Thursday, February 11, 2010

5.27.10_Like unto JESUS_(a re post)

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Due to the events of the day, this is a re posting of an earlier devotional. If you've read my book, "Out of the LIGHT", you'll know what took place on this day (5.26) many years back. It seemed like there were some unresolved feelings that needed to be taken care of and the LORD provided the means for this to happen. I'm thankful for a new Christian friend, that truly listens to the LORD's quiet voice and is obedient no matter the cost or their feelings. Such people as this, hold a special place in my heart and prayers!!!
   Acts 4:13
     "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with JESUS."

   Today we look at what it is to be a Christian or CHRIST-like, for this is truly what the word Christian means. One that is like CHRIST, or resembles HIM. In our verse for today we have Peter and John before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish religious judges. Those that were responsible for overseeing the religious practices of the Jews. These two men were before them because of the actions they were undertaking and the works that they were doing. They listen to them and then judge them as being ordinary men and unschooled. Not unschooled in general for they were businessmen and had to have some form of education to run their business'. But unschooled in the higher forms of the religion of the Jews and those works that they were preforming. For they had just taken part in the healing of a cripple man.

   This is taking place before anyone was ever called a Christian, but here they note "that these men had been with JESUS. JESUS and all that HE had done was still so fresh on their minds, that they could see that these men had been among those that had followed our SAVIOR. Though ordinary, there was something very different about them, they had been in HIS presence and it showed. The works and the words that they showed forth were reminiscent of those done by JESUS HIMSELF and it was plain to see.

   We as Christians, CHRIST-like, are also supposed to resemble CHRIST in all that we say and do. Whether the works of our hands or the word that come from our mouths, all about us is to lead others to see JESUS within us! That right, all that we say and do, not just some of the time, but all of the time. To often it isn't like this at all. Sure we may show our faith on Sunday mornings, or when we're around other Christians, but seldom will we constantly, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year reveal JESUS within our lives, words or actions. Let alone all three of these, all the time. Why is this? Have we fallen that far away from the ONE that gave HIS all for us on the cross? Or is it because we have forgotten what HE has saved us from? I'd take a fair stab at it and say it is a bit of all three together. Many times our lives are just so overwhelming, that they blind us to the realities of CHRIST and all that HE's done for us. We tend to allow them to control more of our actions and wording then we should and in so doing fall farther away each day.

   How can we keep this from happening and place ourselves in the positions of Peter and John? First and foremost is to draw closer to HIM in our prayer life. Focusing on HIM and all that HE's done for us, both before and after conversion and placing our attention more directly upon HIM and not all the other "great" matters of life. Next would be to begin reading our Bibles more and more each day. Filling our time with the WORD of GOD and not those words of man. It doesn't have to be hours on end, you can start with ten to fifteen minutes a day. I prefer early in the morning, before the world truly has had the opportunity to grab my attentions. I also like to read a daily devotional, to help draw my attentions closer to GOD. At this time, I'm reading four and sometimes five in the morning and two at night. This all on top of my readings of the Bible. Now I wouldn't expect anyone to try and imitate that which I do, I'm a minister and GOD has a pretty big calling upon my life, so it takes a great bit more to satisfy my hunger for the LORD. Pray on this matter and begin that which you're led to undertake. Always pray before you start reading, asking GOD to lead you and guide you as HE would have you read.

   The more you begin to fill the time in your life with reading and studying, prayer and meditation (on scripture) the more your life will begin to reflect the imagine of having been with JESUS. People may begin to see more and more of a difference in you also. Your speech will begin to change, your actions and practices will no longer be the same as they were. You will begin to transform into one that people will wonder about why your life is so different. Then they will seek to find out why it is and ask you, what is it that makes you different from ordinary men?

   As I finished this last part it was impressed upon my heart that this is not all. For today though, it is. Tomorrows writings will be a carrying on from here, giving more 'meat' for your table as to what it is to be a Christian!!!

Other verse for consumption: Matt. 5:16, 11:25,26, 14:12; mark 3:13-18; John 9:4,5; Acts 13:2; Eph. 2:10; Col. 3:17; Titus 2:10-12; James 1:22-27; 1 Peter 2:12
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

Please don't forget my other blog, "Blogs from the Vine," either, you may enjoy reading it also!

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International