Sunday, July 11, 2010


 Praise the LORD!!!
    This morning I was reading my daily devotionals, for I read numerous ones, there was a tremendous leading towards one topic. This is our dependence upon the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Not just for the major aspects of our life and spiritual walk, but on even the smallest of them. Now I've thought that I've been doing this to the most part, yet HE led me to see my need in this area to grow even more. Woo I thought! How can I depend even more on HE that I count as my greatest source in my life?

    As you may know I've been having to work two jobs to make a living for myself. I say myself alone, because I'm barely able to afford the necessities of life let alone provide the needed items to produce growth within the ministry! Needless to say life recently has been hard. Scrapping together whatever I can to provide these needs. I'm sure most of you know what this feels like, especially considering the current state of our economy. There are many great needs beyond my own that fill my prayers. All those things that are needed to move the ministry into a position of 'fruit bearing,'  are among this list. For my life truly revolves around bring this ministry into being that which the LORD has shown me it to be!!!

    In '97' when the LORD first showed me the visions HE has for this ministry, I was amazed because of the size of it! I've stated numerous times, "that if the LORD hadn't blessed me with an abundant faith like HE has, I'd most likely be running from HIS plans for me." This is so true, because the extent of this ministry is to be world reaching from the start, not growing into it like most other ministries of it's type do. From the beginning I've known that VCM was going to be reaching out to those touched by disaster within their lives, both those of their own making, those that others have brought upon them and those caused by natural disasters. I've been shown a massive gathering of people, equipment, resources and funding, all being brought together to show the love GOD has for all of mankind, both great and small!!!

    Since being blessed with these visions I've sought to bring as much of it together as possible. Running a food and clothing pantry out of my basement, to bring it into the eyes of the public through the internet. This has been where I've been putting most of my effort in the last nine months. Working to bring Vine of CHRIST Ministries and it's goals before the eyes of as many people as possible. None of that which I've done has been by my own doing, it has all been by the hands of the LORD, through the power and leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. I'd have to be psychotic to think that something of this size and intricacy could be brought about by the hands of but one person. I'm being serious here. Could you imagine one person building an organization larger then the top ten world charities put together, all by themselves? Even to have dreams of doing something of this size would be considered bizarre, so would the act of trying to organize and bring it into existence!!!

    All that has been organized and worked on has only been accomplished through the leading and power of the HOLY SPIRIT, I'm but the hands and feet here on earth that has been graced with this chore. Somewhere in recent weeks I've strayed from focusing on my total dependence upon the only one that can bring all of this into existence. My prayers this day have been for a strengthening in this area. Whereas I'll not see anything that I've done or needs to be done, as the works of my own hands. For there is no way humanly possible that even a thousand people together could even work their whole lives to provide but a part of the funding needed. There is but one source that all that this ministry will become can and will have to come from and that is GOD alone!!! Through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT's leading's, both upon my heart and life and the hearts and lives of the countless thousands of people that it will take to bring this ministry into fruition. Not for the glory of any one human or the ministry itself, like so many other ministries/organizations seek to do, but only for the glory of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.   

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International