, that even the disciples weren't aware of:)))
It would be fair to say that the habits of those of the first century church, could impact our understanding better the great acts of benevolence that took place among JESUS' procession through the holy lands. For though they weren't told to do so, they gathered together, giving of all that they had. Giving at much of the time far beyond measure. So great was this desire to give and supply the needs of all, that they sold almost all that they owned!!!
There is much here to be digested, so I'm going to leave it here and let these thoughts sink into your hearts. I'm also going to post many scripture here for you, as a follow up on our topic. I pray, you'll enjoy, as the LORD opens your eyes to a fuller understanding of HIS ways, while on earth!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Deut. 15:7–15, 18. Lev. 25:35–43. Psa. 41:1; Psa. 112:9; Prov. 3:27, 28; Prov. 11:25; Prov. 22:9; Prov. 25:21, 22; Prov. 28:27; Isa. 58:6, 7, 10, 11; Ezek. 18:5, 7–9; Matt. 5:42; Matt. 19:21 Mark 10:21. Matt. 25:35–45; Mark 9:41; Luke 3:11; Luke 11:41; Acts 6:1–4; Acts 11:29, 30; Rom. 15:25–27; 1 Cor. 13:3; 1 Cor. 16:1–3; 2 Cor. 8:1–15, 24; 2 Cor. 9:1–15; Gal. 2:10; Phil. 4:10–18; 1 Tim. 5:8, 16; 1 Tim. 6:18; Heb. 6:10; Heb. 13:16; Jas. 2:15, 16; 1 John 3:17
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Today is a great day!!! Why? Because it is another one that the LORD has blessed us with, not just life itself, but HE's given us the ability to share HIS awesome love for us with all those around us!!!
HIS awesome love for mankind goes so much deeper than we can even begin to imagine. We've the greatest shown through HIS death upon the cross for us. Yet, we tend to over look many of the other ones. "What other ones?" you may ask! Let us look at HIS ministry on earth then.
In most places in the 'four GOSPELS', we see JESUS, walking among the masses or seated among a group of people. Seldom do we see HIM alone, except for those times, where HE snuck away for private time in prayer with the FATHER. Now, we don't have a full account of all the events that took place during HIS life, so that which I'm going to set forth, may be considered as conjecture. Let me say though, this is HOLY SPIRIT guided conjecture:)))
When we hear of JESUS' ministry, we should be able to see a pattern developing, one of order, which for the most part was continually followed by HIM and even by the apostles after HIS departure. There were the healings and acts of benevolence always witnessed, before HE began HIS teachings. From the title, you should be able to see that it is not the healings that this article is about, but the benevolence. Those acts of charity(love) that are the topic.
For the most part, we're only let in on two of the most miraculous ones, the feeding of the masses. The 4000+ and 5000+. Now if you reckon these numbers, as the Hebrews would, the numbers were far greater, for these were just the head count of the 'men,' those heads of households, not all the women and children which were in attendance, so these numbers could be greatly multiplied.
These accounts were only the two 'greatest,' what about all the rest of the time? How many sat down with JESUS, besides HIS disciples, daily? I have to wonder, if HIS procession didn't look more like the exodus, than that of a small group of wanderers? Just take into consideration what we see today, when some famous person comes into the area. The mass of followers that seek the person's attendance to them, in some way. These are just regular people, not the messiah or future king of the nation, so how much greater was HIS following, then we're allowed to witness!!!
Yet it is not the numbers, that I seek your focus to be upon, but that which HE shared with them. Not just HIS WORDS, but that love, those provisions. How many sat with HIM at meal time and went away satisfied? How many, walked along side of HIM and had their daily needs met? Not just their spiritual needs, but those physical needs that are a matter of life and death in such a land as that? We hear of those women that provided for HIS needs daily, that accompanied HIM along HIS way! We hear of HIS 'paying the temple tax' from the mouth of a fish! We do not hear though, of how HIS everyday needs were met! Yet, being very GOD, I'm sure there were many miracles, that even the disciples weren't aware of:)))
It would be fair to say that the habits of those of the first century church, could impact our understanding better the great acts of benevolence that took place among JESUS' procession through the holy lands. For though they weren't told to do so, they gathered together, giving of all that they had. Giving at much of the time far beyond measure. So great was this desire to give and supply the needs of all, that they sold almost all that they owned!!!
There is much here to be digested, so I'm going to leave it here and let these thoughts sink into your hearts. I'm also going to post many scripture here for you, as a follow up on our topic. I pray, you'll enjoy, as the LORD opens your eyes to a fuller understanding of HIS ways, while on earth!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Deut. 15:7–15, 18. Lev. 25:35–43. Psa. 41:1; Psa. 112:9; Prov. 3:27, 28; Prov. 11:25; Prov. 22:9; Prov. 25:21, 22; Prov. 28:27; Isa. 58:6, 7, 10, 11; Ezek. 18:5, 7–9; Matt. 5:42; Matt. 19:21 Mark 10:21. Matt. 25:35–45; Mark 9:41; Luke 3:11; Luke 11:41; Acts 6:1–4; Acts 11:29, 30; Rom. 15:25–27; 1 Cor. 13:3; 1 Cor. 16:1–3; 2 Cor. 8:1–15, 24; 2 Cor. 9:1–15; Gal. 2:10; Phil. 4:10–18; 1 Tim. 5:8, 16; 1 Tim. 6:18; Heb. 6:10; Heb. 13:16; Jas. 2:15, 16; 1 John 3:17
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
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