Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trusting in the LORD!!!

 Praise the LORD!!!

   What has transpired just minutes ago, people may call me crazy for doing! So be it, for I am crazy, crazy for the LORD!!! "Well what did you do?," people may be asking, but a little information first. Since June of last year I've been working as a maintenance man for several apartment complexes here in Kingsville. I'd quit one of them after seeing that the Christian man that owned it, wasn't all that Christian. He was bilking people for money in ways that can only be called worldly and thought there was nothing wrong with it, even after being confronted over them by me.

   For the last eight months I've been working at only one complex. I'm the only person working on turnovers and repairs for sixty six apartments. These apartments are of considerable age and in great disrepair. Needless to say, the work was endless and challenging to say the least. With my having no transportation I had to rely upon the materials on hand to accomplish the task at hand. They would purchase the materials needed to patch things up, but never to fix the problem as should of been done. Jury-rigging was their answer to most task needed. As you could imagine this was becoming a burden for one that believes in doing things properly and as if unto the LORD.

   I've been in a fog of depression for the last several months. Barely having the desire to do much of anything other than the minimum needed to survive. This was outside of the work I was doing on the job, because it was always held to the LORD's standards. My apartment, which is normally cleaner than most people's, is looking like most of those I've to work in, a mess. I've come home many a day, not even having the desire to prepare a meal for dinner or even feeling like getting cleaned up. For me this is highly unusual and added to the weight that was upon my shoulders.

   My life verses(those that a Christian forms their life around) are Mark 10:27 and Proverbs 3:5,6 and please believe me that I do heavily trust my life upon them. After hours of thinking and prayer last night and this morning I quit my job!!! That's right, I went to the apartment I was working on, grabbed my tools and then went to the office and placed the keys and my time-card on the managers desk. I talked with her for a while and then left. Most would think that I'd be feeling a bit apprehensive over not having and income, transportation and really not many contacts here in town. Truly I'm feeling better right now than I've felt in months. I've a joy overflowing me, a feeling that I've highly missed in the months past. What tomorrow holds? I don't care. I'm in the LORD's hands and HIS alone. HE brought me here after being kicked out of my sister's house in Ohio with but twenty dollars in my pocket.(this whole story can be found at the ministry website, newsletters and blogs.)

   For the sake of keeping this short, I'm going to leave it at that. I trust GOD more than I trust myself or the works of my hands. HE brought me here to set up the ministry's first fully functioning office and DROC(Disaster Relief Operational Center) and I trust this is what HE will take care of. I'm in HIS hands and I trust HIM fully!!!!!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
 Proverbs 3:5,6; Mark 10:27; Matt. 19:26

Prayer request can be sent to: prayers@vineofchrist.org

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries