Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3.11.10_Romans 8:28_All things

Praise the LORD!!!

   I pray that all is well with you today! Just a little while ago, while I was out sweeping the carport, the neighbor came home. She greeted me and I asked her how she was doing today. She replied "great, thanks." This is when the LORD laid this verse upon my heart and began to fill me with understanding from it.

   Romans 8:28

      28 "And we know that God causes everything to work together* for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. "

    Now I don't know about you, but this verse is one very familiar to me in my walk with the LORD!!! I've pondered it many a time and gained great insight from it about my walk with the LORD. To often we begin to grow away from our primary focus of seeking the KINGDOM and HIS righteousness(Matt. 6:33) and things seem to turn for the worst. We may be walking in a manor, before, that is honoring GOD in all that we say, think or do. Then suddenly we become complacent and begin to stray on these practices. This is when things begin to go a rye and we start to wonder what GOD has allowed to befall us and why. Or we begin casting out demons.

   We should truly not look at the reason, or whom has allowed them to happen, but we should lift our hands to the LORD in praise and thanksgiving for HIS allowing them to happen. For as we just read, "all things work together," not just the good ones, but those that trouble us also. Sometimes we have a tendency to forget that GOD is ultimately in control over all that happens within the universe. Though satan has power to effect people's live, he doesn't have control over them at all. he must ask GOD before doing anything at all, which we see  in the book of Job(Job 1:6-12, 2:1-6). People may think that he has the power to inflect great harm and difficulties within people's lives on his own, but he truly doesn't. GOD is the ONE in control and only HE sets things in motion and allows all to happen. Once again, I'm most likely stepping on some theological toes here, so be it!

   This world was formed by and has always been controlled by GOD and always will be. Even during the years of the "Great Tribulation," yet to come. All these things are allowed for but one purpose and that is to bring about the most perfect will of GOD for mankind. GOD's purpose, is for man, that which HE created from the dust of the earth(Gen. 2:7), to walk in close relationship with HIM for eternity. There will be those that won't make it to this point, but these too, where created for that reason alone,  which GOD had set in motion before HE created the universe. Isn't it awesome to think about GOD and HIS omnipotence and omnipresence? Think about it, GOD can be everywhere throughout the span of time, at the same time. We think of time as minute to minute, but GOD sees the beginning and the end all at once and there is no place within it that HE can't effect even the smallest detail of. I don't know about you, but that places me in complete awe of HIM, just to think about it. HE is most definitely far above our limited abilities!!!

   So we are going through some rough times right now(Psalms 23:4). Who though is in the driver's seat? It's not satan, for he is just another created being like we, though of a higher order, but he was created by GOD none the less. GOD had a purpose for creating him too and  also knew that he was going to revolt against HIM and try to assume control, just as he did! These facts too, though illuminating evil had their express purpose to fulfill GOD purpose for them. Remember that GOD created both the LIGHT and the darkness(Isa. 45:7), though conflicting ideals, both for the same purpose. To show the true nature of GOD through all of existence, thus bringing about HIS perfect plan for creation in the end. So even though something personifies evil, it doesn't mean that it hasn't been allowed to function for a purpose. "All things work together for the good of those that love GOD, and are called according to HIS purpose for them." So no matter what you're facing today, good or bad, remember that they're happening within your life for but one reason. That is to bring about the ultimate plan of GOD for the creature HE made and ordained to walk with HIM someday in the KINGDOM of HEAVEN. Praise the LORD won't that be a glorious day!!!

Other verses to study: Psalms 16:5-11; Micah 7:8-13; 2 Tim. 1:8-10; Matt. 16:24-28
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International