Thursday, August 15, 2013

Being sent

Praise the LORD!!!
   It's been quite some time since I last published a blog, but the LORD has HIS reasons and I doubt them not!!! The "why," is not of my concern, it is that I remain attuned to HIS voice within my life and remain obedient, that is!!!

   Let us take a bit of a trip here, a trip in time. Two time periods, that is :{)))

  First: "“Don’t take the road leading to other nations, ... go to the lost sheep  of the house of Israel." "

The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Mt 10:5–6). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.

   The time here, is early on in JESUS' ministry, where HE first sends out the disciples(12) to begin revealing the KINGDOM news to people. Gracing them with a long list of commands and the power to fulfill all that they've been called too.

   The second period in time we shall talk about, is that where I was led to leave Ohio and walk to Kingsville, TX. I wasn't given a long list of that which I was or wasn't to do, but these came as time went by, as I was preparing to enter into events. (Most likely such short notice, because of my quick response when following HIS leadings, I've learned not to question the simple, but only the extreme leadings. :{))) )

      In our first period, we've commands as to what they're to take with them: "Don’t take along gold, silver, or copper for your money-belts. Don’t take a traveling bag for the road, or an extra shirt, sandals, or a walking stick,..."

The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Mt 10:9–10). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.

   Whereas on the first trip(attempted one), I carried a good sum of money($600) and belongings(90 lbs. worth) and was accompanied by my year old wolf/shepherd pup(untrained for this type of task.) As I was walking, I was in prayer and deep conversation with the LORD. Listening for HIS leadings and taking in all that HE laid upon my heart(and there was a lot :{))) ) Much of these(prayers) had to do with my undertakings for HIM. Where I was to stop and rest(or eat(whatever)), who and what I was too converse with people about and any other interactions along the way.

   The "route" wouldn't be a direct one, but one off the beaten path you may say. Going from Utopia, OH., east to the ferry crossing at Augusta, KY. and then beginning a southerly direction on county and minor state roads. It was here that I had my first two interactions with the BODY, one good and the other not so.
   The first, was on Easter morning, after having a personal "sunrise" service and having walked a pretty good distance. I'd stopped for a rest on a cement wall along the roadside and it just so happened to be across the street from a little non denominational church. I was getting ready to head on, when I heard someone yelling at me. It was the minister and he was inviting my dog and I over for Easter breakfast. Yes, my dog was invited into the church along with me :{))). After a very good "feeding" and plenty of awesome conversation, we were also invited to stay for another service, one of mostly praise and worship. At the end of this service, we were greeted by many of the church members and handed sums of money for the trip. Heading onward with an additional $250 and scores of promised prayers!!!

   As usual, when the LORD has blessed, satan too will raise his head. Over the next ten miles or so we covered a large area that was under construction, having the roadsides torn up and covered with four or five inch rocks, very unstable walking. Marianne's feet took a beating, so bad so, that things were looking pretty bad as to continuing the trip. That was, until the LORD provided !!! A young couple returning home after an Easter dinner with family met up with me. I thought this was but a short meeting, because they'd stopped for gas at the closed store I'd been resting up at. But, they returned after getting gas at another station and proceeded to drive us to a "boat ramp" another ten miles on along the route. Praise the LORD, both now and then, for I knew the LORD was a work here :{)))

   After several days here, allowing time for Marianne's feet to heal and having met many a person, severe weather set in. We had no tent or rain gear, only trashbags for temporary shelter. Needless to say, I was soaked, cold and miserable, but the LORD had bigger plans. It was now that one of the people I'd met blessed us well. They had a house sitting empty, with the utilities on, in which we could stay until the proper time came. It wasn't but a 100 yards away, on the other side of the river and about a hundred feet from a non-denom church. These people ended up putting us up for about a month. Supplying all of our needs, shelter, electricity, water and food, so much so I had to ask it they'd back off a bit and let me take care of some !!! True Christian hospitality !!!

   As for the church, so close, yet so far(from the LORD's ways): I went to a service one Sunday, talked with the minister about his sermon and really expected more to come from this. Oh was I wrong. This church was about as "dry" of the HOLY SPIRIT as Death Valley is of water!!! I watched people gather here numerous times, weekends and weekdays, and not once did anyone ever even acknowledge me when driving by, let alone invite me over to join in!!! I was beginning to see two very different sides to the church, one that I loved and another, that was in great need of heavy prayers.(which they got!!!)

   The rest of the trip was pretty much uneventful, unless you consider walking a week with three broken toes and having your knee blowout on a Sunday morning events :{))). But it was the LORD's leading and teaching that took place for the most part. I met those of a "Messianic movement," which assisted me and had seeds of truth planted. Those whom went to church regularly and weren't happy with it. An those Christians that refrained from going to church because they didn't feel that the "houses" they attended, were anything like those the LORD would endorse. Believe me when I say "my eyes and ears were open" and "the LORD was teaching me a great many lessons!!!" and yes folks, many, many seeds were planted :{)))

*** For more details on this trip, one can find them back in the history in my blogs and on the timelines of my many pages(both personal and ministry.) There are far more there, than I was led to post here, so if interested, dig deeper :{)))***

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Caring and Sharing...

Praise the LORD!!!

   Happy Valentine's Day <3 p="">
Caring and sharing, this could be a deep talk, but it'll not be. For I'd like to give you a little example that just happened to me.

Several days ago, my friend, the one that is allowing me to live in her garage, and I were talking about Mardi Gras. Well I mentioned that one of my favorite things about it were "King Cakes." I've a deep fondness for them and the traditions mean nothing, just the cake :{)))

She'd been away for several days visiting some friends and last night when I got home there was a King cake sitting in my computer chair. Later when she got back in we talked about it. It appears that she had looked around town and was unable to find one. But while on her trip out of town, she had stopped to get a "welcome gift" for her visit and found the only two left in the store. She kept one for her return and they enjoyed the other at their gathering. When she arrived home, she delivered it to my chair.

Folks, here is a dear Christian sister, that went greatly out of her way to share the love of CHRIST with another. Isn't this kind of act exactly what following our LORD and SAVIOR is all about. Going that extra mile to reveal the love of CHRIST for all of mankind!?!

GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Monday, February 11, 2013

How long...

 Praise the LORD!!!

   "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me," (John 14:9; AV)

   Yesterday, I was asked about one of the post I had made and what scripture references I could use to back it. The post: "A Thought for such a time as this:
   A Christian should not settle with a level of production(for the LORD) that is the same as yesterday!!!" 

   At the time that I gave  answer I was a bit distraught from having tried to monitor and post tornado warning to followers on this current system. As many of you know, well those that have followed the ministry for over a year or two would, this is part of the ministry's functions. Any way, back to the point of this blog   :{))) My answer was in two parts, because another stepped in asking, but here are both parts:
   "PTL!!! It is not GOD requires, wants or needs anything but our love, but as with any relationship lovers seek to provide the other with greater things from the heart as the relationship deepens. Would you give your wife/girlfriend a BMW one day and turn around and give them a gardening tool??? I think not. It may just be me, but as I grow closer to the LORD, I desire to do more for HIM, not because I have to, or because it will gain me one thing, but just because I love HIM !!!"

   "PTL!!! I consider my relationship with GOD above all others and seek to deepen it in every way. As with any relationship, a knowledge of the other is great, but if that is where we leave off, what do we really have other than knowledge, we've no experience. Any thriving relationship must have experiences that deepen it, that bring the two parties closer together. I've had many relationship and most were very one sided, due to my pride, The LORD has blessed me by removing this hindrance and now I willing to seek a depth in our relationship deeper than any every before. HE gave HIS all for me, shouldn't I be willing to do the same in return, not being satisfied with the results of yesterday, but seeking to make today even better??? Scripturally, you'll not find this depth of relationship mentioned, to the best of my knowledge, but I'm sure it was in the hearts of many of those that have died for CHRIST while smiling at their tormentors and singing praises unto GOD!!! "

   You can believe this was on my heart last night as I went to sleep and it was put to prayer. Now I can understand new believers in CHRIST having(needing) scripture "proof" to solidify their understandings, but supposedly seasoned, mature Christians!?! Have we been so long with JESUS, yet we fail to really know HIM??? To know those things we are to do. To know the manor in which we are to live our lives and reflect HIS image to others. 

   Now don't take me wrong here, I'm not judging these others involved here, but I'm being blessed to see the BODY as a whole here. We've lived our lives for years for CHRIST. We've supposedly read and read the Bible numerous times. Studied and studied for hours, taking in hour after hour worth of sermons and teaching tapes(disc) and books.  "And yet hast thou not known me,"

   I ask, but not I, but the LORD, is your knowledge of me only within your mind, or is it within your heart??? Do you really have a loving relationship with me, or is it but a knowledge of scripture??? I want your heart, as well as your mind and body. I want all of you!!! Are you willing to give it???

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How far???

Praise the LORD!!!

   How far are you truly willing to go for the sake of the GOSPEL??? This is an important personal question we each must ask ourselves. Is our faith that which truly believes that "all things work together for the good of those that love GOD and are called according to HIS purpose" That our suffering "all things," would bring about the glory of GOD. That our refusing to take up arms(self defense means) to protect our own lives, would bring glory to the KINGDOM of GOD.

   Many today have a faith that says they can do that which is needed to preserve their own lives and still bring glory to GOD!!! But is this kind of faith truly that of GOD or is it a faith that has been formed by the means of man, for self preservation ???

   These are but a few "Questions" and/or statements that are meant to make you think. Make you think about the depth of your relationship with JESUS. To make you think about whether or not you're willing to make that supreme sacrifice and give your life for the sake of the GOSPEL !!! I see many a post and hear many a statement to this effect, but truly, when it comes down to it, how many are truly willing too!!! Think about it !!!!!!! Your sacrifice could be that which brings other believers into the fold. But the question is, "How far ???"

GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Blowing your own trumpet

Praise the LORD!!!

   Good morning and I can see from the fact that you're reading this, that GOD has blessed you with another day :{)))
   Those of you that follow me through my many post, know that I currently homeless and working but part time while living out of a friends garage. Yesterday was one of the days I was blessed to work, the first in three weeks. After receiving our checks the boss proceeded to run the three of us home.

   At the first drop off, the boss pipes in about my co-worker(the one getting out) not having any gas service due to the need to repair the lines and "what would it cost to repair." After a short conversation the statement was made "that I'll help get this done, at the beginning of the week and we'll make arrangements on paying it back." Now I want you to keep in mind that my boss is a "Christian."

   As we continued on the boss began asking my other co-worker about the fact that he too was without gas service and that they too could make the arrangements to remedy this problem. The conversation then turned, not to my homelessness(as you might think), but to his(the boss) having helped another, by loaning him some money to fix his car and never having received repayment or the man's car getting fixed.

   Now it is when the conversation turned my way. Not in an offer of any sort, but as to the conditions in which I'm living and how they could be so much worse.Now this went on for about the next five minutes and never once came to an offer of any kind, so as I was getting out of the truck I asked if he had $20 I could borrow until my check cleared(3 business days). He only had ten on him and I accepted it and told him that I remind him of it. This because of the fact, that my little check was basically already spent on bills that would be covered by the bank.

   Here is the point of this all. It is scripturally improper for a Christian to blow the trumpets when doing their works for the LORD!!! For in doing so, it is here that they'll receive their rewards and it likens them unto the pagans, that give only to receive back in return. We see and hear from all sorts of secular charity groups of the "good works" that they do and usually this is attached to another plea for money. Christians are supposed to give freely, because it was it this very manor in which our LORD gave and we are to reflected HIS image within and through our lives!!!

   Has the BODY become so like the world, that it has to be glorified by the works that it does in love??? Do Christians give, only so they can receive back in likeness or greater??? As you know I've the ministry and it pains me to think that so many "CHRIST-like" people won't donate(and haven't in 12+ yrs.) because the ministry isn't 501.3.c rated and they'll not receive a tax credit!!! I've come to the decision that the ministry will never be rated in this manor, for IT will not succumb to government regulations as to "what we can say" or "against what we can stand against(sins rampant in society today.) As a Christian, I see it as my duty to abide by the LORD's teachings over any that government or any group wants to condone!!! Sure I've told of some of the things done over the years, but these weren't in depth stories or videos focused on getting your donations. They were done to let others see what it is that the ministry does and that alone. Many know that I don't even desire "thanks" for those things that I do, for I see it as having received my rewards already and here is not where I seek to do so.

   My questions to you at this time are, "Where do you want your "rewards" to be given???" and "Just "who" is it that you seek to glorify, self or GOD???" This isn't meant to blow any trumpets, but to silence those of the BODY!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year, but only a new day

 Praise the LORD!!!
   We're blessed with the beginning of a new year, but truly it is only that day to which we're blessed. For every year is made up of single days. Each uniting to form that which eventually becomes a whole year. Much like the foundation for any building, that which we build today, is only as strong as that which was laid the day before.

   Form your foundation on the ROCK, firm and steady, never changing. Then with each successive day, build that which is new and meant to uphold that which is to come. You will be blessed, if building in this way, to surely know that which you've labored so hard at will stand the test of time. Let CHRIST JESUS be the foundation you build this day's structure upon. It is then, and only then, that you'll be blessed to know, that no matter what storms may come, your structure shall stand strong a midst them!!!

   "On CHRIST the solid ROCK I stand, all else is sinking sand"

GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Laying hold

Praise the LORD!!!

   With the beginning of a new year many people's minds are focused on that which lays ahead and that which is behind. When really the matter that should be our primary focus, "is that which today holds."

   We are not promised a future day, but are given this one alone and that which we do within it's confines is up to us. Will we use it to the fullest to bring glory to the LORD??? Or will we use it for self gratification and the fulfillment of our lust??? The answer is one that only you can make and is totally dependent upon your relationship with the LORD!!! Have you taken up your cross to follow HIM??? Or do you maneuver around within this world as a fleshly entity, wrapped in Christian apparel??? "Forsake all and follow me" isn't just a suggestion, but a command of our LORD. One we must strive to bring about within our lives!!!

   The year that lays behind us should be considered, but not in a way that most would think. We must consider the "points" of our walks and those thing accomplished for the glory of GOD and leave behind those things that were worldly. We must also consider those places within the last year where GOD moved within our lives. Those places where HE was either leading us to learn from HIM a better WAY, or where HE was pruning us, teaching us those things that we needed to leave behind to perish in the winds of change!!! Many are those that will want to hold onto these things, when they're truly not for us to hold, only to reflect upon and learn the lessons of the LORD from within them.

   Let us each lay hold of this day, live it to the fullest. Living it to the glory of the LORD and praying that if we do well with this task at hand, HE may well bless us with more days ahead to repeat this task!!!  GOD has set a path before us. HE has placed people in our way, people we should interact with and lead towards the proper paths for their own lives. We can not carry them along with us, but they must make their own choices. The choices they make are dependent upon that which you do to guide them, but ultimately it rest in the hands of the LORD. HE is the one that has directed your paths to cross. HE is the one that has formed each of you into that which you are and it is HE that has purpose for these interactions between your lives. So do your best to listen and react with these others. Do your best to follow your guide. Do your best to leave an impression that will continue to lead them on. This my friends is the way, we make the most of that which we've been blessed with and can look forward to days ahead, if it is HIS will !!! :{)))

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries