Friday, August 6, 2010

08.06.10_ through the valley

Praise the LORD!!!

    Some of you may be wondering 'why' I've not been writing much lately! Its a bit of a long story, but one that I feel needs to be printed. As the title states, I'm going through a bit of a valley at this time. Believe me when I say 'I know where this has come from' and 'where it is leading.' Most of you know that I totally believe that there is nothing that happens within our lives that GOD doesn't have a purpose for. For even the 'man born blind(John 9:1-12)' had a purpose behind it and would be put to use by GOD for HIS ultimate glorification.

    With our limited intelligence we can only think on a human level and one that is far below that which GOD preforms on. When we see events taking place we only see them how they are or through a set of values which we've grown to govern our thoughts and actions. GOD's abilities are so much greater then this. We could say, "HE is the ultimate of Ultimates," fulfilling all that is possible without even trying.

    I don't know if this is going to make any sense to anyone, I was just led to sit down and start typing, letting GOD do the leading. I'm home today from my two jobs by choice. For the last week I've worked outside in 105 degree plus heat. I work at a pace that is a little hard for a lot of people to keep up with, even those half my age. An old work ethic under which I was raised and one I still hold strongly too and even more so because now I do all for the LORD!!! Even though I was extremely cautious to maintain safety recommendations as to hydration and short breaks, I'm worn completely out. I could barely get out of bed this morning and haven't even eaten yet. I believe this has to do a good bit with my diet as of late. With working the long hours and having no one home to depend upon for help, my meals have been very simple and usually limited to two items. I've been ingesting a large amount of proteins, meats, beans and pasta, and little else. This has blessed me with putting on a little weight, up twenty pounds in three months(now 145), but I'm lacking a lot of the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy level of activity like I've been undertaking. Thus the drained feeling!

    This covers the physical only though, for I'm also been feeling drained 'spiritually' also!!! I've not had my normal hunger for the WORD of GOD, that I normally would have. I've been maintaining a normal routine of reading devotionals in the morning and my prayer life is also abundant, beyond this though, is dry (a parched place.) Having worked on VCM for over twelve years now, mostly by myself, I'd say I've developed a bit of ministry 'burnout.' Now this isn't the only problem in my life, for I've been 'helpmate-less' for three years, but to me it is the one that weighs the heaviest upon my heart. Now, I know all the scriptures that would fit this sort of situation, remember I'm a minister and lead many to them myself. I've a great confidence in the LORD and HIS provisions during times such as these and I know what is coming. Yes, "I know what is coming.!!!" For it is always after times like these that GOD lifts us up and raises us to a new level of operation. Remember that the night is always darkest before the dawn! I've faith that what is about to happen will bring glory to GOD and all that has happened, will be pale in comparison. As I've said, I've been through events like this far too many times and the outcomes, have always been of this nature. GOD places us in 'barren' and 'dry places' for a reason. Though we can't make logical sense out of them, we must accept them as the HAND of GOD in our lives. Something HE has allowed to happen, to form and shape us into the being HE wants us to be. It is our duty to have faith, trust in HIM and know that the outcome will be to HIS ultimate glory!!!

    As usual, I'm most likely stepping on 'some theological toes.'  Do I care? Not at all. Why? Because as usual, I'm doing that which I'm being led to do. I'm not worried about what members of my congregation may think, because I've not one. I'm not thinking about how others will judge my statements! Because I don't care what man thinks of me, my only judge is GOD HIMSELF and if HE is leading me to write this, which I totally believe, it is according to HIS will and perfect before HIM. Though my relationship is different then most, it is that which the LORD has led me to follow. An though I'm going through a rough and dry valley at this time, my faith is that GOD is using it to form and shape me into that which HE can use to bring glory to HIS most precious name. All is for the glory of JESUS and none is my own!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International