Monday, March 22, 2010

3.23.10_Matt. 12:25_Divided

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Today I was pretty busy outside working since the weather was nice here on the coastal bend of  south Texas. I was starting to wonder if I would have to re post another article. I prayed and the LORD gave me a section of scripture, but none small enough to write a devotional from. You see, I believe a devotional should be short enough to be read within lets say ten minutes time. Plus a little extra for contemplation and any additional reading that go along with it. They are for the purpose of centering our thoughts on something from scripture, not to be an all day event. I then went back to FB and was reading some friends comments when the verse, which was in those that I'd read, came to heart. It was there all the time, I just hadn't seen it!

     Matt. 12:25

        25 "And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:""

    If you take a look at the church today, what do you see? Well, to do this in the first place, you've to decide which one to choose. There are so many churches and denominations out there today, that it's truly hard to keep track of them all. There is a problem with this, as can be seen from our verse today, for as a "divided" church will be "brought to desolation", they "shall not stand!" Is this truly what is going to happen to the church? As it is written, so shall it be, could be an easy way of saying that this is very well possible. When something has been torn apart, and broken into so many pieces, such as the church today has, it is very hard for it to be reassembled and restored to its original state. Though this could be done, most likely only with the LORD's grace and blessings heavily bestowed upon those attempting it.

    The problem is, that there are so many that would never think of changing their denominations opinions and practices. There are few that would ever even think about coming together on common ground. Which is the starting point for this endeavor. The leadership of all the major denominations would need to gather together and have a conference to even begin to figure out where they would start. Then they'd have to go back and vote on whether or not to take this action or not. If you look hard enough at this scenario, I think you'll be able to see the root cause of this whole problem. The church has become so worldly, that it can't change if it had to, which it truly does have to. If we're going to work together, to bring change to the world by introducing the GOSPEL to every living  being on this planet, change has to take place, some how.

    How did this all come about in the first place? Simply put, the pride of man caught hold of that which JESUS created and as with all things that man has touched, he's perverted into something that doesn't even closely resemble, what it was in the first century. Just as happened in the garden of paradise, so has happened to the CHURCH that JESUS ordained to be HIS bride. We've listened to the ways of the world(satan) and adapted things that were never meant to be within the church in the first place. Where we were to have a centered focus on CHRIST and HIM alone, we now focus on all that is needed to bring more people into our family and keep them there. We've got to have new sound systems and buildings programs, new manors of worship, new, new, new!!! Just as the world operates, so does the church, everything has to be bigger and better then the church across the street and it has to constantly be changing to keep the attention of all the new people. A very vicious cycle, if you ask me.

    Whatever happened to the 'home churches' where everyone knew each other? Whatever happened to that small country church that took care of those around town, whether they ever went to the church or not? Whatever happened to people reaching out and touching someone in the name of JESUS because they really care about them and loved them like they love themselves? The answer to all these is simple, man has messed them up! You may of thought I was going to say satan did it. Though he is responsible in part, man is more so, for as we are created with a soul, we're blessed to be able to make choices for ourselves, so it is all upon our shoulders that the blame rest.

    Many around the world are calling for revival. Well let me tell you this. Revival starts within each and everyone of us first, and foremost, before it can start anywhere else. For if our hearts are not changed, where as we are willing to stand up, speak out and begin making the changes that must be made. Revival is but a dead word, with little meaning. So, are you willing to look deep inside yourself and make the changes there that have to be made? Then are you willing enough to stand up and speak out to let others know that things have to change? Are you then ready to reach out your hand and take hold of your neighbor's hands and help them in what ever way they need, no matter what the cost to you? If these things can be started by but a few thousand or so around the world, revival on a grand scale can begin to take place. But we must, and I do mean 'MUST' keep the pride of man, away from that which we restore back to life!!! For if we don't, all our work will of just been a waste of time. We are nearer to the LORD's return, now then ever before and HIS bride must be clothed in the finest of gowns, radiant white and perfectly assembled, for the MASTER will accepted nothing less!!!

No verses will be given today, but I welcome and encourage you to take some time to read a little extra today. Remember that not to far away is Easter and the beginning of another year since HIS crucifixion. meaning we could be just that much closer to HIS return!!! Think about it!!!!!!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine Ministerial Network International