Friday, February 5, 2010

04-25-10_1 John 3:11, Gen. 4:8,9_Love one another (a re post)

*** Due to working long hours, I've not had the time to put out a posting for today and this one for tomorrow will have to be a re post. If I had the time to write them and do honor to the LORD in doing so, I would, but praise the LORD I've got to have money to operate the ministry so work takes precedence.***

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Oh, it feels good to be back about the LORD's work for me. I've done a lot to "try" and make the computer function better! It's all in the LORD's hands, as usual, and we'll just have to wait and see!!! Today we have two sections of scripture to work with:

   1 John 3: 11
      "This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another."

   Gen. 4: 8, 9  (please read verses 1-9 also)
      "Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" "I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?"

   Now in the first verse, we're told that we are to love our brothers(and sisters), this doesn't mean just our blood relatives, but the whole body of the Church. In this I mean all those that call on the name of JESUS as personal LORD and SAVIOR. This was a command given by JESUS HIMSELF, and by doing this the world will know we represent CHRIST as HIS disciples. Lately, I have seen a whole lot of hatred being thrown around by those that call JESUS LORD! People cutting others to the quick, right out in the open on the internet. Not the taking them aside in private and in a loving manor showing them their wrongs, but posting (for all to see) what they believe is right and the other person's wrongs.

   In all rights what they are doing brings us to our second verse for today. They're taking their brothers out into the fields of the world and slaying them! They might as well step in front of a TV camera and slice their throats (sorry for being so graphic). Is this loving a fellow Christian in the manor set forth for us? I'd say not. We are our brothers keepers and should rightfully act always in a manor showing love and edification, to them. Not one of blatant disregard and hatred. Can anyone with a true respect for JESUS treat another Christian in such a manor? I'd say not! To treat a brother or sister in CHRIST in this way is totally outside of anything that even closely resembles being CHRIST-like.

   Not only are these dishonoring another Christian, but they're showing utter disregard for our SAVIOR. We are told that when we have disagreements, over words and doctrine (here I'm not talking about false teachings), to take the brother aside and confront them in private and to do such, in a loving and compassionate way. All these people are succeeding to do is tearing down the Christian faith, making a mockery of it and making themselves look so much wiser and more learned (their pride)in their own eyes). Not in my eyes or those of any devote believer. For those of us that truly have given our lives over to JESUS, crucifying our flesh upon the cross and humbling ourselves before HIM, would do things in a whole different way.

   Yes, I am telling others that they are wrong in their treatment of another Christian, but I'm doing it on a site that is not out in the open for the world to see. For there are very few of the world that will come here to read my devotionals and those that do, their hearts are being worked by the HOLY SPIRIT and have a reason for being here. Those of you that read this, I ask you, that if you know those that have been falling prey to this way of the adversary, for that is what it is, enlist them to come here and read that which the LORD has given me this day. They just may be one of those that the LORD has had me write this for. Then again since nothing happens without the LORD's condoning it, I'd say that they are one of them!!!

(Dissension and hypocrisy are two of the major distractions that keep people from going to church or ever thinking about joining one, or even becoming a Christian! Isn't it about time we began acting like the name we claim as ours, Christian (CHRIST-like???) 

Other verses to study:Matt. 22: 37-40, 23: 1-39, 24: 12; Luke 6: 35-38; John 13: 34, 35; 1 John 2: 3-11
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International