Sunday, July 29, 2012


Praise the LORD!!!

   In my early years, before CHRIST, I destroyed many a person's life. Sure a lot of these were done with the help of others, but I personally claim responsibility for even the parts that these played. For if it were not for my part in those things that I did, or inspired, they'd of not have done them.

   Now that my life is totally JESUS' I seek to set the record straight, by serving the LORD to the best of my ability. Reaching out and spreading the GOSPEL to everyone I can, in every manor that I can. With every step that I take while on this earth, I seek another to tell of the love JESUS has for them. I seek to do this in every possible place imaginable.

   I even pray that the LORD will open the doors that my feet shall travel around the globe, enabling me to share HIS love with all those abroad. For this to happen, due to my being a convicted felon, there is the need of a 'Presidential Pardon," to wipe clean my earthly record. I began, at one time, to seek this but was put to rest by the HOLY SPIRIT. For this is not to be of my hands, but of the LORD's and I've faith that it will be done.

   The day is coming when the LORD will pour out HIS blessings upon this worthless piece of flesh that HE has redeemed and HIS ministry for me and things will never be the same. For there will be a movement of GOD upon this earth that can only be called "the latter day rains" and GOD's KINGDOM on earth and in heaven will receive all the glory !!!!!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries