Sunday, December 26, 2010

Seasonal Giving

 Praise the LORD!!!

    This morning while going through my list of daily devotionals, one hit home hard. It was from the "" If not familiar with them, maybe you should stop in and check them out. They provide me with many hours of deep inspiration and thought:) Anyway, this morning devotional hit on the fact of our giving, specifically, our giving during the holidays and the rest of the year.

   We all know the great increase in request for donations around the holidays, Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas especially, but the rest of the year seems to go unnoticed for the most part! Sure there will be other times that these request go out, usually upon the occurrence of a disaster of some sort, but for the most part, it seems as if those in need are forgotten. Only once in scripture were we, the disciples, told to focus on other things than them. That was in Matt. 26:11(and other GOSPELS), where the woman had just 'wasted'(as some thought) the expensive perfume to anoint JESUS prior to HIS crucifixion. They/we are not told to forget those in need, but that at this time there was a direct purpose in what she was doing and our attention must be drawn to it at the time only.

   This reveals that as Christians we're to always have the needs of the poor, both physically and spiritually, in our hearts. Not just for a season, but throughout the span of our lives as followers of CHRIST. Why is it then that it appears that our eyes tend to focus on them only around the holiday season? Could it be that our eyes are more focused on living a Christian lifestyle at these times, than in the rest of the year? I'm not saying that all Christians and or churches are this way, but that this is how it appears. Now think about this. I'm a Christian and run a helps ministry and I can see this happening. What do those outside of the faith see when they look at this? Do they see the hands of CHRIST reaching out, through our hands, to those in need continually(as it should be,) or do they see us forsaking them for the most part?

   With this question on heart, this is where I'm led to leave you. This is going to be posted at all the numerous sites I post at, because this is how I'm being led. There purpose of it, I fully don't know, but I do know it is that which the LORD laid upon my heart and it is that which I only seek to do:)))

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weak-kneed Christians

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Exactly what this is about, I'm not totally sure of, but GOD has laid this term upon my heart and I must define it for others! It is just a bit to long to explain on most of the social sites that I frequent, so this is the best means to display it.

   A weak-kneed Christian: those that are constantly on their knees in prayer, not for others, but for themselves, when the slightest difficulty arises within their lives. They're a product of the last several generations of preaching, where more emphasis has been placed on the numbers of converts and not on discipleship of those produced.

   In the examples of JESUS' prayers in scripture, all but one were for other people. The only one where HE prayed for HIMself was the night of HIS arrest in the garden. HIS example is supposed to be the one that we follow in our lives, but this seems far from true.

   This is where this is to end. I'm sure the LORD has a great deal more that will be following, but for now, you have the definition!

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International 

Friday, November 26, 2010

My calling?

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Having been blessed with the day off, the LORD has me going about HIS work for me. This morning a memory from the past came to heart. One that for years, I had discounted as just being something produced by a drug induced state. This was given to me years before I ever gave my life to CHRIST, back in the days when my life was about living for self and my own personal gratifications. A female friend of mine told me that she'd had dreams about me. Dreams that were very life like and quite intense, especially considering the drastic difference between the man in her dreams and the one she was giving them too.

   Now the man in her dreams was a Man of GOD and one a bit different than most. He was speaking out against all those of the church, that were leading people astray. She said he was like Moses leading GOD's chosen out of Egypt. Now here we were, getting stoned and living lives totally outside of anything even close to a biblical lifestyle, so you can see why I just blew it off as nothing I'd every think about doing. It just wasn't what I was looking for in life!

   Now this was given to me in the late seventies, around '78' or '79.' I just continued to live life as I had been, never thinking about this dream or altering my lifestyle in the least. Now remember, I'd accepted CHRIST as my SAVIOR in '71,' but hadn't chosen to follow HIM as my LORD. Strange too, is the fact that though having never read the Bible, more than a chapter or two, I somehow managed to inadvertently lead several people to CHRIST during this time:))) Now let's fast forward to '95,' when I totally gave my life to JESUS. Here I am, in prison for the commission of a felony, my part in an armed bank robbery. Totally broken, because I'm almost forty and I'm looking at what would be a thirty five year prison sentence and losing contact with everything I held dear. Now, I've no man leading me at this point, only a small testimonial book, called "From Prison to Praise(Merlin Carothers.) I'm then blessed to find a Bible to read, which only hours before there wasn't one! I begin cross referencing all the verses in the testimonial and then reading the Bible as if my very soul depended on it. Three days after my arrest, I gave my life totally to the LORD and to the exact extent, didn't realize at the time:)))

   I suddenly have this tremendous desire to read everything I can get my hands on, that had a Biblical focus. In prison you can find books offered by many religions, some of those being false and I even picked those up. But when I began to read them, there was this inner warning to put them down. I knew nothing about the HOLY SPIRIT at this time, but I still laid these books down. Now, I had no idea why this was happening or WHO it was that was working inside me to do so, I just did it. Now, I plainly know that this was the workings of the HOLY SPIRIT, forming and shaping me into a vessel of GOD's own making!!! I'll not go into all the details of the process that continued to take place within my life, for they're already recorded online in my book, "Out of the LIGHT" at the ministry's web site. I will state, that I began to have a hunger for the WORD and a lifestyle totally different than any I ever thought possible.

   As I began to mature, I was led to read books from almost every religious group out there. Seventh Day Adventist, Mormon, Jehovah Witness's and more. This was limited though, by the vast numbers of Christian Bible studies that I was taking on. At one time this numbered eight at once, but soon was limited to only three at any one time. This all on top of a continual reading of the Bible, in all it's versions. You would think that with all this reading, I'd have a vast list of memorized verses, but due to all my years of drug abuse, I can count these on my two hands. What there is though, is the WORD deeply implanted into my heart. Not to be recalled as I will, but as the LORD has need of me too!

   I've no visions of grandeur, where I think I'm some great prophet, apostle or man of GOD, but I do realize that GOD has had a calling upon my life since before birth and I'm going to allow HIM full control in all that I do. Sometimes, what I say will not be accepted by others, which is not my goal. I do only as led by the HOLY SPIRIT and I know that there will be those that my comments will be for and they'll effect their hearts in the manor the LORD wills for them too. Nothing in this world happens by chance, all is allowed by GOD to bring about HIS perfect will for mankind. Our crossing paths, or your reading this, all have HIS purpose behind them. What has happened has been the hand of GOD at work within our lives and will bring about HIS perfect will for us and those around us. You may not accept what you read now, but a seed has been planted and if it is GOD's will for your life, it'll begin to sprout and eventually bear fruit. I love all of GOD's created beings, even the worst of the worst, and pray that a seed is planted even in their hearts (no matter how hardened.)  Whether one accepts my words, doesn't matter to me, for I seek only to be obedient to HIS leading within me. I know the Bible well enough to know what is true and what is false and I'll always stand for that which is true and against that which is false.

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


 Praise the LORD!!!

   For those that know me, you know that I'm always praising the LORD for things within my life. Always, good and bad alike! I offer up my praises to GOD for them. For GOD is the one that is ultimately in control, nothing within our lives happens that HE hasn't allowed for some reason!!!

   In one of my devotionals this morning, it brought up this verse, 1 Thess.5:18:

     "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."

 The bulk of the article centered around this person helping a little girl make a 'rag-tag' playhouse in her backyard. Out of branches and pine needles or whatever was available. They later found a photo of people in Africa whose home was along these same line. Walls of tree limbs and mud, with a roof of straw and mud. To many around the globe this type of shelter is home. We as Americans can hardly imagine what their lives must be like, though our homeless have a clear picture of it.

   When we sit down for our Thanksgiving dinners tomorrow, we should really be aware of how greatly GOD has blessed us. For HE truly has! We should also give thanks to HIM for those people that are less fortunate then we are and ask that HE bless us with a compassionate heart to in some way reach out to those around the globe that are living in ways far less then ours. May HE lead us to understand their lives better and give us the willingness to consider them as our neighbors and reach out with the love HE has blessed us with.

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Prayer walking!

 Praise the LORD!!!

    On Saturdays I have to take care of my chores. For most people this isn't hat hard of a task. They just jump in their cars/trucks and take off to handle them. For me though its a bit different. I've no transportation besides that which the LORD has blessed me with and at this time that is my feet:) Since arriving in Kingsville about a year ago, I've motivated around town on foot to do whatever I've needed to do. Whether it was off to work, carrying my tools boxes and bags, or to take care of personal business, it is the same,  walking!

   Kingsville isn't that large of a town and I've a normally quick pace, so I can go from it's southern end to the northern in about a half hour. Recently I re-injured my right knee, so my pace has slowed down some. At work this week I was blessed to have a lot of stair climbing and knee work to tackle, so I was moving even slower. During my walks I spend the bulk of the time in prayer and enjoying GOD's creation. It is one of my private times with HIM and I love it.

   Over the last several days there's been a media flood of information about Haiti and needless to say, I've devoured a large amount of it. This being part of the LORD's ministry for me and all. Before the LORD slapped me and got my attention, I was a very prideful and arrogant man. One who had very little compassion for anyone else. Since then, HE's poured out in me a heart so full of compassion that I can't stand to see anyone suffer, even if they've brought it on themselves!!! Needless to say my heart has been torn apart over the last several days, numerous times to the point of tears.

   On many of my walks I'll get ride offers and I usually will take advantage of them, as long as my prayers have been taken care of. This morning was different! My heart was heavy with a burden that would take a good bit of 'laying it all out before the LORD,' so I planned on not taking any ride offers. Which I didn't, though I had several. Now GOD always has a way of getting our attention and HE did this morning. One of the offers, stopped in the middle of a 'stripped' intersection( the area between a merge lane and on coming traffic).I didn't recognize him at first, but he's a member of the new church I've been attending and he's a greeter. We sat here in the middle of traffic and talked about the LORD within our lives and the great blessings that come our way, which at the time that they are, we feel their might be more of a curse:) Ya, I think you all know the ones, we all seem to go through them, especially if our walk is a problem for the other guy(satan). Now I don't know how long we talked, but it was long enough that he shut his motor off as we talked. I do know, that it was just what the doctor ordered (thank YOU dr JESUS:))) )

   Now I don't know when VCM is going to fully develop into that which the LORD has shown me, but I've renewed faith that it will be just as I was blessed to see it!!! GOD has put this ministry into motion through me and I'll continue to take 'baby step' at a time if I need too, to bring it into fruition. I'll not say to anyone, 'I told you so,' but ask them how they want to help out. Some times GOD has some of the strangest ways of working things out, but truly, you got to love HIM for it. HE keeps things super interesting.

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Forgive me LORD!!!

 Praise the LORD!!!

   I've been spending a large amount of the time I have, as led too, on Twitter. Posting a lot of comments glorifying the LORD and reposting others that do in like manner. I've also been blessed to read a good deal on the ongoing rebuilding of Haiti. With hurricane Tomas just strafing the island yesterday I've come along a batch of new photos of the area.

    I have to pray at this time, for that which the LORD has given me, Vine of CHRIST Ministries, is far from that which it should be. I know that everything has a time in the LORD's planning and if it were meant to be viable now, it would be. But my heart is torn with compassion for those I've seen suffering from what I can only call neglect! - "LORD, forgive me for my lack of wisdom and knowledge, to make this ministry that which YOU've shown me it would be. Forgive me for not being a better steward of those things YOU've blessed me with and for not being able to help those in great need at this time. I know there are many limitations to that which I could be doing and I know YOU've ultimate power to open the doors to make it all come together. LORD use me as a humble servant to change the face of 'disaster relief' as we know it today. Let there never be another tragedy, like is happening in Haiti at this time, that VCM won't be there bringing glory to YOUR most holy and precious name!!!"

   There is plenty of information on the chaos that is currently taking place in Haiti and other disasters around the globe, it just takes a little searching online to find it. You'll see and hear exactly what I mean when I said deplorable conditions. After almost eleven months of assistance efforts not mush has changed. People are suffering terribly and their cries seem to be falling on deaf ears. I don't know what I can do to change a single person's life there, but I do know that my efforts to build the LORD's ministry for me will deepen. If I've got to forgo everything else to bring this ministry into fruition, I will. It is truly time that Christians step up and take the lead in helping their "neighbors" and not in the ways of the world, but in the way JESUS HIMSELF would do it!!!
(I know this is my devotional blog, but I've devoted my life to serving the LORD and this is where HE's led me to post this!!!)

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Friday, October 29, 2010

After posting this I see it isn't in my proper blog, but the LORD has reason for it, so it shall stay here:)))

Praise the LORD!!!
This isn't a personal entry, but one that I thought some might be interested in reading. It is a F.E.M.A. release that I receive when it is posted. I hope someone finds this of interest, for our safety is everyone's concern, especially Christians whom seek to love their neighbor as themselves!

Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, October 28, 2010

10.28.10_Proverbs 3:5,6_Trust

 Praise the LORD!!!

     It has been a long time since I've posted a blog and let me explain. For those of you that are regular readers, you know that I depend on the LORD in all ways. From the simplest of things to the most complex of matters. This especially entails all of my writings!!! For the last several weeks I've been led to spend my available time gracing Twitter with my comments. In the last six weeks or so I've gone from but ten or so followers to around two hundred and fifty. I've had this account open for some time, but truly didn't find much interest in that which I found being said there.

   This all changed, as I said, about six weeks back, when I felt led by the LORD to visit the site. This wasn't the just visit the site type of leading, but one of more input into the comments on my own part. I began searching for others of like mind, that I knew of, that may be there and began following a number of these. Soon my 'following' list began to grow, but still there seemed to be little interest in others following me. Then suddenly something changed within me. I stopped with the small talk type of comments about the ministry or my personal walk, though these do appear every now and then, but I began commenting as the LORD laid it upon my heart. When someone posted a comment that stirred my heart, the LORD provided a comment to expand upon it or branch off to another related topic.

   Everyone knows(or will find out) that I praise the LORD continually. Every comment I make starts off with either the full statement or and abbreviated one! I start my mornings, before my eyes even open, praising the LORD for gracing me with another day to glorify HIS precious name. I also ask that if it is HIS will, that I may do even greater things then the previous day. I then begin stirring and continue in this state of praise. Yes, it last all day, no matter what the day holds. Now some of you may be wondering what this has to do with the title for today! Simply put, I trust the LORD more then I trust my own self. I've totally abandoned my own desires in life, to seek to fulfill HIS ultimate will for me.

   This morning as I began my day online, I automatically knew that there was going to be a blog posted today! Right down to the very topic of it. What all it contained, I had no idea, but knew it would be done. After a short while online at Twitter, I ate breakfast and since I took the day off from working for man, I settled into doing as led. I read some at Twitter and then headed here to begin my entry. Well, the LORD had a slightly different path in store for me. I was led to read a blog from one of my followings, this is the address, for I think it is a worthy read on the topic of trust( The author is a excellent writer, but from this entry I can see that he has failed to "trust in the LORD with all your(his) heart, lean not on your(his) own understanding." For if he had, this entry would of been a good bit different!

   Many times in our walks with the LORD, we'll hand over events within our lives to the LORD, only to never fully release them or take hold of them again for the reason that we "think" we know better, There are a great number of Christians that do this very thing daily and from a fleshly stand point, not that uncommon. I frown not at these people, for I know that it has taken me a long time to get to the point in my walk where I can completely abandon my life into the LORD's hands and have the faith to know HE 'WILL' carry me through. Now if you've read my book, "Out of the LIGHT," and my other writings*, you'll know of the many trials and tribulations I've been through to get to this point within my walk. If there is one thing I've truly learned through all these, it would be the fact that "GOD doesn't operate along the same lines that we do and that many of HIS ways go far beyond our limited intelligence and reasoning." To make the comment that we have to ask ourselves questions when we feel led by GOD and that we must reason our way into our follow up actions, reveals that one hasn't crucified their flesh and given themselves totally to GOD!

   Now, I'm no great scholar or man of wisdom and I'm the first to admit this, but what I will say is that I've totally seen that there is nothing good within me and have been blessed to cut it away. Allowing GOD to continue the work that HE has to continue, to bring about HIS perfecting of me, to continue unhindered. My hands are off my self and held up empty, so that the LORD may continue HIS work, for me and through me!!!
* A simple search of my name, the ministry or one of my online persona(hisson1,hisson7,hisson33) will provide a wealth of information about me and that which the LORD has me doing online for HIM!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It has been three day...

Praise the LORD!!!

   It has been three days that I've been down with back pain. Many of you know many miracles happen upon this mark in time.(Do a Bible search on "three days.") For it was upon the third day that our LORD arose from the grave. I count myself blessed by the fact that it was three days after my arrest on bank robbery that I gave my life to the LORD. There are many among the church that feel miracles happen instantaneously and many do. Though there are many that take a great deal longer.

   One of the hardest lessons, in the Christian walk, is that of patience. Many of you may know this from firsthand experience. I know, I do. Recently while in conversation with a Christian sister, she stated that "she didn't have great patience and wasn't going to pray for it!" I know why she wasn't going to pray for it, because I was one that did. This is one of those prayers whose answer will really come at a cost! You'll be put in so many positions of having your faith and patience tested, that it will almost become unbearable at times. But you can count on the fact that the LORD is at work within you and that HE is faithful to HIS WORD and promises and will not allow you to suffer more then you can handle (1 Cor. 10:13)!!

   Many Christian, especially in these days of 'fast food faith,' come upon tribulations within their lives and begin to waver in their faith because of it. Think about where we would be today if Abraham had given up on his search for the promised land or if Joseph had crumbled under the pressures of being in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Needless to say things may of truly been different, though I believe not, for GOD has ways of bringing HIS plans to perfection. When people say "that patience is a virtue," they aren't kidding. For perhaps it is one of the greatest and most needed in this day and age. Much is said about patience within scripture and for every verse that deals with it directly, there are many more that allude to it.

   Before I would recommend anyone to pray for this great gift, having done so myself, I would suggest that one undertake a thorough study of the topic throughout scriptures. This will be a long study for there is much written on it, but will truly be worth the time spent upon it. For in this day and age, we tend to seek 'instant' fulfillment of our prayers and desires, and I regret to say, for the most part, this doesn't happen. I've been working on and praying for Vine of CHRIST Ministries since mid '99' and it is still basically just my vision. Though I've been blessed to do a lot of works for the LORD through it. If it were not for the blessings of a great faith and the patience to await the LORD's timing for it, it may never come to anything more then just a vision. But I will continue to hang onto all that the LORD has shown me, promised me and led me to understand, until the day that HE either brings it to fruition or I take my last breath on earth. Either way, I know that it is my calling and I will continue to press forward until that day(Phil. 3:12)!!! I pray that if there is some need or desire that you pray to have fulfilled or ministry to accomplish, that you not give up on seeing it happen. For after all, this is what faith is about(Hebrews 11:1, but I recommend the whole chapter)!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries 
Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, September 20, 2010

"For I know the plans I have for you."

Praise the LORD!!!

   "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,(Jere. 29:11)

   Many times we have no idea why things are happening the way they are within our lives! We imagine that it has to do with things we've done wrong, or it is the direct hand of the adversary disrupting them. But we must realize that our lives, though we have total control over them, has a lot to do with the will of GOD for us.

   I'm writing this with my back brace on this morning. I've had few devotionals posted as of late and have had the time, but not the inspiration to do so. Why??? LORD only knows! One thing I am sure of though, is that it is GOD's will for it to happen just as it is happening. Yes, I have had control over my actions during this time, but it is GOD, WHO has brought each and every event into alignment in HIS time frame.

   Too many people like to think that all the events of their lives are under their control, which they are and aren't. One of the great paradoxes that govern our lives. Especially the lives of Christians. Now as usual, I'm stepping on some theological toes and really don't care if I do. For I state that which I'm led to write, in the manor led. Not of the man, but of the spirit as led by the SPIRIT!!!
   Too many people these days think that they can control what GOD does within their lives. We need to remember WHO it is we're talking about controlling here. How can we control the very one that created us, in HIS very likeness? HE planned ever moment of our short lives, before the beginning of time, to be just as HE willed for them to be! Too many times we want to place GOD in a box. Thinking that we're more in control then we really are. That what we do has direct control over the very outcome of our lives. When it doesn't.

   The truth is, GOD has set all things in motion. HE has ordered every detail of time to conform to HIS plan. All the details are firmly set in place and even when we change things a bit, the outcome will remain the same in the end. Life as we know it is meant to bring glory to GOD and will happen just as HE has set it to be. Theology, is the study of GOD, reflecting the mere evidence( a very limited evidence) that we have of GOD. It presumes that HE is limited to that which we think of HIM. When in all rights we can't even begin to comprehend the greatness of GOD(Job 36:26)!!! Think about the "omni"  statements we make about GOD. Omnipotent (all powerful and controlling), omnipresent(present in all places at all times), and omniscient(having infinite awareness, understanding and incite). If GOD fulfills all of these(which HE does and even greater then we can imagine), how can we place limitations on HIS control over every aspect of existence?

   As I said earlier, "I'm stepping on some theological toes and don't care." We all need to examine our thoughts about GOD. What we think HE is and isn't. What HE can do and can't. What control over things HE has and hasn't. Ultimately to understand these to the greatest possible extent, we must depend on the HOLY SPIRIT to lead us and guide us into a perfect understanding and relationship of and with  'HE that has made us as we are'!!!

   There are many verse that could be placed here, but let me suggest that you read the Book of Job, especially chapter 38 and onward. My prayer is that GOD may grant us wisdom and understanding, and draw us into a more perfect relationship with HIM.

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I seek out...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    I seek out the LORD this day. Not as in other days, where I'd be at church listening to a sermon, but through HIS WORD and prayer alone!!! Lately, as many may know, I've been burdened by having to work for a living. Not works for the LORD, but works that are putting bread upon the table. This has allowed me little time for the things of the LORD. My Bible studies, prayer time, devotionals and all that I consider sacred to my existence has had to be laid aside. I've not had the fire or zeal to seek out GOD in even the smallest of ways. Yes, I've been reading my daily devotionals, but these too seemed dry and void of the SPIRIT. This is not a state of being that I truly relish being in.

    You see, I love the LORD with all of my heart. I've turned my life totally over to HIM, holding back nothing when it comes to life. I'll give my total life, even to my very last breath, to bring glory to the precious name of JESUS!!! But having been in a state of total weakness, where I had little energy to even take care of personal needs (meals and personal hygiene.) I've been in need of a refreshing. A need to feel the power of GOD coursing through my veins again. This morning I began to take the steps needed to procure this vital refreshing. I stayed home from church to fill my heart with GOD's WORD. Though I normally hear good sermons at church, they seem void at times. They are the impressions of a man's heart and not that of GOD HIMSELF. They're scriptural in content, but there is the power of the HOLY SPIRIT missing from them(or at least in my opinion!)

    I've been blessed since the beginning of my walk, to be highly attuned to the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT. HE has guided me in even the simplest of task that I've undertaken. When in church listening to a sermon, I can feel whether or not the presence of the SPIRIT is there. If HE is, I listen deeply to the message. If not, I spend the majority of the service in prayer, seeking HIS presence to fall upon the congregation. I've been told by people that I'm "to spiritually minded, to be of any earthly good." Which makes no sense to me. For to be centered on that which is spiritual, or that which is totally centered around GOD, one can''t help but to be of every "earthly good!" For that which is boiling up within you is the will of GOD for mankind and not that which some other person has impressed upon your heart.

    So I ask you this morning. What is the wellspring of your life? Is it the inspiration of man, that which others have been led to believe? Or is the the very WORDS of GOD, as impressed upon your heart by the HOLY SPIRIT? I ask that if you're following after the teachings of men, that you lay this aside and seek out your wisdom and knowledge through the power and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. Surely there are many preachers and teachers out there that only relate that which GOD has led them to, but there are truly more that put forth their personal interpretations of what GOD has laid on their hearts. In a way, this is akin to gossip, for it is relating the message of another in your own words, not their WORDS exactly. The best way to dispelled gossip, is to go directly to the source itself. So I ask you this morning, take not my words or the words of any other man. But humble yourself before GOD, seek HIM out in prayer and ask that HE alone lead you in HIS will and understanding. That what you may follow after and relate to others will be nothing but the WORDS that HE wills for you. Draw closer to GOD and HE will draw closer to you!!!!!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Crying out to GOD

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Many of you know I've been having a rough go of things lately, both physically and spiritually. Over the last several days I've literally been trashed (not drunken or stoned, but spiritually). I've been feeling all the pressures of life and ministry and sought out the means to cure the problem. For the Christian there is but one resource where these can be taken care of. That is GOD HIMSELF!!!

    What I did was something many frown upon, I cried out to GOD unleashing my full frustrations upon HIM! I told HIM everything that was upon my heart and held not one feeling or frustration back. In other words, "I told HIM like it is, exactly how I've been feeling."

    Now many think we should only petition the LORD with our prayers, which is good. But this was far beyond just prayers. This was a pouring out of my deepest feelings and hurts. Many don't believe we should do this. Well let me tell you something, this is exactly what King David did all throughout the Psalms. Not unlike that which we'd do with our earthly fathers, GOD being our heavenly FATHER expects the same. HE wants us to lay the full burden of our lives in HIS hands, holding nothing at all back. How else can HE know, that we know, HE is the ultimate source of our well being?

     I feel 110% better today, then I have in over a month and I love it. This practice came about while on my first attempted trip to Kingsville, the ill fated one. Though the trip was cut short, it was all in GOD's plan for me. I gained more spiritual incite into the workings of GOD, the church and people then one could ever imagine. So the next time you're feeling forsaken by all, as if the burdens of life have buried you under their weight, CRY OUT TO GOD, holding back nothing. You will find that the help you need will come in ways you could never imagine!!!

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, August 8, 2010


 Praise the LORD!!!

    There is a question upon my heart this morning, that is meant to be asked. Just WHO is GOD to me(and you?) Is HE the GOD WHOM created the universe and all that is within it? So above our petty ways and understandings that HE can't be touched by us? Which truly HE is!

    Is HE LORD? MASTER of all that we are. The One that came and lived among us to teach us how to be GOD like? Still in this position HE is above us, far greater then any level we could ever hope to obtain!

    Is HE SAVIOR? HE that came in our likeness, paid the price for all of our sins. Covering them with HIS precious blood and eradicating them from existence. Never to be thought of or mentioned again in HIS presence.

    Is HE BROTHER? HE that we have been adopted to, placed into HIS family. Giving us all the rights that HE has as a blood relative. Being able to ask for whatever we may need and knowing that it is given without question.

    Or is HE FRIEND? The ONE that we can tell all of our problems to. Talk with at all times, knowing that what we say to HIM won't ever go beyond HIM. ONE that we can count on to be there for us, through thick or thin, no matter what the situation may be. One that we live for, as we live for ourselves. ONE that we love, as we love ourselves. The one that can ask us to do anything and we'll do it without a single thought as to why. ONE that you form your relationship and life around.

    JESUS is truly all these! But which is HE truly the greatest in to you? To me personally, HE is FRIEND! For no moment of my life is not shaped by our relationship. Not one word comes from my mouth that I know would not be pleasing to HIS ears. All that I am is shaped by this friendship. My very existence revolves around HIM and that which HE'd have me do.

    I ask you then this day, "WHO is JESUS to you?"

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Friday, August 6, 2010

08.06.10_ through the valley

Praise the LORD!!!

    Some of you may be wondering 'why' I've not been writing much lately! Its a bit of a long story, but one that I feel needs to be printed. As the title states, I'm going through a bit of a valley at this time. Believe me when I say 'I know where this has come from' and 'where it is leading.' Most of you know that I totally believe that there is nothing that happens within our lives that GOD doesn't have a purpose for. For even the 'man born blind(John 9:1-12)' had a purpose behind it and would be put to use by GOD for HIS ultimate glorification.

    With our limited intelligence we can only think on a human level and one that is far below that which GOD preforms on. When we see events taking place we only see them how they are or through a set of values which we've grown to govern our thoughts and actions. GOD's abilities are so much greater then this. We could say, "HE is the ultimate of Ultimates," fulfilling all that is possible without even trying.

    I don't know if this is going to make any sense to anyone, I was just led to sit down and start typing, letting GOD do the leading. I'm home today from my two jobs by choice. For the last week I've worked outside in 105 degree plus heat. I work at a pace that is a little hard for a lot of people to keep up with, even those half my age. An old work ethic under which I was raised and one I still hold strongly too and even more so because now I do all for the LORD!!! Even though I was extremely cautious to maintain safety recommendations as to hydration and short breaks, I'm worn completely out. I could barely get out of bed this morning and haven't even eaten yet. I believe this has to do a good bit with my diet as of late. With working the long hours and having no one home to depend upon for help, my meals have been very simple and usually limited to two items. I've been ingesting a large amount of proteins, meats, beans and pasta, and little else. This has blessed me with putting on a little weight, up twenty pounds in three months(now 145), but I'm lacking a lot of the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy level of activity like I've been undertaking. Thus the drained feeling!

    This covers the physical only though, for I'm also been feeling drained 'spiritually' also!!! I've not had my normal hunger for the WORD of GOD, that I normally would have. I've been maintaining a normal routine of reading devotionals in the morning and my prayer life is also abundant, beyond this though, is dry (a parched place.) Having worked on VCM for over twelve years now, mostly by myself, I'd say I've developed a bit of ministry 'burnout.' Now this isn't the only problem in my life, for I've been 'helpmate-less' for three years, but to me it is the one that weighs the heaviest upon my heart. Now, I know all the scriptures that would fit this sort of situation, remember I'm a minister and lead many to them myself. I've a great confidence in the LORD and HIS provisions during times such as these and I know what is coming. Yes, "I know what is coming.!!!" For it is always after times like these that GOD lifts us up and raises us to a new level of operation. Remember that the night is always darkest before the dawn! I've faith that what is about to happen will bring glory to GOD and all that has happened, will be pale in comparison. As I've said, I've been through events like this far too many times and the outcomes, have always been of this nature. GOD places us in 'barren' and 'dry places' for a reason. Though we can't make logical sense out of them, we must accept them as the HAND of GOD in our lives. Something HE has allowed to happen, to form and shape us into the being HE wants us to be. It is our duty to have faith, trust in HIM and know that the outcome will be to HIS ultimate glory!!!

    As usual, I'm most likely stepping on 'some theological toes.'  Do I care? Not at all. Why? Because as usual, I'm doing that which I'm being led to do. I'm not worried about what members of my congregation may think, because I've not one. I'm not thinking about how others will judge my statements! Because I don't care what man thinks of me, my only judge is GOD HIMSELF and if HE is leading me to write this, which I totally believe, it is according to HIS will and perfect before HIM. Though my relationship is different then most, it is that which the LORD has led me to follow. An though I'm going through a rough and dry valley at this time, my faith is that GOD is using it to form and shape me into that which HE can use to bring glory to HIS most precious name. All is for the glory of JESUS and none is my own!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Recently, I began working with a new convert, an eleventh hour one(one who was broken through incarceration.) During his incarceration he began to study the Bible a great deal. Upon release he continued this practice. Even going to the point of enrolling in a special program, along the lines of a higher education in Bible knowledge. He wasn't very detailed when it came to this program, so I'm not exactly sure about it. He boasted about all the scripture that he had memorized and could 'spit them out left and right,' at will. Now this is all good and well, I'd love to be able to do this, but then it isn't the case. Due to all my years of drug abuse, my brain just won't do it. Though I've spent many hours trying and spent an even greater amount of time in prayer for this ability. Now I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me over this, because GOD has made it quite clear as to HIS plans along these lines and I've no problem with them at all!!!

    Why no problem? Simply put, it will not be my knowledge that will be exhibited in witnessing, but the LORD's through the infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT!!! I love this, because I know that it won't be me that will be moving upon people's hearts. It won't be me or my message that will convict them of their need for a SAVIOR. It will GOD alone, in all HIS forms!!!

    You see, I've run into a great number of people that revealed this ability over the years and one problem I've seen that came along with it. That their witnessing seemed void of the power of GOD working through them. Not that their witness' weren't powerful, for many were, but that their pride in this ability far out shadowed their testimonies. They were greatly impressed with their ability to repeat numerous scriptures in context at anytime. Now don't get me wrong, this is an awesome ability to have, if used properly. Though few I've run into have used it properly! You can believe that I've sat through at least an hour or two of great services:) But when the man and not the SPIRIT is the source of the sermon, no matter how great the preacher, or long the preparation time, the sermon just doesn't cut it.

    Now this young man, was filled with the WORDS, but void of the signs of a 'new creation.' While working he received a phone call and something was amiss at home and he began spouting great profanities. Temper flaring along with every word he spoke. Now he's been a BAC(Born Again Christian) for several years, not a brand new convert, and he quickly fell back into 'old ways.' I was going to say something, but my lips were sealed for me and I watched and learned. His, like a large number of Christians ability to repeat scripture, was just that, 'his.' His walk was dependent more upon his own abilities and not those of the LORD. You could say his faith was Pharisaic in nature. He had all the right WORDS, but there wasn't the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT. There wasn't that new creation, that regenerated man. It was a 'new version' of the old man. One that was dependent upon self and his personal abilities and not those that are the works of the HOLY SPIRIT within.

    This made me do a  great deal of thinking. Thinking, about my own walk for the LORD. This is the reason for this post. Not that you're thinking about my walk or this young man's, but upon your own!

Remember your prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

What do you see?

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Having just finished my devotional time this morning, this lies heavily upon my heart. I hear many instances of people crying out for help. These are Christians for the most part, yet their faith is weak and they can't see that which is before them. In the story of JESUS walking on the water(Mark 6:45-51), what do you see? HIS ability to overcome the natural is most likely the first thing that comes to mind. Yet there is much more.

    JESUS sent the disciples out into a situation that HE knew was going to test their faith. HE knew that HE was able to provide for them and protect them from all that was going to take place. HE was teaching them a great lesson, one that we should grasp hold of. For into no matter what problem within our lives we're cast, JESUS is able to overcome them. Those waves were the problems we face within this world on a daily basis. Our lack, HE shall provide. Our adversities, HE shall overcome. Whether they be of the dealings of man or of nature, JESUS is able to fully overcome the 'storms' within our lives. Take heed to understand and strengthen your faith, for there is nothing that this life can throw at us, that JESUS isn't fully aware of and able to overcome. Let our faith grow and let us fully depend upon HE alone that is able to calm the 'storms' of our lives!!!

  Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our enemy!

 Praise the LORD!!!

    If you're reading this I hope you've read my other blog posting for today. I'll not go into all the details written of in it. If you haven't here is it's link: Blogs from the VINE

    The LORD has been moving a lot within my lately and not all of it is easy to understand HIS reasoning behind them. Sure I can understand why all VCM's vehicles will be equipped with GPS system, both for their use and monitoring, plus ham radios for communication purposes. Or why HE has me beginning to set up and make arrangement for the prison ministry branch. Today's though was a bit different at first, but after a short nap it became clear.

    Our enemy, though it may seem to be those groups that want to destroy Christianity and bring about the New World Order are not. satan, though he is our enemy, isn't the one we should be fighting with either. The ones that we should be doing battle with are those within our own circles. Those that are doing the adversaries work by bringing division among the churches.

    None of us know 100% that our personal beliefs and doctrines are correct. Not one of us. Though almost everyone of us says we're right according to scripture. None can truly say they're doubtless in every detail. Sure there are those that want to insist on this stand, but I take a good bet that deep down within their heart they do have some doubt, maybe even the smallest, but it still a doubt. It's simple human nature and something we can't change. Only the simplest of 'child-like' faith may be void of any doubting and there are truly few that can say their faith is such!

    Numerous times in New Testament scripture we're told, truly warned, against infighting within the church. We're told that we're to be one united body. Though having many differing operations, we are to be one body, united firmly under headship of JESUS!!! So why are there so many denominations? So much fighting within, even among those that are of the same denomination, over everything? Bible versions, doctrines, theology, rituals, you name it, there are those that will disagree over it somewhere along the line! It even seems like you can't write a Bible study without someone being in disagreement with some detail of it.

    Now I know my Bible fairly well and I just can't remember ever reading were the HOLY SPIRIT had it written that we're to have our way in things, always being right! This fact right here is most likely our greatest enemy and the biggest deterrent to our fulfilling our task, called the 'Great Commission!" We are to go throughout the whole world and proclaim the GOSPEL of JESUS to every living being and make disciples of them. Not of our religion or belief system, but that of JESUS CHRIST and HIS alone. What has brought this enemy to the strength it is now? Human nature, pride and a little help from satan to boot. If I've got to tell you how each of these has played it's part in this problem you need to dust your Bible off and start reading it a lot more. Because these are all things that JESUS warned us about. They're all things that elevate the man over the creator and make HIS will for us of less importance and our beliefs greater. satan, over the centuries has added a little here and there to our systems of belief. Slowly altering them over the years, so that each person seems to understand scripture totally different. Then using our 'natural man' and his pride has us inject our understanding unto others. Soon after this heads begin to disagree with these teachings and newer ones replace them. All until there's another totally differing teaching.

    You may be wondering what I'm getting at? It's simple. Our biggest enemy is ourselves! Instead of setting our sights on our goal, spreading the GOSPEL, we spend it researching the WORD, disseminating it, to prove that which we feel is right and then teaching others it. JESUS didn't tell us to do this! HE didn't say that what we knew was right! HE told us to "go to the ends of the earth, teaching and making disciples of everyone," not teaching our personal understandings, but HIS alone.

    So, what are you going to do? I know I'm going to stop trying to lead others into believing that which I believe and start introducing more to the true and pure GOSPEL. Not my understanding of it, but only that which is written. This is truly a hard task, because of but one reason, my natural man. I will pray for the LORD to move upon me in the HOLY SPIRIT and keep my words from being anything but HIS. I will also pray that HE will bless those that I witness to, with HIS understanding and not mine. For it is not I that must become greater in others eyes, it is JESUS alone!!!!!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Something different.

 Praise the LORD!!!

    I was just responding to a friends email and something different happened. Not that it hadn't happened before, but the manor in which it happened. I've had the HOLY SPIRIT take over the "pen" while writing my personal journals or other things, but never in an email to another person. These have always been of a private nature and not for open reading. Now besides the email going out, I'm being led for it to go out here also!!! So here goes, take it as you want:

Praise the LORD!!!
   Good to hear from you. There's no need to feel sorry for me, though thanks for caring. I truly understand the workings of GOD within my life and expect these kinds of 'valleys.' I've learned to take them as they come and know that they're just a predecessor to 'mountain top' experiences. The narrow path has never been an easy one. It is very often marked by many boulders and rivers in it's way. These are those times that the LORD uses to build character within HIS saints. You have to remember that a large percentage of my readings are not those of this present generation, but those of the old masters. Those that saw GOD through a different lens. Those that knew GOD works within our lives through the roughest of times and tribulations, to shape and mold us into that 'new creation/creature.'
   Your verses are ones I often fall upon when times such as these come. Needless to say, I fall upon them often:))) I love it. Our DADDY has graced me with an understanding that is much different then most these days. I know something is coming, a day where I'll be used to change people's understandings. This isn't something an old introvert could ever of imagined, but it is that which the LORD wills and that which HE will receive. Not by my might, but by HIS SPIRIT within me, working to bring glory to HIS most holy and precious name.
    I would wonder "why GOD would allow the church to fall into such a state as it is," but I know, without a doubt, that the time is coming when people's eyes and ears will be opened to the truth. Whether they accept it or not will be in their own hands, though DAD already knows who will. But as the time draws near, there's going to be one last time when GOD will have HIS true GOSPEL preached once again. It will be verified with many great signs and wonders and as quickly as it will happen it will stop. For this will be the closing of the door before the tribulations!!! I know I don't have to tell you, but others must know that our time here is coming to and end. An even with all the false witnessing going on, a last revival of the truth is about to sprout forth. Seven years will it grow and produce fruit and then it will be harvested and the doors of the grainery shut.With the harvest completed, Revelation-s will be unfolded and the world will mourn and suffer as never before. Wondering why they didn't listen to the warnings. But all to no avail, it will be to late, for the time is set and HIS hand will be at the door.
   Praise the LORD!!! I just realized something. I was just typing this and totally unaware of it's author:))) I'm going to have to put this to prayer and reread and study what I've just been blessed to write. This hasn't happened in awhile, but I know that when it does, DAD has moved upon me and it is time to reckon that which HE's blessed me with. Though this is a first, the first time it has ever happened when writing someone else! May I suggest, that you also put this forth in prayer and ask for your eyes and ears to be opened to HIS understanding for you on these lines. Oh LORD, this has just put a quickening into my steps, for something is about to happen and we've been blessed to know before hand. I know I've 'been sidetracked and began to preach' at times, but this my sister is different, totally different. Praise the LORD, praise the LORD, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Suffering For The Sake Of by Joni Eareckson Tada

Praise the LORD!!!

    Something a little different for you this day. Lately I've been working two jobs to meet the cost of living and running a ministry. One I can't seem to escape, because it's part time maintenance at the apartments I live in. Needless to say I've been staying busy and had little time to do much else. I barely manage to have devotional time for myself and none to write anything worthy of our LORD! I've been feeling weak and a bit depressed from not having more time for the LORD. This morning I was blessed to run across this at one of my networked sites. With only a little time to view it and it's length, I thought almost to forgo it. But the LORD laid it upon my heart to begin watching it. Needless to say, the weight is lifted, though I may not have the time to write, I know that when it is, the time will be granted me! "All things work together for the good of those that love GOD and are called according to HIS purpose."(Romans 8:28)

   So no matter what trials and tribulations you're facing this day, know that our LORD can lift the weight easier then we could ever and that HE has a reason for it and will grace us with the strength to carry on our task for the KINGDOM!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, July 11, 2010


 Praise the LORD!!!
    This morning I was reading my daily devotionals, for I read numerous ones, there was a tremendous leading towards one topic. This is our dependence upon the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Not just for the major aspects of our life and spiritual walk, but on even the smallest of them. Now I've thought that I've been doing this to the most part, yet HE led me to see my need in this area to grow even more. Woo I thought! How can I depend even more on HE that I count as my greatest source in my life?

    As you may know I've been having to work two jobs to make a living for myself. I say myself alone, because I'm barely able to afford the necessities of life let alone provide the needed items to produce growth within the ministry! Needless to say life recently has been hard. Scrapping together whatever I can to provide these needs. I'm sure most of you know what this feels like, especially considering the current state of our economy. There are many great needs beyond my own that fill my prayers. All those things that are needed to move the ministry into a position of 'fruit bearing,'  are among this list. For my life truly revolves around bring this ministry into being that which the LORD has shown me it to be!!!

    In '97' when the LORD first showed me the visions HE has for this ministry, I was amazed because of the size of it! I've stated numerous times, "that if the LORD hadn't blessed me with an abundant faith like HE has, I'd most likely be running from HIS plans for me." This is so true, because the extent of this ministry is to be world reaching from the start, not growing into it like most other ministries of it's type do. From the beginning I've known that VCM was going to be reaching out to those touched by disaster within their lives, both those of their own making, those that others have brought upon them and those caused by natural disasters. I've been shown a massive gathering of people, equipment, resources and funding, all being brought together to show the love GOD has for all of mankind, both great and small!!!

    Since being blessed with these visions I've sought to bring as much of it together as possible. Running a food and clothing pantry out of my basement, to bring it into the eyes of the public through the internet. This has been where I've been putting most of my effort in the last nine months. Working to bring Vine of CHRIST Ministries and it's goals before the eyes of as many people as possible. None of that which I've done has been by my own doing, it has all been by the hands of the LORD, through the power and leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. I'd have to be psychotic to think that something of this size and intricacy could be brought about by the hands of but one person. I'm being serious here. Could you imagine one person building an organization larger then the top ten world charities put together, all by themselves? Even to have dreams of doing something of this size would be considered bizarre, so would the act of trying to organize and bring it into existence!!!

    All that has been organized and worked on has only been accomplished through the leading and power of the HOLY SPIRIT, I'm but the hands and feet here on earth that has been graced with this chore. Somewhere in recent weeks I've strayed from focusing on my total dependence upon the only one that can bring all of this into existence. My prayers this day have been for a strengthening in this area. Whereas I'll not see anything that I've done or needs to be done, as the works of my own hands. For there is no way humanly possible that even a thousand people together could even work their whole lives to provide but a part of the funding needed. There is but one source that all that this ministry will become can and will have to come from and that is GOD alone!!! Through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT's leading's, both upon my heart and life and the hearts and lives of the countless thousands of people that it will take to bring this ministry into fruition. Not for the glory of any one human or the ministry itself, like so many other ministries/organizations seek to do, but only for the glory of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.   

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Friday, July 9, 2010

07.09.10_dry places

 Praise the LORD!!!

    I've not posted recently and I feel I should explain why this has happened. As many of you may know, I've been working two jobs to cover the cost of living and running the ministry on my own! With working these two jobs I've had very little time to spend in the WORD. I read several devotionals personally, but have had very little time to do much else online. Most that I've had time to do has been checking emails and an occasional post in reply to a comment on one of my many networked site.

    When it comes to writing these devotionals, something I don't take lightly, I spend many an hour online going over the comments left online. In this I'm led to relate that which the LORD inspires me to write. Here lately, I seem to be going through a "dry place," a place where GOD hasn't been laying topics upon my heart to pass on. Most Christians know these 'dry places' in their walks. Not that GOD has left us, but that they're at times a place of needed rest. A time to relax and maybe ponder things that have been happening within our lives and walks with the LORD! I had been posting devotions from previous post at times, but with this last week plus, I've not been led to do even this. You can totally believe that this has been a matter of great prayer. But the only answer I've received has been, "in MY time." I think most of you know what that means, so I'll not go deeper into it. GOD has HIS timetable and all things happen according to it. We can push the issue and pay the price or like I'm currently doing, wait for HIS time to come. I know there will be devotionals in the future, but HIS will will be the issue that brings these into being.

    The best thing I could say at this time would be to go over the archives of previous post, let the LORD lead you in this, and enjoy. For the time is coming when the posting here will begin again and I've a feeling that there will be some weighty issues to be posted upon!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, June 28, 2010

7.02.10_Child like faith...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    The other day I was reading some comments at one of my sites and a Christian singer related an event that occurred at one of her events. After the event, while talking with some of her fans, a little girl came up to her and told her of something that had happened during her show. It appears that during a song about the healing powers of our LORD this little girl had been healed. She'd come to the show having difficulties with her leg. Well, while this song was being sung, this little girl was touched by the HOLY SPIRIT and completely healed. She had to tell the singer and thanked her for doing her part to bring JESUS' message and healing to her. Isn't this awesome.

    Oh so wondrous to have such child-like faith! To simply take GOD's WORD as it is written and not try to break it down and make it into something different. This girls simply believed that what was said was the truth, accepted it as such and received a miracle because of her simple, child-like faith!!! We see this same type of belief in third world nations at revivals, camp meeting or healing outreaches. Many people, though not knowing a whole lot about the Bible, theology or even doctrine walk away from these gathering with lives miraculously changed. Healing from diseases, sickness or infirmities, with lives completely turned around and  giving GOD all the glory. Miracle upon miracle. Yet here among the adults of the 'civilized' world, these results are seldom seen.

    Why, one may ask? The answer is so simple. We have had our heads filled with all sorts of religion, the practices of man. We can see the forest because of the trees in one sense. We're to busy learning all the latest means of practicing our religion, becoming more knowledgeable about all the ins and outs of it, to simply accept it as it is written. Though there are many groups out there that experience the 'signs and wonders' that went along with the apostles during the first centuries of the church and at several other times during history, for the most part these aren't seen by most!

    This is something that is really missing from the bulk of our churches! We tend too often to center our focus on breaking down all that the Bible says and applying it to our lives, that we simply fail to just accept it as it is stated. JESUS tells us that we must be as a little child to enter the KINGDOM of GOD(Matt. 10:14,15) and we must accepted it, as one!. This is what HE meant by this. We're not to break down and evaluate every detail of the Bible. We're to take it WORD for WORD, just as it is written. Not study it, break it down into that which we think it means, but to take it as it is written. How many times in the Bible, do we read "for it is written?" It isn't said 'yes, the prophet said that, but he meant this!' It is said "FOR IT IS WRITTEN." Could GOD of been much plainer about what HE meant. I think not!

    With the times that are currently upon us, it doesn't take much to realize we're nearing(or are in) the 'end times,' that the church needs to come back to it's original glory. Where miraculous signs and wonders are taking place everywhere that the GOSPEL is preached. Everywhere, where two or more Christians are gathered together in agreement over a need. It is time that religion disappeared and simple, child-like faith became the common practice. Sure we're going to have many that can't accept things for their face value or have to continue with those ways that they've been raised and taught. We'll also have those that simply refuse to accept humbling themselves, because they've this or that degree. All I can say to these is, "that I'm sorry you refuse to accept CHRIST as HE truly is and will have to stand before HIM to be judged, just as I will and our futures lie totally in HIS hands!!!"

   Another freelanced devotional and I'm led as with most not to have extra reading to go with it. These are those that are for all our attentions to be upon them alone. They're also intended for our greater growth, much in the way of verses where JESUS' stated "verily, verily"!

 Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, June 26, 2010

06.28.10_How come we are...

 Praise the LORD!!!

  CHRIST died and took our place, HE paid the price for, and HE intercedes for! In all these ways CHRIST JESUS is showing HIS love for us.Worthless, decrypted creatures we are and HE has found love for us, deep within HIS heart. So deep is HIS love that HE's gone the distance and given HIS very life for that of others.

   Yet what love do we exhibit in return? Do we show HIM our love in words only? Or do we show HIM our love by the works of our hands being rendered to others? If JESUS so loved us that HE went to these levels to show us, how must it grieve HIM that we do not show love for others by our lives? How much are we grieving the SAVIOR by our heartless actions? How much are we grieving HIM by our very words? How much are we grieving HIM in our lack of compassion, by just offering prayer for a brother in need, when we've the means to alleviate their problems in our hands? (1 John 3: 17) How much do we grieve HIM when we can't even offer up prayers for other, that don't have our own needs tucked in with them?

   Have we become such a heartless and self centered society, that all we do, even when done for others, is done for our own security? We pray for others, because we know that GOD is listening and will remember that we prayed for them. We donate our labor, because we know that GOD is watching and that HE will repay us for the time we've given so freely. We donate our money, because we know that GOD will multiply it back to us. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Can't you see that there is a focus on self and not on others? Can't you see that these are not CHRIST-like, but as of the world. Doing things only because the return from GOD will be greater then that which we put out!

   Have we become such a worthless generation of saints that all that we do is only done for our personal gains? Look around and see that which is done by others and self. Listen to the very words of your mouth. You put down those that practice any other way then that which you do. Yet they too worship JESUS! You put down those that are what we call 'prosperity preachers'. Yet only will you donate time or money if you know the return will be in your favor.

   GOD has had enough of our worthless ways. We're beginning to see the results of them everyday in the world around us. We're seeing the 'beginning of sorrows,' yet we hear not the trumpet of the LORD. Are we the goats of the parable?(Matt. 25:31-46) Or are we the sheep? Do we hear the still quiet voice of the LORD in all that we do? Or is it the drone of the world that fills our ears? I ask this, with a heart that has been torn open by the heartlessness of Christians, having seen no compassion at all by those that call me brother. How is it that one can give up all to help others, yet those that say they worship the same GOD, do nothing to help this one? How is it that there are those that are in need, right in our sight and yet they walk away still in need? If the LORD is our helper and our supplier. He that takes care of our every need. How is it that we hoard money for the future and turn away those we could help here and now with it? Where is our trust, where is our faith, where is our belief that HE is whom HE says HE is? That we are HIS children, HIS bothers and sisters, that we are HIS called and chosen ones.


There are no verses to go with this entry. It was one convicted upon my heart and meant to stand alone.

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

6.27.10_Song 2:15_the little things

  Praise the LORD!!!

    It is good to be back online to serve the LORD through the writing of this devotional. Though I wrote several while off line, this is something that came this morning, something fresh, something much needed!

    Song of Solomon 2:15

      "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes."

   Many times in our lives we look at all the big problems and sins within them. When these are usually easily taken care of. It is truly not these that are our major problems, though they are major in size, it is most likely the littlest of sins that will be our undoing! Do we preach or witness to one because of their lying and then ourselves turn and tell a little 'white lie' to keep from hurting someone's feelings? Do we tell others not to fret over their financial problems, yet cry out in prayers of grief because our bills are mounting and funds are dwindling?(Romans 2: 1-4)  
     These are 'little foxes' hiding within our vineyards. Seeking to destroy our walks for the LORD! In our seeking to be holy and to bring glory unto the LORD, we sometimes miss these little problems that so plaque us. It is these that can be the greatest of hindrances  to our glorifying the LORD. For they make us out to be hypocrites in our actions. If there is one thing that I've heard more then anything else, as to why someone didn't go to church. It would be the fact that there are too many hypocrites hiding behind the doors of it's buildings!

   On my walks, both of them, most of the people that picked me up and gave me a ride considered themselves Christians. Yet they admitted they didn't go to church often, if at all, because of this fact. They saw so many within the church that "preached" against one thing and then did this very thing themselves or worst. We as the Church(capitalized to show that which JESUS came to raise up), must seek to chase out the 'little foxes' within our own lives. We must seek to be cleansed from all that would place a shadow of doubt in anyone's mind as to WHO it is that we represent and HIS direct character. In JESUS there is not one little shadow of deceit found(Isaiah 53: 9.) HE is perfection personified. Yes I know all too well the fact that we're not JESUS and we're not perfect, but we must strive to do our best to be. Sure we'll only be able to do so much of this in our own power and we'll never truly be perfected until we join HIM. But, with HIS aid, we can inspect all that we say and do and bring them into line with scripture. Making no room for shadows or 'little foxes' to hide. We are those that represent JESUS CHRIST to the world and it is our duty to show all HIS true nature, not something that is only a shabby representation of it.

    The next time you look into a mirror, will you be able to say that the reflection there is that of JESUS? Or will you have to say different? The choice is our own. We can chose to live as a shadow of CHRIST or we can chose to be a perfect reflection. One where anyone that sees us will know, that we live and die to bring glory and honor to HE who paid the price for our sins and now sits at the right hand of the FATHER. Yes, we will sin, but we can do our best, with HIS help, to rid our vineyards of the 'little foxes,' that spoil the vines!!!

Other readings: Judges 14: 1- 16:31; James 2: 14-16, 4: 17
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

  For more on my recent events and my other writings: Blogs from the Vine
GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm back!!!

Praise the LORD!!!

    I'm finally back online! It's been about a month since I moved and have just been blessed to get the money to have internet turned on. I currently working two jobs plus the work for the ministry. So please be patient. I've a lot of work to do to get my computers lined back out, because Windows programming caused some problems and things were a royal mess. But all things work together for the good of those that love GOD and are called according to HIS purpose and all that happened will just work to strengthen the ministry and myself. It may be several days before I get to posting the devotionals again, so please bare with me. All will be accomplished in GOD's timing and not mine or any other person's. So GOD bless and hope to be providing 'food' for our growth before long!!!

 Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, May 29, 2010

5-30-10_Like unto JESUS (Part 2)_A repost

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Due to moving in several days, I've been busy tying up lose ends and packing. Thank GOD I don't have that much and actually I've less then I've ever had when making a move:-), but there are still many things to do to get ready to make the transition as quick as possible. This has to be done due to my new job, doing apartment turnovers for a local Realtor. An being the first of the months he's plenty of work for me to do. so I've got to move and work so others can move in as quick as possible. Should truly be an interesting next couple of weeks. I've faith to know that the LORD will carry me through this time, provide the needed money and items needed to make this transition as quick, effortless and trouble free as possible!!!

   Acts 4:13
     "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with JESUS."

    Yesterday we covered the ways to draw closer to JESUS and in our doing so obtaining HIS likeness. Today we will proceed to the evidences that reveal this likeness to those around us. For it is not just our resembling HIM that is beneficial to others, but that which we do "in" resembling HIM. For it does no one else any good if we keep JESUS all to our selves and it is not truly taking on HIS likeness if we do. JESUS was here to show us how GOD wanted us to live and act towards our fellow man. How to reveal GOD to others by the actions that we take and by the love that HE has for us. HE gave HIS all for humanity, right down to HIS death upon the cross for those HE didn't even know, many of which were not even been born yet!

   You've received CHRIST as your personal LORD and SAVIOR (I pray you have), this is awesome and the beginning of a new life in CHRIST. But truly where do you go from here?  The first part we spoke about yesterday, the drawing closer to HIM and beginning to take on HIS likeness. Here is where many stop within their Christian walks, never realizing that there is so much more to it then this. We are called to be HIS disciples and in so doing, follow HIS example and reveal it to the world through our lives. We must be willing to forsake all to follow CHRIST. Placing HIS will for us before all else, this means husband or wife, children, friends, work or relaxation. All must take a backseat to the LORD and HIS calling on us in life. An  I do mean all, right down to our very own willingness to give our lives for another, even one we don't know!

   Some of you may be saying, 'hold on now, someone I don't even know?'. Yes, this even including those that persecute you or do you harm. JESUS even prayed for those that had beaten HIM and were putting HIM to death!! We too need to take on this attribute, right down to the smallest of details. Loving our enemies, those that mistreat us or abuse us, right down to even those that may take our lives or the lives of a loved one. Can you imagine how it feels to JESUS when HE hears a Christian saying something derogatory about someone who's perpetrated some felonious crime. (Now I know I'm going to get people's attention with this!)Say a
 mass murderer or child molester! You heard me right. Remember JESUS died for the sins of all of mankind, not just those that commit the small sins, but those of even the worst of mankind. Hitler, Daimler, Saddam Husein, you or me, in GOD's eyes, we are all the same, worthy of death unless we believe and accept JESUS' works upon the cross. This is not an easy task to undertake, especially when you've had others inflict great wounds upon your spirit, but it is a must if we're to resemble JESUS!!!

   Another aspect that sets JESUS apart from others were HIS WORDS. Not only the fact that they were the very WORDS of GOD for mankind, but they were spoken in complete love. Even when HE over turned the tables of the money changers in the temple, though harsh, they were spoken in love. Only once do we hear of JESUS cursing something and that was an example set for us of how GOD will treat the un-fruitful within the Church. All the rest of the time HE spoke out of love, this even when rebuking the Pharisee and Sadducee on their hypocrisy and false religious practices. Now can we say this is true of all that comes out of our mouths? I seriously doubt it, for I know that there are times that I utter things I wish I'd never said and most likely you can say this also. Our tongues can get us in so much trouble and we must do our best to allow GOD to help us control them.

   Another point of our resembling one who has walked with JESUS is that of our actions. The apostles were facing the Sanhedrin because of not just what they were speaking, but for the work of healing a cripple in the name of JESUS. How do the works of your hands reveal JESUS within you, to those around you? Or do they reveal works of another sort, works towards oneself or worse yet, to another master? I'm not saying that we all need to be going around laying hands on people and healing them in the name of JESUS, which would be nice, but that JESUS should be able to be seen through our every action. Like opening a door for someone else to walk through first. Or maybe picking up a large package for someone when you can see they're having a hard time with it. Or maybe grabbing something off a high shelf when you can see a person can't reach it. These kind of actions should permeate our existence. People should be able to see that there is love dwelling within us to the deepest of levels. Even in rush hour traffic this should shine forth like a beacon on a hilltop. There is no time within a Christians life that JESUS should not be the LIGHT that is shinning out. Every little detail of our lives needs to be a direct reflection of HIS dwelling inside. Not like a bad mirror, with it distorted reflection, but with that of a fine clean surface reflecting a true and perfect image. One where there can be no mistaking it, You are one that walks with JESUS!!! 

    Now, our revealing GOD to the world is a great responsibility and the very one that the Jews failed at. They are the chosen people of GOD and were supposed to reveal GOD's love for all of mankind to the world. Since they didn't fulfill this act within their history, GOD has grafted us into this position, giving us the task. We must do our best to show this within our lives. For remember, that which HE has grafted in, can also be removed in like manor! Do you want to be one that is removed from favor before GOD? Remember the parable of the sheep and the goats. There will be those that only think they've been reflecting JESUS within their lives, when in all rights, HE does not know them at all!!!

Other verses to reference: Matt. 16:24-26, 19:29, 25:34-46; Luke 4:18,19, 9:23-27; John 15:1-17; Rom. 11:17-31

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, May 27, 2010

5.28.10_Family and nation

Praise the LORD!!!

   This morning a very great fact about the fall of this nation and perhaps the nations of the world came to light through one of my devotional reads. The LORD deeply impressed this matter upon my heart and there is going to be a turning towards this topic in the ministry and all it entails.The current state of our world has a great deal to do with the fact that our homes have fallen apart. Not just the fact that they've fallen away from worshiping GOD as the binder that held them together, but in all other manors as well. The truly strange part about the article, which had it focus on a hymn written early to mid 1800's (it was written in 1990) is that there hasn't truly been a movement of the church to any great extent that focused on this topic. Yes, there have been single organizations that have focused on this, but this is just a band-aid on a major problem.

   I'm going to give you a bit of this devotional, little clippings of it, so you'll see where I'm coming from and the extent (and time span) of this breaking up. Because it hasn't just been in recent years that this has been happening, it appears to go much farther back. How far I'm yet to see, but surely, will let you know when I can place my finger upon it!

   "This is the season when our attention is especially directed to the basic social institution in society, the home, with special days for recognizing mothers, fathers, and children. The strength of any nation is the quality of its homes. “In love of home, the love of country has its rise” said Charles Dickens.
Home should be the holy of holies in a person’s life, a place where ultimate love and acceptance are found between parents and with the children. The real test of a parent’s spirituality is his home life—the daily demonstration of a Christ-like character."
Osbeck, K. W. (1990). Amazing grace : 366 inspiring hymn stories for daily devotions (162). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications.

   In this first clip, we have that which focuses on basically we the parents and our duty to maintain a firm foundation in our relationships with GOD. For it is truly here that all relationships are grounded. For without a strong relationship with GOD as our starting point, all will fall apart. It is here that we must grow daily and strive to improve upon with every breath that we take. GOD, should be the focus in all that this world revolves around, for it is HE that set it all in motion and has formed the foundational laws and principles on which it is to function! We can't drive a car if we don't follow the standard operational principles of it. For you can get in and start it, but unless you put it into gear you'll be going nowhere. The same is true with our relationships with GOD. If we only start it, but don't follow through with all the details of it, we will go nowhere and fail to function in it to any extent. Yes, we will have salvation through faith, but where will the fruit of this faith be? There will be no signs of any change within a person's life if they don't exercise more then just the elementary principles of the Christian faith!

   When we begin to move out of the starting blocks of our beliefs and begin to progress along the lines of our lives, using these basic principles of the faith, we begin to grow and prosper. But unless we take this growth and begin to revolve our total lives around it, drawing our families into it, there is truly no gain, but to self. If there is one thing the Christian faith is not centered on, it is the fact that it is for personal usage only. Christianity is supposed to be world changing in it's scope, not only the personal changes that will take place, but reaching out and grasping all those around it. We're told to go out along the highways and by ways of life to seek others, and this starts right within the walls of our own homes before it goes out to the world.
   "As parents, our responsibility is not only to feed and clothe our children’s bodies, but to nurture their spirits, their minds, and their moral values. By word and by personal example we must carefully guide our children and fervently seek to show them what it means to be a Christian. Good parenting also involves maintaining strong lines of communication between all members of the family. This demands quality time spent together in discussions, social times, daily spiritual retreats, and weekly periods of instruction and worship in the local church."
Osbeck, K. W. (1990). Amazing grace : 366 inspiring hymn stories for daily devotions (162). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications.___

   Too often today, a family exist only within the confines of the house for a limited span of time. Even during these times it not functioning the way GOD set forth for it to though. The parents are off living their lives in one part of the house, while the children are off doing their own things. Life as a family, as set forth in scripture, seldom takes place for any great length of time. This mostly on a Sunday and that only for the time the family is gathered together for their church activities. Seldom do families united at the dinner table at meal times. Seldom do they experience any time together with our heavenly FATHER in Bible study and prayer. Seldom do they even work together to make their house a home. These are major problems within our society especially and those that are beginning to grow in their global reach. For much of the world sees the U.S.A. as an example to live by. This due to our past prosperity as a nation. With this comes the problem that as our nation falls into disrepair, so to does the world that mimics us.

   The words of this author closely reflects those of scripture. Whereas we're given certain guidelines to form our family life around. Those of focusing our attentions upon a GODly life, exhibiting it within our own lives and using it as the hub which we teach to our children. All these can't happen unless we as parents draw closer to GOD in our relationships with HIM and also with those around us! It does no good for us to only practice our faith in private. We need to extend it to our mates, offspring and those that we associate with within our daily lives. We as parents need to realize that everything we say and do is being picked up on by those we rub elbows with. Be it our spouse, children, bosses or coworkers. We as parents and members of this great nation need to return to our roots. Focus our faith, practice our faith and pass on our faith to all those that share our existence here on planet earth. Let us begin to draw closer to GOD personally, but let us not forget to share it with all those around us. Starting with those closest to us and then radiating outwards to every single living and breathing soul that we come into contact with. Let is begin this today, so that change may begin in the tomorrows ahead!!! For only when the foundation is strong can it support a greater weight of a nation and a world. Thus our point of entry in this endeavor is that of building our foundations upon the 'ROCK' JESUS CHRIST. Only then can our families, nation and world change for the betterment of all and only then, if we remain in relationship with our SAVIOR!!!!!!!

Some verses to grow on along these lines: Josh. 24:15; Dt. 6:7; Prov. 22:6; Eph. 5:21-23, 6:4
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine Ministerial Network International