Thursday, October 27, 2011

The extra mile

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Today's verse, will be hidden among a chapter on the Christian character, that which we're to emulate after we've accepted JESUS as our personal LORD and SAVIOR !!! Traits, which are very important, if we're to fully reflect JESUS within our lives and also important, if we're to stand out as separated from those others around us whom are worldly.

Matthew 5:38-42, but specifically verse 41

      38 You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.a 39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

   Why this one verse, hidden among such rich scripture, is that which I was led to early this morning??? It could have to do with the fact that today, I'm grouting a floor, while suffering from a group of old ailments. I've had bad knees for years, due to my working construction for the best part of my life, plus raced Moto X for thirteen years. Both these, extract a high price upon the body and usually one we don't think of much at the time. It is years later, that this price begins to be noticed, as the wear and tear upon our body begins to reveal itself :)))

   I was hurting enough this morning, that I'd thought about calling the day's work off and relax. After some prayer and reading though, I was led to go in and go at it, as if nothing was wrong. This went well, for about an hour, until I stood up for the hundredth time. It was almost impossible to straighten up, this due to the herniated disc I suffered while helping rebuild after hurricane Katrina along the MS. gulf coast. This while working for a "storm chasing" company (no insurance and if you didn't work, you didn't have a job.) If you've ever lived in an area after such a disaster, you'll know how hard it is to survive, because the cost of living has doubled, if not tripled and they get away with it for the most part. All this, isn't that which this is about.

   We can see an example of how JESUS went that extra mile, several times. Those times, when HE feed the multitudes, with very limited resources. For unlike that which we see many times these days, where large groups of people are being feed after a disaster or while living thru hard times, those people's needs were abundantly met. Each had received enough to eat, that they were full and there was an abundance left over to gather up !!! Though we're not told what was done with these leftover, I can most likely guarantee, they weren't thrown away, but distributed to those in need.

   Here we are in the midst of the holiday season, when millions of families will be preparing meals of great abundance. Multiple main coarses, multiple sides and not to mention a vast selection of desserts to boot !!! Anyone want to bet against the fact, that tons of leftovers will be wasted ??? Here(in America), we are in one of the most prosperous countries in the world, though going thru some hard economic times right now, and there will be more food thrown in the trash, then what many third world countries will have put on all their tables combined. Not only those of these nations, but right here in this nation, there will be thousands, that will be doing without and not just on these holidays, but many are suffering daily, year round!!! A pretty bad picture, when confronted with it, isn't it??? One of the most prosperous countries in the world and we've thousands suffering without, all because of greed and an unwillingness to go that extra mile, and share that which we've been blessed with.

   Hundreds of  food pantries around this country, are having to cancel their supplying these holiday meals. Many having to cutback on even their normal monthly provisions to the needy. All due to a lack of funding and supplies. Many, are even having to shut their doors, because it has gotten so bad. Wouldn't it be awesome, even a miracle, to see these ministries overflowing with such an abundance of provisions, that the have to gather them up and reach out to those even beyond their normal scope??? I think it would be !!! I'd love to see every family in this country, just cutting back a little and reaching out, going that extra mile, to help these ministries serve these people. Even if each one were to downsize these meals by say 10%, just think of how this would add up over the long run, that extra mile :)))))))

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Thursday, October 20, 2011


 Praise the LORD!!!

    Unlike many, I don't fear death, or even have questions about it. For I've been there. This was in the late fifties, when I was just over four years old. I don't remember any of the most popular themes of that which people describe as 'near death experiences.' You are most likely familiar with them, they seem to gain popularity every couple of years. The 'bright light,'  the 'tunnel,' even being in 'heaven' itself' or in the very presence of GOD HIMself. None of these are my witness of it.

   Let me start at the beginning of this event, to give you all the details, those that I remember in very vivid detail, almost as if it had happen just yesterday :))) My sister and I had gone up to a friends house, about a block away. While we were playing, we saw this wild kitten run out from behind a pile of stored items in their backyard and ran into the woods behind the house. Now you know children and their love for animals, so you can guess what happened next. We took off for the woods after the kitten, my sister in the lead, followed by a bunch of three to five year old boys. Being the era that it was, there were piles of trash that had been pushed out of sight, when the development was built. We made our way thru these after the kitten. Being it was summertime, all I had on was a pair of shorts and some flip-flops.

   As we ran after this kitten, we had to weave our way around all kinds of things, one of them an old tire. With my being in bad health(details in my book) I decide to step on this instead of jumping over it as everyone else had done. When I did, the inner ring of it collapsed under my weight, letting my left foot slide down onto the spear point of a broken bottle. It went into the arch of my foot, slicing almost all the way thru to the other side. When I pulled up on it, the bottle came out and my screaming began. My sister turned around, ran back to me, grabbed me up and began to run back to our friends house. Needless to say, blood was spewing everywhere, this had basically almost sliced my foot in half. Severing all the arteries, veins and muscles. Our neighbor did her best to stop the bleeding, while my sister ran to our house and got our mom and the car. In the short time that it took for this to happen, the bath towel that was first used to wrap my foot was soaked thru and thru, so they wrapped another one around it and sped off towards the hospital. This, was around ten miles away and though a fairly direct route, took a good bit of time, even at the speeds a panicking mother was driving. Truthfully, I think I'd already bleed out, because the last that I consciously remember, is being put into the backseat with my sister.

   Though my body was life-less, I was there, I guess you could say 'in spirit.' I remember being snatched up by my mother and her beginning to run to the entrance, when she was intercepted by hospital staff. They placed me on a gurney and wheeled me into the ER. By this time all the bleeding had stopped, we've only so much to lose, but they listened to my mom's frantic cries to save me at all cost. They strapped me to the table, connected IV's and began cleaning the wound. As soon as they could clamp off all the arteries they began pumping fresh blood into me. Thru this whole event, I will have gone thru enough blood for three and a half adults. This into a child that may of been fifty pounds, soak and wet, remember I'd been sick since birth and wasn't the typical four year old boy in size.

   As all this was happening, I was(without a body) above the door to the ER. I remember there was no fear of what was happening, to tell the truth, I was at peace, almost joyous, just watching with interest what was happening. I can recall all the people, as far as body type, but no faces. I recall at one point, when there seemed to be a 'separation,' as if I was there watching the events on the table and at another place at the same time(spirit and soul???) Today, I can see this as the 'triune' body, body, soul and spirit, the exact forms of GOD, created in the human form !!!(Genesis 1:26) I don't remember what took place at this time for the part that wasn't there, but do remember that which was happening on the table. The doctors were beginning to finish knitting my foot together and were preparing to close things up. As one of them was giving me another shot of Novocaine to numb the area, I came up off the table. That which was outside the body, was now joined together with it, yet not completely, for the part that had gone to another place, was now the one watching these events. All four of the leather straps that had been holding my body on the table, were broken and I backhanded one of the nurses. Sending her back into a medicine cabinet, busting it's glass front panels. It was at this moment that my whole being came together, all within my body. I wasn't fighting them or even moving, but allowed them to finish their work. Now you may think they'd of kept me for a period of observation, to make sure everything had gone properly, but within an hour or so, we were headed home. The floorboards of the backseat, full of blood soaked bath towels and me with but a sown up and bandaged foot.(far from what you'd expect these days:))) )

   Like a number of my writings, this has gone another way from intended, but as with all, go the way GOD has intended !!!

   At the end of September '07,' I was in contact with my sister in Florida, while living in Ocean Springs, MS. My mom's health was in very bad condition, they'd been taking care of her since '02' after my dad's death. She was suffering from Alzheimer's, and it had gotten progressively worst, so bad so, that she hadn't drank or eaten anything for several days. My brother in law, was headed north to gather me up. I was at this point already making plans on moving there, but these current events, sped things up, so I gather my belongings together and was ready to relocate when he got there. We didn't even take a break to grab a bite to eat, just loaded the truck with my belongings and it was right to the highway, to get there as quickly as possible. This was around 4 PM on the 29th and we were in Okeechobee FL. around 5 PM on the 30th. We grabbed a bite to eat and while Jerry went to get some sleep, I sat across from my mom on the other couch in the living room. If it weren't for her breathing, you'd of thought she was dead. Barely any color to her skin(a once dark skinned native American), a frail, almost lifeless body, that of which had at one time been a very vibrant woman. I sat there praying and talking with my sister over at the dinning room table. I began to talk to my mom and she opened her eyes for the first time in three days. I went over and knelt by the side of the couch/bed, having a one sided conversation with her. Letting her know who I was, how much I wanted to talk with her and about the events that had taken place within my life over the last several years(for CHRIST.) Her prayers for me had been answered and I was serving the LORD, as she'd promised HIM(details, once again, in my book.) She smiled at me, but I could see the anguish in her eyes, so I leaned over kissing her on the forehead, then whispered in her ear, "mom, I know you're hurting, my life is now fully the LORD's, you can go home to be with HIM, I loved her and all is well." She closed her eyes, though now with a look of peace upon her face. I returned to my couch and we(my sister, a niece and I) continued in conversation for several hours. Around midnight, I couldn't stay awake any longer, so I stretched out and dosed off. About an hour later my sister awoke me, telling me that mom had passed away. To which I told her, "I knew and she'd gone home in peace, to be with the LORD and her family awaiting her there. Her life was over and we must now go on with our." I then went back to sleep, as she awaited the EMT's and other officials, to verify her death.

   Does this sound a bit calloused to you??? It's not!!! For I fully realize the human condition and that which happens at death. I've no fear of it, actually, I await my time(looking forward to it:))) ) Our lives are but a vapor, a wisp of smoke. That which is here for but a few seconds and then fades away into nothingness. All in the matter of seconds. If one is a Christian(a true one), they need fear nothing, for soon they'll be in the very presence of our LORD!!! If not, they will return to the ground from winch they came, at least the bodily part, while the soul and spirit sleep, awaiting the day when they shall be awakened, to stand before the judgment seat of the LORD, to face the eternity they're bound for, that eternity which will be the results of their life on earth. This will not be a time of joy for those that haven't accepted JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, but a time of impending doom. For they will know that which is in their long futures, for they will of been warned about the choices they have to make and will of made theirs. Which will it be for you???

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Monday, October 17, 2011


 Praise the LORD!!!

    PRAYER:  the act of petitioning, praising, giving thanks, or confessing to God; it is expressed by several different words in both the OT and the NT. Prayer can be individual or corporate, audible or silent. It is conditioned by the biblical understanding of God as a personal being who hears the prayers of his people (1 Kings 9:3; Pss. 34:15; 65:2; Matt. 7:11; 1 John 5:15).

Achtemeier, P. J., Harper & Row, P., & Society of Biblical Literature. (1985). Harper's Bible dictionary (1st ed.) (816). San Francisco: Harper & Row.

   Oh to those that hold only to this definition of prayer. For this is so limited in it's view of that which is the very beginning of relationship with GOD!!! For prayer to me, though I admit am not normal :))), is that state of being in constant awareness of and with GOD!!! This is that which Paul spoke of in 1 Thes. 5:17,  yet is only the beginning. In all my ways, I am in a state of being constantly aware of GOD. Asking HIM question, asking for HIS guidance and/or blessings in that which I'm doing. Yet, not only asking, but thanking HIM in every circumstance, no matter the outcome.

   Being a craftsman, I've been blessed with many skills, but I take none of the credit for those things I'm blessed to lay my hands to. For it is GOD whom gets all the glory. I'm but a vessel blessed with HIS presence, enabled to preform these actions by and thru HIM. Whether painting a wall or running a fine line along some trim, I'm petitioning HIM to guide my hands, to hold them and lead them, all to HIS glory and not my own. Whether doing woodwork or tile work, this state is as constant as humanly possible. Yes, there are times that I slip and make mistakes. Yet, I praise HIM that this happened, ask HIS forgiveness and then HIS leading and carrying of my actions from there on.

   I'm no super saint, just a humble man that was totally crushed by GOD, revealing the deep and darkest of sins within me. A man, whose pride in self and my own abilities, GONE. For HE blessed me to see the truth, that it isn't the "ME" that is doing these things, but it is the "HE" within me doing them.

   The point of this entry- if you hold to the definition above of prayer, open the doors to true prayer. That state where you dwell continuously in the presence of GOD. Open up the doors of not only talking with HIM, but also listening and enjoying HIS very presence. Open up those doors and enjoy life like never before :)))))))

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


  Praise the LORD!!!

    In this turbo charged society in which we live, how often do we fail to slow down and absorb that which GOD has laid before us ??? How often, while flicking thru reams of photos, files and articles, do we truly take a moment to allow HIM to impress HIS message to us, into our hearts ???

   We watch a Christian video and relish in HIS glory while it is playing and then we rush off to download it and re post it for the pleasure of others. Yet, little time do we spend on that which HE would impress upon our hearts. With the advantage of the internet and it's massive heaps of content to devour, many times we just rush from one tidbit of wisdom unto another. Barely slowing for one second to allow it to sink in !!!

   Video after video; comment after comment; worship song after worship song and so forth, we pile up heaps of wonderful and true content, yet we only allow it to brush the surfaces of our hearts. There is a vast storehouse of wisdom in the Bible alone, that sits and goes to waste as we endlessly seek to divulge stacks of information out to others. Where is the gain for ourselves ??? Where is the benefit to others ??? We so overload our minds, that our heart never has time to glean one bit of it all ??? Important questions that we ourselves can only answer and truly only answer with the heartfelt time taken to allow GOD to reveal HIS truths to us !!!

   Slow down and allow all that passes thru our hands, to truly sink in and become something glorious unto the KINGDOM of GOD :)))))))

  Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Of Social media, judgment and gossip...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    There are times that things must just be brought out in the open and this is one of them(Ephesians 5:11). Over the past several months, there has been a great increase in Christians taking part in that which is far from a reflection of a CHRIST-likeness(Christian attitude and actions.) From the title you should be able to tell that this has been happening on possibly the greatest tools we have at our beckon, for spreading the GOSPEL. The internet and more specifically, the social media side of it. Also, this isn't aimed at any one person, for there have been many that have been constantly straying over these scriptural lines in the sand !!!

   Now, if you've been following me for any length of time, you should of realized, I've a great span when it comes to my internet presence. I've accounts on a good number of social media site ( Facebook, My_space, Twitter etc.) I've seen a drastic increase in Christians doing that which Christians shouldn't be doing. Namely, the standing in judgment of others(Romans 2:1-11) and then relaying this information on to others with the third party being totally unaware of it(1 Tim. 5:13). Both of these are far from that which our LORD and SAVIOR would of done in these very same cases, very far from it !!! It pains me dearly to have to say this, especially when a good number of these offenders exhibit a well rounded knowledge of scripture and for the most part behave as we should. I feel like the author of the Book of Hebrews, as they wrote  verses  5:12-14, and the recipients were unfit for the consumption of anything stronger than 'milk.'

   JESUS came a died for all of mankind, not just Christians. HE didn't die for the righteous, but for sinners and yes, I do know that no one is righteous, not even one single solitary person(Romans 3:10-18). Judgment, we should consider as a double "ended" sword, which inflicts as much damage to the one using it, as it does the one it is used against. For when we judge another person, in any manor(status, looks, job or in any way)let us not forget Matt. 6:15), we place ourselves in a position as if we're better than they are(Romans 14, yes the whole of it:))) ). Hence sinning, and a multiple pronged sin, for this brings in the demon of pride and every christian should realize what JESUS thinks about pride-fulness !!! (This should be one of the first tenants of the faith we learn and understand !!!  (milk.)

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Who am I???

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Good morning!!! Though it isn't exactly what most would call morning:))) You see, it isn't even six o'clock (AM) yet, but the LORD has awoken me, so I'm up and awake. Awaken in the usual manor, a cramp in my right foot. Not an overtly painful cramp, but one that feels more like a huge thumb compressing the center of it. As usual, when this happened, at first, I said "Praise the LORD, I'm awake LORD," but snuggled back up in the warm blankets. This wasn't supposed to be my proper reaction and the cramp returned:))) (the LORD is persistent in HIS leading, that is if you truly follow it!!!) Another PTL, though this time it was followed with my rolling out of bed and saying, "sorry LORD."

   Heading right to the computer and since it hadn't gone into 'sleep mode' yet, I moused it and got it up and running. Now, I've not sat down yet, so into the kitchen to switch on the coffee pot and then off to the bathroom. Returning then to the computer and asking "what now LORD?" Off to one of my devotional readings, Morning and Evening, and then to the internet. Since I cleaned my system last night, I had to get my browser up and running. After doing so, the leading was this, blog time!!!

   Who am I??? A question many would have to ponder, not I, for the answer was supplied:))) (thanks LORD!!!) I am but a man saved by grace. A piece of human trash, picked up by the LORD, just before it was headed to the fire for disposal. Picked up and recycled, shaped into something totally unlike that which it was before. The only resemblance to the old, is on the outside, for everything on the inside has been totally renewed. Where there had been pride and arrogance, is now humility. Where there was a strong will, there is now one that listens to the slightest of leading, not those of man or the world, but only of GOD. A man that could always figure things out, with an extremely sharp mind, now, totally dependent on that which comes from the heart.

   This is the one that really gets me and truly shapes my life now. When something happens, my mind goes into action, thoughts reeling through it, reaction after reaction are formulated. Yet, only that which my heart leads me to, is done. Now, why listen to your heart, when it is so prone to making mistakes and getting one in trouble? This may be a true statement of a 'natural man', but isn't so of a born again Christian and spiritual man!!! You see, in the natural man, the heart is the seat of the emotions, whereas in the spiritual, it is the home of the LIVING GOD!!! How this came to be, I couldn't tell you. All I know, is that I've totally given myself to the LORD, I'm an empty vessel, overflowing with HE that gave HIMself for me upon the cross, and I love every moment of this new life!!!!!!!

   Many post things that have stirred their hearts, whether good or bad. I think upon the matter and then only post that which I'm led to from my heart. There is a difference. One is reliant upon our emotions and self, whereas the other is reliant upon the HOLY SPIRIT alone. Many will be stirred by a dislike of someone or somethings actions and make statements bordering on and sometimes over the lines of committing a sin. Not I, for it is laid upon my heart, the reasoning behind whatever has stirred one to action, then given a response to it. If I post on this action, it isn't my response, but only that which I'm led to!!! There is a difference!!!

   So, who am I??? A no one, but one that has given his life totally to following the LORD's leading. A man that has given up his own will, for the will of the LORD for him. One that no longer has a life, seeking after his own enjoyments, but one that is willing to do whatever he's led to, no matter the consequences. Follow my words, I'd not recommend it, for that is not my place. Listen to the LORD and follow HIM alone!!!:)))

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries