Sunday, March 7, 2010

3.08.10_Mark 11:22_Faith

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Faith is a commonly used word in the Bible. But do we really understand all that it entails? I know there have been times in my personal walk with the LORD, that my faith has either weakened or I just wasn't sure that it really existed. Each new day brings with it the opportunity to grow in our faith and to draw off of it to grow in our personal walks.

 Mark 11:22

    "Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God."

   In this verse we have JESUS telling us to have faith. HE then goes on to tell us just what can be done through our having it. To some extent we know that to have faith is to believe in GOD and HIS abilities to effect all things in existence. In Hebrews chapter 11, we are told what faith is defined as,"Now faith is the substancea of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.(Heb. 11:1)KJV) This coming from that which is known as the "Great Faith" chapter, for there is a listing of those that were noted in biblical history for their faith. We have Able, Enoch, Noah and Abraham to name just a few, for the list is extensive, though really incomplete. But the author knew that these were enough to properly get his point across to any reader. Which it was.

   All of the people, here listed believed in GOD to such an extent that they completely depended on HIM for their very existence. Not doubting in the least that HE would come through for them, just as HE had promised. Though at times they really didn't do things totally as GOD had commanded them too. For if you're well read in scripture, you will know that almost each one of these at one time or another had to face GOD's corrections within their lives. So faith, really doesn't depend on our being perfect in our following of GOD's leading, but it does mean that we must be willing to pay the price for doubting HIM in any way. This price we pay is usually in the form of HIS drawing away from us for a short time, to reinforce our understanding of by who's hand we receive all that we are and have. At other times, for those of us that repeat this behavior over and over, the methods get a little coarser, becoming chastisement, a correcting action that we're forced to under go if we want to come back into proper standing before HIM.

   We like those that populate the FAITH chapter, most likely have had numerous times that we didn't quite line up with what GOD was expecting from us. This doesn't mean that we don't have faith, it just means that it is weaker then it could be and possible far from what it should be. I've heard sermons on the varying types of faith listed in the Bible, those shown by the differing great people of GOD. They all had different names for each level or type of faith. Yet truly, what I gathered from all of these, was that it is simple faith, that is the basis for all of them. For no matter how great the faith of any person is, it starts out as that simple faith, the faith of a child is the perfect example. When a child is told by their parent that something was going to happen in their favor, they simply believe that it will happen. No two ways about it, what they were told is as good as done for them.

   When we are going about our daily wanderings of life, we often find ourselves in need and we begin to pray for GOD to meet these needs. The problem is though, that once we've prayed, we seem to forget just who it is that we prayed to and begin to doubt that we will ever see these prayers met. Especially if the answers seem slow in coming! This is the complete opposite of simple faith, and  truly it isn't faith at all. Remember that simple child like faith, that when they were promised something would happen they believed it, and knew that it would happen. This is that which we're missing in this case, simple faith. You know that GOD has promised to heal you of your sicknesses(1 Peter 2:24). You know that HE has promised to provide all of your needs(Matt. 6:28-34). You even know that HE has made plans for your life and HE is going to fulfill them to the letter(Jere. 29:11)NIV)

   So why then do we doubt HIM and HIS being able to fulfill all HIS promises? Most likely for the fact that we've not truly grasped the full nature of GOD in our minds. We've down sized HIM into something that we fit in on Sundays and maybe Wednesdays. We like the Israelite nation on their travel around the desert for forty years, are carrying GOD around in a box, to be used when we need HIM. I really hate to tell you, but the GOD that died for our worthless souls upon the cross of Calvary, is far greater then anything we could ever imagine. When we begin to waver in our faith, we truly need to step back a little and truly think about our perception of GOD and all HE is and can do. This is one of the greatest reason for reading the Bible, it reveals to us not only GOD and HIS great works, but also the fact of HIS humanity. For HE is so awesome that HE took on the form of a simple created being, that HE created from the dirt. Lived life as we do, yet without sinning. Paid the price for our breaking laws that HE had made in the first place, by taking our place upon the cross. Was buried in a cave, only to rise to life again on the third day. Then ascended into heaven, where he continue to make intercession for us. Now if this isn't one we can have simple child like faith in, I don't know what to say. But for me and my house, we will have faith and believe all that HE has promised, for I know HE can do more then I can even begin to imagine!!!  


Other verses to read: Matt. 19:14; Mark 10:14,15, 11:22; Rom. 8:37; 2 Cor. 4:17; James 1:3,6; 1 Peter 1:7
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International