Monday, March 28, 2011

Proverbs 3:5,6;Trusting the LORD no mattter what

 Praise the LORD!!!

    This is a return to a verse which is one of my life verses. In unfamiliar with the term 'life verse,' these are verses that we focus our walks with the LORD and our lives upon. Proverbs 3:5,6 are two of the three that have been extremely important within my walk with JESUS. To be a fact, it was these two verses that I started this devotional blog out with.

   Proverbs 3:5,6

 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
 6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
    Oh, so sweet are these verses to my heart! For they reveal to me that if I am totally willing to trust the LORD during my life and walk for HIM, that HE'll lead me a guide me through all that comes my way. So very reassuring when difficulties come ones way.

   We face many difficult situations within our hectic lives, sometimes far more than even seems possible to with stand. If we're willing to take our eyes, heart and mind off of focusing on these the LORD is very willing to take care of us and lead us through them. Now this act, on our part, is quite hard to do fully. Because we've been so trained by life independent of GOD, to fully release all that we're facing. Here is where our faith steps in and plays a major role. If we've but little faith, we tend to release our problems into GOD's hands, but quickly take hold of them again. If we've a medium faith, we'll release them and then begin to dwell upon all the things that we can do to correct the problem ourselves. As our faith level goes up, we tend to rely more and more upon GOD's handling them, worry less upon them ourselves and begin to listen for HIS remedy to them and HIS leadership to carry us beyond them.

   I believe that the key to this state of being, lies in but three of the verse's WORDS, "your own understanding." Yes, our own understandings! Our own understandings about the problem? NO. Our own understandings as to how to solve the problem and overcome them? NO. Our own understandings of what then? Our own understandings as to WHO GOD is and that which HE is capable of accomplishing!!! In other words, what do you really believe about GOD. Do you believe HE is all powerful and nothing is beyond HIS scope of accomplishing it? Do you believe that HE loves you and cares more about you than any living thing in creation? An do you believe that HE is willing to reveal to you that which is needed to proceed with your life after these problems are solved?

   If you've been following me in recent days, you'll know that I've some problems on my hands. Having quit my only means of income and living in an area with few friends and no transportation. I've been a week now in this state and though my faith is strong, I must admit, that it was wavering a bit. Until last night when I was praying over these matters. I put forth the problems and many scriptures that related to them. Before I could even finish asking whether I should go back to work with these people, with the dollar pay increase, the answer came. It was a hard NO, sharp and clear, right to my heart! I started to ask if this was truly HIS leading and it came again, but even sterner!! You must understand that this wasn't my normal prayer time, that had been two hours earlier, when I was first going to bed. This was after all this time of trying to get to sleep and having my mind running full blast on steroids. After this second, conformation, I laid down, and I must say "still feeling a little antsy!"  Well the next thing I know my alarm is going off this morning. I need no greater verification than that! When my spirit has been so satisfied by an answer to prayer that I fall almost instantly to sleep, I realize GOD has given me the answer. Sure I don't know what the next several weeks hold for me. What I do know is that GOD has blessed me with this day and I'll do my human best, to bring glory, honor, praise and worship to the only one worthy, JESUS!!!!!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries