Saturday, May 29, 2010

5-30-10_Like unto JESUS (Part 2)_A repost

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Due to moving in several days, I've been busy tying up lose ends and packing. Thank GOD I don't have that much and actually I've less then I've ever had when making a move:-), but there are still many things to do to get ready to make the transition as quick as possible. This has to be done due to my new job, doing apartment turnovers for a local Realtor. An being the first of the months he's plenty of work for me to do. so I've got to move and work so others can move in as quick as possible. Should truly be an interesting next couple of weeks. I've faith to know that the LORD will carry me through this time, provide the needed money and items needed to make this transition as quick, effortless and trouble free as possible!!!

   Acts 4:13
     "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with JESUS."

    Yesterday we covered the ways to draw closer to JESUS and in our doing so obtaining HIS likeness. Today we will proceed to the evidences that reveal this likeness to those around us. For it is not just our resembling HIM that is beneficial to others, but that which we do "in" resembling HIM. For it does no one else any good if we keep JESUS all to our selves and it is not truly taking on HIS likeness if we do. JESUS was here to show us how GOD wanted us to live and act towards our fellow man. How to reveal GOD to others by the actions that we take and by the love that HE has for us. HE gave HIS all for humanity, right down to HIS death upon the cross for those HE didn't even know, many of which were not even been born yet!

   You've received CHRIST as your personal LORD and SAVIOR (I pray you have), this is awesome and the beginning of a new life in CHRIST. But truly where do you go from here?  The first part we spoke about yesterday, the drawing closer to HIM and beginning to take on HIS likeness. Here is where many stop within their Christian walks, never realizing that there is so much more to it then this. We are called to be HIS disciples and in so doing, follow HIS example and reveal it to the world through our lives. We must be willing to forsake all to follow CHRIST. Placing HIS will for us before all else, this means husband or wife, children, friends, work or relaxation. All must take a backseat to the LORD and HIS calling on us in life. An  I do mean all, right down to our very own willingness to give our lives for another, even one we don't know!

   Some of you may be saying, 'hold on now, someone I don't even know?'. Yes, this even including those that persecute you or do you harm. JESUS even prayed for those that had beaten HIM and were putting HIM to death!! We too need to take on this attribute, right down to the smallest of details. Loving our enemies, those that mistreat us or abuse us, right down to even those that may take our lives or the lives of a loved one. Can you imagine how it feels to JESUS when HE hears a Christian saying something derogatory about someone who's perpetrated some felonious crime. (Now I know I'm going to get people's attention with this!)Say a
 mass murderer or child molester! You heard me right. Remember JESUS died for the sins of all of mankind, not just those that commit the small sins, but those of even the worst of mankind. Hitler, Daimler, Saddam Husein, you or me, in GOD's eyes, we are all the same, worthy of death unless we believe and accept JESUS' works upon the cross. This is not an easy task to undertake, especially when you've had others inflict great wounds upon your spirit, but it is a must if we're to resemble JESUS!!!

   Another aspect that sets JESUS apart from others were HIS WORDS. Not only the fact that they were the very WORDS of GOD for mankind, but they were spoken in complete love. Even when HE over turned the tables of the money changers in the temple, though harsh, they were spoken in love. Only once do we hear of JESUS cursing something and that was an example set for us of how GOD will treat the un-fruitful within the Church. All the rest of the time HE spoke out of love, this even when rebuking the Pharisee and Sadducee on their hypocrisy and false religious practices. Now can we say this is true of all that comes out of our mouths? I seriously doubt it, for I know that there are times that I utter things I wish I'd never said and most likely you can say this also. Our tongues can get us in so much trouble and we must do our best to allow GOD to help us control them.

   Another point of our resembling one who has walked with JESUS is that of our actions. The apostles were facing the Sanhedrin because of not just what they were speaking, but for the work of healing a cripple in the name of JESUS. How do the works of your hands reveal JESUS within you, to those around you? Or do they reveal works of another sort, works towards oneself or worse yet, to another master? I'm not saying that we all need to be going around laying hands on people and healing them in the name of JESUS, which would be nice, but that JESUS should be able to be seen through our every action. Like opening a door for someone else to walk through first. Or maybe picking up a large package for someone when you can see they're having a hard time with it. Or maybe grabbing something off a high shelf when you can see a person can't reach it. These kind of actions should permeate our existence. People should be able to see that there is love dwelling within us to the deepest of levels. Even in rush hour traffic this should shine forth like a beacon on a hilltop. There is no time within a Christians life that JESUS should not be the LIGHT that is shinning out. Every little detail of our lives needs to be a direct reflection of HIS dwelling inside. Not like a bad mirror, with it distorted reflection, but with that of a fine clean surface reflecting a true and perfect image. One where there can be no mistaking it, You are one that walks with JESUS!!! 

    Now, our revealing GOD to the world is a great responsibility and the very one that the Jews failed at. They are the chosen people of GOD and were supposed to reveal GOD's love for all of mankind to the world. Since they didn't fulfill this act within their history, GOD has grafted us into this position, giving us the task. We must do our best to show this within our lives. For remember, that which HE has grafted in, can also be removed in like manor! Do you want to be one that is removed from favor before GOD? Remember the parable of the sheep and the goats. There will be those that only think they've been reflecting JESUS within their lives, when in all rights, HE does not know them at all!!!

Other verses to reference: Matt. 16:24-26, 19:29, 25:34-46; Luke 4:18,19, 9:23-27; John 15:1-17; Rom. 11:17-31

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, May 27, 2010

5.28.10_Family and nation

Praise the LORD!!!

   This morning a very great fact about the fall of this nation and perhaps the nations of the world came to light through one of my devotional reads. The LORD deeply impressed this matter upon my heart and there is going to be a turning towards this topic in the ministry and all it entails.The current state of our world has a great deal to do with the fact that our homes have fallen apart. Not just the fact that they've fallen away from worshiping GOD as the binder that held them together, but in all other manors as well. The truly strange part about the article, which had it focus on a hymn written early to mid 1800's (it was written in 1990) is that there hasn't truly been a movement of the church to any great extent that focused on this topic. Yes, there have been single organizations that have focused on this, but this is just a band-aid on a major problem.

   I'm going to give you a bit of this devotional, little clippings of it, so you'll see where I'm coming from and the extent (and time span) of this breaking up. Because it hasn't just been in recent years that this has been happening, it appears to go much farther back. How far I'm yet to see, but surely, will let you know when I can place my finger upon it!

   "This is the season when our attention is especially directed to the basic social institution in society, the home, with special days for recognizing mothers, fathers, and children. The strength of any nation is the quality of its homes. “In love of home, the love of country has its rise” said Charles Dickens.
Home should be the holy of holies in a person’s life, a place where ultimate love and acceptance are found between parents and with the children. The real test of a parent’s spirituality is his home life—the daily demonstration of a Christ-like character."
Osbeck, K. W. (1990). Amazing grace : 366 inspiring hymn stories for daily devotions (162). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications.

   In this first clip, we have that which focuses on basically we the parents and our duty to maintain a firm foundation in our relationships with GOD. For it is truly here that all relationships are grounded. For without a strong relationship with GOD as our starting point, all will fall apart. It is here that we must grow daily and strive to improve upon with every breath that we take. GOD, should be the focus in all that this world revolves around, for it is HE that set it all in motion and has formed the foundational laws and principles on which it is to function! We can't drive a car if we don't follow the standard operational principles of it. For you can get in and start it, but unless you put it into gear you'll be going nowhere. The same is true with our relationships with GOD. If we only start it, but don't follow through with all the details of it, we will go nowhere and fail to function in it to any extent. Yes, we will have salvation through faith, but where will the fruit of this faith be? There will be no signs of any change within a person's life if they don't exercise more then just the elementary principles of the Christian faith!

   When we begin to move out of the starting blocks of our beliefs and begin to progress along the lines of our lives, using these basic principles of the faith, we begin to grow and prosper. But unless we take this growth and begin to revolve our total lives around it, drawing our families into it, there is truly no gain, but to self. If there is one thing the Christian faith is not centered on, it is the fact that it is for personal usage only. Christianity is supposed to be world changing in it's scope, not only the personal changes that will take place, but reaching out and grasping all those around it. We're told to go out along the highways and by ways of life to seek others, and this starts right within the walls of our own homes before it goes out to the world.
   "As parents, our responsibility is not only to feed and clothe our children’s bodies, but to nurture their spirits, their minds, and their moral values. By word and by personal example we must carefully guide our children and fervently seek to show them what it means to be a Christian. Good parenting also involves maintaining strong lines of communication between all members of the family. This demands quality time spent together in discussions, social times, daily spiritual retreats, and weekly periods of instruction and worship in the local church."
Osbeck, K. W. (1990). Amazing grace : 366 inspiring hymn stories for daily devotions (162). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications.___

   Too often today, a family exist only within the confines of the house for a limited span of time. Even during these times it not functioning the way GOD set forth for it to though. The parents are off living their lives in one part of the house, while the children are off doing their own things. Life as a family, as set forth in scripture, seldom takes place for any great length of time. This mostly on a Sunday and that only for the time the family is gathered together for their church activities. Seldom do families united at the dinner table at meal times. Seldom do they experience any time together with our heavenly FATHER in Bible study and prayer. Seldom do they even work together to make their house a home. These are major problems within our society especially and those that are beginning to grow in their global reach. For much of the world sees the U.S.A. as an example to live by. This due to our past prosperity as a nation. With this comes the problem that as our nation falls into disrepair, so to does the world that mimics us.

   The words of this author closely reflects those of scripture. Whereas we're given certain guidelines to form our family life around. Those of focusing our attentions upon a GODly life, exhibiting it within our own lives and using it as the hub which we teach to our children. All these can't happen unless we as parents draw closer to GOD in our relationships with HIM and also with those around us! It does no good for us to only practice our faith in private. We need to extend it to our mates, offspring and those that we associate with within our daily lives. We as parents need to realize that everything we say and do is being picked up on by those we rub elbows with. Be it our spouse, children, bosses or coworkers. We as parents and members of this great nation need to return to our roots. Focus our faith, practice our faith and pass on our faith to all those that share our existence here on planet earth. Let us begin to draw closer to GOD personally, but let us not forget to share it with all those around us. Starting with those closest to us and then radiating outwards to every single living and breathing soul that we come into contact with. Let is begin this today, so that change may begin in the tomorrows ahead!!! For only when the foundation is strong can it support a greater weight of a nation and a world. Thus our point of entry in this endeavor is that of building our foundations upon the 'ROCK' JESUS CHRIST. Only then can our families, nation and world change for the betterment of all and only then, if we remain in relationship with our SAVIOR!!!!!!!

Some verses to grow on along these lines: Josh. 24:15; Dt. 6:7; Prov. 22:6; Eph. 5:21-23, 6:4
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine Ministerial Network International

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5.26.10_My day

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Here it is 5.45 PM and I've not yet been given verses for the devotional. Though yesterday was a bit unusual, with very little input from the LORD. Today has been a good bit different. Though no input as far as inspirations, it has been full of blessings! I've put down a deposit on an apartment, gotten a job and had someone contact me about personal friendship interest. Pretty much a day of blessings upon my life. I start work tomorrow, move into the apartment on the first and will most likely have my new friend attend church with me this weekend. It looks like the LORD has shifted gears in my life and things are beginning to accelerate. Which you'll hear no complaints from me.

   For life here had seemed to come to a bit of a stand still, with very little forward momentum being made. Yes, I had been getting a good amount of work done for those around town and online for the ministry, but I was still living a life in someone else's house. Not really the right lifestyle for a 50 plus year old man. I had been praying for the LORD to move in this department for several months now. Always praying for HIS will to be done and not mine. This is typical for my prayers, for I know that to be an obedient Christian, we must live our lives according to HIS timetable and plans. This is a very, very important aspect in our walks and one sometime very hard to learn. Something takes many years to get accustom to. Even JESUS in the Garden of Gethsemane had to pray this type of prayer, so why should a 'human' expect less.

    Too often we 'humans' want things to be our way. You know the "have it you way" syndrome.  But in the KINGDOM of GOD this truly doesn't work well. It has to be according to that which HE has set forth for our lives. Many times we want to speed things up, because we're not satisfied with HIS timing for events. Or we try to preform task that are outside of those that are according to HIS will. HE may even allow us the leeway to let these choices be worked at for a while, only to allow us to fall flat on our faces (been there many times:)))too.) HE allows this type of event within our lives for the express purpose of our learning, our learning who ultimately is the one in control.

   One of the greatest things I love about GOD is the fact that no matter how many times we fail, fall or backslide, HE is always there willing to pick us up, dust us off and send us onward again. There will be a bit of chastisement that comes along with this loving care, but I'd expect no less. After all, HE is our loving FATHER and the one that truly loves us more then our earthly parents did, no matter how loving they were. GOD personifies all that there is to love. If we could even bare HIS likeness 1%, this world would be a far better place to live in. To say that we 'humans' are far less then GOD is, would be a total understatement. Though we were created in THEIR imagine, since the fall from the GARDEN we have degenerated into what almost could be called another life form. Something almost totally different than that which we started out as. But thank GOD, HE has made plans for this exact 'evolution.' HE came to this earth, in our form, died upon the cross for our transgressions, was buried, rose again to life upon the third day and then ascended to heaven to sit in HIS rightful place, at the right hand of the FATHER.

   So if you've been having problems of late, sit back and take a good look at your life. Your prayers and those things that you may have been doing to 'do things your way.' Then ask GOD to forgive you, provide the HOLY SPIRIT to you, to teach you, and then to grace you with the strength to fully turn over your life to HIM. If there is any one thing within a Christian's life that will truly make a startling difference, it is this act alone. Take it from one that knows, oh so well, that GOD is the driver of this universe and HE's not going to turn the wheel over to you. Unless you really think you can do a better job then HE is, but then are you ready to pay the price for your choice?

 There will be no verses tonight, I was even wondering if there was going to be a devotional, but I see HE had something a little different in store for us! Maybe I just wasn't listening as well as I should of been:)))

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, May 24, 2010

5.25.10_James 1: 2-4_Perseverance

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Today has been a busy day and one kind of strange considering it's Pentecost. Let me explain. I've felt nearly void of the HOLY SPIRIT all day long. Only at one time, while reading an email from a sister in CHRIST did anything come to me. I ended up asking her permission to re post her email as a blog. She gave permission and it's been posted at the ministry's other blog, 'Blogs from the Vine.'

    Well then, hours later, in another email, a brother told me that he thought I should ask GOD to tell me if there is something in my life that is hindering the growth of the ministry. I told him that this wasn't necessary, because I'm always doing this, its part of my daily routine. But a while later, while reading another of my devotionals (not by me, but one I read personally,) the LORD laid it on my heart, that my level of reading HIS WORD has dropped lately. Needless to say my Bible study program (Logos 4) was opened in a short while and I started reading at the point that I am in my hardcopy Bible, the book of James. Since I was in my program and had it's vast library at my disposal, I decided to do a little extra research on my reading. Checking several of the commentaries for information on the book of James and then I began to read it. This is when the LORD hit me with these verses for today!

   James 1: 2-4

    2 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." 

    As with a large percentage of my recent readings and devotionals these verses deal with the topic of suffering and the manor in which Christians are to handle it when it comes upon them. For those of you that have been browbeaten into believing that Christians don't suffer, I've got some news for you, "We Do and most like more then unbelievers." But this topic will be saved for another time, when the LORD leads me too.

    Here we're told that when we face these trials and tribulations of many kinds, we're told to "consider it pure joy." Now this suffering here spoken of isn't that of persecution for our faith, though this could be included, it is the type that we undergo in our daily lives. Those things that we so often end up spending hours on our knees before GOD about. I'm sure most of you're acquainted  with these trials and I've no need to go into detail over them. But they're the matters within our everyday life that assault our spirits and tend to break us down. Many times to the point of being in a state of depression and sometimes to the point of being suicidal. Yes, today there are many Christians that are suicidal and depressed due to lack of proper knowledge of the WORD of GOD. For if all your preachers and Sunday school teachers tell you that Christians don't suffer and you never are prepared to face it. One tends to be overcome by it, maybe not the first time it comes, but eventually it does get to you. This too isn't what this devotional is about today though either.

    So what is today's writings about? The simple fact that we as Christians need to learn to stand firm and strong under all conditions, no matter what they may be or where they've come from! Perseverance is the topic! To many, for to long have learned to fall to their knees in prayer at the drop of a hat. At the smallest of problems we automatically fall to our knees and begin to tug on GOD's ear. As if we've no strength of our own. CHRIST didn't make us into a bunch of spineless invertebrates, that can't withstand the slightest of pressure on our own. We are Christians, remember, CHRIST-like. We're to have the perseverance of JESUS flowing through our veins, not lukewarm water. We're supposed to be able to do all things through HIM (Philippians 4:13). We're supposed to be able to do miracles greater then those that HE did HIMSELF (John14 :12.) There are verses all over the place that tell us we are more then conquerors (Rom. 8:37.) Or how the devil will flee from us, if we but stand strong in our beliefs (James 4:7.) For too long the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST has been watered down by those that 'thought' they were called into ministry, or those that preached from their own wisdom and knowledge.

    But all this is well and good, because nothing in HIStory has happened without it being intended by GOD!!! NOTHING! That is one reason I don't preach against other denominations or those that have an erroneous message (not including cults and false religions.) Each and everyone of them has been allowed to be and speak just as they do. GOD has known it since the beginning of time and has allowed it to be just as it is for a reason. The day is coming and coming soon where HE will raise up another generation of preachers. Not those that will be well schooled or even well versed, but those that will depend only upon the HOLY SPIRIT for their messages. The wise shall be put to shame by those the are unlearned and those that have thought themselves educated, will be brought to their knees by those that can barely read. Here is where that perseverance comes in. Those that have for so long constantly fallen to their knees in prayer over the slightest of needs must learn that they've the power, they've the strength to stand strong through all troubles on their own. Our prayers should be for GOD to provide the strength and the wisdom to overcome our problems. We should be the ones that stand strong when all others fall. We should be the ones that are prospering when all others are struggling to make ends meet. We should be the ones, that when troubles come, of which they will, we won't begin to grumble and complain, we'll stand up straight and proclaim the fact that we are of CHRIST JESUS and HE has met all of our needs and that in HIS grace HE has given us an abundance to meet all of our needs (2 Cor. 9:8-11.)  So the next time trouble rears it head within your life, praise the LORD and thank HIM for giving you the strength and wisdom to preserver against all odds and rejoice in the fact that you are able to do so!!!  

Being that I'm writing this on Pentecost, I'll give you but one other reading: Acts 2
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, May 23, 2010

5.24.10_Luke 9:23-25_Our crosses

 Praise the LORD!!!

    So you're a 'born again' Christian? Is there this proof from within your life?

    Luke 9:23-25

    23 "Then he said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.  24 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.  25 What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?""
    Here we are told by JESUS HIMSELF, what it takes to truly follow HIM, to be called HIS disciples or in reality a Christian! Remember the name Christian means to be CHRIST-like, to be an earthly reflection of JESUS in all aspects, or at least as humanly possible. Due to the manor of preaching over the last hundred years or so, too many of us believe that Christianity starts and stops with belief and confession in CHRIST. When truly it is much deeper then that. The true life of a Christian involves the person being willing to go to the extremes, no matter the cost, to bring glory to JESUS' name by being like HIM. We must show HIS very being in everything that we say and do. We must be willing to go that extra mile to show HIS love for all of mankind, no matter how deplorable the person is.

    To often these days we have those that want to use the name, yet not act the part at all, or maybe only on Sundays. This isn't that which JESUS is talking about here, that is only a shadow of HIS reflection, not even close to a mirror like reflection. To many want to 'trash talk' others for the way they talk or act, or the types of Bible that they read or the clothes they wear. This list could truly go on for some time, but I think you get the idea. Online, I see so many that are sounding Christian from the words that they comment or blog with, yet the spirit in which its done reveals little of JESUS' resemblance. How can a person call themselves by HIS name in one breath and turn right around and belittle another person for their beliefs or actions? Truly they shouldn't be able to, not if they were acting the part of JESUS.

    JESUS is the only true judge among us and we are warned against standing in judgment against others. But so far, I've not hit on the main reason for these verses today. These points made above, are all crosses that we're to bare and to bare them like JESUS at that. How did HE bare HIS cross? I'm sure HE wasn't cursing everyone else around HIM. I'm sure HE wasn't putting down all the religious people that were responsible for HIS carrying that cross. I can easily say this because of some of HIS last WORDS upon the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Now does that sound anything like what we hear from the mouths of others, or that which we read while online? For the most part, I'd say not, for there are a few out there that do walk as JESUS did and their words and actions show it clearly.

    Even though JESUS was being ridiculed, looked down upon and numbered as a criminal. Can any of us suffer these same things and not fight back with words or actions? Those that truly bare the HOLY SPIRIT within them can. For it  can be seen in their reactions to the insults of others as to their beliefs and ways. They won't 'comeback' with a flurry of words trying to inflict the same or worst insults upon their offenders. They bless them and continue about their way. A very hard task to undertake in minor offenses let alone the major ones, but it to can be done. As with all the other attributes of carrying our crosses like JESUS did, this too can only be done when one has fully allowed the HOLY SPIRIT to reside within.

    The last point I will make about these verses today deals with how we handle our day to day sufferings. Those trials and tribulations that we deal with from the world around us. Our health, our finances and anything else that seems to bring us to our knees in prayer for ourselves. In these verses JESUS is telling us that we will have problems in our lives and HE is giving us the manor in which we're to handle them. We're to confront all that life throws at us just as HE did, quietly baring it and putting it to prayer. To often we hear people, and I'm guilty of this, complaining about the problems that have overtaken them. "The rent is due and I've no money," "my health is falling apart," "my computer system is the pits."(one I've been guilty of lately.) From these verses we should be able to see that this isn't the way we're to handle these problems. We should place the matter before GOD in prayer, and not a whining, "I need this or else "type of prayer, but a "thank YOU FATHER for providing type." Acknowledging the fact that we know GOD is there and in control and that HE cares about us more then anything else. There is a lot in these few simple verses to think about and to work out within ourselves and with GOD. Isn't it amazing how GOD can put so much meaning, into so few WORDS!!! This is one of the reasons I so love HIM and HIS WORD for me, it is ever bringing new light and life into this tired old sack of bones. Rejuvenating me, so that I can stand strong to face another day on this earth, awaiting the day that HE calls me home to heaven to join HIM for eternity!!!

A few other verses for your pleasure (which it should be!):Matt. 10:39, 16:21-26; 1 Cor. 15:31; 2 Tim. 2:12
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, May 22, 2010

5.23.10_Romans 8:35-39_Who and What_

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Today we shall look at our lives as Christians and those things that we deem to be such a burden within our daily walk.

    Romans 8:35-39

     35 "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?  36 As it is written:
“For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”c
 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,d neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,  39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

    To often we as Christian look at those things around us, the trials and tribulations that we suffer in the world, as that which controls our lives. Truly this is not so, for it is our life bound to JESUS that controls our life, or at least should! We as Christians have taken on the appearance and actions of the Hebrews during their exodus to the promised land. We complain and grumble about all those worldly troubles that beset us and take our eyes off HE that truly supplies all of our needs.
   In our verses, we see that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of GOD, nothing at all. Even if we're to die this very moment, we'll still be in HIS loving hands. Why is it that we tend to break down and begin pouring out our prayers for relief only after first pouring out reams of complaints? It is because we've taken our eyes of the solutions to all our problems and focused them upon ourselves! We must realize that we are greatly loved by GOD and that HE has promised to provide our every need. Look at the exodus. Was there one single need that GOD didn't provide for them? Not one of their needs weren't met. Even when they began to crave meat, since this had been a staple in their diets in Egypt, did not GOD provide it for them. But since it was in a manor of lusting after that which they'd once relished HE turned their stomachs to it.

   In the manna from heaven HE was providing all that they needed to survive their trek through the wilderness and they had need of nothing else. Yet since they longed for that which they'd grown accustom to in Egypt, that which GOD didn't bless, HE gave them it in such an abundance that they literal made themselves sick from over consumption. They took their eyes off the fact that GOD was taking care of them completely and began focusing on that which they thought they needed. Taking GOD completely out of the picture as long as they got what "they" wanted and not that which GOD want for them. We do this daily. We look towards those things that we conceive to be what we need and not that which GOD knows that we need.

    What is most likely at the core of our problems, is the fact that we've lived to long thinking that all that we have is the product of our own doings! We've taken our eyes off the fact that even before we knew CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR, he was the very source of all that we have. For even during their captivity in Egypt all that which the Hebrews had, was being supplied through GOD's providence and not by their own hands. For even though HE had turned the hearts of the Egyptians against them, their needs always seemed to be met. We too face these very occurrences daily, yet we like them fail to see whose hands are doing the actual providing. We believe that because we've a nice home, car and whatever else, that they're all the products of our own doing. When they're not, they are the provisions of GOD granted to us, to provide our needs in doing those works which HE has set forth for us to accomplish.

   Here is another factor that "we've" forgotten. All that we have, has been a blessing to us for the purpose of serving GOD and glorifying HIS name within our lives and the lives of others. We've forgotten the reason we're blessed in the first place and begun to focus only upon our own needs and well being. The pride of man has reared its head again within our lives and we've followed after it. There is but on cure for this problem and a very simple one at that. Though taking this action is most likely one of the hardest things to do. It is the act of relinquishing control over our lives unto GOD, the place and hands, where it should be in the first place. This takes the power of the HOLY SPIRIT working within and through us and turning our eyes off our will for our lives and focusing them on the will of GOD for our lives. A complete surrender to GOD and not holding on to one piece of that which we believe we should have and do. I've made this choice and taken the first steps in following them, and have been do so for some time now, so I'm not sure why this message today. I do know that GOD is using me to bring about HIS will in other people's lives and the fact that these devotionals aren't always for my benefit alone. I know that whomever it is, that this is intended for, shall read it and GOD will work through it to make changes within their lives. I've faith that no matter what I say or do, that in some way GOD is using it to farther the progress of HIS KINGDOM here on earth. If you think this is a boast, it is not. For GOD can use the very air that we breath to effect someone's life, so why not the words of a man that has turned over control of his life fully to the only ONE that truly can control it?

Some reading to meet your hunger: Matt. 6: 25-34; John 17; Luke 9:23-27
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

5.19.10_1 John 1:1_Our task and goal

Praise the LORD!!!

    There is no greater task for the Christian to be about then seeking to grow their personal relationship with the LORD. To grow closer with each breath that they take. Second on the list of priorities is the subject of today's devotional.

   1 John 1:1

     "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life."

    Though we're not as blessed as the disciples, having been able to walk, touch and speak with the LORD, we're more blessed having believed in HIM without so doing(John 20:29).Our calling as Christians is to go out and spread the GOSPEL to every living soul upon the face of the earth(Matt. 28:19,20). Too many and I do mean far too many, Christians today, are happy to sit back and allow the world to go by. Not reaching out to the lost and dying of the world. This is an appalling fact to think about. If one truly loves the LORD, with their whole heart, mind, soul and body, we should be about HIS work for us continuously and with little thought given to much else.

    We hear many Christians making the statement that "JESUS is coming soon." Well if HE is, and they truly believe this fact in their heart, why are there so many lost and hurting people in the world that haven't heard of the saving graces given in HIS name? This is a hard question to answer and one that the answer for, doesn't make this generation of believers look very good. We've become complacent as to our duties for JESUS. We've become to worldly in our views of existence in a suffering world. We've become to self centered, which is a natural trait of mankind and one very hard to get rid of. With all these thoughts in mind, what is it that we can do to make amends for this problem? 

    First off, I'd say it would be to undertake a great deal of self examination! Asking the LORD to bless us with the HOLY SPIRIT, and reveal our deepest of sentiments to us. Then for HIM to bless us with the strength to repent, yes repent, of this error in our being. Then for HIM to grace us with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to overcome this problem. Then finally, that HE would grace us with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT to be courageous warriors against the darkness that is so prevalent within this world and cause us to go forth and tell others about HIS works for all of mankind.

    These are just the primers for undertaking this task, because there is a lot more to this then these acts alone. For these are mostly done through the providence of GOD and not of our own being. We've the task of studying our Bibles and growing in the wisdom and knowledge that it'll take to preform these. We've also to begin undertaking the task as if the very lives of every human on the face of the planet depended upon it (which it does!) It is all well and good to know these things, but the real meat of the matter is doing it. An not just doing it whenever we feel like it or when we can make time for it. We need to see it as equal in value to taking our very next breath. As if life depended upon it. Only through having a mindset like this can the KINGDOM of GOD on earth be fully realized in this generation. There can't be a bunch of procrastination about it, it has to be done!!!

    There will be many trials and tribulations along the way, for the adversary will not take lightly to this being done. he has been at work for nearly two thousand years twisting and injecting errors into our churches. he'll not sit back and watch as Christians begin to stand up and proclaim the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST throughout the world. he'll come at us with ever evil scheme he has in his little black book of lies and evil ways, to stop this from happening. The battle will be a hard one, to say the least, but it will be one that we already know the outcome of. For it has been written in the pages of the Bible for some time now and been in the great plan of GOD for mankind since before time was even thought of. What are you going to do? I know what I'm personally going to do, I'm going to start preparing for the battle!!!

   ***Just as I was coming to the end of writing this, satan stepped in. My host came and asked me about my future plans, as to a place to live and means of employment to meet the bills. Praise the LORD though, this has been upon my mind also a lot lately. What tomorrow shall bring as far as living, I don't know, but I do know that I place myself totally in the hands of GOD and trust HIM completely with it!!!***

    There will be no verses to follow up with, this is a time to put into action things you've read. For no matter what maturity of a Christian you're, there is plenty of room for improvement!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, May 17, 2010

5.18.10_1 John 2:6_Abiding

 Praise the LORD!!!

    It feels good to be back online and able to touch others for JESUS!!! It's been almost a week since I was last able to post anything online, due to the old computers lack of abilities. I praise the LORD though, for all things work together for the good of those that love GOD and are called according to HIS purpose (Rom. 8:28) This is going to be the first posting done with the ability to use my Logos Bible study program while being online, so we'll have to see how things go. With no more ado, here we go!

   1 John 2:6

       "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."(NIV)
       "He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." (KJV)

        "whoever says, “I abide in him,” ought to walk just as he walked." (NRSV)

   Now if you've been one that has been following me for a while, you'll remember the fact that I profess that we're to resemble JESUS in our lives. Here in these three versions we have the words, claims/abideth/abide and the Greek word that they come from(menein) has a very different connotation then that which we normally would understand it to be. When we use the word to abide, we think of temporarily existing somewhere. Where as here it means an ever lasting experience, one without end, in other words eternally being like CHRIST. This has been a major point in my walk with the LORD since HE drew me close into a personal relationship. We as Christian (CHRIST-like) are to reflect the very likeness of JESUS to all those around us. People shouldn't see or hear things from us that they couldn't imagine coming from JESUS HIMSELF!!!

    Now for some reason this just isn't that which I remember seeing during my life before CHRIST and truthfully, there are times that it isn't so even now. Yes, that's right. Even today I see and hear many that profess to be Christians living lives far from that which I could imagine JESUS living. I'm not going to be judgmental here, because I've fit in these shoes myself at times along the lines. But there are many, many things in this world that Christians shouldn't be associated with.

    One good example would be the things that we allow ourselves to be entertained by. Music, TV, and books just to name a few. Even though we're not bound by any law stating that these things aren't to be part of our lifestyle, we are to be good judges of them and filter these to the best of our abilities. In other words, a Christian shouldn't be sitting around watching, or listening to, or reading things that wouldn't be on the LORD's list of activities. Do you really believe JESUS would be partaking of a lot of the types of entertainment that we do? Truthfully, I really can't imagine that HE would.

    Now what would the conversations that JESUS would of been taking part in sound like? Would there be a lot of coarse language or ethnic jokes? Would it be about all the "drama" taking place in people's lives or the juiciest of gossip? I really don't think so. From what we read in the Bible that came from HIS mouth, 98% of it was to the glory of GOD and teaching others how to walk in a manor worthy of HIM. Very seldom was it ever putting another person to shame or ridiculing their ways. There were those times that, the other 2%, HE was correcting the self righteous leaders of the people. Even during these, HE did so in a loving manor (as best HE could.)  Are these the types of conversations that we seem to have? Or are they totally opposite from them? I'd tend to say, for the most part, the exact opposite!

     Now for an area that might just hurt, a bit more then these others. What are our actions like, when it comes to those that are around us? I'm not just talking about those that are Christians either. I'm talking about all those that are around us, Christian or not, friend or foe, pretty or disgusting, every single person that walks the face of this earth! Now we all should know how JESUS would of acted towards them. HE'd of shown them the love and compassion that GOD has for all of HIS created people. Even knowing the fact of that which laid ahead of HIM or the fact that HE knew each person's very deepest of thoughts and intentions. HE even showed Judas, he that would betray HIM, the love of GOD at it's highest levels. Can any of us say that? That if we knew a person was going to betray us, even to the point of death, that we could love them and honor them better than we do ourselves??? I wish I could say this, but truly, I don't really think that I could. then again, this would be a matter that I know I'd definitely would be in deep prayer about and one that I'd pray the LORD would give me the strength to accomplish. This only HE knows and I pray I'll never be in that position.

   We all truly need to take these things to heart. We need to study them and examine ourselves under their lens. Better yet, we need to put these matters to prayer. That the LORD would open our eyes to ourselves and the lives that we live and show others of the world around us. For if we are to bare the name of JESUS, shouldn't we let all others see HIM just as HE is? The very likeness of GOD in the flesh, for truly, HE is GOD!!!

    Some other verses you may enjoy: 1 John 2:24-27, 28-3:3, 3:4-9, 10-15, 4:12-16
    Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

  ***For those that wonder about how it worked out using my program and being online together at once? Not as well as I thought it would. But I ordered several sticks of memory for the system, which should take care of this problem pretty well:)))***

    Prayer request can be sent to:

 GOD bless and good day,

 Rev. Marshall Barth

 Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, May 10, 2010

5.11.10_Letting go...

Praise the LORD!!!

   With today being the day after my birthday, I've a lot on my heart. Not those things most people would have on their minds. You may know those things. Like, "what is my life about," or "am I going to ever accomplish all those things I've wanted for so long." Then again, maybe these are the things upon my heart, but I'm not worried about whether or not these things are going to effect my life personally, but the lives of a lot of other people.

   Since the LORD got my wholehearted, undivided attention on my "re birth day", Jan. 7, 95, my life's goals have been more towards effecting other peoples lives for the better, not about the betterment of my own life. CHRIST truly changed my life that day. HE made me into a person that constantly has had the needs of others on his mind, whereas before I was greatly self centered and only worried about self!!! This is where the inspiration for Vine of CHRIST Ministries came from. First and foremost the LORD gave me the vision for the ministry and HE gave me the desire to make amends for a life that had  totally revolved around self. There are so many details to this ministry that it's next to impossible to cover them all at one setting and this truly isn't the place for it either.

   With all these thoughts running rampant in my mind today, I decided to type in "much upon my heart" in the search box of my Logos online Bible program (I can't use the one on the computer and be online at the same time:( ). The first two verses that came up were, Eccles.1:12-18 and Phil. 1:3-11 and they're the basis for this devotional today. I'll not enter them here, but you can read them by just running you cursor over them here. Thanks to Logos you'll be able to read them in whatever version of the Bible you'd like and in many different ways. Anyway, with my reading Eccles. I saw that much of what we want in life is but a waste of our time. A chasing after the wind, something impossible to catch and hold onto. The LORD impressed it upon my heart that in my trying to bring about all these services that the ministry will someday be involved in providing for people, that it is futile on my own. I could kill myself just trying to bring half of them into existence, let alone make them effectively provide the massive needs that they'll be taking care of.

   Then HE led me to read the other verses, but not in totality, only up to verse six, which reads "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." This brought the whole endeavor together. HE was letting me know that all these things that HE's shown me from the beginning, will happen! But that they'll not be done by my hands or the fact that I concentrate all my efforts on them. They'll happen by HIS power and provisions alone and I've not to overly concern myself with them. What I need to do is take each day as it comes to me. Each day as it is, a blessing in itself and do that which I've been lead to do in it. HE'll provide the people, the money, locations, equipment, vehicles, you name it. GOD started this thing through me and HE's the ONE that is going to finish it. I could spin my wheels trying to race around here pulling all the details together the best I can, but it would accomplish very little at all. These works were set into motion by HIM and they shall come to fruition only by HIS direct intervention in all that pertains to them.

   So it is time, once again, for me to step back and relax, and let GOD take full control over all that this, HIS ministry will be. It is very hard for a person that has always had their hands involved in providing for and maintaining his life and the lives of those around him to just step back and let someone else take over. But I'm just going to have to do it, if this thing is truly going to come into being. If I'd of done this years ago, who knows maybe it would already be functioning. Not! Because if the LORD had wanted it to of happened then, it would of. This is the time, this is the place, and it is going to be JESUS that will bring this thing all together as HE's shown me, not myself. It's time for me to simply, "let go and let GOD."

 Other verses you may like to read: 1 Chron. 22:1-19; Ps. 119:105-112; Job 31:1-40; 2 Cor. 2:3-11

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, May 8, 2010

5.09.10_Rom. 8:28_Trusting HIM...

Praise the LORD!!!

    There have been many days here lately where nothing has come until late in the day, today is one of them. I've been working today at home on t shirt logos for the ministry. I've managed through out the week to get several shirts printed out. Some with mistakes and others without. This is where the LORD laid today's verses on my heart. What better day then today, my birthday, a day that some think was a big mistake for the world!

   Romans 8:28

    28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those n who are the called according to His purpose."
    There are many times in this world that things go wrong and we have to live with the consequences of them. For too many years I allowed mess ups in my life to totally destroy the day or times associated with them. I think most of you can agree with me on this! While you're doing something, whether major or minor in importance, something happens and suddenly you've a mess on your hands. Like with the printing out of my logos today (yesterday). I'd been blessed to finally get some of the problems out of the way and to be able to print out several t shirts. Some with decals upside down, others with unmirrored logos, all sorts of minor problems(most of them turned out good). Well today, I did a redesign of the overall design, making it larger and easier to read. The printer's programing said there was plenty of ink in both cartridges, so I was off to the races and satisfied with what I'd been blessed with to design. Well, the results weren't what they were supposed to of been. Yes, there was plenty of ink in both cartridges, just not the right colors. There wasn't any to make the colors orange and green, so the logo turned out blue(baby) and pink:)))

   Instead of getting mad, which years ago I'd of flown off the handle, I praised the LORD!!! You heard me right! I praised the LORD. Sure I was another transfer page down, with a limited number to use. There was now even less ink for other projects also. Plus the great new design I printed out after several hours of working on different programs, had ended up looking totally unlike anything I'd planned for it too!

    Now I've a very off looking design sitting in front of me and still am sporting a smile. When clear as day the LORD prompts me to iron it onto a t shirt and wear it to church. Within about 3 minutes this was done and cooling. I wasted no time in getting it setup, centered and ironed on. If you don't know me well, I've laid it all on the line several times here in the last year plus. Stepping completely "out of the boat" on the slightest prompting from the LORD. I've lived most of my life, kind of bottled up and afraid to do much without taking things into careful consideration and examining all the details. But that has become a thing totally of the past and I've been doing things that I'd of never thought of before, without a second thought at all. I hear the LORD's prompting and its off to the races. I don't know what all the consequences will be to a lot of these events and truly don't care. GOD has brought them about in my life and I'm going to allow HIM to bring them all to fruition and I'll trust HIM to do so!!!

    I've given up depending on self and all my ultimate knowledge and cleverness. They've gotten me no where in life in the long run. I'm counting totally on the fact that GOD has raised me up to do something in this world, and what it is, I've only a slight idea of. But I do know that HE's brought me through an awful big mess, which I called a life, one that I'd thought I had total control over, only to find out different. When we try to make thing right within our lives, we always tend to mess up somewhere along the lines. But if we would learn to just allow GOD to be the one taking care of all the planning and execution within our lives things would be so much the better. So tomorrow (today for you) I'll be wearing my pink and baby blue logo embellished t shirt to church. Do you think I care? Not in the least. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the LORD is going to make it standout  and be noticed. Anyway, isn't advertising supposed to standout and catch people's attentions?

  Other verses you may enjoy reading: Psalm 52:1-9, 56:1-13; John 14:1-4; 1 Tim. 6:17-19; 1 Peter 3:1-6

  For more readings by the Rev. Marshall Barth you can check out, Blogs from the Vine, or any of the links below, or just do a search.

 Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International  

Friday, May 7, 2010

5.08.10_Luke 14:28_Whose building are you?

Praise the LORD!!!
   This is going to be a first. This morning while reading my personal devotionals, the LORD led me to post one of them to this devotional, the one I normally write by HIS leading. I believe you will find this to be a topic of interest. Not from my personal opinion, for I enjoyed it, but for the fact that the LORD had me post it here for a reason and most likely a very good one at that.

"Building for eternity   Luke 14:28


  "For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?

   Our Lord refers not to a cost we have to count, but to a cost which He has counted. The cost was those thirty years in Nazareth, those three years of popularity, scandal and hatred; the deep unfathomable agony in Gethsemane, and the onslaught at Calvary—the pivot upon which the whole of Time and Eternity turns. Jesus Christ has counted the cost. Men are not going to laugh at Him at last and say—“This man began to build, and was not able to finish.”

   The conditions of discipleship laid down by Our Lord in vv. 26, 27 and 33 mean that the men and women He is going to use in His mighty building enterprises are those in whom He has done everything. “If any man come to Me, and hate not …, he cannot be My disciple.” Our Lord implies that the only men and women He will use in His building enterprises are those who love Him personally, passionately and devotedly beyond any of the closest ties on earth. The conditions are stern, but they are glorious.

   All that we build is going to be inspected by God. Is God going to detect in His searching fire that we have built on the foundation of Jesus some enterprise of our own? These are days of tremendous enterprises, days when we are trying to work for God, and therein is the snare. Profoundly speaking, we can never work for God. Jesus takes us over for His enterprises, His building schemes entirely, and no soul has any right to claim where he shall be put."

May 8th
Chambers, O. (1993). My utmost for his highest : Selections for the year (NIV edition.). Westwood, NJ: Barbour and Co.

  Though this was originally written  several centuries ago, it is very relevant today also! Especially so, when you can look around an see so many ministries out there and most are named after the one wanting the glory. Why else would a person name something after themselves? I may be wrong on this count, but I've a feeling that I'm truly not that far off in saying it. Too many people have taken on works for the LORD, only to end up building them with wood and straw( erroneous ways and motives.) Then there are some of those ministries that bare the founder's name, yet hold true to the GOSPEL. I'll not be the judge, but I know one that will be and the day is coming when all that bare HIS name shall stand before HIM to be judged for the works that we've done. On this day and it alone will we all know the full truth. Not just on the works that others have done, or those of our own hands, but we will know every little detail of HIStory, as if it had just happened. Then we will know who taught the total truth and who were in error. I look forward to this day. Do you?

   There are also several other reason we need to look deeply at the verses here. For many people today call themselves Christians yet there is no proof of it within their lives. If one has truly had a "Born Again" experience within their life, they've become regenerated by the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT within them and there is a visible proof of this fact. If someone tells you they're a Christian and there is no sign of of the HOLY GHOST on board, you should think about talking with them and introducing them to the real JESUS CHRIST and what it means to truly be Born (Again) from Above!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

5.07.10_1 Cor. 1:26-28_What were you...

Praise the LORD!!!

    Many times we tend to forget what we were when GOD laid HIS hands on us! Now I don't know about you, but I definitely wasn't a choirboy or the Pope. I was one heck of a messed up mass of emotions and problems. One of those people a psychologist could write their thesis on. But right down to the smallest of details, GOD had it all under control and planned out. I'm sure there will be many that will read this and either laugh and call me a fool or they'll blow a fuse, "because that isn't what GOD is" will come to their minds.

 1 Cor. 1:26-28

    26 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.  27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.  28 He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are,

   Too many people these days have been brought up with the idea that GOD is totally loving and that HE wouldn't allow bad things to manifest themselves in this world. Well if this were so, why would HE of chosen people like those mentioned above to represent HIM before all of mankind? Plain and simply put, HE wouldn't of. HE would of chose those that we representative of HIS likeness. As it is HE's shown us through our imperfections that we've great needs within our lives and that HE is the only means to fulfill them. Then HE's picked the cream of the crop to reveal this to the rest of the world, with all their imperfections shining forth in their glory.

   For me I can say this is true, 100%, for I was a real work of art when GOD pulled me up by the shirt tails. I'd spent the last quarter century addicted to drugs of all sorts. Longer then this addicted to the lust of the flesh and pornography. An arrogant, manipulator that would lie to your face and then jump in... well I think that is enough for you to get the hint that I wasn't of what you'd call the highest caliber of person. Heck, I wouldn't even say I resembled a person at all at times. There may of actually been those types out there that were worst then me, which I know there were, because while I was in prison I got to see a bunch of them. Now I'm getting a little off coarse here, so back to our verses.

   As you can see, I've not forgotten that which I was when CHRIST found me and pulled me up from out of the mire. I was covered by filth from head to toe and reeking to high heavens of all the ways of the world. Pulled up from what I knew to of been the lowest point of my life, having been completely crushed and ground into the finest of powder. My heart was to say the least, 'contrite'! All that I had known and cherished had blown away, or was running for the hills to escape being pulled down along with me. But after the LORD had picked me up, dusted me off and began to lead me in the proper directions in life, none of that mattered in the least. Sure there was my family, which I cherished greatly, but even when I found out my wife had been cheating on me with my partner in crime, it didn't bother me. Even when my son began to rebel an talk to me like trash, because his mother did and he didn't want anything to do with that 'Christian baloney.' This too didn't even stir me like one would think it would of. Sure these hurt, but they had become associated with the happens of this world and the man that I'd once been and those things didn't matter.

   What had grown to be important in my life was dispelling that which it had once been about. Those ways, habits and manors that had for so long controlled everything I said, thought and did. Those things that had held me and bound me to a life that represented the worst that society had to offer. Those mannerisms and standards that are so wonderfully framed in our verses for today. These are the reasons that I forget not that which GOD raised me up from and these are the very reasons that I'll remember them until the day that I die to this world and go on to meet my SAVIOR on the other side of the veil. So if you want to call me foolish or argue about some theological differences in go right ahead, because I'll not listen to either point of view. What GOD has wrought in me, HE's done with a lot of hard work and many a mile of well fought over ground. HE's run me up onside with the Bible and then down the other, and the whole time letting me know what every single blessed WORD within meant. I may not be some multiple doctorate scholar, I may not be some high and mighty theologian, but what GOD has turned me into, is one of a kind and HE has a specific purpose for every breath that I take. But the truth is, I'm not alone in this ranking. Each and everyone of us that has called upon the name of JESUS CHRIST as personal LORD and SAVIOR, is in the same boat as I. For you too were created to stand for GOD like no other person in creation can accomplish. Your job is cut out for you and your calling is secured, you just have to step forward and fill those boots, just as the LORD has led you to!!!    

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

05.0610_How big is your...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    I can imagine the thoughts going through some people's minds when they read this title! I know what I'd of been thinking a good number of years back and it might not of been as nice as what anyone else was thinking either. I'm not here to judge anyone, but I am here to lay it all on the line for JESUS and no holds bared!!!

   As I was on the way to write this devotional, I happened to stop and open my email box(remember nothing happens by chance!). There was an interesting email there, about our being what we allow ourselves to consume, you know the old adage, "you are what you eat." It was about not just what we eat, but that which we allow our minds to consume. Anyone that goes through a day with their eyes open will most likely of consumed some pretty nasty things by days end. I'm speaking here from a Christian's point of view, not someone with a secular viewpoint, because most of them don't care what goes through their minds. But because the two views are dramatically different, or at least they should be!

   From the moment we awaken in the morning, our senses are being bombarded with all kinds of information. Now for the Christian this should contain a large percentage of GOD's WORD and Christian entertainment or teachings. I don't think I really need to mention what is going into someone with a secular mindset, and what they're filling their heads with. It really doesn't take that much time to realize the difference between the two formats of entertainment. Usually within thirty seconds or so of listening to whatever someone else is being entertained with I can tell where their mind and heart is located. The worst part about this though is the fact that a very large number of Christians will be bombarding their senses with this worldly deluge of debauchery also. Yes, that's right, those that are supposed to be representing JESUS in all that they do, are watching and listening to the same type of garbage and we wonder why so many non-believers call Christians a bunch of hypocrites!

   I'm going to ask a few questions here today. Ones that are not meant to be from a judgmental stance, but ones that will open our eyes to that which we fill our lives with. I know there are times that I'll sit down and watch an violence filled action movie or one that has a large amount of off color language in it. So I'm not looking at what others are answering these questions with, but that which I can say I'm personally accountable for!!!
  • How many hours a day do you spend watching/listening to an electronic format of entertainment?
  • How much time do you spend in prayer/communion(reading/studying the Bible)  with GOD?
  • How many movies in the last year have you watched with a rating of PG-13 or higher?
  • When was the last time you truly got serious about your relationship with GOD(not just going to church)?
  •  When was the last time you repented and asked GOD to help you overcome a sin within your life?
  • Do you really consider GOD big enough to help you overcome your sin problems or are you the one that has to work on them yourself?
   There most likely are a lot more questions that I could ask here, but after all, this is a devotional and is meant to be short and thought stirring! These few should get the juices flowing and your mind moving in the right direction to open this up for deeper inspection, both by self and the HOLY SPIRIT. Yes, that right, we all need to bring HIM into the picture, for HE is the one that truly knows our heart, mind, soul and spirits best, and only HE is the one that can reveal our deepest and most hidden secrets to us. So open up and let the healing of our spirits begin!!!
Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

05-05-10_Isaiah 40:31_Wait... ( re post)

Praise the LORD!!!
   This morning during my devotional time, the LORD led me to one point and one alone. This is seldom the fact, for most of the time HE will enlighten me on several lines from just one reading. this morning though only one thought kept being impressed upon my heart. Let us start with today's reading from the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah 40: 31
   "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (NIV)

   Now you may be wondering "what does this have to do with waiting on the LORD?" believe me, we shall get to it, just wait! In our world of 'fast food', microwaves, the internet and mobile communications we've become greatly accustom to instant gratification within our lives. No longer do we wait for very much of anything and when we have to, we quickly become impatient and sometimes even hostile. The act of hoping in the LORD isn't along these lines. It requires patience and sometimes great patience to say the least. Hoping in something, is the basis of faith. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

   Here we have it again! We are certain of things we have not received as of yet. As before , we were hoping in the LORD and as of yet not receiving our renewed strength, but it was promised. Now, we all know that what GOD has promised, HE shall bring into being!!! It is just getting over that part of having to wait for that which we hope for. Many of us are having very difficult times right now, especially considering the current state of most economies. Many are stretched to what we think to be the utmost of our limits. It is very understandable to think this way, with the way things are going within our lives. What the LORD is saying here though, is that we must stand on what HE has said, as if it is already done for us. Not looking at all the signs of the world that things are not improving, but that GOD has already taken care of them all.

   Here are with that little word again, wait. We must of faith to truly worship GOD. We must have patience, for it is a fruit of the SPIRIT. We must worship GOD in spirit and not in the flesh for our worship to be received of GOD. Three very good points, that when put together, bring us into a right relationship with GOD and a much more enjoyable life. We must hope in that which GOD has promised to do for us, we must wait and be patient until it has happened and we must not look at the things of this world(the flesh), but we must see thing through our spirit as if all has already been accomplished. Remember GOD is SPIRIT and functions on the SPIRITual level of existence first, then and only then do these things happen in the physical realm, where we can actually put them to use within our lives.

   There is great strength and benefits awaiting us when we can petition GOD for our needs and then await the delivery of them in HIS timing and HIS opportunity. So please, learn to wait!!! For you just may find your strength renewed, being able to run and not growing weary and walking and not becoming faint or soaring on wings like an eagle!!!

"I truly don't know if anyone will make sense out of this, for like all the others it was written as it was impressed upon my heart. Many times GOD will lead me to a verse to cover an area I'm having personal difficulties in. Giving me HIS understand , to remedy the problem. Sometimes this will happen in the first hour after reading it and at others hours later, after working through a good bit of the day. But I always pray and ask for the LORD's leading before typing a single word and then continue to pray all the while as doing it. Many times I never have an idea of what has been entered, until given the sign that it is done. I would love to get comments from those of you that read these. I'd love to know how the LORD is using these to effect your lives, because I already know all that HE's been blessing me with since starting them."

 Other scripture you may enjoy: Heb. 11: 1; Psalms 25: 5, 32: 8, 62: 1
 Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, May 3, 2010

5.4.10_Phil. 3:8_Value

 Praise the LORD!!!

     If you've not noticed, most of my life revolves around my ministry and serving the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! To me there isn't very much else in life the is worth getting excited about. Though most wouldn't know this by my actions, for even while at church, I a bit on the laid back side. Nothing truly seems to get me excited. There is a reason for this and I might just let you in on it in the coarse of this devotional. Now remember, I did say might:))) (for those of you that don't know, that's an eternal smile)

    For most of my life, I'd say that I was a real piece of trash, human refuge, that which should of been done away with before birth. This, coming from a man that may of never been in existence if it wasn't for his mothers stand against abortion. I was one that had very little regard for anyone Else's feelings, needs or even existence. As I said a real work of art! But GOD had a reason for this all to of happened the way it did. In HIS great omnipotence, HE had  set all things in motion that would make all the worthless deeds I'd committed turn out for HIS glory in the long run. But this all has to be experienced to be witnessed to, and a good bit of it is still in the future.

 Phil. 3:8 

    8 "Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ"
~ Philippians 3:8, NLT

     When the LORD wholeheartedly got my attention, it was in prison and all that I could see of a future had gone down the drain. I was looking at twenty to thirty five years or so in the federal penitentiary. What I'd built up over the years, as to a family and friends, or what most would call a life, had disappeared in the matter of days. It was all now but a thing of the past and after looking at it through a new set of eyes, wasn't really all that great. I had a family, a wife, a newborn son and  stepdaughter and stepson, plenty of those things that one kind of relishes as keep sakes or necessities of life. All these were now gone for a good bit of time and possibly forever, for I wasn't the type that would put up with a bunch of disrespect out of people, so I wouldn't be an ideal inmate.

   I can thank GOD that HE had differing plans for me. For everything that I was imagining that could of happened because of the type of person that I'd been for most of my life, had changed when GOD decided to 'set the hook' on this fish! I've always considered GOD to be the greatest of fishermen and when HE had caught me, HE did it perfectly. I was completely broken and there was no doubt in my mind at all as to the fact that things had changed and would never be the same again. All those things that I'd a t one time thought to of been of great importance and value, no longer held any interest to me. Those things that had always keep me spellbound, by their allure, were now just wisp of a memory, not even holding my attention for a moment, let alone holding me bound to their luxuries. Yes, though I'd been living a life that was considered as below the poverty level for years, there were things that I processed that most poverty stricken people wouldn't of had, let alone held on to instead of selling for the money. These things though, had suddenly lost all their power over me, and I wanted nothing to do with them.

    Now, my life was in the control of a much higher power. One that I'd not truly thought about for many years. GOD was now the one pulling the strings in my life and I was basically just along for the ride. I'd given my life totally over to GOD and HIS control, no longer seeking to have my way and will satisfied, but seeking to do things HIS way and only HIS!!! It's hard to explain how the events of a meer week had totally changed one's view of everything, but they had and I'm very thankful that they did. For if GOD hadn't moved into my life like HE did, I most likely would of been dead within the next year or two, if I'd of been blessed with that long of a time. I feel that my life was totally on  the downturn and not much of anything good would of come out of in the next few years. As I said though, GOD was now in control and things were really beginning to turn around for the better. Even those things that most wouldn't consider as being good, I do, because I know that GOD moves through even the worst of occurrences and turns them into things that are beneficial to HIS KINGDOM and our lives(Rom. 8:28).

    I'll not be like a lot of converts to Christianity and say that I've never sinned or fallen prey to a lot of the ways that I used to live by, because it'd be a lie. I've fallen numerous times, but have been graced by GOD to be picked up, dusted off and sent on my way again. GOD truly is awesome when it comes to forgiving a person and then showing them the loving kindness to lead them in the right direction time after time, until they get things right finally. HE is truly a very forgiving GOD and one that people so often underestimate completely. All those things that I've turned back to, numerous times, I no longer account them to be important within my life. I'll not say that I'll not fall into their trap again someday, but I will say that I do know that GOD will be there to pick me up and start me on my merry way again, if need be. In this day and age of so many differing thought lines coming out of churches and denominations, I am firmly set in the belief that GOD has started a work within me and it is one that HE will carry on until its completion. That day, somewhere in the future when in HIS eyes, alone, I will be perfected and complete and ready to stand in heaven at HIS side. Living a life in eternity, where all trials and tribulations that at one time had held such a tight grip upon me, are now but wisp of smoke fading away into the vast endlessness of eternity. No longer having any power or control over me or anyone else. For what had been, will be gone and what is to come, will be all that is left to enjoy. Please join me in a life devoted completely to JESUS CHRIST and all that HE's done for mankind. The choice is yours and yours alone. The cost will vary, from totally free, to free with a cost. Will you give your life to the one that gave HIS so freely for you?

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, May 2, 2010

5.3.10_Psalm 46:10_Silence

 Praise the LORD!!!
     Today at church, and yes I know you're reading this tomorrow:))), we had a very interesting service. To be a fact, I've never been to one like it ever before. The whole service was done in silence! The use of flashcards, a monitor with text generated and then a section with typed in text were all used. They even had the worship leader come up and put on his guitar, step up to a mic and then produce not one single sound. You heard me right, not one word was spoken during the entire service, even for the one worship song that was added in to make the whole point more concrete.

  Psalm 46:10


    10Be still, and know that I am God;"

    We as Christians today, fill our lives to the brink with every form of activity possible. We have very little time within our busy schedules that isn't or doesn't have some sort of sound or activity induced into it. We've cell phones that are constantly ringing or vibrating with a call or a text message from someone. We've MP3 players with gigabytes worth of songs or sermons on them. We've DVD players with countless disk to accompany them. Satellite, cable or DSL connected TV's. Not to mention the internet and all it's means of captivating us. The point is, to make you aware of the fact, that somewhere in there is supposed to be made time for GOD. Plus if I've interrupted my reading of scripture rightly so, HE's supposed to take up the greatest portion of our time, not the least part of it!!!

   I would give scripture references for this fact, but they're so plentiful, it should be unneeded. GOD paid the price for all of our sins and has set aside but a few simple requirements to receive it. You can simply accept it a go with that, which is a base level redemption, having your sins forgiven and entry into heaven guaranteed. Now there will be those that are truly satisfied with just being allowed into heaven, but I personally would like to have so much more. I want to walk with JESUS and talk with HIM. I want to sit at the supper table of the LAMB and rejoice in all that HE has to offer. I want to be with HIM constantly for the rest of eternity to put it simply. To obtain this level of relationship, requires a good bit more or one's effort involved in the process. This is where the willingness to give one's life completely to JESUS comes into play. Not just a simple acceptance of  HIS works for you, but a complete emptying of oneself and wholeheartedly devoting yourself to living a life totally given in service and relationship with HIM. Where nothing else matters or is even considered important.

    This is not the ordinary Christian's life, for not all are made to be this way. There are those that are set aside from the foundations of creation to fill these positions and not all are called to this level of devotion. If we were the world would truly be a different place then it is now. The point of the matter is not in my being chosen or called, but the fact that I count my quite time as very valuable. For GOD speaks to us still by that "still quiet voice," one that is easily overcome by the drone of a noisy world, especially one where we've crammed every sort of entertainment imaginable into it. We couldn't hear GOD speaking to us, even if HE was screaming. Because we've placed so much into this area of our lives that it all is fighting for attention from us. I've seen people hear a phone ring and then go about searching for the one that's ringing, only to find out it's not even their own phone. But then going right back to the ipod, or whatever  and cranking it back up, to tune out the world. The big problem with all this though, is that of tuning out the world, we've also tuned out GOD and can't hear that which is truly the most important information worth paying attention to. GOD's voice and HIS instructions as to what HE would have you do in this life.

    Maybe it is about time, that we all took a step back and refocus our attentions on that which is truly important. Not all the sounds of this world, but that still quiet voice of a GOD, that wants so much to have a deep personal relationship with each and everyone of us. I know I am going to, what about you?

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International