Friday, April 2, 2010

4.02-04.10_Holy weekend

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Where are your eyes focused this day? With this being Easter weekend or Holy weekend there is truly only one place that they should be focused. That is upon the cross atop Calvary's hilltop! If they be resting upon anything else there is a problem, especially if you call yourself a Christian. For all that we are and believe begins and ends here. Without the events of the cross and all that was done for us upon it, all that we believe and set our futures on would be worthless. For even with the finishing graces of the resurrection and ascension, without that which was done upon the cross they too would be of little consequence. For without our LORD going to the cross and dieing there in our place nothing upon nothing of our faith would be of any value.

    I had thought about writing something for this weekend, but have been led not to. I'm led to ask that you take the time this weekend to read and reread the Biblical accounts of the events of this weekend that took place so long ago upon that lonely hilltop over looking Jerusalem. Think well of all that took place, from HIS dinner with the disciples all the way through to HIS ascension on high to be seated at the right hand of the FATHER in glory. For all that was done during those days, were done for you and I and all of mankind. These events have made the greatest changes in HIStory ever effected by a single man!!! 

   I pray that all have a blessed Easter weekend and I'll be back Monday morning, LORD willing!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International