Friday, May 27, 2011

As I have loved you...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Oh, if only you all could have my heart and understandings! Don't get me wrong, I'm no one great, I'm not even a great orator or expounder of scripture. But it is a fact, that my heart is rent, because of what I see within the body of CHRIST. A body that is supposed to operate as one, though made up of many differing pieces.

   I'm sure, that most of you know what I'm talking about, when I say "there is far to much 'in-fighting' within the body of CHRIST. That which is to be called the CHURCH, a united, singlely minded, body functioning towards one goal alone. To glorify JESUS and HIS love for all of mankind!!!

   I'll be one of the first, to admit that there is much wrong, in a lot of the ministries and churches operating today. We've people preaching all kinds of erroneous doctrines and walking in ways that are truly far from those of our SAVIOR. Then we've a mass of brothers and sisters speaking out against these and anyone else that they believe to be operating outside of that which they believe to be right.

   Are we as Christians, giving our LORD and SAVIOR, one we supposedly hold so dear, a black-eye? Are we pushing people away, from the way in which we're supposed to walk, instead of drawing them into the KINGDOM? JESUS HIMself, gave us but several commands to follow. We've the two great commandments listed in Matt. 22:37-39 and the one this entry is focused upon, John 13:34,35. With these teachings in mind, let us turn our focus to another teaching of our LORD, that of Matt. 12:25,26 (this is but the only one I'll post here):
  25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.  26 If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?

   Are we the body of CHRIST, that which is to stand, focused under but one banner, JESUS and that which HE's done for mankind, are we revealing a loving, self sacrificing SAVIOR to mankind by our actions? Or are we seeking to stand in judgment of all others that call upon the name of JESUS as personal LORD and SAVIOR??? How than, can our KINGDOM stand, if we each reach out and pull down another Christian and their ministry before the eyes of the world? A world so willing to destroy our teachings! A world, so willing to do this very thing on it's own, without our help. Yet are we not doing their works for them, when we, in an unloving manor, trash another Christian and their ministry? Sure, we're to stand against false and erroneous teachings, and scripture gives us the manor in which this is to be done. But are we, building up the KINGDOM of GOD on earth, or are we pulling it down, brick by brick, all in the name of that which "WE" feel to be right?

   I don't know about your GOD, but mine is sovereign and omnipotent, very able to control all that is happening within this foul world of ours. HE is able to wipe the face of the earth clear of all that pollutes it. Yet, HE is loving enough to of paid the price for our sins. Sins, not just having been committed, but sins we're currently committing and even those we'll commit in our futures. So before any of us take up 'our' thrones of judgment upon another that calls JESUS, LORD and SAVIOR. Let us first examine our own hearts and minds, to see if we're truly revealing JESUS through our actions. If not, let us keep our mouths shut and our hands away from the keyboard. For I'm sure, without a doubt, that JESUS is certainly able to cleanse this temple, HE calls HIS CHURCH!!!!!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

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GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries